I'm looking to use "vanity" URLs to redirect to a login page, with a company logo on it.
The URL would be something like: companyname.domain.com
First, I need to query the requested URL to see if "companyname" exists, then either
serve the custom login page if it exists -OR-
show an error page if it doesn't.
The true destination will actually be something like www.domain.com/folder/. But again, I need to display the "vanity" URL throughout the whole application. Example:
I know I can probably figure it out by trial and error over some period of time. But being a self-taught CF-er, I thought to gain some advice on the "right way" to go about this task.
This is how I ended up doing what I was looking for. Thanks for all the input.
First I added a DNS A record to the domain.com zone like this: * site-ip-address-here
siteDomainName = cgi.http_host;
if (ListLen(siteDomainName, '.') gt 2) {
siteDomainName = ListFirst(siteDomainName,'.');
<cfif siteDomainName NEQ "www">
<cfquery name="qUrl" datasource="#dsn#">
SELECT id, pre
FROM table
WHERE pre = <cfqueryparam value="#siteDomainName#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
<cfif qUrl.recordCount GT 0>
<cflocation url="/folder/" addtoken="false">
<cflocation url="http://www.domain.com/error.cfm" addtoken="false">
If anyone has any comments on how it could've been done better, I'm always looking to learn something new.
I am severely new to ColdFusion... I have searched for help on this statement and have found a bunch of material, but still don't understand what is going on. All of the parts of this statement make sense, but when I put them all together, it's confusing... the ColdFusion 8: IsDefined("URL.variable) and is not"" thread is the closest, but I still don't understand. This is the 1st statement in the index.cfm file of my application. It's not throwing an error, I just want to understand how it works. Thank you.
I have yet to be able to successfully post code here, so here is a link to a text version of the index.cfm.
The code below should be the relevant sections related to URL.openFile
<cfif isdefined("URL.openFile")>
<cfquery name="getFile" datasource="xxxxxxxx">
SELECT filename, filename2, filecontent, filesize
FROM Help_FooterInfo
WHERE Help_id=5 and Section='Registration'
<cfset sproot=#getDirectoryFromPath(getTemplatePath())#>
<cfset newDest = #sproot#&"temp\">
<cfoutput query="getFile">
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=#getfile.FileName2#">
<cfcontent type="application/msword" variable="#getfile.filecontent#">
<cfquery name="getRegistration" datasource="xxxxxxxx">
select * from help_footerinfo where help_id=5
<a href="<cfif #getRegistration.filename2# neq "">index.cfm?openfile=Yes</cfif>" target="_blank">
The error message I am receiving (see comment below): ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (ColdFusion application)
<cfif IsDefined("URL.variable") and URL.variable is not "" >
means, "If url.variable actually exists and is not an empty string".
A better alternative for isDefined("URL.variable") is StructKeyExists(url,"variable").
Other alternatives for is not "" include len(trim(url.variable)) gt 0, and isNumeric(url.variable).
After trying for about an hour without success... (coldfusion8) a dummy question, but I*m stuck:
My URL (Jquery Mobile, no pushstate, that's why it looks like it is):
If I output:
<cfdump output="e:\website\dump.txt" label="catch" var="#url#">
I get this:
catch - struct
ID: 9900000003869
But how do i access it... I'm trying forever, nothing works:
<cfdump output="e:\website\dump.txt" label="catch" var="#id#">
<cfdump output="e:\website\dump.txt" label="catch" var="#ID#">
<cfdump output="e:\website\dump.txt" label="catch" var="#url.id#">
<cfdump output="e:\website\dump.txt" label="catch" var="#url.ID#">
<cfdump output="e:\website\dump.txt" label="catch" var="#StructGetValue(url,"id")d#">
Thanks for helping!
Ok... This works:
URL = http://www.page.de/test/mem/search.cfm#/test/mem/search.cfm?id=9900000003869
<cfset objRequest = GetPageContext().GetRequest() />
<cfset strUrl = right( objRequest.GetRequestUrl().Append( "?" & objRequest.GetQueryString() ).ToString(), 13)>
If someone finds an easier, please post. I will check as answer.
You're trying to read this from a txt file?
Can you not simply use:
<cfdump label="catch" var="#url.id#" />
Does that work?
Could you try capturing and formatting what you need first then after, writing it to the file?
For example, try using:
<cfsavecontent variable="myFileContents">
<cffile action="Write" file="e:\website\dump.txt" output="#myFileContents#" />
I have not tested this code, but give it a go and see!
Might want to put a check on that URL variable too using isDefined()
Good luck.
Doing some research on fragment identifiers (which is a new term to me :( )prompted by Peter and Duncan's comments, I've found from wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragment_identifier
The fragment identifier functions differently than the rest of the
URI: namely, its processing is exclusively client-side with no
participation from the server — of course the server typically helps
to determine the MIME type, and the MIME type determines the
processing of fragments. When an agent (such as a Web browser)
requests a resource from a Web server, the agent sends the URI to
the server, but does not send the fragment. Instead, the agent waits
for the server to send the resource, and then the agent processes the
resource according to the document type and fragment value.
now, being your client IS sending the fragment and the url variable is accessible to you for some reason, using it is done by my original post to follow.
is generally how you output a variable or other evaluations to the screen.
<cfset myName = "Travis">
<cfoutput>Hello, my name is #myName#</cfoutput>
You can also access the variable by using it in a statement that doesn't output anywhere.
<cfset myFullName = myName & " Mak">
You can also use the variables in a query
<cfquery name = "qSomeQuery" datasource = "#application.dsn#">
select * from table where id = #url.id#
However, that's the bad way to use it in a query, you should always use cfquery param.
<cfquery name = "qSomeQuery" datasource = "#application.dsn#">
select * from table where id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#url.id#">
The problem you're having in testing the variable is due to incorrect syntax.
<cfif isDefined("url.id")> verses <cfif isDefined(url.id)> a more accurate test is <cfif structKeyExists(url, "id")>
For some reason my CF server truncates everything in the url after the # but yours doesn't seem to have this problem. As your cfdump states, you can see your url variables so "accessing" the url variable is as easy as using it: #url.id# or testing it <cfif isDefined("url.id")>
I am making a user signup app for an ecomerce site, but I have run into a very odd problem. When I run this code:
<cfif isValid("email", form.email)>
<cfquery name="check_user" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT var_username, var_password
FROM tbl_users
WHERE var_username = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" value="#FORM.EMAIL#">
AND var_password = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" value="#FORM.PASSWORD#">
<cfif check_user.recordcount LT 1>
<cfquery datasource="#request.dsn#" name="insertuser">
INSERT INTO tbl_users (var_username, var_password)
(<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" value="#FORM.EMAIL#">,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" value="#FORM.PASSWORD#">)
<cflogin idletimeout="1800">
name = "#FORM.email#"
password ="#FORM.password#"
roles = "0">
<cflocation addtoken="No" url="#request.secure_url#checkout.cfm">
<cfset client.error_message = "Your Email Address is already registered.">
<cflocation addtoken="No" url="#request.site_url#New-Account.html">
<cfset client.error_message = "Your Email Address is not Valid.">
<cflocation addtoken="No" url="#request.site_url#New-Account.html">
What this code is supposed to do, is check to see if the email is already in the database, if its not, it then adds the email/password into the database then logs them in and moves them to the secure checkout site.
What the code is actually doing, is quite different though. It is checking to see if they are in the database, and then adding them, however, after it adds them to the database it skips the login and the cflocation and goes to the cfelse, going back to the original page "New-Account" and displaying the client.error_message.
How is it possible for the code to run the cfif check_user.recordcount and then part way through it skip to the cfelse?
Things I have done to try and narrow down whats happening-
It is getting pass the check_user statement and adding a user, because I have direct access to the database and after trying to signup a user, I delete it and try again (and notice that when I try to create it, it does create it), so I know its getting past the insertuser cfquery. I have changed the cflocation to redirect to google, but it doesnt, and I also have it show on the page whether or not I am logged in, so I know that it is skipping to the cfelse before the cflogin.
I would suggest commenting out all of your cflocations temporarily and seeing if your behaviour is the same. It could be that your login process doesn't finish before your cflocation starts.
Or, it could be that your page submits to itself correctly the first time, and then the second time hits the else clause.
There is nothing in your code that is obviously wrong to me.
I'm seriously considering moving away from CF8 cflogin because it is tied to the server that spawned the login. In a load balanced environment you're stuck with sticky sessions if you don't do a custom implementation.
Does anyone have any source that mimics CFLogin that writes to and is managed from the client scope? Maybe even a design that matches up well with a rename replace on isuserin[any]role.
What should I be thinking about when I consider writing a replacement implementation for CFLogin?
Here is a basic non cflogin approach using variables stored in the CLIENT scope. We use a similar approach for non-sticky sessions across our server cluster behind our load balancer.
This code should live in Application.cfc -> onRequestStart() method:
<!--- handle login *post* --->
<cfif structKeyExists(FORM, "pageaction") and FORM.pageAction eq "adminlogin">
<!--- attempt to log user in --->
<cfif loginSuccessful>
<!--- Set client variables for session management --->
<cfset CLIENT.lastHit = now() />
<cfset CLIENT.loggedIn = 1 />
<!--- redirect to home page --->
<!--- redirect to login page with message --->
<!--- all other requests, except for the login page --->
<cfelseif structKeyExists(CLIENT, "lasthit") and structKeyExists(COOKIE, "cfid") and structKeyExists(CLIENT, "cfid") and listLast(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME, "/") neq "login.cfm">
<!--- Check for timeout --->
<cfif (datediff("n", CLIENT.lastHit, now()) lte 10) and (CLIENT.loggedIn is 1) and (CLIENT.cfid is COOKIE.cfid)>
<!--- record last hit --->
<cfset CLIENT.lastHit = now() />
<!--- timeout! redirect to login page --->
<cflocation URL="http://mydomain/login.cfm" addtoken="false" />
There is user role stuff, but I hope this helps as a starting point.
I customized the CF Login Wizard through Dreamweaver to be portable and to use a db table for authentication and role management. Because of this,I can use it either as a single-user login, or multiple account logins. I never have used cflogin and haven't needed to. I just drop the files into the directory, customize the login credentials, and that is it. Works perfect every time.
I have a coldfusion web site I need to change. Have no idea or experience with this environment (I do know ASP.NET). All I need to do is to write a condition based on the referral value (the URL) of the page, and redirect to another page in some cases.
Can anyone give me an example of the syntax that would perform this?
All of the other examples would work...also if you're looking to redirect based on a referral from an external site, you may want to check CGI.HTTP_REFERER. Check out the CGI scope for several other options.
<cfif reFindNoCase('[myRegex]',cgi.http_referer)>
<cflocation url="my_new_url">
...my example uses a regex search (reFind() or reFindNoCase()) to check the referring URL...but you could also check it as a list with / as a delimiter (using listContainsNoCase()) depending on what you're looking for.
Lets assume your the URL variable you are basing this on is called goOn (http://yoursite.com?goOn=yes) then the following code would work:
<cfif structKeyExists(url, "goOn") AND url.goOn eq "yes">
<cflocation url="the_new_url" addtoken="false">
Nothing will happen after the cflocation.
There is a CGI variable scope in ColdFusion that holds information on the incoming request. Try the following:
<cfif CGI.SCRIPT_NAME EQ 'index.cfm'>
<cflocation url="where you want it to redirect" />
To see what else is available within the CGI scope, check out the following:
Haven't done coldfusion in a little while but:
<cfif some_condition_based_on_your_url>
<cflocation url="http://where_your_referrals_go">
<!--- continue processing for non-redirects --->
A dynamic version.
<cfif isdefined("somecondition")>
<cfset urlDestination = "someurl">
<cfelseif isdefined("somecondition")>
<cfset urlDestination = "someurl">
<cfset urlDestination = "someurl">
<cflocation url = urlDestination>