gdb attach to process in windows not working - c++

I am trying to debug a library for a third party software. I have the source code of the library and I have compiled it using -g. I need to start the software to use the library and debug. AFAIK I have to start the program, then from gdb use attach and the id of the process. I am doing this, but gdb says "Can't attach to process".
Does anyone know why might this be happening?

Try to start it with gdb, just inside, having it attached in the gdb call.
gdb your_program_name
run your_parameter1 your_paremeter2...


Debugging Windows service built with mingw/msys2

Having one heck of a time debugging a crash in a Windows Service that I've build with QT and Boost Logger on Windows using MSYS2 environment. The main issue really comes when I stop the program right before exit. The program just doesn't exist successfully and throws one of these bad boys:
If I was running it in gdb it might be a different story. I open the crash dump in windbg and get some info, but since the symbols aren't exported it's really cryptic.
I see some issues when my program (called service) is calling the log. But I can't do much here in the way of where or what. How can I get something useful so I could finally solve this issue?
Thanks so much!
Seems like the easiest and most natural way was to attach gdb to the running process. I simply ran msys2 as Administrator, then ran the command
gdb service.exe -p [processID]
Task manager gave me the process ID. As soon as the process was attached I just used the command
to get it to continue running. Then I let it crash and gdb gave me the backtrace perfectly.
I've searched a bit for this and this was much simpler than trying to get windbg to read the symbols generated by g++ or read the assembly code. Hope this helps somebody having the same issue.
How to attach a process in gdb

Debugging a Qt application on Windows

my Qt (QML/C++) application crashes and I can not find the reason why. I tried to output a lot of information but some signal/slot connection probably causes a crash. I spent many hours trying to find the reason but I failed.
The only good point is that I can reproduce the crash whenever I want.
Unfortunately I don't know hot to use the included GDB debugger. This is the output I got:
How do I find from this what happened and where? I need to find at least the function, in which my application crashed.
Or what else could I try? Unfortunately I can not disable the signal/slot connections or the associated functions, because then I can not get to the point, where it crashes.
Qt has detailed documentation on how to install a debugger found here: QtCreator Debugger
MingW does have a GDB that can be used to debug the application better. You can also use CDB to debug, just depends on your preference.
Once that is installed, you'll be able to set breakpoints and check variable information to see where your program is crashing using the Debugger view in QtCreator.
Tools->Options->Build & Run
If you have Qt version kit like this you need to check debuggers.
You need to install MinGW and after install you will be have debugger. After install press F5 to start debuging.

Debugging C/C++ code with IPython

Say I am in IPython (e.g. on the new QT console), and that I call a C++ library that I wrote from it (e.g. using SWIG or Boost.Python). I would like to set a breakpoint in my C++ code and have the ability to interact with my C++ workspace (i.e. my variables when I hit the breakpoint) with IPython (e.g. plot my C++ variables, etc.).
In other words I would like to debug my C++ code from IPython. Is this at all possible? What are some tools I can use for this?
(assuming you are on Linux)
You just need gdb. First set up configuration telling gdb where your source files are by adding this to $HOME/.gdbinit:
directory absolute-path-to-source
Now start gdb python and on the gdb prompt do:
set args /usr/bin/ipython
You can't directly do gdb ipython because ipython is a script. Please refer to the gdb documentation from here on.
In general, you won't be able to debug C++ code directly with IPython. What you can do, though, is use a C++ debugger to debug your C++ code.
Essentially, you tell your C++ debugger to execute whatever process you need to use to run your code (this could be IPython itself), and set a breakpoint in your C++ code (your debugger will know to wait for the appropriate DLL to be loaded if it's in a DLL). From there, you are debugging your part of the code that is running in the IPython process.

Gdb attach fail: debugging fastcgi C++ app with Netbeans

I have written a test fastcgi app. I want to debug it, using the Netbeans IDE. When I attempt to attach to the process, I get the error:
Gdb could not attach to the specified process.
I then tried the following:
sudo -i /bin/sh "path/to/netbeans"
Attaching to the process still failed (Got the message: Gdb could not attach to the specified process).
I then tried the suggestion made at this link
That also failed. I got the nessage: The executable associated with the selected project does not match the selected process ID.. after changing the run path so that the project executable now points to my cgi-bin directory, I now get the error: Gdb could not attach to the specified process.
I am now at a loss as to how to debug my app, using Netbeans. In case netbeans can't do this, is there another visual debugger that I can use?
I am running Linux Ubuntu.
Netbeans does have the ability to use gdb to attach to a process. From the link you posted did you also follow the "update" from the comments describing how to fix the kernel ptrace_scope issue in Ubuntu?
Another thing to try is to see if you get the same error attaching gdb via commandline, or if you really want to use a gui DDD. That way you can isolate whether it is Netbeans, gdb, or a permission problemn in Ubuntu.

Remote GDB debugging

I've just spent a whole day trying to find a way to enable GDB debugging from Qt Creator or Eclipse. I learned that there are basically two approaches to launch the target application:
Using ssh (ssh host gdb)
Using gdbserver
I was able to use both approaches to launch gdb remotely and start the application. However, GDB never responds to any breakpoints set in the IDE. Also I can't pause the application to inspect the program state. In Qt Creator I just get an obscure stack trace (I might have been looking at the traces of ssh or gdb actually...).
Can anyone help me to get started?
I found that with Qt Creator 2.0 there is an feature called "Attach and debug remote application." It's based on gdbserver. The good thing is that it stops on the IDE's breakpoints. However, there are two issues:
When it hits a breakpoint it only shows assembly code, not the source code.
GDB often quits because of 'signal received'
I should probably mention that the remote executable is compiled with an older version of GCC than the one installed on my local PC. Perhaps some of the problems are related to this.
I should mention that I switched to running cgdb on the remote machine via SSH.
The remote Qt Creator-based solution wasn't stable. GDB tends to quit because of mysterious 'signal received' messages.
So that GDB on your host (the machine you develop and compile on, so where you have Qt Creator) you have to give it access to the "symbol file".
I usually don't use Qt Creator, but GDB and gdbserver directly for cross-compiled programs remote-debugging. You could maybe give this a try to be sure that this works for you and maybe then find the missing option in Qt Creator (or maybe this will help you find what is missing).
On the target machine run:
gdbserver :5000 yourprogram
On the host machine, run gdb and then load the symbol file:
(gdb) symbol-file yourprogram
On GDB on the host machine, you then have to connect to connect GDB to the remote gdbserver:
(gdb) target remote target_ip_address:5000
From then you can use GDB on the host controlling the program on the target.
I hope this helps!
Due to peculiarities in our makefile build system the file references contained in the debugging symbols look like this:
This is no problem for GDB, but Qt Creator was unable to map these paths to the actual files. I was able to fix this by adding 'dir' statements in the GDB init file:
dir src
dir src/utils
Now it works.