access violation in 3-dimensional array c++(using malloc) - c++

I am trying to make a 3-d integer array where I know the number of columns is 2.
I am initializing the array sequentially using malloc. Please suggest what could be wrong?
int **output_vertex[2];
for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
output_vertex[j]= (int **)malloc(sizeof(int **));
output_vertex[1][0][0] =11;
//also tried *output_vertex[1][0] =11;

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what your error is (or which one you'd be referring to). Firstly I don't know why you're statically creating an array and then using malloc. Secondly, I don't understand why you're iterating through your for loop four times (0, 1, 2, 3). Shouldn't your allocation be something like this:
int **output_vertex;
output_vertex = (int **)malloc(2*(sizeof(int **)));

The array declaration you have is not what you intended. You have a two-element array of pointers to pointers to int. This page is a good guide to reading those declarations.
Personally, I prefer to use typedefs and build a complex type like this from the ground up:
typedef int[2] element_type; // this is the 2-element array of ints
typedef element_type* inner_type; // this is the array of unknown size
typedef inner_type[5] outer_type; // this is the actual type we want to use
outer_type output_vertex; // we now have an array of 5 inner_type variables on the stack
// The output_vertex is *uninitialized* so we have to initialize each of its elements
for (int i=0; i < 5; ++i) {
output_vertex[i] = new inner_type[SOME_SIZE];
// do stuff with output_vertex now that it's initialized
// then, to prevent memory leaks, delete the memory you allocated
for (int i=0; i < 5; ++i) {
delete[] output_vertex[i];
There are probably ways to simplify, but that should be a start.
If you want the inner_type to be appendable, I would strongly recommend using std::vector instead of raw arrays. There is far much bookkeeping to be done with raw arrays, so I won't give an example of that; however, here's more-or-less what you would do with std::vector:
typedef std::pair<int,int> element_type; // this is the 2-element array of ints as a pair
typedef std::vector<element_type> inner_type; // dynamic vector this time
inner_type output_vertex[5]; // we now have an array of 5 inner_type variables on the stack
// do stuff with output_vertex
std::vector is just as fast as a dynamically-allocated array, but you don't have to do any of the bookkeeping yourself. You also have the benefit of not needing to manage as many heap-allocated objects.
Note that raw arrays aren't compatible with containers (e.g. std::vector), so I use std::pair here instead.
If you're able to use C++11 (or boost) and you need a fixed-size array of greater than two items that can fit into a standard container, use std::array.


Pointers vs vectors for arrays c++

In the case I am creating an 'array' on stack in c++, is it better to initialise an empty vector with a reserved number of elements and then pass this to a function like foo() as a reference as below. Or is it better to set an array arrb of size nelems, then using a pointer p_arrb to the address of the first element increment the pointer and assign some value?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
void foo(std::vector<int>& arr){
int nelems = arr.capacity();
for (int i = 0; i < nelems; i++){
arr[i] = i;
int main()
int nelems;
std::cout << "Type a number: "; // Type a number and press enter
std::cin >> nelems;
std::vector<int> arr;
arr.reserve(nelems); // Init std lib vector
int arrb[nelems];
int* p_arrb = &(arrb[0]); // pointer to arrb
for (int i = 0; i < nelems; i ++){
*(p_arrb++) = i; // populate using pointer
p_arrb -= nelems; // decrement pointer
return 0;
It seems people prefer the use of vector as it is standardised and easier to read? Apart from that, is there any performance benefit to using vector instead of a basic pointer in this case where I do not need to change the size of my vector/array at any point in the code?
What you should use depends on the exact goal you have. In general the best approach is to avoid using "raw arrays" (both dynamic and static) wherever possible.
If you need dynamic array, use std::vector. If you need static array, use std::array.
You can't use the arrb variant because the size of an array must be a compile-time constant in C++, but you are trying to use a runtime size here.
If your compiler is compiling this, then it is doing so only because it supports these so-called variable-length arrays as a non-standard extension. Other compilers will not support them or have differing degree of support or behavior. These arrays are optionally-supported in C, but even there they are probably not worth the trouble they cause.
There is no way to allocate a runtime-dependent amount of memory on the stack in C++ (except if you misuse recursive function calls to simulate it).
So yes, you should use the vector approach. But as discussed in the comments under the question, what you are doing is wrong and causes undefined behavior. You need to either reserve memory and then emplace_back/push_back elements into the vector or you need to resize the vector to the expected size and then you may index it directly. Indexing a vector outside the the range of elements already created in it causes undefined behavior.

How to dynamically create a c++ array with known 2nd dimension?

I have a function:
void foo(double[][4]);
which takes a 2d array with 2nd dimension equal to 4. How do I allocate a 2d array so that I can pass it to the function? If I do this:
double * arr[4];
arr = new double[n][4];
where n is not known to the compiler. I cannot get it to compile. If I use a generic 2d dynamic array, the function foo will not take it.
As asked, it is probably best to use a typedef
typedef double four[4];
four *arr; // equivalently double (*arr)[4];
arr = new four[n];
Without the typedef you get to be more cryptic
double (*arr)[4];
arr = new double [n][4];
You should really consider using standard containers (std::vector, etc) or containers of containers though.
typedef double v4[4];
v4* arr = new v4[n];
Consider switching to arrays and vectors though.
I know it may not be what OP has intended to do, but it may help others that need a similar answer.
You are trying to make a dynamic array of statically success array. The STL got your solution: std::vector and std::array
With these containers, things are easy easier:
std::vector<std::array<int, 4>> foo;
// Allocate memory
// Or instead of 8, you can use some runtime value
// Or did not allocated 8 + someSize, but ensured
// that vector has allocated at least someSize
// Add entries
foo.push_back({1, 2, 3, 4});
// Looping
for (auto&& arr : foo) {
arr[3] = 3;
// Access elements
foo[5][2] = 2;
Alternatively to creating a new type and occupying a symbol, you can create a pointer to pointer, and do it like that:
double **arr = new double*[j];
for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
arr[i] = new double[4];
whereas j is the int variable that holds the dynamic value.
I've written a simple code that shows it working, check it out here.

How to init a double**?

I need to init/use a double ** (decleared in my header):
double **pSamples;
allocating (during the time) a matrix of NxM, where N and M are get from two function:
const unsigned int N = myObect.GetN();
const unsigned int M = myObect.GetM();
For what I learnt from heap and dynamic allocation, I need keyword new, or use STL vector, which will manage automatically allocate/free within the heap.
So I tried with this code:
vector<double> samplesContainer(M);
*pSamples[N] = { };
but it still says I need a constant value? How would you allocate/manage (during the time) this matrix?
The old fashioned way of initializing a pointer to a pointer, is correctly enough with the new operator, you would first initialize the the first array which is a pointer to doubles (double*), then you would iterate through that allocating the next pointer to doubles (double*).
double** pSamples = new double*[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
pSambles[i] = new double[M];
The first new allocates an array of double pointers, each pointer is then assigned to the array of pointers allocated by the second new.
That is the old way of doing it, remember to release the memory again at some point using the delete [] operator. However C++ provide a lot better management of sequential memory, such as a vector which you can use as either a vector of vectors, or simply a single vector capable of holding the entire buffer.
If you go the vector of vector way, then you have a declaration like this:
vector<vector<double>> samples;
And you will be able to reference the elements using the .at function as such: or using the array operator: samples[2][0].
Alternatively you could create a single vector with enough storage to hold the multidimensional array by simply sizing it to be N * M elements large. However this method is difficult to resize, and honestly you could have done that with new as well: new double[N * M], however this would give you a double* and not a double**.
Use RAII for resource management:
std::vector<std::vector<double>> samplesContainer(M, std::vector<double>(N));
then for compatibility
std::vector<double*> ptrs(M);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != M; ++i) {
ptrs[i] = samplesContainer[i].data();
And so pass for double**. returns double*, bur expression *pSamples[N] is of type double, not double*. I think you wanted pSamples[N].
pSamples[N] =;

Error: Deallocating a 2D array

I am developing a program in which one of the task is to read points (x,y and z) from a text file and then store them in an array. Now the text file may contain 10^2 or even 10^6 points, depending upon the text file user selects. Therefore I am defining a dynamic array.
For allocating a dynamic 2D array, I wrote as below and it works fine:
const int array_size = 100000;
float** array = new float* [array_size];
for(int i = 0; i < array_size; ++i){
ary[i] = new float[2]; // 0,1,2 being the columns for x,y,z co-ordinates
After the points are saved in the array, I write the following to deallocate the unallocated memory :
for (int i = 0; i < array_size; i++){
delete [] array[i];
delete [] array;
and then my program stops working and shows "Project.exe stopped working".
If I don't deallocate, the program works just fine.
In your comment you say 0,1,2 being the columns for x,y,z co-ordinates, if that's the case, you need to be allocating as float[3]. When you allocate an array of float[N], you are allocating a chunk of the memory of the size N * sizeof(float), and you will index them in the array from 1 to N - 1. Therefore if you need indeces 0,1,2, you will need to allocate a memory of the size 3 * sizeof(float), which makes it float[3].
Because other than that, I can compile and run the code without an error. If you fix it and still get an error, it might be your compiler problem. Then try to decrease 100000 to a small number and try again.
You are saying that you are trying to implement a dynamic array, this is what std::vector does and I would highly recommend that you use it. This way you are using something from the standard library that's extremely well tested and you won't run into issues by essentially trying to roll your own version of std::vector. Additionally this approach wraps memory better as it uses RAII which leverages the language to solve a lot of memory management issues. This has other benefits too like making your code more exception safe.
Also if you are storing x,y,z coordinates consider using a struct or a tuple, I think that enhances readability a lot. You can typedef the coordinate type too. Something like std::vector< coord_t > is more readable to me.
(Thanx a lot for suggestions!!)
Finally I am using vectors for the stated problem for reasons as below:
1.Unlike Arrays (not array object ofcourse), I don't need to manually deallocate unallocated memory.
2.There are numerous built in methods defined under vector class
Vector size can be extended at later stages
Below is how I used 2D Vector to store points (x,y,z co-ordinates)
Initialized (allocated memory) a 2D vector:
vector<vector<float>> array (1000, vector<float> array (3));
Where 1000 is the number of rows, and 3 is the number of columns
Once declared, values can be passed simply as:
array[i][j] = some value;
Also, at later stage I declared functions taking vector arguments and returning vectors as:
vector <vector <float>> function_name ( vector <vector <float>>);
vector <vector <float>> function_name ( vector <vector <float>> input_vector_name)
return output_vector_name_created_inside_function
Note: This method crates a copy of vector while returning, use pointer to return by reference. Even though mine is not working when I return vector by reference :(
For multi arrays I recommended use boost::multi_array.
typedef boost::multi_array<double, 3> array_type;
array_type A(boost::extents[3][4][2]);
A[0][0][0] = 3.14;

std::vector and contiguous memory of multidimensional arrays

I know that the standard does not force std::vector to allocate contiguous memory blocks, but all implementations obey this nevertheless.
Suppose I wish to create a vector of a multidimensional, static array. Consider 2 dimensions for simplicity, and a vector of length N. That is I wish to create a vector with N elements of, say, int[5].
Can I be certain that all N*5 integers are now contiguous in memory? So that I in principle could access all of the integers simply by knowing the address of the first element? Is this implementation dependent?
For reference the way I currently create a 2D array in a contiguous memory block is by first making a (dynamic) array of float* of length N, allocating all N*5 floats in one array and then copying the address of every 5th element into the first array of float*.
The standard does require the memory of an std::vector to be
contiguous. On the other hand, if you write something like:
std::vector<std::vector<double> > v;
the global memory (all of the v[i][j]) will not be contiguous. The
usual way of creating 2D arrays is to use a single
std::vector<double> v;
and calculate the indexes, exactly as you suggest doing with float.
(You can also create a second std::vector<float*> with the addresses
if you want. I've always just recalculated the indexes, however.)
Elements of a Vector are gauranteed to be contiguous as per C++ standard.
Quotes from the standard are as follows:
From n2798 (draft of C++0x):
23.2.6 Class template vector [vector]
1 A vector is a sequence container that supports random access iterators. In addition, it supports (amortized) constant time insert and erase operations at the end; insert and erase in the middle take linear time. Storage management is handled automatically, though hints can be given to improve efficiency. The elements of a vector are stored contiguously, meaning that if v is a vector where T is some type other than bool, then it obeys the identity &v[n] == &v[0] + n for all 0 <= n < v.size().
C++03 standard (
The elements of a vector are stored contiguously, meaning that if v is a vector where T is some type other than bool, then it obeys the identity &v[n] == &v[0] + n for all 0 <= n < v.size().
Also, see here what Herb Sutter's views on the same.
As #Als already pointed out, yes, std::vector (now) guarantees contiguous allocation. I would not, however, simulate a 2D matrix with an array of pointers. Instead, I'd recommend one of two approaches. The simpler by (by far) is to just use operator() for subscripting, and do a multiplication to convert the 2D input to a linear address in your vector:
template <class T>
class matrix2D {
std::vector<T> data;
int columns;
T &operator()(int x, int y) {
return data[y * columns + x];
matrix2D(int x, int y) : data(x*y), columns(x) {}
If, for whatever reason, you want to use matrix[a][b] style addressing, you can use a proxy class to handle the conversion. Though it was for a 3D matrix instead of 2D, I posted a demonstration of this technique in previous answer.
For reference the way I currently create a 2D array in a contiguous memory block is by first making a (dynamic) array of float* of length N, allocating all N*5 floats in one array and then copying the address of every 5th element into the first array of float*.
That's not a 2D array, that's an array of pointers. If you want a real 2D array, this is how it's done:
float (*p)[5] = new float[N][5];
p [0] [0] = 42; // access first element
p[N-1][4] = 42; // access last element
delete[] p;
Note there is only a single allocation. May I suggest reading more about using arrays in C++?
Under the hood, a vector may look approximately like (p-code):
class vector<T> {
T *data;
size_t s;
Now if you make a vector<vector<T> >, there will be a layout like this
vector<vector<T>> --> data {
or in "inlined" form
vector<vector<T>> --> data {
{data0, s0},
{data1, s1},
{data2, s2}
Yes, the vector-vector therefore uses contiguous memory, but no, not as you'd like it. It most probably stores an array of pointers (and some other variables) to external places.
The standard only requires that the data of a vector is contiguous, but not the vector as a whole.
A simple class to create, as you call it, a 2D array, would be something like:
template <class T> 2DArray {
T *m_data;
int m_stride;
2DArray(int dimY, int dimX) : m_stride(dimX) : m_data(new[] T[dimX * dimY]) {}
~2DArray() { delete[] m_data; }
T* operator[](int row) { return m_data + m_stride * row; }
It's possible to use this like:
2DArray<int> myArray(30,20);
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
myArray[i][j] = i + j;
Or even pass &myArray[0][0] as address to low-level functions that take some sort of "flat buffers".
But as you see, it turns naive expectations around in that it's myarray[y][x].
Generically, if you interface with code that requires some sort of classical C-style flat array, then why not just use that ?
Edit: As said, the above is simple. No bounds check attempts whatsoever. Just like, "an array".