Is there a way to use Qt without QApplication::exec()? - c++

Is there a safe way to use Qt without calling QApplication::exec()?
I have a number of different objects that are carrying out long-lived processes on multiple resources (at least one of them is communicating with a web application server). I'm making a GUI application that prompts the user for input at the right time for these different processes. I'd like to have my 'flow' logic - the logic that determines what to do next - in one place and not in a GUI object like a dialog class. I was thinking that I could do something like this:
wait_dialog dlg;
dlg.setModal( false );; // Should return...
netobject.start_long_lived_process_that_happens_on_other_thread( &completion_callback );
while ( !completion_callback_called() )
Is this safe, from Qt's point of view? Is there a 'good' way of implementing magically_avoid_busywait_while_still_servicing_qt_somehow()?
What I'm trying to accomplish here is to write our processing flow in the most explicit way possible. I'd like a single function that does this:
if ( cancelled ) return
if ( cancelled ) return
What I really want to avoid is kicking off and waiting for the processing inside Qt widgets and windows. Also, the processing objects themselves are entirely independent of Qt. I suppose what I'm trying to do is create a controller in a single function with a few helper callbacks and status variables.

What you want is an event loop other that the application's main event loop. This can be done using the QEventLoop:
wait_dialog dlg;
dlg.setModal( false );; // Should return...
QEventLoop loop;
connect(&netobject, SIGNAL(done()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
loop.exec(); // BLOCKING (non-busy) until quit() is called via the signal done()
While this is (in my eyes) clean code, this requires your netobject class to be a QObject and implement a signal done() (which is also cleaner than providing callbacks).
Now you can wrap this whole code in a function which will be a blocking call on itself, so it can return some results from your dialog if you want so.


Qt - How to create a QFuture from a thread

I am currently working on an editor program; there's a feature I need to write, which requires loading several files in a row using the project's asynchronous file API, then performing some more computations once those files are loaded.
In another language, this would probably be implemented with an async/await workflow, eg:
let firstFile = await FileAPI.loadFile("", ...);
let otherFile = await FileAPI.loadFile("Bar/", ...);
The Qt equivalent to this code would be to spawn a new thread using QtConcurrent::run, returning a QFuture, and waiting for that future to yield a result.
However, in the project I work on, the file-opening API runs on a single worker thread, which means I can't use QtConcurrent::run. This is an established, non-negotiable part of the codebase. Eg the constructor of the file API looks like:
FileApiWorker* worker = new FileApiWorker();
m_workerThread = new QThread();
worker->moveToThread( m_workerThread );
// Input signals
connect( this, &FileApi::loadFile, worker, &FileApiWorker::loadFile);
connect( this, &FileApi::loadData, worker, &FileApiWorker::loadData);
connect( this, &FileApi::loadDir, worker, &FileApiWorker::loadDir);
Which means my only way of accessing filesystem data is to call a method which emits a signal, which starts the computation on another thread, which eventually emits its own signal at the end to pass on the loaded data.
This is extremely impractical for the use case above, because instead of saying "do thing, load data, wait, keep doing things", I essentially need to say "do thing, load data (with call back 'keep doing things')" and "keep doing things" in another function, which introduces all sorts of brittleness in the code. (and, well, you know, that's exactly the sort of workflow we invented futures for)
Is there some way I could create a QFuture, or some future-equivalent object (that can be awaited inside a method) from the loadFile method, given that loadFile always runs on the same worker thread and I am not allowed to create new threads?
The simplest way to create a QFuture in Qt is with the undocumented QFutureInterface class.
Example code:
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( QFutureInterface<FileData> );
// ...
FileApiWorker* worker = new FileApiWorker();
connect( this, &FileApi::loadFile_signal, worker, &FileApiWorker::loadFile_signal);
// ...
QFuture<FileData> FileApi::loadFile()
QFutureInterface<FileData> futureInterface;
// IMPORTANT: This line is necessary to be able to wait for the future.
emit loadFile_signal(futureInterface);
return futureInterface.future();
FileApiWorker::loadFile_signal(QFutureInterface<FileData>& futureInterface)
// Do some things
// ...
// IMPORTANT: Without this line, future.waitForFinished() never returns.
Some factors to account for:
The above code uses Q_DECLARE_METATYPE; which is necessary to be able to pass QFutureInterface through a cross-threads signal. To be precise, the connect line will fail to compile if Q_DECLARE_METATYPE isn't included; and the emit loadFile_signal line will fail at runtime if qRegisterMetaType isn't called. See the Qt documentation on metatypes for details.
You can propagate errors, in such a way that calling loadFile().waitForFinished() throws on error. To achieve this, you need to create a special-purpose class inheriting QException, then call:
futureInterface.reportException( MyException(...) );
in your error path.
QException is essentially a wrapper for actual exceptions that need to be transferred between threads. See the documentation for details.
While QFutureInterface is stable, and mostly has the same API as QFuture and QFutureWatcher, it's still an undocumented feature, which may surprise contributors coming across it in a shared codebase. The class can be counter-intuitive, and fail silently if you don't respect the points above (which I had to learn through trial and error). This must be stressed in the comments of any shared code using QFutureInterface. The class's source code can be found here.
IMO, it is strange not to use ready-to-use solutions (AsyncFuture) and try to rewrite from scratch.
But I can suggest my own "wheel": lambda as a slot.
void FileApi::awaitLoadFile()
qDebug() << "\"await\" thread is" << thread();
emit loadFile("");
static bool once = connect(m_worker, &FileApiWorker::loadFileDone, this, // there is possible to avoid the third "this" parameter, but it is important to specify the lifetime of the connection and the receiver context while using lambdas
[=](QByteArray result)
qDebug() << "\"comeback-in-place\" thread is" << thread(); // will be the same as "await" thread was
// do what you need with your result
Qt::QueuedConnection // do not forget
qDebug() << "here is an immediate return from the \"await\" slot";
Useful arcticle New Signal Slot Syntax - Qt Wiki

create `wxThread` to call backend function for every `EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_EXPANDED` event

I have following classes:
class MyThread: public wxThread
MyThread(MyFrame *frame, wxTreeListItem &item);
virtual void *Entry();
SeleSyncFrame *m_frame;
wxTreeListItem item;
class MyFrame
friend class MyThread;
wxTreeListCtrl* m_treelist;
void OnItemExpand(wxTreeListEvent& event);
I have to update m_treelist on every EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_EXPANDED event. For that I am calling OnItemExpand().
void MyFrame::OnItemExpand(wxTreeListEvent& event)
wxTreeListItem item = event.GetItem();
MyThread *thread = new MyThread(this, item);
if (thread->Create() != wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR)
dbg.Error(__FUNCTION__, "Can't create thread!");
constructor of MyThread class:
MyThread::MyThread(MyFrame *frame, wxTreeListItem &item) : wxThread()
m_frame = frame;
this->item = item;
Entry function of MyThread:
wxThread::ExitCode MyThread::Entry()
wxTreeListItem root = m_frame->m_treelist->GetRootItem();
m_frame->m_treelist->CheckItem(root, wxCHK_CHECKED);
//This back-end fun is time consuming
Calltobackend(string resp);
// I have to convert this string resp into xml and append all items of xml as children for 'item'.
(m_frame->m_treelist)->AppendItem(item, "child");
m_frame->m_treelist->CheckItem(item, wxCHK_CHECKED);
return NULL;
I want to create thread for every browse request and update corresponding item with its children. Is my approach is not correct? How should I achieve this? I was thinking of one more approach where I will use thread only to send request to backend and I will send response to Main thread using OnWorkerEvent. But I have to update item which is expanded with response returned by backend. How will that OnWorkerEvent will know which item from tree it has to update with children returned by response?
As VZ said, updating GUI from a different thread is a can of worms. Don't do it.
For your issue. Let's say you have to update a control (in your case, items of a treelist) with values that come from a long task.
The idea is simple:
On your user event handler (like OnItemExpand) just create and run
the thread. Don't wait for it, make it "detached".
In the thread code, just before it ends, post a message to the main thread by wxQueueEvent(). The value you need may be part of this message. Or
you can also write an accesible var, better using wxMutex; and use
the message to inform the main thread that that var is updated.
Write a new function (e.g. a MyFrame::OnMyThreadEnds) than handles the message and/or var. Here is where you update the GUI.
You can only use GUI objects from one (usually main) thread of your application, so your approach simply can't work. It's also not clear at all why would you go to the trouble of creating a thread just for doing this, it's not like there are any time-consuming operations being done in the thread here.
The standard way to use threads in GUI applications is to perform any long-running tasks in background worker threads and post events to the main thread to perform the GUI updates. You should structure your application like this unless you have really good reasons not to do it.
In more details, the traditional way to do it is for the worker thread to post wxThreadEvents to the main thread, containing the information that the main thread needs to perform the action. Notice that wxThreadEvent has SetPayload() method which allows you to pass any kind of data between threads, so you just need to call it in the worker and then use GetPayload() in the main thread to extract the information and process it.
However since wxWidgets 3.0 you have another way to do it with CallAfter(), which is especially convenient if you use C++11 (and you really should). This allows you to write the code you want to execute in the scope of the thread function, but it will actually get executed in the context of the main thread. So you could do this:
wxThread::ExitCode MyThread::Entry()
wxGetApp().CallAfter([this] {
wxTreeListItem root = m_frame->m_treelist->GetRootItem();
m_frame->m_treelist->CheckItem(root, wxCHK_CHECKED);
and it would actually work because the code inside the lambda would be run in the main thread. This is extremely convenient and you should do it like this, but just make sure you actually understand what does this do and that it still uses the same underlying mechanism of posting events to do its magic.

Read a file in background to update Qjsonvalue

I need to update the content of a field on my QWidget via a JSON file (updated in real time). I've read about functions readLine() and readAll() of QFile, but when I try a loop like :
creation of objects, update of values, display etc ...
I lost the focus on my window. But I want to keep the control of the application with my buttons and obviously to watch the evolution of the JSON values.
I have thought that Qt manages itself the events and keeps the focus on the current window, but like I've said, it's not the case.
Is there a good solution (multi threads maybe) to use my window while the application reads the file (with new informations in real time)?
(With the constraint "real time" I can't read the whole file every time and I've no choice about the format of this file)
I tried the thread method.
So, I choose to create my thread instance into the main (with my main window) and connect here. But, when I run the program, I've this error :
no matching member function for call to 'connect'
Reader reader;
QObject::connect(controler, SIGNAL(ready()),
reader, SLOT(received()));
According to this error, I've thought that the reason was main don't inherits of Object, and so, I've move the connection ans the creation of thread instance into my main window.
Reader reader;
QObject::connect(reader, SIGNAL(newobject(QJsonObject)),
this, SLOT(displayJSON(QJsonObject)));
With this one, I've the same error while I've already connect lot of widget into this class without any error.
What can be the problem ?
Update 2
I've a solution when I give as argument my main window (controler) in reader's constructor and connect into this one but, if possible, I would an explanation for the previous problem.
The current problem that I have is that signals are emit well but slots are executed after the end the application (so after the end of the thread's execution and not during)
This isn't really the subject of this topic so we can close this one.
You can use QThread (Qt documentation: QThread) class to create a thread, which will read your file. The main thread will execute your GUI application and it will be available during file reading.
You can find a simple example in documentation for creating your thread:
class WorkerThread : public QThread
void run() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
QString result;
/* ... here is the expensive or blocking operation ... */
emit resultReady(result);
void resultReady(const QString &s);
void MyObject::startWorkInAThread()
WorkerThread *workerThread = new WorkerThread(this);
connect(workerThread, &WorkerThread::resultReady, this, &MyObject::handleResults);
connect(workerThread, &WorkerThread::finished, workerThread, &QObject::deleteLater);
You can modify this example for your purpose. For example, WorkerThread for your task may be something like this:
class WorkerThread : public QThread
void run() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
// read JSON file to QByteArray. Use QFile and QTextStream
// use QJsonDocument to read JSON content
// find what is new in JSON
emit signalSomethingNew(/*parameters*/);
void signalSomethingNew(/*parameters*/);
At the end you must implement slot on your QWidget for signalSomethingNew(/*parameters*/) and make connection:
connect(yourThread, &WorkingThread::signalSomethingNew, youWidget, &YouWidget::yourSlot);
For working with JSON data: QJsonDocument
I'm interpreting your question as "my application is unresponsive whilst doing work" rather than "my focus jumped to another window" - please comment if you meant something different.
You have a choice of options:
Create and run a background QThread to do the work. Have it emit signals (connected to your widgets using Qt::QueuedConnection - the default) when it has results to display.
This is a good solution when the worker has a lot of computation to do, or needs all the input to be read before it can start. It works very well when the target system has processors available with no other work to do.
Use a QSocketNotifier to signal your GUI thread when some of the input becomes available (note that the name is misleading - it actually works on all kinds of file descriptor, not just sockets).
This is appropriate when the algorithm is simple and incremental - i.e. if a small chunk of input can be read and processed quickly.
Incorporate periodic calls to processEvents() in your algorithm:
auto *const dispatcher = QThread::currentThread()->eventDispatcher;
while (line = json.readLine()) {
if (dispatcher)
This won't work unless you can modify the algorithm like this - if the loop is in somebody else's (closed) code, then you'll need one of the other solutions.

MessageDialog in separate thread

In my current project I need to perform some calculations when a specific button is pressed, and while I perform these calculations, I want to show a Gtk::MessageDialog that simply states that calculations are being performed. So, I initialize the MessageDialog like this (for the moment just ignore that I actually don't need the pointer here):
Gtk::MessageDialog *waitdialog;
Gtk::MessageDialog dia("Processing", false, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE, true);
dia.set_transient_for(*(Gtk::Window *)this);
waitdialog = &dia;
Next I want to start a separate thread with the dialog:
std::thread dialog_thread(wait_dialog,waitdialog);
The wait_dialog method is defined as follows:
void wait_dialog(Gtk::MessageDialog *dialog){
The problem now is, that even though the main window is darkened (because of set_transient_for), the message dialog is not visible. However, when I don't start a seperate thread, but just call waitdialog->run() instead, this will show the dialog properly (but will result in a loop).
So, the question is: why does the workaround with the separate thread not work? I can't make any sense of that :-(
GUI components are required to stay in the GUI loop. Your long running calculations belong in the thread. The calculation thread then signals back to the GUI thread to close the modal dialog. Also, you should use glib threads instead of std::threads. Here's how I would structure program:
// in header, member var dispatcher used to signal GUI thread
// and our member var thread
Glib::Dispatcher m_signalDone;
Glib::Thread* m_someThread;
// in constructor, hook up dispatcher event
m_signalDone.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &MyClass::OnDone));
// later when ready to kick off thread...
// show dialog or progess bar or something and kick off thread...
m_someThread = Glib::Thread::create(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MyClass::CalcMethod), true);
void MyClass::CalcMethod()
// do your long running stuff...
// when done signal completion back to GUI
void MyClass::OnDone()
// clean up dialog or progress bar or whatever
// kill thread
m_currentBackUpThread = NULL;

QtConcurrent mapped and progress report

I'm using QtConcurrent to do some heavy background image processing and I want to display the image while parts of it are being updated progressively.
Each line of the image is computed separately and is passed a functor.
To compute the full image I then have a sequence of item that I pass to QtConcurrent mapped and each line emits a signal when it is done computing
Here is the instantiation of the class Worker:
//living in the main(gui) thread !
Worker::Worker(VideoEngine* engine):_engine(engine){
_watcher = new QFutureWatcher<bool>;
connect(_watcher, SIGNAL(resultReadyAt(int)), this, SLOT(onProgressUpdate(int)));
connect(_watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), engine, SLOT(engineLoop()));
Here is the slot to report progress:
void Worker::onProgressUpdate(int i){
if(i < (int)_rows.size() && i%10==0){
cout << " index = " << i << " y = "<< _rows[i] << endl;
Now the usage:
void Worker::_computeTreeForFrame(.../*unrelevant args*/){
All the signals are emitted but the slot onProgressUpdate gets called only when Qtconcurrent::mapped is done with all the items in the sequence.
When executing it has a huge delay while the sequence is processing and then all slots are executed sequentially afterwards.
I have tried all types of signal/slots connection and none of them changed this behaviour.
Any clue ?
EDIT after Shf suggestion
The call was made until now in the main(gui) thread.
I changed the call to :
Since _computeTreeForFrame is now executed in another thread, I changed the call to QtConcurrent::mapped to:
This results in exactly the same behaviour as before.
EDIT after Marek R suggestion
Ok so I made so tests and here is what I observed:
QtConcurrent::map :
Doesn't emit the signal resultReadyAt(int)
Emits resultReadyAt(int) only when finished
It doesn't matter if the call to the map function is done in a separate thread the same behaviour is encountered.
I also gave a try to the signal progressValueChanged(int) as the Qt progressDialog example suggests.
The signal progressValueChanged(int) gets emitted only for 2 lines in the image (the first and last).
This is really weird as in the Qt progress dialog example it is emitted smoothly.
I changed a bit the Qt example to launch the map function in another thread than the main thread and it still works well in that case.
The issue must arise from somewhere else.
Maybe the GUI event loop is doing something I don't expect ? I have no clue what.
I will now try QtConcurrent::mappedReduced and report with the results :-)
EDIT after giving a try to QtConcurrent::mappedReduced
It doesn't work and calls the "reduce" function ONLY when the "map" function is done. In other words it does the same than the previous signal/slots mechanism.
I'm running low in possibilities now
EDIT I'm back to a solution as close as the Qt progress dialog example
Something must be wrong if I can't get the same behaviour than the Qt example.
Here's the code now:
//created in the main thread! (gui)
Worker::Worker(VideoEngine* engine):_engine(engine),_watcher(0){
_watcher = new QFutureWatcher<void>;
connect(_watcher,SIGNAL(progressValueChanged(int)), _engine,
connect(_watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), engine, SLOT(engineLoop()));
//executed on the main thread
void Worker::computeTreeForFrame(...){
The call to computeTreeForFrame...
This call is done in a slot .
It emits the signals for the line 0 and for the last line as told before but doesn't emits anything else.
Shouldn't this do EXACTLY what the Qt example does?
From task description it looks like you should use mappedReduced. Problem is that I don't see a good way to get partial results. One way to overcome this problem is to emit signal form reduce function.
It is possible that this thread may help.
It seems, that QtConcurrent::mapped does not put VideoEngine::metaEnginePerRow in another thread, judging by the documentation. If image is processed in the same thread as GUI, then your slots indeed will be executed after processing, no matter what type of connection you select, just as you've described.
The solution is to either run Worker::_computeTreeForFrame (as i understood, your main processing function) in another thread via QtConcurrent::run or to put your Worker object in another thread probably via QObject::moveToThread(). Then, the connection type you should use is Qt::QueuedConnection (or if you will put Worker in another thread before connection, you can connect even with Qt::AutoConnectionor Qt::UniqueConnection, caller and receiver will be in a different threads, so qt will automaticly chose QueuedConnection`)
I'm not sure, but your _watcher = new QFutureWatcher<bool>; is still created in the main thread and if you call
would _watcher set GUI thread to wait, in what it was created or thread, where this command is executed. If _watcher->setFuture(QtConcurrent::mapped(_sequence,
boost::bind(&VideoEngine::metaEnginePerRow,_1,output))); if the end of a function, is _watcher->waitForFinished(); needed at all? Qt will destroy thread right after it's execution and you set your processing function to run, why wait?
And _computeFrameWatcher should be of QFuture<void*> type.
Ok, before i give up, i suggest you to test QObject::moveToThread:
before you call _worker->computeTreeForFrame(); , put it in another thread:
QThread *workerThread=new QThread();
/* connect _worker's finished signal with workerThread::quit and deleteLater slots */
and all connections within _worker should be DirectConnection and all connections between _worker and main (GUI) thread should be connected with QueuedConnection. Also it's probably good to create new thread in _worker constructor and move it to another thread immediately, this way you can destroy thread in _worker's destructor and don't worry about thread problem's in GUI thread