Runtime value to type mapping - c++

I've got a list of types which can be send over the network, take this example:
enum types {
Now I have a list of classes which correspond to each of the types, let's say each is declared as class E_T1 {...}, class E_T2 {...}, etc.
They are not derived from a common base class and it's not possible to do so. Each of the classes has a verification method I need to invoke with the data send over the network. The client sends the data D and a id correspointing to the message type. I need to get hold of the object corresponding to the type. I can use C++0x features if needed.
What I've tried so far is using specialized templates for the types, holding a typedef for the object related to it. This was obviously a stupid idea as templates parameters need to be compile time constant so doing something along getType<>::type is not possible.
Then I tried using Boost.Variant to get a common returnable type like this (used mpl vector to iterate over the registered types at runntime for debbuging):
template <typename C>
struct getType() {
typedef C type;
typedef boost::mpl::vector<
> _types;
typedef boost::make_variant_over<_types>::type _type;
//use a map to store each type <-> id
boost::unorderd_map<types, _type> m;
m[E_T1] = getType<E_T1>();
m[]::type x; //<- access type, can now call x.validate(data)
The problem with this is that it's limited to 20 entries per variant per default. This can be overwritten but from what I understood the overhead per type should be considered and we are talking about a few thousand types here.
Also tried boost.any but it doesn't hold any type information so that's out of the question again. Has anyone any good ideas how this can be solved elegantly?
Looking for something where I don't have to write a 1k switch statement anytime I handle a type.
All types are nown at compile type, same goes for their corresponding IDs.
Id -> Type resolving needs to happen at runtime though.
Thanks in advance,

External Polymorphism (*)
It's a widely known idiom, however it's widely used: I first encountered it in the shared_ptr implementation and it's been quite useful in my toolbox.
The idea is to actually create a base class for all those types. But not having them derive from it directly.
class Holder {
virtual ~Holder() {}
virtual void verify(unsigned char const* bytes, size_t size) const = 0;
}; // class Holder
template <typename T>
class HolderT: public Holder {
HolderT(): _t() {}
virtual void verify(unsigned char const* bytes, size_t size) const {
T _t;
}; // class HolderT
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<Holder> make_holder() {
return std::unique_ptr<Holder>(new HolderT<T>());
So, it's the classic strategy of adding a new level of indirection.
Now, you obviously do need a switch to move from value to class. Or perhaps... a map ?
using maker = std::unique_ptr<Holder> (&)();
using maker_map = std::unordered_map<types, maker>;
std::unique_ptr<Holder> select(types const E) {
static maker_map mm;
if (mm.empty()) {
mm.insert(std::make_pair(E_T1, make_holder<EC_T1>));
// ...
maker_map::const_iterator it = mm.find(E);
if (it == mm.end()) { return std::unique_ptr<Holder>(); }
return (*it->second)();
And now you can handle them polymorphically:
void verify(types const E, unsigned char const* bytes, size_t size) {
std::unique_ptr<Holder> holder = select(E);
if (not holder) { std::cerr << "Unknown type " << (int)E << "\n"; return; }
holder->verify(bytes, size);
Of course, you're welcome to make the strategy vary according to your needs. For example moving the map out of select so that you can register your types dynamically (like for plugins).
(*) At least that's the name I have for it, I would quite happy to find out it's already been named.

I'll assume you have a generic way of handling a message, such as for example an overloaded function:
void handle_message(const E_T1& msg);
void handle_message(const E_T2& msg);
Now, you do not really need to get the object's type. All you need is a way to handle a message of that type, given the undecoded message.
So, I recommend you populate a map of factory functions:
std::unordered_map<types, std::function<void (unsigned char const* bytes, size_t size)> handlers;
handlers[E_E1] = [](unsigned char const* bytes, size_t size) { handle_message(E_T1(bytes, size)); };
// ...
Then, once you've decoded the type, you can use handlers[type](bytes, size) to decode and handle a message.

Try variadic templates and your already defined getType class:
enum types { T1_ID, T2_ID, .... };
class T1; class T2; class T3; ....
template <types t> struct getType;
template <> struct getType<T1_ID> { typedef T1 type; };
template <> struct getType<T2_ID> { typedef T2 type; };
And the operation verify:
template <types...>
struct type_operation;
template <types t1, types... rest>
struct type_operation<t1, rest...>
void verify(types t)
if (t == t1)
typename getType<t1>::type a;
a.verify(); // read from network and verify the rest of data....
else type_operation<rest...>::verify(t, data);
template <>
struct type_operation<>
void verify(types t)
ostringstream log; log << "not suppoted: " << t;
throw std::runtime_error(log.str()); //
typedef type_operation<T1_ID, T2_ID, T3_ID, ,,.., TN_ID> type_mapping;
types id;


Can static polymorphism (templates) be used despite type erasure?

Having returned relatively recently to C++ after decades of Java, I am currently struggling with a template-based approach to data conversion for instances where type erasure has been applied. Please bear with me, my nomenclature may still be off for C++-natives.
This is what I am trying to achieve:
Implement dynamic variables which are able to hold essentially any value type
Access the content of those variables using various other representations (string, ints, binary, ...)
Be able to hold variable instances in containers, independent of their value type
Convert between variable value and representation using conversion functions
Be able to introduce new representations just by providing new conversion functions
Constraints: use only C++-11 features if possible, no use of libraries like boost::any etc.
A rough sketch of this might look like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
void convert(const std::string &f, std::string &t) { t = f; }
void convert(const int &f, std::string &t) { t = std::to_string(f); }
void convert(const std::string &f, int &t) { t = std::stoi(f); }
void convert(const int &f, int &t) { t = f; }
struct Variable {
virtual void get(int &i) = 0;
virtual void get(std::string &s) = 0;
template <typename T> struct VariableImpl : Variable {
T value;
VariableImpl(const T &v) : value{v} {};
void get(int &i) { convert(value, i); };
void get(std::string &s) { convert(value, s); };
int main() {
VariableImpl<int> v1{42};
VariableImpl<std::string> v2{"1234"};
std::vector<Variable *> vars{&v1, &v2};
for (auto &v : vars) {
int i;
std::string s;
std::cout << "int representation: " << i <<
", string representation: " << s << std::endl;
return 0;
The code does what it is supposed to do, but obvoiusly I would like to get rid of Variable::get(int/std::string/...) and instead template them, because otherwise every new representation requires a definition and an implementation with the latter being exactly the same as all the others.
I've played with various approaches so far, like virtual templated, methods, applying the CRDT with intermediate type, various forms of wrappers, yet in all of them I get bitten by the erased value type of VariableImpl. On one hand, I think there might not be a solution, because after type erasure, the compiler cannot possibly know what templated getters and converter calls it must generate. On the other hand I think i might be missing something really essential here and there should be a solution despite the constraints mentioned above.
This is a classical double dispatch problem. The usual solution to this problem is to have some kind of dispatcher class with multiple implementations of the function you want to dispatch (get in your case). This is called the visitor pattern. The well-known drawback of it is the dependency cycle it creates (each class in the hierarchy depends on all other classes in the hierarchy). Thus there's a need to revisit it each time a new type is added. No amount of template wizardry eliminates it.
You don't have a specialised Visitor class, your Variable serves as a Visitor of itself, but this is a minor detail.
Since you don't like this solution, there is another one. It uses a registry of functions populated at run time and keyed on type identification of their arguments. This is sometimes called "Acyclic Visitor".
Here's a half-baked C++11-friendly implementation for your case.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <typeindex>
#include <utility>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
struct Variable
virtual void convertValue(Variable& to) const = 0;
virtual ~Variable() {};
virtual std::type_index getTypeIdx() const = 0;
template <typename K> K get() const;
static std::map<std::pair<std::type_index, std::type_index>,
std::function<void(const Variable&, Variable&)>>
template <typename T, typename K>
static void registerConversion(K (*fn)(const T&));
template <typename T>
struct VariableImpl : Variable
T value;
VariableImpl(const T &v) : value{v} {};
VariableImpl() : value{} {}; // this is needed for a declaration of
// `VariableImpl<K> below
// It can be avoided but it is
// a story for another day
void convertValue(Variable& to) const override
auto typeIdxFrom = getTypeIdx();
auto typeIdxTo = to.getTypeIdx();
if (typeIdxFrom == typeIdxTo) // no conversion needed
dynamic_cast<VariableImpl<T>&>(to).value = value;
auto fcnIter = conversionMap.find({getTypeIdx(), to.getTypeIdx()});
if (fcnIter != conversionMap.end())
fcnIter->second(*this, to);
throw std::logic_error("no conversion");
std::type_index getTypeIdx() const override
return std::type_index(typeid(T));
template <typename K> K Variable::get() const
VariableImpl<K> vk;
return vk.value;
template <typename T, typename K>
void Variable::registerConversion(K (*fn)(const T&))
// add a mutex if you ever spread this over multiple threads
conversionMap[{std::type_index(typeid(T)), std::type_index(typeid(K))}] =
[fn](const Variable& from, Variable& to) {
dynamic_cast<VariableImpl<K>&>(to).value =
fn(dynamic_cast<const VariableImpl<T>&>(from).value);
Now of course you need to call registerConversion e.g. at the beginning of main and pass it each conversion function.
This is not ideal, but hardly anything is ever ideal.
Having said all that, I would recommend you revisit your design. Do you really need all these conversions? Why not pick one representation and stick with it?
Implement dynamic variables which are able to hold essentially any value type
Be able to hold variable instances in containers, independent of their value type
These two requirements are quite challenging on its own. The class templates don't really encourage inheritance, and you already did the right thing to hold what you asked for: introduced a common base class for the class template, which you can later refer to in order to store pointers of the said type in a collection.
Access the content of those variables using various other representations (string, ints, binary, ...)
Be able to introduce new representations just by providing new conversion functions
This is where it breaks. Function templates assume common implementation for different types, while inheritance assumes different implementation for the same types.
You goal is to introduce different implementation for different types, and in order to make your requirements viable you have to switch to one of those two options instead (or put up with a number of functions for each case which you have already introduced yourself)
One of the strategies you may employ to enforce inheritance approach is generalisation of the arguments to the extent where they can be used interchangeably by the abstract interface. E.g. you may wrap the converting arguments inside of a union like this:
struct Variable {
struct converter_type {
enum { INT, STRING } type;
union {
int* m_int;
std::string* m_string;
virtual void get(converter_type& var) = 0;
virtual ~Variable() = default;
And then take whatever part of it inside of the implementation:
void get(converter_type& var) override {
switch (var.type) {
case converter_type::INT:
convert(value, var.m_int);
case converter_type::STRING:
convert(value, var.m_string);
To be honest I don't think this is a less verbose approach compared to just having a number of functions for each type combination, but i think you got the idea that you can just wrap your arguments somehow to cement the abstract class interface.
Implement std::any. It is similar to boost::any.
Create a conversion dispatcher based off typeids. Store your any alongside the conversion dispatcher.
"new conversion functions" have to be passed to the dispatcher.
When asked to convert to a type, pass that typeid to the dispatcher.
So we start with these 3 types:
using any = std::any; // implement this
using converter = std::function<any(any const&)>;
using convert_table = std::map<std::type_index, converter>;
using convert_lookup = convert_table(*)();
template<class T>
convert_table& lookup_convert_table() {
static convert_table t;
return t;
struct converter_any: any {
template<class T,
typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_same<typename std::decay<T>::type, converter_any>::value, bool
>::type = true
converter_any( T&& t ):
table(&lookup_convert_table<typename std::decay<T>::type>())
converter_any(converter_any const&)=default;
converter_any(converter_any &&)=default;
converter_any& operator=(converter_any const&)=default;
converter_any& operator=(converter_any&&)=default;
convert_table const* table = nullptr;
template<class U>
U convert_to() const {
if (!table)
throw 1; // make a better exception than int
auto it = table->find(typeid(U));
if (it == table->end())
throw 2; // make a better exception than int
any const& self = *this;
return any_cast<U>((it->second)(self));
template<class Dest, class Src>
bool add_converter_to_table( Dest(*f)(Src const&) ) {
lookup_convert_table<Src>()[typeid(Dest)] = [f](any const& s)->any {
Src src = std::any_cast<Src>(s);
auto r = f(src);
return r;
return true;
now your code looks like:
const bool bStringRegistered =
add_converter_to_table(+[](std::string const& f)->std::string{ return f; })
&& add_converter_to_table(+[](std::string const& f)->int{ return std::stoi(f); });
const bool bIntRegistered =
add_converter_to_table(+[](int const& i)->int{ return i; })
&& add_converter_to_table(+[](int const& i)->std::string{ return std::to_string(i); });
int main() {
converter_any v1{42};
converter_any v2{std::string("1234")};
std::vector<converter_any> vars{v1, v2}; // copies!
for (auto &v : vars) {
int i = v.convert_to<int>();
std::string s = v.convert_to<std::string>();
std::cout << "int representation: " << i <<
", string representation: " << s << std::endl;
live example.
Ok, what did I do?
I used any to be a smart void* that can store anything. Rewriting this is a bad idea, use someone else's implementation.
Then, I augmented it with a manually written virtual function table. Which table I add is determined by the constructor of my converter_any; here, I know the type stored, so I can store the right table.
Typically when using this technique, I'd know what functions are in there. For your implementation we do not; so the table is a map from the type id of the destination, to a conversion function.
The conversion function takes anys and returns anys -- again, don't repeat this work. And now it has a fixed signature.
To add support for a type, you independently register conversion functions. Here, my conversion function registration helper deduces the from type (to determine which table to register it in) and the destination type (to determine which entry in the table), and then automatically writes the any boxing/unboxing code for you.
At a higher level, what I'm doing is writing my own type erasure and object model. C++ has enough power that you can write your own object models, and when you want features that the default object model doesn't solve, well, roll a new object model.
Second, I'm using value types. A Java programmer isn't used to value types having polymorphic behavior, but much of C++ works much better if you write your code using value types.
So my converter_any is a polymorphic value type. You can store copies of them in vectors etc, and it just works.

Combining typesafe code with runtime decisions

I am in the process of rewriting some existing code - where previously, all answer information was stored in a string array in memory. Based on the datatype, the data was transformed in various places. Below is a quick mock up of the setup I am aiming for. Essentially you have some questions - and the structure of the answers stored in the database depends on the datatype. Generally I avoid dealing with void*, and casting them to an appropriate type - but I couldn't find a better solution that would allow me to run generic code (by means of lambdas), or be specific if the datatype is known. Templated classes won't help in this case, as all the answers need to be stored in the same vector (as some arithmetic are applied to all answers based on predefined rules).
Any advice is appreciated.
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
struct AddressData
wchar_t Line1[50];
wchar_t Line2[50];
long CountrySeqNo;
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
struct GenericData
wchar_t value[200];
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
enum class DataType
: short
class AnswerBase
const void* const data;
const DataType dataType;
AnswerBase(const DataType datatype, const void* const _data)
: dataType(datatype), data(data)
if (data == nullptr)
throw std::exception("Data may not be initialized as NULL");
Some generic methods here that would apply logic by means of lambdas etc - these would be overwritten in the derived classes
template<typename T> const T& GetData() { static_assert(false, "The given type is not supported"); };
const GenericData& GetData()
if (DataType::GENERIC != dataType)
throw std::exception("The requested type does not match the value that initialised data");
return *static_cast<const GenericData* const>(data);
const AddressData& GetData()
if (DataType::ADDRESS != dataType)
throw std::exception("The requested type does not match the value that initialised data");
return *static_cast<const AddressData* const>(data);
class AddressAnswer
: public AnswerBase
: AnswerBase(DataType::ADDRESS, &answer)
AddressData answer;
class GenericAnswer
: public AnswerBase
: AnswerBase(DataType::GENERIC, &answer)
GenericData answer;
int main()
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AnswerBase>> answers;
// In some parts of code - interact with generic methods without needing to check the underlying data type
// ....
// ....
// In parts of code where we know we are dealing with a given type - like saving to a DB
auto val1 = answers[0]->GetData<GenericData>().value;
auto val2 = answers[1]->GetData<AddressData>().Line1;
// this will give a runtime failure
//auto val3 = answers[0]->GetData<AddressData>().Line1;
return 0;
variant is the clean way to do this. Store it in the parent.
Alternatively, provide a variant<A,B> GetData() in the parent. Now visiting is encapsulated in the variant returned. The parent stores the data.
Alternatively, provide a virtual variant<A,B> GetData() = 0. The child type returns the data, either A or B, in the variant in question.
Alternatively, write virtual A* GetA() = 0; virtual B* GetB() = 0;. Then maybe write a template method called GetData<T> such that GetData<A>() calls GetA, etc.
Alternatively, write virtual A* Get(tag_t<A>) = 0; virtual B* Get(tag_t<B>)=0;, where
template<class T>
struct tag_t {
using type=T;
constexpr tag_t(){}
template<class T>
constexpr tag_t<T> tag{};
is a tag used for dispatching. Now you can call the right virtual interface by doing a Get(tag<AddressData>).
In these virtual cases, the data is stored in the derived type.

Choose template based on run-time string in C++

I have an attribute vector that can hold different types:
class base_attribute_vector; // no template args
template<typename T>
class raw_attribute_vector : public base_attribute_vector;
raw_attribute_vector<int> foo;
raw_attribute_vector<std::string> foo;
Based on run-time input for the type, I would like to create the appropriate data structure. Pseudocode:
std::string type("int");
raw_attribute_vector<type> foo;
Obviously, this fails. An easy, but ugly and unmaintainable workaround is a run-time switch/chained if:
base_attribute_vector *foo;
if(type == "int") foo = new raw_attribute_vector<int>;
else if(type == "string") ...
I read about run-time polymorphism with functors, but found it quite complex for a task that is conceptually easy.
What is the best and cleanest way to make this work? I played around with boost::hana, finding that while I can create a mapping from string to type, the lookup can only be done at compile time:
auto types =
hana::make_pair(BOOST_HANA_STRING("int"), hana::type_c<int>),
hana::make_pair(BOOST_HANA_STRING("string"), hana::type_c<std::string>)
All possible types are known at compile-time. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. In a perfect solution, I would create the name->type mapping in a single place. Afterwards, I would use it like this
std::vector<base_attribute_vector*> foo;
foo.push_back(magic::make_templated<raw_attribute_vector, "int">);
foo.push_back(magic::make_templated<raw_attribute_vector, "std::string">);
It is not required for this magic to happen at compile time. My goal is to have as readable code as possible.
I'd use an std::map that has strings as key and std::function as values. I would associate the string with a function that returns your type. Here's an example:
using functionType = std::function<std::unique_ptr<base_attribute_vector>()>;
std::map<std::string, functionType> theMap;
theMap.emplace("int", []{ return new raw_attribute_vector<int>; });
theMap.emplace("float", []{ return new raw_attribute_vector<float>; });
// Using the map
auto base_vec = theMap["int"](); // base_vec is an instance of raw_attribute_vector<int>
Of course, this solution is valid if you only know the string value at runtime.
enum class Type
// ...
Type TypeFromString(const std::string& s)
if (s == "int") { return Type::Int; }
if (s == "string") { return Type::String; }
// ...
return Type::Unknown;
template <template <typename> class>
struct base_of;
template <template <typename> class C>
using base_of_t = typename base_of<C>::type;
And then the generic factory
template <template <typename> class C>
std::unique_ptr<base_of_t<C>> make_templated(const std::string& typeStr)
Type type = TypeFromString(typeStr);
static const std::map<Type, std::function<std::unique_ptr<base_of_t<C>>()>> factory{
{Type::Int, [] { return std::make_unique<C<int>>(); } },
{Type::String, [] { return std::make_unique<C<std::string>>(); } },
// ...
{Type::Unknown, [] { return nullptr; } }
a specialization is needed for each base:
template <>
struct base_of<raw_attribute_vector> {
using type = base_attribute_vector;
And then
auto p = make_templated<raw_attribute_vector>(s);
I'd probably do something like this:
1 - time registration of objects by passing a named prototype
constant time lookup at runtime
lookup by any type which can be compared to std::string
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
struct base_attribute_vector { virtual ~base_attribute_vector() = default; };
template<class Type> struct attribute_vector : base_attribute_vector {};
// copyable singleton makes handling a breeze
struct vector_factory
using ptr_type = std::unique_ptr<base_attribute_vector>;
template<class T>
vector_factory add(std::string name, T)
[]() -> ptr_type
return std::make_unique< attribute_vector<T> >();
return *this;
template<class StringLike>
ptr_type create(StringLike&& s) const {
return get_impl();
using generator_type = std::function<ptr_type()>;
struct impl
std::unordered_map<std::string, generator_type, std::hash<std::string>, std::equal_to<>> _generators;
static impl& get_impl() {
static impl _ {};
return _;
// one-time registration
static const auto factory =
.add("int", int())
.add("double", double())
.add("string", std::string());
int main()
auto v = factory.create("int");
auto is = vector_factory().create("int");
auto strs = vector_factory().create("string");
Largely based on Jarod42's answer, this is what I will be using:
class base_attribute_vector {};
template<typename T>
class raw_attribute_vector : public base_attribute_vector {
raw_attribute_vector() {std::cout << typeid(T).name() << std::endl; }
template<class base, template <typename> class impl>
base* magic(std::string type) {
if(type == "int") return new impl<int>();
else if(type == "float") return new impl<float>();
int main() {
auto x = magic<base_attribute_vector, raw_attribute_vector>("int");
auto y = magic<base_attribute_vector, raw_attribute_vector>("float");
Short answer: no, you can't instruct the compiler to evaluate a runtime condition in compile time. Not even with hana.
Long answer: there are some (mostly language independent) patterns for this.
I'm assuming that your base_attribute_vector has some virtual method, most likely pure, commonly called an interface in other languages.
Which means that depending on the complexity of your real problem, you probably want a factory or an abstract factory.
You could create a factory or abstract factory without virtual methods in C++, and you could use hana for that. But the question is: is the added complexity really worth it for that (possibly really minor) performance gain?
(also if you want to eliminate every virtual call, even from base_attribute_vector, you have to make everything using that class a template, after the entry point where the switch happens)
I mean, have you implemented this with virtual methods, and measured that the cost of the virtual calls is too significant?
Edit: another, but different solution could be using a variant type with visitors, like eggs::variant.
With variant, you can create classes with functions for each parameter type, and the apply method will switch which function to run based on it's runtime type.
Something like:
struct handler {
void operator()(TypeA const&) { ... }
void operator()(TypeB const&) { ... }
// ...
eggs::variant< ... > v;
eggs::variants::apply(handler{}, v);
You can even use templated operators (possibly with enable_if/sfinae), if they have common parts.

Template classes C++ / Qt

I have an application which will be receiving messages from another application. These messages will be XML fomatted strings, and they will contain a <messageType> tag. The message type will identify this message as a type of internal message. The following code shows my internal message structures.
enum ApplicationAttributes{
ApplicationName = 1000,
struct Alignment{
int x;
int y;
int error;
struct Calibration{
int x;
int y;
int error;
alignment and calibration are the two internal message structures.
What I'm trying to do is build a 'message interpreter' which will receive an XML string, decode it and return any one of the structs shown above; so if the <messageType> is 'alignment', the message interpreter will build an alignment struct, and return that.
So ultimately, I'm trying to make a template function, which can return an arbitrary struct, based on what i read in from <messageType>.
Are my objectives clear? is my approach the right one?
Let me know if I should clarify, or if I should take a different approach.
I don't believe a template function makes sense. Your input is always going to be a string, and C++ can't differentiate function signatures based on return type alone - so I don't know how a template would help - what would the type argument be?
I'd suggest making your function a normal one that parses out the messageType and allocates a struct based on it - you can use whatever constructs you want for this.
The trick would be (in my mind) to derive all of your internal-message-classes from the same empty base class - you could then return a pointer to that base class back from your function, and it will hold whatever type got created.
It be a good idea to return an enumeration along with the pointer in a std::pair which you can use to determine the correct derived type that was created, that way you can cast the result directly to the correct derived type with a static_cast.
As I understand it your structures are known within the application, so what about this save variant:
class Message {
static Message Alignment (alignment_t const &);
Type type() const;
int alignment() const;
Message (Type t);
assert_type (Type t, const char *msg) const;
Type type_;
Message Message::Alignment (alignment_t const &alignment)
Message ret (Type::Alignment);
ret.alignment_ = alignment;
return ret;
void Message::assert_type (Type t, const char *msg) const
if (type() != t) throw std::runtime_error (msg);
int Message::alignment() const
assert_type (Type::Alignment,
"alignment_x() called for non-alignment-message");
return alignment_;
(coded without verification to give you the idea)
This works without polymorphism (I use this pattern in a compiler for a LISP like language, where polymorphic trees would result in more complicated code). You can change it to return "alignment_x()" and so on, if you like that more.
Fully dynamic structures are not possible, and solutions that try to come near will be rather complicated. Use the most-maintainable solution.
If you write a factory function/functor for each type, you can associate that with the messageType (map<string, Factory*> will be sufficient), but what to return?
You can return some kind of discriminated union, or boost::variant, if you don't mind the top-level decoder depending on all possible message types.
But, what is the decoder going to do with this return value? If it just switches on the type and calls a type-specific callback in each case, you could invert control by attaching a callback function/functor to the factory directly.
Then the decoder doesn't return anything, it just constructs the message struct and passes it directly to a handler.
Simple implementation (OK, that was more typing than I thought):
class Decoder
virtual ~Decoder();
virtual void decode(std::string const &xml) = 0;
template <typename Factory, typename Callback>
class SimpleDecoder: public Decoder
Factory factory;
Callback callback;
SimpleDecoder(Factory f, Callback c)
: factory(f), callback(c)
void decode(std::string const &xml)
callback( factory( xml ) );
std::map<std::string, Decoder*> factories;
template <typename F, typename C>
void registerSimpleDecoder(std::string const &n, F f, C c)
factories[n] = new SimpleDecoder(f, c);
void decodeXmlMessage(std::string const &messageType, std::string const &body)
using QMetaObject::newInstance, so you can create a QObject* that can be converted afterwards to your class using dynamic_cast
class MyClass : public QObject{
enum Type{ MyClassType = UserType + 1 }
then, in your XML Parsing Code:
MyClass* myObject = (MyClass*) QMetaType::construct ( MyClass::MyClassType );
And things will work out.

C++ creating variations of classes with different combinations of fields

templates allow in c++ to automatically create a lot of classes with the same interface, but different data stored.
i'm looking for something similar (i don't know whether it exists, that's why I ask here) that automatically creates for me variations of an object storing only a subset of the datamembers.
let's say i have a
class FullClass
bool A;
int B;
float C;
double D;
then i would like to have all possible combinations of those fields like for example:
class BDClass
int B;
double D;
class BCDClass
int B;
float C;
double D;
and i want to be able to cast from any of the variation classes to FullClass such that the defined fields will be copied, and the missing fields are set to defaultvalues:
FullClass foo;
BDClass bar = BDClass(3, 5.0);
foo = (FullClass) bar;
Is there any mechanism that let's the compiler create those variations for me, or do I have to define all possible combinations myself?
why am I looking for this?
I have a software construct that follows the strategy pattern. thus, i have a bunch of different algorithms (more than 30) using the same interface. the client shall be able to use this interface without knowing what exact algorithm currently is running behind. the client calculates such a 'FullClass' object and passes it through the interface - however, each algorithm uses only a subset of the fields provided in this object (and each algorithm uses different ones).
This strategy-pattern construct is fixed and i cannot change it.
Now i want to 'record' the sequence of such generated 'FullClass' objects, such that the complete flow of the usage of this construct can be repeated without having to recalculate those 'FullClass' objects. However, this is a lot of data (which i'd like to keep in mainmemory for performance reasons) and since most of the algorithms only use a small subset of the fields, i only want to store the fields which are effectively used
I cannot even imagine why do you need this, but you can try use mixins:
class Dummy
<template Base>
class AClass : public Base
bool A;
<template Base>
class BClass : public Base
int B;
... //( etc)
BClass< AClass<Dummy>> abClass;
abClass.B = 4;
abClass.A = false;
And if you will keep going you will be able to do:
DClass< CCLass< BClass< AClass<Dummy>>>> abcdClass;
I might be wrong or it might be an non-efficient solution to your problem, but maybe using tuple will solve it :
That said, you should explain the problem you're trying to solve, as Neil said. Why would you need this.
First, you can define four classes for each data type, then declare templae class for type pairs, then for three-type combinations, then for four ones. You can't get it any simpler than that.
I think you could do something using the private class data pattern, and then some terrible memcopy tricks:
class Full
struct fullData
} * m_pData;
class Partial
struct partialData
c_filler; //This is an issue
Different Stuff!;
Then, when you copy, just literally copy the memory of partialData into fullData, filling the rest of fullData with zeros.
The issues are that this only works with datatypes that don't need you to use their constructors (so, there's no safety checks in here), and you have to put in padding (as above) to make sure your data lines up properly.
But your copy-constructor gets to be a memcopy then a memfill;
(note, I almost certainly have the memcopy and fill syntax wrong)
template<class T>
Full(T& t)
m_pData = new fullData;
memcopy(/*to*/m_pData, /*from*/Partial->getData(), /*how much to copy*/ sizeof(T));
memfill(/*tp*/m_pData, /*how much to copy*/ sizeof(fullData) - sizeof(T), /*with*/ 0);
May work for your particular situation, but it's not particularly safe or pretty.
Have you considered just writing a preprocessor to codegen what you need?
I personally really appreciate Boost.Fusion ;)
Here, I would use boost::fusion::map since it allows to mix types quite easily.
You need to use a combination of tags types (types only used for compilation purpose) and of real types, used to store data.
Let's define our tags:
class a_tag { typedef bool type; };
class b_tag { typedef int type; };
class c_tag { typedef float type; };
class d_tag { typedef double type; };
Then you can write a macro using Boost.Preprocessor which takes the list of tags and generates the appropriate boost::fusion::map
GENERATE_MY_TYPE(TypeName, (a_tag)(b_tag)(c_tag)(d_tag));
// For information: (a_tag)(b_tag)(c_tag)(d_tag) is called a sequence in PP
The type shall be something like:
typedef boost::fusion::map<
std::pair<a_tag, a_tag::type>,
std::pair<b_tag, b_tag::type>,
std::pair<c_tag, c_tag::type>,
std::pair<d_tag, d_tag::type>
> TypeName;
Or more likely a wrapper using the boost::fusion::map as an implementation detail, say:
// defined once
template <class Vector>
struct TemplateType
typedef Vector tags_type;
typedef detail::deduce<Vector>::type data_type
// which for Vector = boost::mpl::vector<a_tag, b_tag, c_tag, d_tag> should be
// typedef boost::fusion::map<
// std::pair<a_tag, a_tag::type>,
// std::pair<b_tag, b_tag::type>,
// std::pair<c_tag, c_tag::type>,
// std::pair<d_tag, d_tag::type>
// > data_type;
data_type m_data;
template <class T>
boost::fusion::result_of::at<T, data_type> at()
return boost::fusion::at<T>(m_data);
// Generated by the macro, filling boost::mpl::vector by iteration
// the sequence
typedef TemplateType< boost::mpl::vector<a_tag, b_tag, c_tag, d_tag> > TypeName;
And then you only need the type defined to provide a conversion trick from a subset of tags. This might be defined only once if you need only have the full subset.
template <class Vector>
TypeName toTypeName(TemplateType<Vector> const& arg)
TypeName result;
return result;
With fill being defined as:
namespace detail
class NoAssign
template <class Pair, class TT> static Do(Pair const&, TTconst&) { }
class Assign
template <class Pair, class TT>
static Do(Pair& p, TTconst& tt)
p.second =<typename Pair::first_type>();
template <class Vector>
class Filler
Filler(TemplateType<Vector> const& ref): m_ref(ref) {}
template <class T, class U>
void operator()(std::pair<T,U>& p) const
typedef typename boost::mpl::find<T,Vector>::type it;
typedef typename boost::mpl::end<Vector>::type end;
typedef typename boost::mpl::if< boost::same_type<it,end>, NoAssign, Assign> assign;
assign::Do(p, m_ref);
TemplateType<Vector> const& m_ref;
template <class Vector>
template <class OV>
void TemplateType<Vector>::fill<OV>(TemplateType<OV> const& rhs)
boost::fusion::for_each(m_data, detail::Filler<OV>(rhs));
I love those problems, but of course being forced to use both Meta Template Progamming AND Preprocessing to generate some template classes / methods... means some lengthy solutions and some headaches. Once done however the syntax can be really neat (for the user).