Dynamic allocation with C++'s "placement new" - c++

The question: How to use "placement new" for creating an array with dynamic size? or more specifically, how to allocate memory for array elements from a pre-allocated memory.
I am using the following code:
void* void_array = malloc(sizeof(Int));
Int* final_array = new(void_array) Int;
This guarantees that the final_array* (the array pointer) is allocated from the place that is reserved by void_array*. But what about the final_array elements? I want them to be allocated from a pre-allocated memory as well.
P.S: I have to say that I'm using some API that gives me some controls over a tile architecture. There is a function that works exactly like malloc, but also have other features, e.g. lets you control the properties of the allocated memory. So, what i basically need to do, is to use that malloc-like function to allocate memory with my desired properties (e.g. from which memory bank, to be cached where and etc.)

First off, let's make sure we all agree on the separation of memory allocation and object construction. With that in mind, let's assume we have enough memory for an array of objects:
void * mem = std::malloc(sizeof(Foo) * N);
Now, you cannot use placement array-new, because it is broken. The correct thing to do is construct each element separately:
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i)
new (static_cast<Foo*>(mem) + i) Foo;
(The cast is only needed for the pointer arithmetic. The actual pointer required by placement-new is just a void pointer.)
This is exactly how the standard library containers work, by the way, and how the standard library allocators are designed. The point is that you already know the number of elments, because you used it in the initial memory allocation. Therefore, you have no need for the magic provided by C++ array-new, which is all about storing the array size somewhere and calling constructors and destructors.
Destruction works in reverse:
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i)
(static_cast<Foo*>(mem) + i)->~Foo();
One more thing you must know about, though: Exception safety. The above code is in fact not correct unless Foo has a no-throwing constructor. To code it correctly, you must also store an unwind location:
std::size_t cur = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i, ++cur)
new (static_cast<Foo*>(mem) + i) Foo;
catch (...)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != cur; ++i)
(static_cast<Foo*>(mem) + i)->~Foo();

Instead of using a custom malloc, you should overwrite operator new() and use it. This is not operator new; there is a function actually called operator new(), confusing as it may seem, which is the function used by the normal (non-placement) operator new in order to get raw memory upon which to construct objects. Of course, you only need to overwrite it if you need special memory management; otherwise the default version works fine.
The way to use it is as follows, asuming your array size will be size:
Int* final_array = static_cast<Int*>(size == 0 ? 0 : operator new(sizeof(Int) * size));
Then you can construct and destroy each element independently. For instance, for element n:
// Create
new(final_array + n) Int; // use whatever constructor you want
// Destroy
(final_array + n)->~Int();


How to delete memory of a pointer to pointer in C++

Using Valgrind, I see that I have a problem while deleting the memory in the following function:
Obj1 Obj1::operator*(const Obj1& param) const {
int n = param.GetSize(2);
Obj2** s = new Obj2*[n];
for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
s[i] = new Obj2(*this*param.GetColumn(i+1));
Obj1 res = foo(s,n);
for(int i=n-1;i>-1;i--) {
delete[] s;
return res;
Valgrind tells me that the leak comes from the line
s[i] = new Obj2(*this*param.GetColumn(i+1));
I'm not pretty sure if the problem is when I try to free the memory. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?
s[i] = new Obj2(*this*param.GetColumn(i+1));
you create a dynamic object and assign s[i]to point to it.
In order to delete it, you do this:
delete s[i];
Unless you do that, the allocation will leak.
You must repeat that in a loop for every i just like you repeated the allocations. You of course have to do this before you delete s itself.
Don't do that. Calling the destructor is not appropriate here. delete will call the destructor.
P.S. Don't use raw owning pointers. Use containers or smart pointers instead. std::vector is a standard containers for dynamic arrays.
P.P.S. You should avoid unnecessary dynamic allocation. Your example doesn't demonstrate any need to allocate the pointed objects dynamically. So, in this case you should probably use std::vector<Obj2>.

Is it safe to use delete[] on an array that was allocated as a different type?

In order to use placement new instead of automatically attempting to call the default constructor, I'm allocating an array using reinterpret_cast<Object*>(new char[num_elements * sizeof(Object)]) instead of new Object[num_elements].
However, I'm not sure how I should be deleting the array so that the destructors get called correctly. Should I loop through the elements, call the destructor manually for each element, and then cast the array to a char* and use delete[] on that, like this:
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) {
delete[] reinterpret_cast<char*>(array);
Or is it sufficient if I don't call the destructor manually for each element, and simply rely on delete[] to do that since the type of the array is Object*, like delete[] array?
What I'm worried about, is that not every platform might be able to determine the amount of elements in the array correctly that way, because I didn't allocate the array using a type of the right size. An answer to a question about "how delete[] knows the size of the operand" suggests that a possible implementation of delete[] would be to store the number of allocated elements (rather than the amount of bytes).
If delete[] is indeed implemented that way, that would suggest that using just delete[] array would try to delete too many elements, because the array was created with more char elements than how many Object elements fit in it. So in that case, the only reliable way to delete the array would be to manually call the destructors, cast the array to a char*, and then use delete[].
However, another logical way to implement it would be to store the size of the array in bytes, rather than the amount of elements, and then when calling delete[], divide the size of the array by the size of the type to get the amount of elements to call the destructor of. If this method is used, then just using delete[] array where array has a type of Object* would be sufficient.
So my question is: can I rely on delete[] to correctly call the destructors of the elements in the operand array, if the array was originally not allocated with the right type?
This is the code I'm using:
template <typename NumberType>
NeuronLayer<NumberType>::NeuronLayer(size_t num_inputs, size_t num_neurons, const NumberType *weights)
: neurons(reinterpret_cast<Neuron<NumberType>*>(new char[num_neurons * sizeof(Neuron<NumberType>)])),
num_neurons(num_neurons), num_weights(0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_neurons; ++i) {
Neuron<NumberType> &neuron = neurons[i];
new(&neuron) Neuron<NumberType>(num_inputs, weights + num_weights);
num_weights += neuron.GetNumWeights();
template <typename NumberType>
NeuronLayer<NumberType>::~NeuronLayer() {
delete[] neurons;
template <typename NumberType>
NeuronLayer<NumberType>::~NeuronLayer() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_neurons; ++i) {
delete[] reinterpret_cast<char*>(neurons);
Calling delete[] on an Object* will call the destructor once for every object allocated by new[]. new Object[N] typically stores N before the actual array, and delete[] certainly knows where to look.
Your code doesn't store that count. And it can't, since it's an unspecified implementation detail where and how the count is stored. As you speculate, there are two obvious ways: element count and array size, and one obvious location (before the array). Even so, there could be alignment issues, and you can't predict what type is used for the size.
Also, new unsigned char[N] is a special case since delete[] doesn't need to call destructors of char. In that case new[] doesn't need to store N at all. So you can't even bank on that size being stored, even if new Object[N] would have stored a size.
Here is portable code that manages a dynamic array of objects. It's essentially std::vector:
void * addr = ::operator new(sizeof(Object) * num_elements);
Object * p = static_cast<Object *>(addr);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != num_elements; ++i)
::new (p + i) Object(/* some initializer */);
// ...
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != num_elements; ++i)
std::size_t ri = num_elements - i - 1;
(p + ri)->~Object();
::operator delete(addr);
This is general pattern how you should organize dynamic storage if you want to have very low-level control. The upshot is that dynamic arrays should never have been a language feature and are much better implemented in library. As I said above, this code is pretty much identical to the existing standard library gadget called std::vector<Object>.

Deleting array without calling destructors

I am working on an application with high performance and memory needs. With that I mean 80 cores and 500 GB of RAM. To save some memory, I use my own dynamic array (16 B overhead) as opposed to std::vector (24 B overhead), which matters if you have billions of them.
My question relates to expanding that array which looks like this:
template <class ArrType>
void DynamicArray<ArrType>::reallocate(unsigned newCapacity) {
if (newCapacity < _size) return;
if (capacity == newCapacity) return;
ArrType * newArray = new ArrType[newCapacity];
capacity = newCapacity;
//for (unsigned i = 0; i < _size; i++) {
// newArray[i] = array[i];
memcpy(newArray, array, _size * sizeof(ArrType));
if(array) delete [] array;
array = newArray;
As you can see, pretty standard reallocation, but I tested memcpy and it was about 10 times faster than using a for cycle. The problem is when I call delete, it will call destructors for objects of ArrType, which is a problem when ArrType has its own dynamic allocations. The copy in newArray will use deleted memory. Is there any way to delete the old array without calling destructors?
Replace your memcpy with:
std::move(array, array + _size, newArray);
And require that the type ArrType must have a correct move or copy assignment operator.
But in real life, just use vector<ArrType>.
In fact vector is better than this: rather than allocating an array (which runs a constructor if the type has one) and then move-assigning (which over-writes what new just did) it allocates raw memory and then uses the move constructor with placement new.
So, if you absolutely positively need a version of vector that uses a smaller type for size_type than the one in your implementation I suppose the thing to do is to re-implement vector under a new name with that change. You can use the source in your implementation to help you: that way you will have solutions in front of you to this problem and all the other problems involved.

How does an allocator create and destroy an array?

How does an allocator create and destroy and array, for example
int* someInt = someAllocator(3);
Where without the allocator it would just be
int* someInt = new int[3];
Where the allocator is responsible for create each element and ensuring the constructor will be called.
How is the internals for an allocator written without the use of new? Could someone provide and example of the function?
I do not want to just use std::vector as I am trying to learn how an allocator will create an array.
The problem of general memory allocation is a surprisingly tricky one. Some consider it solved and some unsolvable ;) If you are interested in internals, start by taking a look at Doug Lea's malloc.
The specialized memory allocators are typically much simpler - they trade the generality (e.g. by making the size fixed) for simplicity and performance. Be careful though, using general memory allocation is usually better than a hodge-podge of special allocators in realistic programs.
Once a block of memory is allocated through the "magic" of the memory allocator, it can be initialized at container's pleasure using placement new.
--- EDIT ---
The placement new is not useful for "normal" programming - you'd only need it when implementing your own container to separate memory allocation from object construction. That being said, here is a slightly contrived example for using placement new:
#include <new> // For placement new.
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
class A {
A(int x) : X(x) {
std::cout << "A" << std::endl;
~A() {
std::cout << "~A" << std::endl;
int X;
int main() {
// Allocate a "dummy" block of memory large enough for A.
// Here, we simply use stack, but this could be returned from some allocator.
char memory_block[sizeof(A)];
// Construct A in that memory using placement new.
A* a = new(memory_block) A(33);
// Yup, it really is constructed!
assert(a->X == 33);
// Destroy the object, wihout freeing the underlying memory
// (which would be disaster in this case, since it is on stack).
return 0;
This prints:
--- EDIT 2 ---
OK, here is how you do it for the array:
int main() {
// Number of objects in the array.
const size_t count = 3;
// Block of memory big enough to fit 'count' objects.
char memory_block[sizeof(A) * count];
// To make pointer arithmetic slightly easier.
A* arr = reinterpret_cast<A*>(memory_block);
// Construct all 3 elements, each with different parameter.
// We could have just as easily skipped some elements (e.g. if we
// allocated more memory than is needed to fit the actual objects).
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
new(arr + i) A(i * 10);
// Yup, all of them are constructed!
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
assert(arr[i].X == i * 10);
// Destroy them all, without freeing the memory.
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
return 0;
BTW, if A had a default constructor, you could try call it on all elements like this...
new(arr) A[count];
...but this would open a can of worms you really wouldn't want to deal with.
I've written about it in my second example here:
How to create an array while potentially using placement new
The difference is that the t_allocator::t_array_record would be managed by the allocator rather than the client.

Why does calling 'delete' in a specific way on a dynamic array not work?

I'm wondering why this code doesn't work:
void KeyValueList::Release()
//(m_ppKeyValueList is a dynamic array of pointers to objects on the heap)
if (m_ppKeyValueList) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
if (m_ppKeyValueList[i]) {
delete m_ppKeyValueList[i];
/*delete[] m_ppKeyValueList;*/
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
delete (m_ppKeyValueList + i);
Why can't we iterate the dynamic array and delete it in this way?
A dynamic array is more than just a sequence of elements. It contains information about the array size as well. Moreover, there is just one chunk of memory known to the allocator. So just like with any dynamic memory, you can only free what you allocated, not smaller subsets of it.
That's why the language requires that you only invoke delete[] on a pointer obtained from a new[] expression, and that that is the only way to deallocate that memory.
Simple answer: because the language specifications say that you do that with a delete[].
Better answer: because after all for the heap manager the array pointed by m_ppKeyValueList is a single large allocation, not m_iCapacity consecutive small allocations, so you just have to tell it where the allocated block begins and it will deallocate it as a whole (after calling the single destructors if needed); if it kept each element as a single separated allocation into the allocated block lists it would be a stupid waste of resources (and if it used a bitmap for this it probably wouldn't have enough granularity to support this silly allocation scheme).
Because new int[5] allocates one contiguous block big enough to hold 5 ints. new int 5 times allocates 5 small blocks, each big enough to hold a single int. The number of deallocations must equal the number of allocations.
Case 1: m_ppKeyValueList is "a dynamic array of pointers to objects on the heap"
In this case you do need to delete m_ppKeyValueList piece by piece. If this is what you meant, your declaration will be of the form SomeType ** m_ppKeyValueList; Your allocation and deallocation should like
m_ppKeyValueList = new SomeType*[m_iCapacity];
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
m_ppKeyValueList[ii] = new SomeType;
for (int i = 0; i < m_iCapacity; ++i) {
delete m_ppKeyValueList[ii];
delete[] m_ppKeyValueList;
However, that your code fails suggests that you do not have "a dynamic array of pointers to objects on the heap."
Case 2: m_ppKeyValueList is a dynamic array of objects on the heap
Here your declaration will be of the form SomeType * m_ppKeyValueList; Instead of allocating this piece by piece your allocation and deallocation take on a much simpler form:
m_ppKeyValueList = new SomeType[m_iCapacity];
delete[] m_ppKeyValueList;
Bottom line:
Your allocations and deallocations need to match one another in number and in form. If you allocate something with new you need to destroy it with delete. If you allocate it with new[] you need to destroy it with delete[].