How to always show the comment of the current function? - c++

I have this slightly annoying problem with the code assistance of Eclipse CDT.
Whenever you hover the mouse over a function, a window pops up to show you the comment of that function. That is good.
Now, unfortunately, when the source file for that function is also available, it shows that instead of the comment. But I really don't want to see the source of the function, I always want to see the comment in the header. Who thought it would be a good idea to show source code when you just want a short description of what a function does? Not especially well suited for C++, is it? ;)
And another issue:
This window that pops up when you hover with mouse over a function... I really don't want to hover my mouse everytime I want to have that window.
I think the solution to my problems would be if there was a way to always show the header comment of a function as soon as the text cursor is on that function. Maybe in a permanent window that I can place wherever I want. Is there a way to achieve this? Maybe a plugin?
And if there is no way to do that: What is the shortcut for opening that window and how can I force it to show the header comment instead of the source code?

From this thread, it looks like the hover issue is intentional design. It probably results from eclipse originally being a Java IDE (where function definition equals declaration in source code).
The only workaround seems to be to exclude the source code by compiling it away into a *.lib without debug information and including it via lib and headers. Which is kind of impossible when your project is the one that generates the library in the first place.
What you could do is to make Documentation in the sense of the property page avaliable. That seems somewhat complicated from what I found in the eclipse forums:
The 'Documentation Hover' type listed in the preference page only
displays help content which has been contributed to the
org.eclipse.cdt.ui.CHelpProvider extension point.


P4VS code lens integration shows all file-level changes for each function

(I've looked far and wide but I can't even find anyone having the same problem, not to mention a fix or anything. Closest is this thread which just announces the feature...)
The way it currently works for me, the VS2019 code lens integration of P4VS (for C++ at least) is almost completely pointless. Each function has an indicator added, but the information in each is identical - namely the change history of the entire file:
According to this Microsoft article, I would expect to either get function-level change information that pertains only to that function or a single change summary of the file at the bottom of the editor. But instead I get the worst combination of both.
I'm mainly surprised that I can't find anyone else talking about this, so I assume something is misconfigured on my part. Can't find anything in the configuration options though...
Is this just a bad implementation by Perforce or is something wrong on my end?
I have just found out that it can be turned off by Visual Studio options.
How to turn off CodeLens-References
Text Editor > All Languagues > CodeLens

How to make a GUI out of a already done code in C++

I want to make a GUI . I have a code that runs, made in C++. The project is made in Visual Studio(Visual C++ 2010 Express).
The outputs now are printed in command line. I want to tranform this to be printed to a window.
Is there a way to do this in this already made project ? Or I have to make a new one.
P.S. The code is consists of many, about 20 .cpp files and about 5 .h headers.
Following my comment on your original post here's some more information that will help you get through this:
Simply turn your "cout << ...." calls (or printf if the code is
actually C) to append the text to the UI control you want the output
to be displayed in? Or you can check this "hack" out:
Now simply add a new source file to the project: call it.. MyProjectGUI.cpp
Follow this guide here to setup the window on your project:
Then go through the rest of your code (or use the hack mentioned above or some kind of pipe to redirect your output (probably a lot! more complicated than the following method) and simply replace your cout << / printf calls with something like what's detailed in here:
You'll find the basic idea of your modifications to be along these lines:
Create a simple window
Add a new edit field to the window ( and
Replace all console printing calls with a call to your append function for the edit box in the GUI
Best of luck with this (I might write up some code if I'm bothered but don't count on it -> no time. You should be able to figure it out with what I've posted though)
You dont have to do another project. It is enough to include headers and add libraries to linker. You should try a QT which is portable, well written and easy to learn. My one advice is to stay as portable as possible, in example you can create a makefile for your project so add new libraries will be a quiet easy job and not related to IDE . Dont stick to one environment.

Eclipse CDT Generate method stubs from header file?

I'm wondering if there is a command or plugin for eclipse that will take a header file of mine and auto-generate all of the method stubs into the CPP file from that header? I've googled and the lack of results would say not so, yet I can see in the CDT preferences under templates that there is an option to enable stub generation... but cannot find the command to use it. Thanks!
Okay so, after doing some more searching I found the solution myself. In the header file, right click in white space and select "Implement Method" and a window will appear showing a list of method declarations within the header. You can select some or all, then click "Finish" and be done with it or "Next" to follow the rest of the guided wizard process.
I've noticed at times when using this that the formatting of the generated stubs can be screwed up, or can screw up the formatting of your existing CPP file. If that does happen, just right click within the CPP file white space, click "Source" and select "Format" to correct the issue.
Another Edit
For some reason after all this time, there's been a bunch of activity of people trying to edit my answer to change it completely. All the edit is trying to communicate is that there is apparently a CTRL+3 shortcut to bring up the implement methods window.
I got a little lost in the Eclipse CDT and could not find the Implement Method selection described above. So for clarity sake I am posting this.
In Eclipse CDT Mars (and maybe previous versions):
Right click on white-space inside the .h or header file. Initial menu appears...
Click on Source->Implement Method...
Popup window appears; check methods (stubs) to create in .cpp / implementation file.
You could also check out It is more powerful than generating method-stubs. It generates header and source files. I managed to integrate it in Visual Studio, so it runs on every build. Maybe you can do that in Eclipse, too.
On my blog I wrote an article about integrating Lazy C++ in Eclipse. It works really good. Here is the direct downloadlink of the tutorial:
It is written in german, but the screenshots of Eclipse show the english version. Besides that Google Translate will do a good job, too.

MFC toolbox control

I'm totally new to MFC. In fact I haven't even written anything in it yet.
I'm looking for a control similar to the one found here:
"Toolbox", left hand side.
The CMFCOutlookBar is somewhat close but the images are quite large and the text appears beneath the icon, not beside it. Looking at the button adding functions I don't see any way to change that.
So, is there a prebuilt component in the MFC lib that does what I want?
VS2010 - featurepack stuff is included.
BCGSoft has this component:

Winform Not Displaying in Designer

I have a Managed C++ WinForm that suddenly stopped showing in the VS 2005 designer. The error it shows is
Could not find type 'int'. Please
make sure that the assembly that
contains this type is referenced. If
this type is a part of your
development project, make sure that
the project has been successfully
I don't even know where to start with this one. Does the designer only access the InitializeComponent(void) method when rendering the form? So my question is: where do you start troubleshooting designer errors?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that this code builds and runs perfectly. It only shows an error in the windows forms designer.
This is troubleshooting for C# but I'd assume a couple of the points mentioned here would help.
What's the state of play with "Visual Inheritance"
This is usually caused by a syntax error somewhere in the code that causes the designer to be unable to run the form to render it. The best method for this is ofent sadly just reading the code looking for the problem extra brace, missing string etc. The good news is that it is most likely easy to find since you know that it preceeds the INT in the error message.
Some possibilities:
* I cause this usually by accidentally hitting the keybaord and putting some extra characters at the top of a file
* Extra braces that make the class uncompilable - missing quotes, semicolons
* Something typed at the top that messes up a common include/using statement
* Sometimes you can find this by dogin a build and seeing what lione is flagged with an error and then looking around it.
* More often then not I have to just open the source file and scan through it looking for the problem.