Issues with makemessages -l en - django

I want to use multiple languages in my app
I do not want a locale file for english inside LOCALE folder but by mistake i have create this using this makemessages -l en
so Please tell me how can I remove this 'en' folder which I have creates.
Because now if i try to create language folder for another language using this makemessages -l es it does not create.

First of all there is no relation between having an english "en" directory in locale, and "es" not being created.
Secondly, if you want to remove en you could just remove that by rm -r en/
And es, as you are trying to do, has several variants.
probably you could try giving a a particular variant. This will help you with language codes.


Django makemessage not updating .po files for installed apps

I'm working with a current project that has existing .po files in "locale" directories in multiple installed app directories. Currently each locale directory is explicitly mentioned in the LOCALE_PATHS even though the docs state it will search for locale directories in each installed app. I wanted to remove the values in LOCALE_PATHS and just let normal discovery work, but it's not working.
If I clear out LOCALE_PATHS and run makemessages it appears like it's doing something (time is spent processing), but no file changes occur. If I do makemessages --keep-pot then I can see all the .pot files are actually being created, but it's not actually creating the .po files for each language. Only if I explicitly pass a -l de I then get an updated .po file for the language stated and a message stating "processing locale de". It SHOULD be able to look at the LANGUAGES setting or what files already exist and properly update them, but that appears to only happen if every locale directory is explicitly added into LOCALE_PATHS. If I have all the locale paths in LOCALE_PATHS then I can just run makemessages and all .po files are properly updated.
This is on Django 3.0
UPDATE: I upgraded to Django 3.2 LTS and still have the same issue except now I must add -a to makemessages or it does nothing. Previously it seemed to assume a -a if not provided.

Unable to find a locale path to store translations for file

I'm trying to translate a Django app. I created some strings with {% trans %} in my templates. However, when I execute the following command in my app folder, I receive an error message:
$ makemessages -l fr
CommandError: Unable to find a locale path to store translations for file`
What did I do wrong?
Turns out you need to create a locale folder first using mkdir locale. If you are running the command from within an app folder, you need a locale folder within that app folder.
Actually you can configure where the locale folder is. In your add:
PROJECT_ROOT + '/website/locale', )
Then create a folder for each of the languages you want to translate:
mkdir -p website/locale/de
The problem is that the command is not run from the app directory but from the project directory. This snippet from the docs explains it:
Turns out you need to create a locale folder first using mkdir locale.
./ makemessages […] Runs over the entire source tree of the current directory and pulls out all strings marked for translation. It creates (or updates) a message file in the conf/locale (in the Django tree) or locale (for project and application) directory.
So, you either run the command from the app directory:
$ cd app
$ django-admin makemessages -l <locale>
… or you define a project wide locale directory using LOCALE_PATHS and you can run makemessages from the main directory from there on.
Either way, you should check that the ./locale/directory is present and create it using
$ mkdir locale
in case it's not.
If you want per-app locale dirs, simply create them in every app dir with translation strings (that has files with translation strings) before running makemessages. And django will find them. No need to cd.
If you want one project-wide locale dir, create it in the project dir before running makemessages.
For me, I had LOCALE_PATHS set correctly, but I did not have the environment variables set. When I set the environment variables, I ran python makemessages -l de and it ran correctly.

How do I make django translate certain files?

I'm running makemessages -l es from within my app directory to create trnaslation strings. The result includes only those texts that are located in my app directory. My templates directory to that app is located outside the app's directory. How do I ask django to translate my template files too?
I didn't want to run the above command from within the project's dir, because my project contains certain folders that I do not want to translate.
Never mind, I found the answer. You have to create symlinks to the folders you want to get translated (i.e. templaets) and copy those symlinks to you apps directory and run the above command with --symlinks included.
If i understand correctly you'll need to use django's trans and blocktrans
template tags to translate certain strings of text.

Django: Internationalization, makemessages doesn't create po files

I have an application located in one folder, and templates for it in another one...
I have added translation strings to the templates (which are stored in templates directory, I have one directory for all templates in my application)
When I go to the application folder and run a script there:
silver:articles oleg$ makemessages -l ru
processing language ru silver:articles
I am getting empty
silver:articles oleg$ ls locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
silver:articles oleg$
And when I am running this command for example in project root, I am getting po file full made from python files (which seems strange to me because I thought it should be created from htmls)
makemessages always looks for strings marked for translation in python code files.
except for that, it looks in all .html files. maybe your templates have another extension? If that's the case you can use -e to specify other extension: makemessages -l=ru -e=html,htm,txt

Internationalization of python/django program: how to implement placeholder in .po file?

E.g. in my django source I have:
{% blocktrans %}You are a member since {{sincewhen}}{% endblocktrans %}
What should go into the .po file? (django docs don't explain this part as far as I could find)
Is .po format for placeholders universal for use in programs written in different programming languages?
edit: I've tried commands makemessages -l de -e=html,py compilemessages
This did not work because of a bug that I found and described here.
After this was fixed I could get the message files generated with the command above (if you have other file extensions - modify -e option accordingly.
Read this section: Message files
It explains how to generate .po files and gives an example: makemessages -l de
Make sure you read that whole section to get an idea of how to generate/edit these files. Also, if you're looking for a great tool to help you manage your translations (and even use Google translations to use as a starting place), check out django-rosetta.
python makemessages -l <target_language>
(or makemessages -a for all languages)
That'll automatically create all the msgid's in the po's, all that's left for you is to fill out the msgstr's.
.po is the standard format used by the gettext library, which is available in virtually every modern programming language.