Regular expression search and replace in multiple files (bulk) - without opening files - regex

I normally use Notepad++ to search and replace what I need (regex), however, I have to open all the files that I need, in order to replace what is needed to be replaced.. My question is how can I do that in bulk (multiple) files, in a folder, without opening any of the files? Is there a good freeware to do that with? or something like creating .bat or .pl file, and run it in the folder to execute the replace? If so, how can it be done?
Simple example:
<b>(\d+\. )</b>
This regex removes the bold tag in numbers.
How can it be done for bulk files without using NP++ under Windows?

Use Notepad++'s own Find in files function, that you can find in the Find menu.

This can be done with this perl oneliner:
perl -pi.back -e 's#<b>(\d+\.\d+)</b>#$1#g;' file*
This will process all files that have their name beginning with file and save them before into fileX.back.


Find and replace pattern in large number of files

I want to replace text in about 80.000 log files using a regex. I love the batch search and replace of VSCode. I was unable to do this with VSCode, because it did not seem to handle this amount of data well. Any suggestion how I could do this with VSCode? Are there suggestions for alternatives?
Instead of depending on a GUI based tool, it might be easier to for a CLI tool for this.
If you're using Linux, or willing to install any of the tools like sed and find if you're on Windows then it should be relatively simple.
You can use sed which is a command line tool on all (or at least most) distributions of Linux, and can be installed on Windows.
Usage (for this use case):
sed -i s/{pattern}/{replacement}/g {file}
Use sed to replace the matched pattern with a replacement, using the global modifier to match all results, and the file to do the replacement and overwrite.
To target all files in a directory you can do:
find -type f -name "*.log" exec sed -i s/{pattern}/{replacement}/g {};
Find items recursively starting from the current directory where it's type is file, and it has a name ending with .log. Then use sed to replace the pattern with the contents you want for each matched file.
You can find how to get tools like sed and find for Windows on the following question:

Text replacement in all the files in a directory

In windows 2008, we have multiple files in a directory. The files are having paths as contents and those texts should be replaced with other string.Find example below:
The files are having the paths like:
C:\Apps\ etc\A1\X.exe should be replaced with C:\Apps\ exe\X.exe
C:\Apps\ etc\B1\Y.exe should be replaced with C:\Apps\ exe\Y.exe
I am trying to find a single command which will replace the bold lettered strings as mentioned above.
In case of normal strings I use the below command and it works:
perl -i.bak -pe "BEGIN{#ARGV = map glob, #ARGV} s/string1/string2/g" ./*.txt
But the current requirement seems to use regular expression for which I am not able to find a solution.
Just replace etc\ followed by anything up to a \ again with just exe:

How to hgignore all files of a particular extension except in one directory and its subdirectories?

I would like to use the .hgignore file of Mercurial to ignore all files with file extension .tex, except those .tex files in one particular directory and whatever subdirectory of this directory.
I presume syntax: regexp will be required for this.
A brief explanation of the particular regular expression used, would also be very welcome, so that we can all learn a bit here.
Let's say you want to exclude the directory named exclude. The following regex would then match all files that end in .tex unless exclude/ comes somewhere before that:

Automatically fix filename cases in C++ codebase?

I am porting a C++ codebase which was developed on a Windows platform to Linux/GCC. It seems that the author didn't care for the case of filenames, so he used
#include "somefile.h"
instead of
#include "SomeFile.h"
to include the file which is actually called "SomeFile.h". I was wondering if there is any tool out there to automatically fix these includes? The files are all in one directory, so it would be easy for the tool to find the correct names.
EDIT: Before doing anything note that I'm assuming you either have copies of the files off ot the side or preferably that you have a baseline version in source control should you need to roll back for any reason.
You should be able to do this with sed: Something like sed -i 's/somefile\.h/SomeFile.H/I' *.[Ch]
This means take a case-insensitive somefile (trailing /I) and do an in-place (same file) replacement (-i) with the other text, SomeFile.H.
You can even do it in a loop (totally untested):
for file in *.[Ch]
sed -i "s/$file/$file/I" *.[Ch]
I should note that although I don't believe this applies to you, Solaris sed doesn't support -i and you'd have to install GNU sed or redirect to a file and rename.
Forgive my, I'm away from my linux environment right now so I can't test this myself, but I can tell you what utilities you would need to use to do it.
Open a terminal and use cd to navigate to the correct directory.
cd ~/project
Get a list of all of the .h files you need. You should be able to accomplish this with the shell's wildcard expansion without any effort.
ls include/*.h libs/include/*.h
Get a list of all of the files in the entire project (.c, .cpp, .h, .whatever), anything that can #include "header.h". Again, wildcard expansion.
ls include/*.h libs/include/*.h *.cpp libs/*.cpp
Iterate over each file in the project with a for loop
for f in ... # wildcard file list
echo "Looking in $f"
Iterate over each header file with a for loop
for h in ... # wildcard header list
echo "Looking for $h"
For each header in each project file, use sed to search for #include "headerfilename.h", and replace with #include "HeaderFileName.h" or whatever the correct case is.
Warning: Untested and probably dangerous: This stuff is a place to start and should be thoroughly tested before use.
h_escaped=$(echo $h | sed -e 's/\([[\/.*]\|\]\)/\\&/g') # escapes characters in file name
argument="(^\s*\#include\s*\")$h_escaped(\"\s*\$)" # I think this is right
sed -i -e "s/$argument/\$1$h\$2/gip"`
Yes, I know it looks awful.
Things to consider:
Rather than going straight to running this on your production codebase, test it thoroughly first.
sed can eat files like a VCR can eat tapes.
Make a backup.
Make another backup.
This is an O(N^2) operation involving hard disk access, and if your project is large it will run slowly. If your project is not gigantic, don't bother, but if it is, consider doing something to pipe sed's output to other seds.
Your search should be case insensitive: it should match #include, #INCLUDE, #iNcLuDe, and any combination of case present in the existing header filename, as well as any amount of whitespace between the include and the header. Bonus points if you preserve whitespace.
Use Notepad++ to do a 'Find in Files' and replace.
From toolbar:
Search - Find in Files.
Then complete the 'Find what' and 'Replace with'.

Search and replace in *.aspx,*.ascx files when publishing a Webapplication

I'm attempting to replace a pattern in all my .aspx and .ascx file when I Publish my Webapplication.
When I am running the application locally, I don't care about the replace. But as soon as I need to Publish the solution I need a sequence of characters, let's say "ABC", replaced with "DEF" in all my .aspx and .ascx files.
How would I go about performing this?
You should create a separate script, that goes through your folder searching and loading all your .aspx and .ascx files, open them and replace all the needed stuff. I don't know how to do it in asp, but in actionscript it would look like fileText = fileText.replace(/ABC/g,"DEF");
perl -p -i -e 's/ABC/EDF/g' *.aspx
perl -p -i -e 's/ABC/EDF/g' *.ascx