Problems with Eclipse C++ and Boost BGL - c++

I'm having some problems to configure eclipse with the boost library. Actually my code compile without problems, but eclipse marks me some errors that the compiler does not.
I've added the path of the boost library in the includes of "paths and symbols" settings, and in fact eclipse recognizes the boost namespace, but I got several errors: for example
vector spanning_tree;
it reports as an invalid template arguments. Does anyone had my same problem?
I'm using the last version of eclipse and OS X as operating system.
Thank you

Although I haven't seen this particular problem, I know that in general, Eclipse CDT isn't quite as good as a full-fledged C++ compiler, and so it's not guaranteed to get every aspect of C++ correct.
Making sure that you're running the latest version of the Eclipse CDT is a good idea.
If you are running the latest version, then the Eclipse CDT developers would probably appreciate if it you report this as a bug.
As a last resort, you can disable the incorrect warnings (under Window, Preferences, C/C++, Code Analysis).


Can I build wxwidgets with clang++?

There are walkthroughs to build wxwidgets with common compilers on windows, such as MSVC or MinGW, but there are no options for clang. I do have the other two compilers, but I dislike using Visual Studio for projects that are not C# or other .NET languages and I just don't like MinGW, nothing specifically. I use clang to compile, and I'd like to build wxwidgets with it, but I don't know if it would error or not, so would it work? I'm using windows, if not already clear. Thanks in advance.
You can definitely build wxGTK and wxMac under Linux and Mac respectively with clang and I think people did build wxMSW under Windows with it too, but it's a less commonly used compiler there, so your best bet would be to just try doing it. If you run into any problems, please free to open tickets on wxTrac, we do want to support clang under this platform as well.

How to set up Apache Thrift with Eclipse && MinGW in Windows?

I need to configure Thrift for Eclipse project with MinGW compiler. I googled for it. I couldn't find proper instructions to do that? Can somebody suggest any suitable way or proper link to do that?
There are several partial answers to this.
The Windows build is made by means of MinGW cross compiler on a Linux machine.
Since (at least) 0.9.2 it is no longer necessary to use MinGW to build the Thrift compiler on a Windows machine.1) Aside from the fact, that you don't need to do that at all, because a precompiled EXE is available on the download pages, there is a nice Visual Studio project to build the Windows Thrift compiler EXE. The project has only two dependencies: Bison and Lexx/Yacc, which are both available elsewhere as precompiled Setups as well.
In either case MinGW is only used to build the compiler. If you want to build the libraries with MinGW, I'm not sure if that even works. This way of doing things is not implemented or supported, simply because nobody needs it.
Which brings us back to the question, why you think you "need" it this way.
1)To my knowledge, numerous severe problems exist with the autotools and all the stuff needed to build Thrift under MinGW on a Windows machine. You will have to patch things, build some from source, spend a lot of time and do some strange things with your file system to make it work. At least that was the case when I stopped using MinGW to build Thrift about two years ago. And even if you get it to work, you still only get the compiler (which you could easily download in a fraction of that time), not the libraries.

Need (build?) files for eclipse on Windows 7 64-bit

I've just downloaded Eclipse for C/C++ developers and I'm encountering issues with certain phrases and inclusions. Specifically, I can't perform cout or cin, and the lines #include iostream and using namespace std are errors according to the program.
Others have encountered these errors as well, and I understand that I'm missing some files dealing with the toolchain(?) I'm using. This is all very new to me and I don't know where to get the files I need to let the program work properly.
If anyone could direct me toward what I need or possibly explain what is going on I would greatly appreciate it. Again, I am running this under Windows 7 64-bit.
First, I'm going to need you to enter Preferences in Window->Preferences. Then you are going to search for C/C++ and then New C/C++ Project Wizard. Over there you must look for the Toolchain your eclipse is using for you C/C++ projects.
The Toolchain is the Compiler, eclipse is just an IDE to help you develop. The compiler gets the job done. So if you have Visual C++, MinGW or CMake installed then maybe your paths are all wrong. If not maybe you need to install a distribution of those to allow Eclipse to build your projects.

Why can't Eclipse find regex on Mac OSX?

I'm using Eclipse Juno on OSX Mountain Lion and wanted to use std::regex, which I know is a C++11 only feature. When I #include <regex> the IDE says it doesn't exist. Maybe it's good to note that the header regex.h is present /usr/include/, though I see no specific library for it in /usr/lib/ or /usr/local/lib/, though I'm not aware if that's relevant. This is just a side project for fun so I'm not using a customized build system, just a regular C++ project in Eclipse.
I'm not real experienced when it comes to modifying a build process (other than setting include paths, libraries, etc.), especially when an IDE like Eclipse is driving it, but my assumption is that the compiler and linker (GCC G++) isn't configured for C++11, though I've tried various recommendations from SO and the Eclipse forums, like adding -std=c++11, but I just keep seeing output saying that they're unrecognized arguments.
I'm sure someone out there has dealt with this issue. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
On mac you have to use the flag:
and even then I believe generally only clang is updated enough(so use clang instead of gcc), if you've just been using the Xcode updates. You should also make sure that your Xcode command line tools are updated, because I would guess that is the compiler eclipse is using.

Anybody there succeeded debugging C++ in Eclipse?

I wanted to shift from Visual Studio 2008 to Eclipse Helios for C++ dev. I tried in mac and found a lot of unstabilities while debugging. Then I tried on Linux and similar. This is the last problem I found:
At the moment I am going to give up eclipse. I would just like to know how many of you succeeded using Eclipse Helios CDT for debugging C++ programs or if I am just a dammned, isolated case, before I give up or continue trying to go forward.
I use Eclipse Helios as my C++ IDE. Os is Ubuntu 10.04. I use it regularly for debugging and can't remember to have ever had any serious problems. I had never problems with "unstabilities" while working with projects of significant size including Qt applications.
I would suspect you are an isolated case. If you are more specific, we might be able to help. If you want to abandon Eclipse though, I have heard good things about Qt Creator but still consider Eclipse superior.
The only thing that bugs me while debugging is that the debugger doesn't respect breakpoints inside of template functions and source code is not shown for template functions. If I recall correctly, this is different for Qt Creator but am not sure right now.
I use Helios as well on Ubuntu 10.04, and Windows XP to debug my Qt projects built with mingw.
I've never had a problem.
I've never tried on a Mac though.