direct.h documentation - c++

I'm trying to write a small block of code that prints out the files in a given directory. I've seen references to using the direct.h library to do this, but I cannot find any documentation whatsoever on the header file and its methods. Is this library outdated? And is there another way to list all filenames of a directory in C++?

It seems that this header functions are not designed for this task, See
Use FindFirstFile, FindNextFile and FindClose loop like in this example code

dirent.h is header which works cross platform. So I would recommend to use it instead of some Windows functions. On some compilers it's not included as a standart header, for example Visual Studio but you can use it.


How to get error.h in visual studio or equivalent?

I have large C++ project that I inherited and am trying to transfer it from Linux to Visual Studio on Windows. Managed to link required libraries, but one build error just baffles me.
In Linux, someone was including a header <error.h> everywhere, and I can't even find a documentation page to see what it is. First I thought is part of standard library, but I am now beginning to see it's a specific header for Linux OS.
So, how do I include it in Visual studio? I can't even find what it is and am tempted to just rearrange code to use stdexcept header, as the only thing these codes do is abort compilation and printout error messages by using some error(...) function from error.h.
error.h is a header from the GNU C Library. It is not specific to Linux, it is specific to glibc.
It is documented right here (search on the page for error.h).
The functions declared in error.h should not be used in portable code, so getting rid of code that uses them is not a bad idea. Alternatively, it is not difficult to implement them.

c++, List all files, dirent.h on Windows

in C++, what would be the best way to list all files of a directory on Windows?
On Linux or on Windows using gcc (e.g. MingW) this is easy possible with dirent.h, but what's the best way to do it on Windows when dirent.h is not available (e.g. Visual Studio)?
Should I force people do add a freely available implementation of dirent.h to their Visual Studio? Or should I write an alternative code for reading the files? If this, what would be the best code to do so?
dirent.h is a POSIX header. On Windows you use the Find*File*() functions in the Win32 API.
Something like Boost Filesystem would work across all of those situations.
To add to the answer above, Windows API is accessed via the windows.h header file included.

About C++ Libraries

When I install an IDE like VB for example, it has C++ libraries.
The question is, how to know the contents of a library (methods or manipulators) the way I am intended to do.
Where should a beginner find the contents formally? I found them in Wikipedia, but I want to know the original source (if we suppose that no internet connection is available).
MSDN would be a good source. And C++ Reference too.
You can donwload the current image of wiki at this address. It is updated daily.
Simple question here, when i install an IDE like vb for example, it has c++ libraries.
What libraries are you referring to?
where should a beginner find the contents formally?
Libraries that are meant for public consumption are described in their respective documentation. Where that documentation is found differs greatly. Most documentations for big public libraries are found online, on the official websites of these libraries, though.
Since the question explicitly mentioned C++, the C++ standard libraries are described at There is another large collection of C++ libraries, called Boost which is described on their homepage.
The libraries that ship with VB (which VB, though? VB.NET or VB6?) are Microsoft’s, and are therefore described on their developer network homepage, An offline copy of this documentation is installed with Visual Studio; however, the software used to navigate it is barely usable (especially when accessed via Visual Studio).
The original source are the header files (.h files). In these files you will find the functions declarations and class definitions. In some cases, like template code, you will also see the implementationl. In others, the implementation will be precompiled into a .dll or .lib file and you can't see it. But all available things are in the header file. To use its contents you must #include the header file and link against the implementation. For standard library, the linking is done for you by the IDE
Everything that comes with Visual Studio and its subset installations is documented on MSDN. Do you have more specific questions re the C++ libraries? Do you need info on Win32, C runtime (CRT), C++ standard library?
Every lib usually has a coupled header (.h) file that describes the signatures of methods and types available with that library. The library is linked (or dynamically loaded and linked) with the executable while the header is used during compilation to the purpose of static checking the source.
You should just look for an include folder and check its contents.
The contents of a library is contained in the headers which ship with your IDE.
The .h files contain just the function declarations. The source containing the definitions is already compiled, so when you include a header, the linker looks for the function definitions in the libraries that you have linked. Most of the libraries are open source, some of them are just specifications that anyone can implement for example OpenGL, and the standard library is a specification, too. The same goes for the C++ language. Then programmers use the specifications to write implementations (GCC, VC++).
Here you can download the source code of STL C++

Where can I see the code used in C++ standard libraries?

When I compile a program with #include
where can I see the contents of that file, and also since that file contains declarations, where can I see the actual code used in those functions?
Is it open to everyone or is it not available to the public?
The actual code is in the platform-specific standard libraries that come with your compiler, you can see it by looking at the standard library implementation source.
Here's the documentation (and source) for libstdc++ by GNU (it comes with gcc):
Download the source from one of these mirrors:
Generally the #included file is readable, but the library it implements is generally not readable. The include files on a mac are in /usr/include/c++.
The library code depends on the compiler. For Gnu C++ used in linux and Mac you can definitely see the code. You might have to download it. It is available at
I don't think Windows C++ library code is available.
It depends on what toolchain you are using, not every vendor is making his implementation public. You can have a look at the GNU C library for starters:
Dinkumware, the company behind the C++ standard template library that is used in Visual Studio for example, is offering a commercial product, thus the code is not available to everyone - it really depends on your license. Some versions of Visual Studio indeed ship with the source code of the runtime included.
As for the STL, there is also STLport, an open source STL implementation.
Your best bet will indeed be the projects that gcc/g++ depend on.
The C++ standard itself is just this: a standard. The implementation of which is done by many vendors. STLport and GNU libstdc++ are both open source and can be looked at as a whole. Visual Studio ships with Dinkumware C++ standard library. It is closed source.
Nevertheless, you can always see the source of the headers by opening the include directory of your C++ standard lib. The files are named just like you include them. Much of it is implemented in headers anyway. But are pretty much unreadable to the untrained eye.
But when it comes to using the C++ library don't depend on the exact source code of it, but rather on what the C++ standard says. Don't program to an implementation, but rather to the standard.
Run this command from your command line:
find /usr -name iostream
That will tell you the directory you want.
If you use something like Visual Studio, you can put a break point and then start line-by-line stepping through your code and it will open the included files as you go along. Quickest way into a file in my opinion. Otherwise you can find the code somewhere on your PC ... on mine its in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\crt\src\ostream for example, replacing ostream with iostream, sstream, etc (note that those are file names without extensions) but also if you look at the directory you'll see a lot of .h and .c files
All system headers ship with your compiler. On Linux systems, these can normally be found under /usr/include . On other platforms, the will normally live where you installed the compiler.
Commercial libraries do not normally ship source code. On linux, these can normally be found in the source pacakges.

Reading file names with C++

Is there a way to read file names from a folder using purely C (or C++)? That means without including windows.h (no FindFirstFile(), etc...).
It doesn't look like fstream has this functionality. I know that file names are operating system dependent, but I was hoping there is some library that will allow it in Windows.
boost filesystem is a nice solution. Of course under the hood, it will still be using the windows API calls (when you build on windows), but this is abstracted away from you.
C++ typically does not supply you with such functionality. A cross-platform solution is to use boost::filesystem.
Try the POSIX functions opendir() and readdir() for iterating through directories. See this link for the manual page with some great example code. These functions should be available on most platforms, both Windows and UNIX.
If you wish to use opendir() and readdir() on windows, you can download MinGW, a windows port of the famous GNU compiler collection. It includes windows ports of the UNIX header files, including dirent.h, which will allow you to use the specified functions. Keep in mind these will call native API's either way.