Warning for inexact floating-point constants - c++

Questions like "Why isn't 0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1 = 0.8?" got me thinking that...
... It would probably be nice to have the compiler warn about the floating-point constants that it rounds to the nearest representable in the binary floating-point type (e.g. 0.1 and 0.8 are rounded in radix-2 floating-point, otherwise they'd need an infinite amount of space to store the infinite number of digits).
I've looked up gcc warnings and so far found none for this purpose (-Wall, -Wextra, -Wfloat-equal, -Wconversion, -Wcoercion (unsupported or C only?), -Wtraditional (C only) don't appear to be doing what I want).
I haven't found such a warning in Microsoft Visual C++ compiler either.
Am I missing a hidden or rarely-used option?
Is there any compiler at all that has this kind of warning?
EDIT: This warning could be useful for educational purposes and serve as a reminder to those new to floating-point.

There is no technical reason the compiler could not issue such warnings. However, they would be useful only for students (who ought to be taught how floating-point arithmetic works before they start doing any serious work with it) and people who do very fine work with floating-point. Unfortunately, most floating-point work is rough; people throw numbers at the computer without much regard for how the computer works, and they accept whatever results they get.
The warning would have to be off by default to support the bulk of existing floating-point code. Were it available, I would turn it on for my code in the Mac OS X math library. Certainly there are points in the library where we depend on every bit of the floating-point value, such as places where we use extended-precision arithmetic, and values are represented across more than one floating-point object (e.g., we would have one object with the high bits of 1/π, another object with 1/π minus the first object, and a third object with 1/π minus the first two objects, giving us about 150 bits of 1/π). Some such values are represented in hexadecimal floating-point in the source text, to avoid any issues with compiler conversion of decimal numerals, and we could readily convert any remaining numerals to avoid the new compiler warning.
However, I doubt we could convince the compiler developers that enough people would use this warning or that it would catch enough bugs to make it worth their time. Consider the case of libm. Suppose we generally wrote exact numerals for all constants but, on one occasion, wrote some other numeral. Would this warning catch a bug? Well, what bug is there? Most likely, the numeral is converted to exactly the value we wanted anyway. When writing code with this warning turned on, we are likely thinking about how the floating-point calculations will be performed, and the value we have written is one that is suitable for our purpose. E.g., it may be a coefficient of some minimax polynomial we calculated, and the coefficient is as good as it is going to get, whether represented approximately in decimal or converted to some exactly-representable hexadecimal floating-point numeral.
So, this warning will rarely catch bugs. Perhaps it would catch an occasion where we mistyped a numeral, accidentally inserting an extra digit into a hexadecimal floating-point numeral, causing it to extend beyond the representable significand. But that is rare. In most cases, the numerals we use are either simple and short or are copied and pasted from software that has calculated them. On some occasions, we will hand-type special values, such as 0x1.fffffffffffffp0. A warning when an extra “f” slips into that numeral might catch a bug during compilation, but that error would almost certainly be caught quickly in testing, since it drastically alters the special value.
So, such a compiler warning has little utility: Very few people will use it, and it will catch very few bugs for the people who do use it.

The warning is in the source: when you write float, double, or long double including any of their respective literals. Obviously, some literals are exact but even this doesn't help much: the sum of two exact values may inexact, e.g., if the have rather different scales. Having the compiler warn about inexact floating point constants would generate a false sense of security. Also, what are you meant to do about rounded constants? Writing the exact closest value explicitly would be error prone and obfuscate the intent. Writing them differently, e.g., writing 1.0 / 10.0 instead of 0.1 also obfuscates the intent and could yield different values.

There will be no such compiler switch and the reason is obvious.
We are writing down the binary components in decimal:
First fractional bit is 0.5
Second fractional bit is 0.25
Third fractional bit is 0.125
Do you see it ? Due to the odd endings with the number 5 every bit needs
another decimal to represent it exactly. One bit needs one decimal, two bits
needs two decimals and so on.
So for fractional floating points it would mean that for most decimal numbers
you need 24(!) decimal digits for single precision floats and
53(!!) decimal digits for double precision.
Worse, the exact digits carry no extra information, they are pure artifacts
caused by the base change.
Noone is going to write down 3.141592653589793115997963468544185161590576171875
for pi to avoid a compiler warning.

I don't see how a compiler would know or that the compiler can warn you about something like that. It is only a coincidence that a number can be exactly represented by something that is inherently inaccurate.


How to express float constants precisely in source code

I have some C++11 code generated via a code generator that contains a large array of floats, and I want to make sure that the compiled values are precisely the same as the compiled values in the generator (assuming that both depend on the same float ISO norm)
So I figured the best way to do it is to store the values as hex representations and interpret them as float in the code.
Edit for Clarification: The code generator takes the float values and converts them to their corresponding hex representations. The target code is supposed to convert back to float.
It looks something like this:
const unsigned int data[3] = { 0x3d13f407U, 0x3ea27884U, 0xbe072dddU};
float const* ptr = reinterpret_cast<float const*>(&data[0]);
This works and gives me access to all the data element as floats, but I recently stumbled upon the fact that this is actually undefined behavior and only works because my compiler resolves it the way I intended:
The standard basically says that reinterpret_cast is not defined between POD pointers of different type.
So basically I have three options:
Use memcopy and hope that the compiler will be able to optimize this
Store the data not as hex-values but in a different way.
Use std::bit_cast from C++20.
I cannot use 3) because I'm stuck with C++11.
I don't have the resources to store the data array twice, so I would have to rely on the compiler to optimize this. Due to this, I don't particularly like 1) because it could stop working if I changed compilers or compiler settings.
So that leaves me with 2):
Is there a standardized way to express float values in source code so that they map to the exact float value when compiled? Does the ISO float standard define this in a way that guarantees that any compiler will follow the interpretation? I imagine if I deviate from the way the compiler expects, I could run the risk that the float "neighbor" of the number I actually want is used.
I would also take alternative ideas if there is an option 4 I forgot.
How to express float constants precisely in source code
Use hexadecimal floating point literals. Assuming some endianess for the hexes you presented:
float floats[] = { 0x1.27e80ep-5, 0x1.44f108p-2, -0x1.0e5bbap-3 };
If you have the generated code produce the full representation of the floating-point value—all of the decimal digits needed to show its exact value—then a C++ 11 compiler is required to parse the number exactly.
C++ 11 draft N3092 2.14.4 1 says, of a floating literal:
… The exponent, if present, indicates the power of 10 by which the significant [likely typo, should be “significand”] part is to be scaled. If the scaled value is in the range of representable values for its type, the result is the scaled value if representable, else the larger or smaller representable value nearest the scaled value, chosen in an implementation-defined manner…
Thus, if the floating literal does not have all the digits needed to show the exact value, the implementation may round it either upward or downward, as the implementation defines. But if it does have all the digits, then the value represented by the floating literal is representable in the floating-point format, and so its value must be the result of the parsing.
I have read some very valuable information here and would like to throw in an option that does not strictly answer the question, but could be a solution.
It might be problematic, but if so, I would like to discuss it.
The simple solution would be: Leave it as it is.
A short rundown of why I am hesitant about the suggested options:
memcpy relies on the compiler to optimize away the actual copy and understand that I only want to read the values. Since I am having large arrays of data I would want to avoid a surprise event in which a compiler setting would be changed that suddenly introduces increased runtime and would require a fix on short notice.
bit_cast is only available from C++20. There are reference implementations but they basically use memcpy under the hood (see above).
hex float literals are only available from C++17
Directly writing the floats precisely... I don't know, it seems to be somewhat dangerous, because if I make a slight mistake I may end up with a data block that is slightly off and could have an impact on my classification results. A mistake like that would be a nightmare to spot.
So why do I think I can get away with an implementation that is strictly speaking undefined? The rationale is that the standard may not define it, but compiler manufacturers likely do, at least the ones I have worked with so far gave me exact results. The code has been running without major problems for a fairly long time, across dozens of code generator run and I would expect that a failed reinterpret_cast would break the conversion so severely that I would spot the result in my classification results right away.
Still not robust enough though. So my idea was to write a unit test that contains a significant number of hex-floats, do the reinterpret_cast and compare to reference float values for exact correspondence to tell me if a setting or compiler failed in this regard.
I have one doubt though: Is the assumption somewhat reasonable that a failed reinterpret_cast would break things spectacularly, or are the bets totally off when it comes to undefined behavior?
I am a bit worried that if the compiler implementation defines the undefined behavior in a way that it would pick a float that is close the hex value instead of the precise one (although I would wonder why), and that it happens only sporadically so that my unit test misses the problems.
So the endgame would be to unit test every single data entry against the corresponding reference float. Since the code is generated, I can generate the test as well. I think that should put all my worries to rest and make sure that I can get this to work across all possible compilers and compiler settings or be notified if anything breaks.

Rounding error using the floor function in C++

I was asked what will be the output of the following code:
It returns 12.
I know that the floating point representation does not allow to represent all numbers with infinite precision and that I should expect some discrepancies.
My questions are:
How should I know that this piece of code returns 12, not 13? Why is (0.7+0.6)*10 a bit less than 13, not a bit more?
When can I expect the floor function to work incorrectly and when it works correctly for sure?
Note: I'm not asking how floating representation looks like or why the output isn't exactly 13. I'd like to know how should I infer that (0.7+0.6)*10 is a bit less than 13.
How should I know that this piece of code returns 12, not 13? Why is (0.7+0.6)*10 a bit less than 13, not a bit more?
Assume that your compilation platform uses strictly the IEEE 754 standard formats and operations. Then, convert all the constants involved to binary, keeping 53 significant digits, and apply the basic operations, as defined in IEEE 754, by computing the mathematical result and rounding to 53 significant binary digits at each step. A computer does not need to be involved at any stage, but you can make your life easier by using C99's hexadecimal floating-point format for input and output.
When can I expect the floor function to work incorrectly and when it works correctly for sure?
floor() is exact for all positive arguments. It is working correctly in your example. The behavior that surprises you does not originate with floor and has nothing to do with floor. The surprising behavior starts with the fact that 6/10 and 7/10 are not representable exactly as binary floating-point values, and continues with the fact that since these values have long expansions, floating-point operations + and * can produce a slightly rounded result wrt the mathematical result you could expect from the arguments they are actually applied to. floor() is the only place in your code that does not involve approximation.
Example program to see what is happening:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void) {
0.7 + 0.6,
IEEE 754 double-precision is really defined with respect to binary, but for conciseness the significand is written in hexadecimal. The exponent after p represents a power of two. For instance the last two results are both of the form <number roughly halfway between 1 and 2>*23.
0x1.8p+3 is 12. The next integer, 13, is 0x1.ap+3, but the computation does not quite reach that value, and so the behavior of floor() is to round down to 12.
How should I know that this piece of code returns 12, not 13?
You should know that it can and may be either 12 or 13. You can verify by testing on a given cpu.
You can not know what the value will be, in general, because the C++ standard does not specify the representation of floating point numbers. If you know the format on given architecture (let's say IEEE 754), then you can perform the calculation by hand, but that result would only apply to that particular representation.
Why is (0.7+0.6)*10 a bit less than 13, not a bit more?
It's an implementation detail and not useful knowledge to the programmer. All you need to know that it may be either. Relying on the knowledge that it's one or the other, would make you depend on the implementation detail.
When can I expect the floor function to work incorrectly and when it works correctly for sure?
It always works correctly, that is accroding to how it's specified to work.
Now, speaking of the value that you are expecting to see. If you know that your number is very close to an integer, but might be off a little bit due to representation error, you can add 0.5 before flooring.
double calculated_integer = (0.7+0.6)*10;
floor(calculated_integer + 0.5);
That way, you will always get the expected value, unless the error exceeds 0.5, which would be quite a big error.
If you don't know that the result should be an integer, then you simply have to accept the fact that floor and ceil operations increase the maximum error of your calculation to 1.0.
There are standard like the IEEE floating point standard which try to make floating point calculations at least a little bit predictive
by defining rules how operations like additions and rounding should be implemented.
To know the result, you need to compute the expression
according to the standard rules. Then you can be sure, that
it gives the same result on every machine, that implements the standard.
How should I know that this piece of code returns 12, not 13?
Since that depends on the numbers involved, by trying.
Why is (0.7+0.6)*10 a bit less than 13, not a bit more?
Well, because that's the result of the calculation.
When can I expect the floor function to work incorrectly and when it works correctly for sure?
Correctly for sure: on multiples of powers of two only, iff your floating point number is represented in binary.
To really take all the confusion out of this:
You cannot know the result without calculating it; it depends on both the machine/algorithmics involved and the numbers.
Very short answer: You can not. It depends on the platform and the float iso that is used on this platform.
In general, you can't. The fundamental problem is that the conversion from text representation to floating-point value is often not implemented as accurately as it could be. That's in part momentum, and in part because getting the floating-point value that's closest to the value expressed in text can be expensive, in some cases requiring large integer calculations. So conversions are often off by a few ULPs (i.e., low-end bits) from the ideal value, in ways that you can't predict a priori. So the question of what that code will produce is unanswerable. The question of what it should produce may be a bit more tractable, but it's still an exercise in time-wasting.

converting floating point values to ascii and back again without introducing errors

At first sight, this seems trivial, but the usual (radix 2 <-> radix 10) FP<->ASCII conversions cannot always be done without introducing errors. Granted, these are small, but what options exist to make the conversions to and from ASCII perfect, that is, what are the possibilities of making the conversions, without introducing any error at all? I was thinking about base64 encoding, or bit-encoding (e.g. something like 11110101010...), both of these would preserve the radix.
EDIT: Since I can't answer myself, here's what I had in mind:
double d{.1};
auto const s(::std::to_string(*reinterpret_cast<::std::uint64_t*>(&d)));
::std::uint64_t n(::std::stoull(s));
auto const e(*reinterpret_cast<double*>(&n));
assert(d == e);
What do you mean exactly by "without introducing errors"? If it
is for the machine to reread later, 17 digits precision
guarantees round trip: the actual value in the text will not be
the exact value of the double, but it will be closer to the
original double value than to any other double value, so
reconversion to double will result in the initial value. If you
have access to C++11, you can also set the format to output the
value in hex:
std::cout.setf( std::ios_base::fixed | std::ios_base::scientific,
std::ios_base::floatfield );
In this case, the output should be exact, regardless of the
If it is for humans to read, and know the exact value, there is
nothing in the standard library which will guarantee this. In
theory, outputting 53 digits should suffice, but the neither the
C++ standard nor the IEEE standard require the implementation to
guard against rounding errors in the conversion routine at this
precision, and some implementations just append a sufficiently
large number of '0' after the 19th or 20th digit, rather than
waste runtime calculating incorrect values.
I think the question you are asking is how to round-trip a floating point double value via an ASCII (string) representation. I agree, for this purpose printing the number in fixed or floating point decimal notation is completely unsuitable.
If you don't care what the string looks like then the simple solution is to just treat the 8 byte double as two integers. Two hex integers will occupy 16 character positions. With practice you can even read one of these and estimate the value.
The same thing in Base-64 just reduces the number of character positions (to 11/12). The number formatted this way is quite unreadable.
There are other ways, but why bother? These should suffice.

Does the dot in the end of a float suggest lack of precision?

When I debug my software in VS C++ by stepping the code I notice that some float calculations show up as a number with a trailing dot, i.e.:
One operation that lead up to this result is this:
float result = pow(10, a * 0.1f) / b
where a is a large negative number around -50 to -100 and b is most often around 1. I read some articles about problem with precision when it comes to floating-points. My question is just if the trailing dot is a Visual-Studio-way of telling me that the precision is very low on this number, i.e. in the variable result. If not, what does it mean?
This came up at work today and I remember that there was a problem for larger numbers so this did to occur every time (and by "this" I mean that trailing dot). But I do remember that it happened when there was seven digits in the number. Here they wright that the precision of floats are seven digits:
C++ Float Division and Precision
Can this be the thing and Visual Studio tells me this by putting a dot in the end?
I THINK I FOUND IT! It says "The mantissa is specified as a sequence of digits followed by a period". What does the mantissa mean? Can this be different on a PC and when running the code on a DSP? Because the thing is that I get different results and the only thing that looks strange to me is this period-thing, since I don't know what it means.
If you're referring to the "sig figs" convention where "4.0" means 4±0.1 and "4.00" means 4±0.01, then no, there's no such concept in float or double. Numbers are always* stored with 24 or 53 significant bits (7.22 or 15.95 decimal digits) regardless of how many are actually "significant".
The trailing dot is just a decimal point without any digits after it (which is a legal C literal). It either means that
The value is 1232432.0 and they trimed the unnecessary trailing zero, OR
Everything is being rounded to 7 significant digits (in which case the true value might also be 1232431.5, 1232431.625, 1232431.75, 1232431.875, 1232432.125, 1232432.25, 1232432.375, or 1232432.5.)
The real question is, why are you using float? double is the "normal" floating-point type in C(++), and float a memory-saving optimization.
* Pedants will be quick to point out denormals, x87 80-bit intermediate values, etc.
The precision is not variable, that is simply how VS is formatting it for display. The precision (or lackof) is always constant for a given floating point number.
The MSDN page you linked to talks about the syntax of a floating-point literal in source code. It doesn't define how the number will be displayed by whatever tool you're using. If you print a floating-point number using either printf or std:cout << ..., the language standard specifies how it will be printed.
If you print it in the debugger (which seems to be what you're doing), it will be formatted in whatever way the developers of the debugger decided on.
There are a number of different ways that a given floating-point number can be displayed: 1.0, 1., 10.0E-001, and .1e+1 all mean exactly the same thing. A trailing . does not typically tell you anything about precision. My guess is that the developers of the debugger just used 1232432. rather than 1232432.0 to save space.
If you're seeing the trailing . for some values, and a decimal number with no . at all for others, that sounds like an odd glitch (possibly a bug) in the debugger.
If you're wondering what the actual precision is, for IEEE 32-bit float (the format most computers use these days), the next representable numbers before and after 1232432.0 are 1232431.875 and 1232432.125. (You'll get much better precision using double rather than float.)

Preventing Rounding Errors

I was just reading about rounding errors in C++. So, if I'm making a math intense program (or any important calculations) should I just drop floats all together and use only doubles or is there an easier way to prevent rounding errors?
Obligatory lecture: What Every Programmer Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.
Also, try reading IEEE Floating Point standard.
You'll always get rounding errors. Unless you use an infinite arbitrary precision library, like gmplib. You have to decide if your application really needs this kind of effort.
Or, you could use integer arithmetic, converting to floats only when needed. This is still hard to do, you have to decide if it's worth it.
Lastly, you can use float or double taking care not to make assumption about values at the limit of representation's precision. I'd wish this Valgrind plugin was implemented (grep for float)...
The rounding errors are normally very insignificant, even using floats. Mathematically-intense programs like games, which do very large numbers of floating-point computations, often still use single-precision.
This might work if your highest number is less than 10 billion and you're using C++ double precision.
if ( ceil(10000*(x + 0.00001)) > ceil(100000*(x - 0.00001))) {
x = ceil(10000*(x + 0.00004)) / 10000;
This should allow at least the last digit to be off +/- 9. I'm assuming dividing by 1000 will always just move a decimal place. If not, then maybe it could be done in binary.
You would have to apply it after every operation that is not +, -, *, or a comparison. For example, you can't do two divisions in the same formula because you'd have to apply it to each division.
If that doesn't work, you could work in integers by scaling the numbers up and always use integer division. If you need advanced functions maybe there is a package that does deterministic integer math. Integer division is required in a lot of financial settings because of round off error being subject to exploit like in the movie "The Office".