Hadoop and Django, is it possible? - django

From what I understood, Hadoop is a distributed storage system thingy. However what I don't really get is, can we replace normal RDBMS(MySQL, Postgresql, Oracle) with Hadoop? Or is Hadoop is just another type of filesystem and we CAN run RDBMS on it?
Also, can Django integrated with Hadoop? Usually, how web frameworks (ASP.NET, PHP, Java(JSP,JSF, etc) ) integrate themselves with Hadoop?
I am a bit confused with the Hadoop vs RDBMS and I would appreciate any explanation.
(Sorry, I read the documentation many times, but maybe due to my lack of knowledge in English, I find the documentation is a bit confusing most of the time)

What is Hadoop?
Imagine the following challange: you have a lot of data, and with a lot I mean at least Terabytes. You want to transform this data or extract some informations and process it into a format which is indexed, compressed or "digested" in a way so you can work with it.
Hadoop is able to parallelize such a processing job and, here comes the best part, takes care of things like redundant storage of the files, distribution of the task over different machines on the cluster etc (Yes, you need a cluster, otherwise Hadoop is not able to compensate the performance loss of the framework).
If you take a first look at the Hadoop ecosystem you will find 3 big terms: HDFS(Hadoop Filesystem), Hadoop itself(with MapReduce) and HBase(the "database" sometimes column store, which does not fits exactly)
HDFS is the Filesystem used by both Hadoop and HBase. It is a extra layer on top of the regular filesystem on your hosts. HDFS slices the uploaded Files in chunks (usually 64MB) and keeps them available in the cluster and takes care of their replication.
When Hadoop gets a task to execute, it gets the path of the input files on the HDFS, the desired output path, a Mapper and a Reducer Class. The Mapper and Reducer is usually a Java class passed in a JAR file.(But with Hadoop Streaming you can use any comandline tool you want). The mapper is called to process every entry (usually by line, e.g.: "return 1 if the line contains a bad F* word") of the input files, the output gets passed to the reducer, which merges the single outputs into a desired other format (e.g: addition of numbers). This is a easy way to get a "bad word" counter.
The cool thing: the computation of the mapping is done on the node: you process the chunks linearly and you move just the semi-digested (usually smaller) data over the network to the reducers.
And if one of the nodes dies: there is another one with the same data.
HBase takes advantage of the distributed storage of the files and stores its tables, splitted up in chunks on the cluster. HBase gives, contrary to Hadoop, random access to the data.
As you see HBase and Hadoop are quite different to RDMBS. Also HBase is lacking of a lot of concepts of RDBMS. Modeling data with triggers, preparedstatements, foreign keys etc. is not the thing HBase was thought to do (I'm not 100% sure about this, so correct me ;-) )
Can Django integrated with Hadoop?
For Java it's easy: Hadoop is written in Java and all the API's are there, ready to use.
For Python/Django I don't know (yet), but I'm sure you can do something with Hadoop streaming/Jython as a last resort.
I've found the following: Hadoopy and Python in Mappers and Reducers.

Hue, The Web UI for Hadoop is based on Django!

Django can connect with most RDMS, so you can use it with a Hadoop based solution.
Keep in mind, Hadoop is many things, so specifically, you want something with low latency such as HBase, don't try to use it with Hive or Impala.
Python has a thrift based binding, happybase, that let you query Hbase.

Basic (!) example of Django integration with Hadoop
I use Oozie REST api for job execution, and 'hadoop cat' for grabbing job results (due to HDFS' distributed nature). The better appoach is to use something like Hoop for getting HDFS data. Anyway, this is not a simple solution.
P.S. I've refactored this code and placed it into https://github.com/Obie-Wan/django_hadoop.
Now it's a separate django app.


Updating all entities of KIND in Google Cloud Datastore

we have a dataset of ~10 million entities or a certain Kind in Datastore. We want to change the products functionality, so we would like to change the fields on all Kind entities.
Is there a smart/quick way to do it, that does not involve iterating over all of the entities in series?
Probably you can use Dataflow to help you with your problem.
Dataflow is a stream and batch data processing service, fully managed by GCP.
It was open sourced in the Apache Beam project. It is fully compatible with this SDK. This allows you to test your developments locally before run them on GCP.
It exposes two main concepts, a PCollection, basically the data that is being handled by the tool, and pipelines, the different steps necessary to capture the data, the transformations that must be performed, and how and where the results obtained should be written.
It provides support for Java, Python and Go, and a rich feature set and variety of possible data sources and transformations.
In the specific case of Datastore, Dataflow provides support for read, write and delete data. See for instance the relevant documentation for Python.
You can see a good example of how to interact with datastore in the Apache Beam Github repository.
These two other articles could be also interesting: 1 2.
I would presume that you have to loop through each one and update it as it's a NoSQL data store like mongo from what I can see. We have a system that uses SQL and Mongo and the demoralised data is a pain, we had to write migrations that would loop through all and update.

Microservice architecture for ETL

I am redesigning a small monolith ETL software written in Python. I find a microservice architecture suitable as it will give us the flexibility to use different technologies if needed (Python is not the nicest language for enterprise software in my opinion). So if we had three microservices (call them Extract, Transform, Load), we could use Java for Transform microservice in the future.
The problem is, it is not feasible here to pass the result of a service call in an API response (say HTTP). The output from Extract is going to be gigabytes of data.
One idea is to call Extract and have it store the results in a database (which is really what that module is doing in the monolith, so easy to implement). In this case, the service will return only a yes/no response (was the process successful or not).
I was wondering if there were a better way to approach this. What would be a better architecture? Is what I'm proposing reasonable?
If your ETL process works on individual records (some parallelize-able units of computation), then there are a lot of options you could go with, here are a few:
Messaging System-based
You could base your processing around a messaging system, like Apache Kafka. It requires a careful setup and configuration (depending on durability, availability and scalability requirements of your specific use-cases), but may give you a better fit than a relational db.
In this case, the ETL steps would work completely independently, and just consume some topics, produce into some other topics. Those other topics are then picked up by the next step, etc. There would be no direct communication (calls) between the E/T/L steps.
It's a clean and easy to understand solution, with independent components.
Off-the-shelf processing solutions
There are a couple of OTS solutions for data processing/computation and transformation: Apache Flink, Apache Storm, Apache Spark.
Although these solutions would obviously confine you to one particular technology, they may be better than building a similar system from scratch.
If the actual data is streaming/record-based, and it is not required to persist the results between steps, you could just get away with long-polling the HTTP output of the previous step.
You say it is just too much data, but that data doesn't have to go to the database (if it's not required), and could just go to the next step instead. If the data is produced continuously (not everything in one batch), on the same local network, I don't think this would be a problem.
This would be technically very easy to do, very simple to validate and monitor.
I would suggest you to have a look into the Apache flink, It is very similar to what big sized enterprise apps like informatica, talend and data stage mappings but it process in a smaller scale but repetitively. It actually helps you to compute and transform the stuff on the fly/as they arrive and then store/load into a file/db.
The current infra we have with flink process close 28.5GB per every 4 hours and it just works. In the initial days, we had to run our daily batch and the flink stream to ensure both of them are producing consistent results and eventually most of the streams were left active and the daily batches were retired gradually.
Hope it helps someone.
There's none preventing you to have an SFTP server containing CSV or database storing the results. You can do whatever make senses. Using messaging to pass gigabytes of data, or streaming through HTTP may or may not make senses for your case.
This is an interesting problem. The best solution for this could be Reactive Spring Boot. You can have your Extract service to be as a Reactive Spring Boot app and instead of sending GBs of data, stream the data to the required service.
Now you might be wondering that while streaming, it might hold on the working thread. The answer is NO. IT works at the OS level. It doesn't hold up any request thread to stream the results. That's the beauty of the Reactive Spring Boot.
Go through this and explore

Why is Spark faster than Hadoop Map Reduce

Can someone explain using the word count example, why Spark would be faster than Map Reduce?
bafna's answer provides the memory-side of the story, but I want to add other two important facts:DAG and ecosystem
Spark uses "lazy evaluation" to form a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of consecutive computation stages. In this way, the execution plan can be optimized, e.g. to minimize shuffling data around. In contrast, this should be done manually in MapReduce by tuning each MR step. (It would be easier to understand this point if you are familiar with the execution plan optimization in RDBMS or the DAG-style execution of Apache Tez)
Spark ecosystem has established a versatile stack of components to handle SQL, ML, Streaming, Graph Mining tasks. But in the hadoop ecosystem you have to install other packages to do these individual things.
And I want to add that, even if your data is too big for main memory, you can still use spark by choosing to persist you data on disk. Although by doing this you give up the advantages of in-memory processing, you can still benefit from the DAG execution optimization.
Some informative answers on Quora:
here and here.
I think there are three primary reasons.
The main two reasons stem from the fact that, usually, one does not run a single MapReduce job, but rather a set of jobs in sequence.
One of the main limitations of MapReduce is that it persists the full dataset to HDFS after running each job. This is very expensive, because it incurs both three times (for replication) the size of the dataset in disk I/O and a similar amount of network I/O. Spark takes a more holistic view of a pipeline of operations. When the output of an operation needs to be fed into another operation, Spark passes the data directly without writing to persistent storage. This is an innovation over MapReduce that came from Microsoft's Dryad paper, and is not original to Spark.
The main innovation of Spark was to introduce an in-memory caching abstraction. This makes Spark ideal for workloads where multiple operations access the same input data. Users can instruct Spark to cache input data sets in memory, so they don't need to be read from disk for each operation.
What about Spark jobs that would boil down to a single MapReduce job? In many cases also these run faster on Spark than on MapReduce. The primary advantage Spark has here is that it can launch tasks much faster. MapReduce starts a new JVM for each task, which can take seconds with loading JARs, JITing, parsing configuration XML, etc. Spark keeps an executor JVM running on each node, so launching a task is simply a matter of making an RPC to it and passing a Runnable to a thread pool, which takes in the single digits of milliseconds.
Lastly, a common misconception probably worth mentioning is that Spark somehow runs entirely in memory while MapReduce does not. This is simply not the case. Spark's shuffle implementation works very similarly to MapReduce's: each record is serialized and written out to disk on the map side and then fetched and deserialized on the reduce side.

Using Apache Spark to serve real time web services queries

We have a use case, where we are downloading large volumes (order of 100 gigabytes per day) of data from hundreds of data sources, massaging and processing this data and then exposing this data to our customers via RESTful API. Today the base data size is ca. 20TB and expected to grow heavily in the future.
For the massaging/processing part, we believe spark can be a very good choice for us. Now for exposing processed/massaged data through an API, one option is to store processed data to a read only database like ElephantDB and make web services to talk to ElephantDB (at least this is how Nathan has proposed in his Big Data book). I was just wondering what would be the implication of we make web services implementation to use SparkSQL to access processed data from Spark. What could be the architecture/design dangers in this case?
Every body is talking about Spark is fast and what not and using SparkSQL for interactive queries. But is it already in a stage to serve large volume of web services queries via SparkSQL where we have very strict SLA for latency serve hundreds and thousands of web services requests per second? If Apache Spark could handle this, we could avoid maintaining yet another system like ElephantDB or Cassandra or what not.
Would like to hear from the experts on this board.
If the results are stored in files, you have no indexes, and SparkSQL also doesn't create indexes. The only thing that can be somewhat fast is reading columns from Parquet files and caching tables.
But in general it's not a good use case to use SparkSQL to serve web requests simply because Spark wasn't made for that.
So you're batch processing the raw data, yes?
The ideal way would be to store the outcome on a key-value format, as you mention with ElephandDB, and also project Voldemort has been shown to be a good fit as read-only storage.
I recommend you to read this article (combining batch and realtime layers) by Nathan Marz: How to beat the CAP theorem
It has however been questioned by Jay Kreps in his article Questioning the Lambda Architecture. The main concern (with the lambda architecture) is that there is problematic to maintain the "same" system logic in different distributed systems to produce the same result.
But since you are using Spark, you can use the same logic with Spark Streaming. Which was not "in the market" when Nathan Marz and Jay Kreps wrote their articles.
You can still use SparkSQL to query the raw data interactively, but since Spark was first implemented as scheduled batch jobs, this will not be the perfect use case. But as you've probably noticed, is that it takes some time to submit spark jobs, this is an overhead that "kills" the idea of fast queries.
Please look into github.com/spark-jobserver/spark-jobserver, the job-server supports sub-second low-latency jobs via long-running job contexts. And can share Spark RDDs between different jobs, which can be proved to be very optimized for different interactive logic on the same dataset. Combine machine learning result and ad-hoc (SparkSQL) queries via HTTP requests. Read more about spark job-server, there are some talks about it online on different Spark Summits.

Service in front of Hadoop

I would like to expose a web service in front of Hadoop, that is used to forward data to Hadoop ecosystem. I have two branches in Hadoop, slower, that works on whole data periodically, and fast, that does some computation on every input, and stores the data for periodical job. But the user does not see the slower branch, and has a feeling that only the fast job is done, not knowing for the slower job that runs on data aggregated during time.
How to organize my architecture best? I am new to Hadoop architecture, I read about Oozie, and have a feeling that it can help me to some point. But I don't know how to connect the service with Hadoop, how to pass the data through service, since Hadoop works primarily on files, and is distributed system.
Data should get into system in a streaming fashion. There should be "real time" branch, that works with individual values that get into system, and they would also be accumulated for periodic batch processing.
Any help would be great, thanks.
You might want to look into hue . This provides a set of web front-ends: there's one for HDFS (the filesystem) where you can upload files; there are means to track jobs too.
If you aim more regular and automated putting of files into HDFS, please elaborate your question further: where and what is the data initially (logs? db? bunch of gzipped csv-s?), what should trigger retrieval/
One can as well use API-s to deal with the filesystem and to track jobs.
As for what oozie concerns, this is more of an orchestrating tool, use it to organize related jobs into workflows.