What NoSQL solution is recommended for mostly writing application? - concurrency

We planning to move some of writes our back-end will do from RDBMS to NoSQL, as we expect them to be the main bottleneck.
Our business process has 95%-99% concurrent writes, and only concurrent 1%-5% reads on average. There will be a massive amount of data involved, so in-memory NoSQL DB won't fit.
What NoSQL DB on-disk would be optimal for this case?

If the concurrent writes are creating conflicts and data integrity is an issue, NoSQL isn't probably your way to go. You can easily test this with a data management that supports "optimistic concurrency" as then you can measure the real life locking conflicts and analyze them in details.
I am a little bit surprised when you say that you expect problems" without any further details. Let me give you one answer: Based on the facts you gave us. What is 100,000 sources and what is the writing scenario? MySQl is not best example of handling scalable concurrent writes etc.
It would be helpful if you'd provide some kind of use case(s) or anything helping to understand the problem in details.
Let me take two examples: In memory database having an advanced write dispatcher, data versioning etc, can easily take 1M "writers" the writers being network elements and the application an advanced NMS system. Lots of writes, no conflicts, optimistic concurrency, in-memory write buffering up to 16GB's, async parallel writing to 200+ virtual spindles (SSD or magnetic disks) etc. A real "sucker" to eat new data! An excellent candidate to scale the performance to its limits.
2nd example: MSC having a sparse number space, e.g. mobile numbers being "clusters" of numbers. Huge number space, but max. 200M individual addresses. Very rare situations where there are conflicting writes. RDBMS was replaced with memory mapped sparse files. And the performance improvement was close to 1000x, yes 1000x in best case, and "only" 100x in worst case. The replacement code was roughly 300 lines of C. That was a True BigNoSQL, as it was a good fit to the problem to be solved.
So, in short, without knowing more details, there is no "silver bullet" to answer your question. We're not after warewolves here, it's just "big bad data". When we don't know if your workload is "transactional" aka. number or IO's and latency sensitive, or "BLOB like" aka. streaming media, geodata etc, it would give 100% wrong results to promise anything. Bandwidth and io-rate/latency/transactions are more or less a trade-off in real life.
See for example http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/soliddb/v6r3/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.swg.im.soliddb.sql.doc/doc/pessimistic.vs.optimistic.concurrency.control.html for some furher details.


Hard disk contention using multiple threads

I have not performed any profile testing of this yet, but what would the general consensus be on the advantages/disadvantages of resource loading from the hard disk using multiple threads vs one thread? Note. I am not talking about the main thread.
I would have thought that using more than one "other" thread to do the loading to be pointless because the HD cannot do 2 things at once, and therefore would surely only cause disk contention.
Not sure which way to go architecturally, appreciate any advice.
EDIT: Apologies, I meant to mean an SSD drive not a magnetic drive. Both are HD's to me, but I am more interested in the case of a system with a single SSD drive.
As pointed out in the comments one advantage of using multiple threads is that a large file load will not delay the presentation of a smaller for to the receiver of the thread loader. In my case, this is a big advantage, and so even if it costs a little perf to do it, having multiple threads is desirable.
I know there are no simple answers, but the real question I am asking is, what kind of performance % penalty would there be for making the parallel disk writes sequential (in the OS layer) as opposed to allowing only 1 resource loader thread? And what are the factors that drive this? I don't mean like platform, manufacturer etc. I mean technically, what aspects of the OS/HD interaction influence this penalty? (in theory).
My exact use case are texture loading threads which only exist to load from HD and then "pass" them on to opengl, so there is minimal "computation in the threads (maybe some type conversion etc). In this case, the thread would spend most of its time waiting for the HD (I would of thought), and therefore how the OS-HD interaction is managed is important to understand. My OS is Windows 10.
Note. I am not talking about the main thread.
Main vs non-main thread makes zero difference to the speed of reading a disk.
I would have thought that using more than one "other" thread to do the loading to be pointless because the HD cannot do 2 things at once, and therefore would surely only cause disk contention.
Indeed. Not only are the attempted parallel reads forced to wait for each other (and thus not actually be parallel), but they will also make access pattern of the disk random as opposed to sequential, which is much much slower due to disk head seek time.
Of course, if you were to deal with multiple hard disks, then one thread dedicated for each drive would probably be optimal.
Now, if you were using a solid state drive instead of a hard drive, the situation isn't quite so clear cut. Multiple threads may be faster, slower, or comparable. There are probably many factors involved such as firmware, file system, operating system, speed of the drive relative to some other bottle neck, etc.
In either case, RAID might invalidate assumptions made here.
It depends on how much processing of the data you're going to do. This will determine whether the application is I/O you bound or compute bound.
For example, if all you are going to do to the data is some simple arithmetic, e.g. add 1, then you will end up being I/O bound. The CPU can add 1 to data far quicker than any I/O system can deliver flows of data.
However, if you're going to do a large amount of work on each batch of data, e.g. a FFT, then a filter, then a convolution (I'm picking random DSP routine names here), then it's likely that you will end up being compute bound; the CPU cannot keep up with the data being delivered by the I/O subsystem which owns your SSD.
It is quite an art to judge just how an algorithm should be structured to match the underlying capabilities of the underlying machine, and vice versa. There's profiling tools like FTRACE/Kernelshark, Intel's VTune, which are both useful in analysing exactly what is going on. Google does a lot to measure how many searches-per-Watt their hardware accomplishes, power being their biggest cost.
In general I/O of any sort, even a big array of SSDs, is painfully slow. Even the main memory in a PC (DDR4) is painfully slow in comparison to what the CPU can consume. Even the L3 and L2 caches are sluggards in comparison to the CPU cores. It's hard to design and multi-threadify an algorithm just right so that the right amount of work is done on each data item whilst it is in L1 cache so that the L2, L3 caches, DDR4 and I/O subsystems can deliver the next data item to the L1 caches just in time to keep the CPU cores busy. And the ideal software design for one machine is likely hopeless on another with a different CPU, or SSD, or memory SIMMs. Intel design for good general purpose computer performance, and actually extracting peak performance from a single program is a real challenge. Libraries like Intel's MKL and IPP are very big helps in doing this.
General Guidance
In general one should look at it in terms of data bandwidth required by any particular arrangement of threads and work those threads are doing.
This means benchmarking your program's inner processing loop and measuring how much data it processed and how quickly it managed to do it in, choosing an number of data items that makes sense but much more than the size of L3 cache. A single 'data item' is an amount of input data, the amount of corresponding output data, and any variables used processing the input to the output, the total size of which fits in L1 cache (with some room to spare). And no cheating - use the CPUs SSE/AVX instructions where appropriate, don't forego them by writing plain C or not using something like Intel's IPP/MKL. [Though if one is using IPP/MKL, it kinda does all this for you to the best of its ability.]
These days DDR4 memory is going to be good for anything between 20 to 100GByte/second (depending on what CPU, number of SIMMs, etc), so long as your not making random, scattered accesses to the data. By saturating the L3 your are forcing yourself into being bound by the DDR4 speed. Then you can start changing your code, increasing the work done by each thread on a single data item. Keep increasing the work per item and the speed will eventually start increasing; you've reached the point where you are no longer limited by the speed of DDR4, then L3, then L2.
If after this you can still see ways of increasing the work per data item, then keep going. You eventually get to a data bandwidth somewhere near that of the IO subsystems, and only then will you be getting the absolute most out of the machine.
It's an iterative process, and experience allows one to short cut it.
Of course, if one runs out of ideas for things to increase the work done per data item then that's the end of the design process. More performance can be achieved only by improving the bandwidth of whatever has ended up being the bottleneck (almost certainly the SSD).
For those of us who like doing this software of thing, the PS3's Cell processor was a dream. No need to second guess the cache, there was none. One had complete control over what data and code was where and when it was there.
A lot people will tell you that an HD can't do more than one thing at once. This isn't quite true because modern IO systems have a lot of indirection. Saturating them is difficult to do with one thread.
Here are three scenarios that I have experienced where multi-threading the IO helps.
Sometimes the IO reading library has a non-trivial amount of computation, think about reading compressed videos, or parity checking after the transfer has happened. One example is using robocopy with multiple threads. Its not unusual to launch robocopy with 128 threads!
Many operating systems are designed so that a single process can't saturate the IO, because this would lead to system unresponsiveness. In one case I got a 3% percent read speed improvement because I came closer to saturating the IO. This is doubly true if some system policy exists to stripe the data to different drives, as might be set on a Lustre drive in a HPC cluster. For my application, the optimal number of threads was two.
More complicated IO, like a RAID card, contains a substantial cache that keep the HD head constantly reading and writing. To get optimal throughput you need to be sure that whenever the head is spinning its constantly reading/writing and not just moving. The only way to do this is, in practice, is to saturate the card's on-board RAM.
So, many times you can overlap some minor amount of computation by using multiple threads, and stuff starts getting tricky with larger disk arrays.
Not sure which way to go architecturally, appreciate any advice.
Determining the amount of work per thread is the most common architectural optimization. Write code so that its easy to increase the IO worker count. You're going to need to benchmark.

Which Key value, Nosql database can ensure no data loss in case of a power failure?

At present, we are using Redis as an in-memory, fast cache. It is working well. The problem is, once Redis is restarted, we need to re-populate it by fetching data from our persistent store. This overloads our persistent
store beyond its capacity and hence the recovery takes a long time.
We looked at Redis persistence options. The best option (without compromising performance) is to use AOF with 'appendfsync everysec'. But with this option, we can loose last second data. That is not acceptable. Using AOF with 'appednfsync always' has a considerable performance penalty.
So we are evaluating single node Aerospike. Does it guarantee no data loss in case of power failures? i.e. In response to a write operation, once Aerospike sends success to the client, the data should never be lost, even if I pull the power cable of the server machine. As I mentioned above, I believe Redis can give this guarantee with the 'appednfsync always' option. But we are not considering it as it has the considerable performance penalty.
If Aerospike can do it, I would want to understand in detail how persistence works in Aerospike. Please share some resources explaining the same.
We are not looking for a distributed system as strong consistency is a must for us. The data should not be lost in node failures or split brain scenarios.
If not aerospike, can you point me to another tool that can help achieve this?
This is not a database problem, it's a hardware and risk problem.
All databases (that have persistence) work the same way, some write the data directly to the physical disk while others tell the operating system to write it. The only way to ensure that every write is safe is to wait until the disk confirms the data is written.
There is no way around this and, as you've seen, it greatly decreases throughput. This is why databases use a memory buffer and write batches of data from the buffer to disk in short intervals. However, this means that there's a small risk that a machine issue (power, disk failure, etc) happening after the data is written to the buffer but before it's written to the disk will cause data loss.
On a single server, you can buy protection through multiple power supplies, battery backup, and other safeguards, but this gets tricky and expensive very quickly. This is why distributed architectures are so common today for both availability and redundancy. Distributed systems do not mean you lose consistency, rather they can help to ensure it by protecting your data.
The easiest way to solve your problem is to use a database that allows for replication so that every write goes to at least 2 different machines. This way, one machine losing power won't affect the write going to the other machine and your data is still safe.
You will still need to protect against a power outage at a higher level that can affect all the servers (like your entire data center losing power) but you can solve this by distributing across more boundaries. It all depends on what amount of risk is acceptable to you.
Between tweaking the disk-write intervals in your database and using a proper distributed architecture, you can get the consistency and performance requirements you need.
I work for Aerospike. You can choose to have your namespace stored in memory, on disk or in memory with disk persistence. In all of these scenarios we perform favourably in comparison to Redis in real world benchmarks.
Considering storage on disk when a write happens it hits a buffer before being flushed to disk. The ack does not go back to the client until that buffer has been successfully written to. It is plausible that if you yank the power cable before the buffer flushes, in a single node cluster the write might have been acked to the client and subsequently lost.
The answer is to have more than one node in the cluster and a replication-factor >= 2. The write then goes to the buffer on the client and the replica and has to succeed on both before being acked to the client as successful. If the power is pulled from one node, a copy would still exist on the other node and no data would be lost.
So, yes, it is possible to make Aerospike as resilient as it is reasonably possible to be at low cost with minimal latencies. The best thing to do is to download the community edition and see what you think. I suspect you will like it.
I believe aerospike would serves your purpose, you can configure it for hybrid storage at namespace(i.e. DB) level in aerospike.conf
which is present at /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf
For details please refer official documentation here: http://www.aerospike.com/docs/operations/configure/namespace/storage/
I believe you're going to be at the mercy of the latency of whatever the storage medium is, or the latency of the network fabric in the case of cluster, regardless of what DBMS technology you use, if you must have a guarantee that the data won't be lost. (N.B. Ben Bates' solution won't work if there is a possibility that the whole physical plant loses power, i.e. both nodes lose power. But, I would think an inexpensive UPS would substantially, if not completely, mitigate that concern.) And those latencies are going to cause a dramatic insert/update/delete performance drop compared to a standalone in-memory database instance.
Another option to consider is to use NVDIMM storage for either the in-memory database or for the write-ahead transaction log used to recover from. It will have the absolute lowest latency (comparable to conventional DRAM). And, if your in-memory database will fit in the available NVDIMM memory, you'll have the fastest recovery possible (no need to replay from a transaction log) and comparable performance to the original IMDB performance because you're back to a single write versus 2+ writes for adding a write-ahead log and/or replicating to another node in a cluster. But, your in-memory database system has to be able to support direct recovery of an in-memory database (not just from a transaction log). But, again, two requirements for this to be an option:
1. The entire database must fit in the NVDIMM memory
2. The database system has to be able to support recovery of the database directly after system restart, without a transaction log.
More in this white paper http://www.odbms.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/IMDS-NVDIMM-paper.pdf

Does anybody have any experience with FastDB (C++ in-memory database)?

FastDB is an open-source, in-memory database that's tightly integrated with C++ (it supports a SQL-like query language where tables are classes and rows are objects). Like most IMDBs, it's meant for applications dominated by read access patterns. The algorithms and data structures are optimized for systems that read and write data entirely in main memory (RAM). It's supposed to be very fast, even compared to other in-memory databases, but I can't find any benchmarks online.
I'm considering using FastDB for time-series data, in a project where 1) sub-millisecond random-access read latencies, and 2) millions of rows per second sequential read throughput would be very good to have.
I can't find many references to first-hand experience with FastDB; has anyone here used it? Can you point to any benchmarks of FastDB, especially those that consider read latency and throughput?
A recent post on an Erlang forum (from 2009): http://www.trapexit.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=49476#49476 has someone (Serge Aleynikov) recommending FastDB for trading systems with sub-millisecond latencies:
If you don't want to spend too much time coding C++, since you have
already done good work of abstracting mnesia backend, why don't you
create an Erlang driver for this database: www.fastdb.org. It's based
on memory mapped files, implemented in C++, is relatively fast compared
to other in-memory databases (about 250k lookups/s, 50k inserts/s), has
time-series capabilities, simple C-API. I implemented FastDB interface
in several languages, and generally it's good for systems that deal with
latencies in sub-milliseconds range. It may suffice for you unless you
need to stay in the low microseconds realm.
My 2c.
It's pretty intimidating to see people worrying about latencies in the low microseconds; I'm considering FastDB for digital signal processing (DSP), where live audio systems generally limit latency to no more than about 10 milliseconds. Of course, if a system responds in milliseconds, we might use input pulses of only a few microseconds in length.
There's no mention of what system was used for the 250K lookups/s, 50K inserts/s. Still, it's a positive sign.

Decreasing performance writing large binary file

In one of our softwares we are creating records and storing them in a binary file. Once the writing operation is completed we read back this binary file. The issue is if this binary file is less than 100 MB then its performance is good enough, but once this file grows larger its performance is hit.
So, I thought of splitting this large binary file ( > 100 MB) into smaller ones ( < 100 MB). But it seems this solution is not gaining the performance. So, I was just thinking what can be the better approach to handle this scenario?
It will be really great help from you guys to comment on this.
Maybe you could try using an Sqlite database instead.
It is always quite the difficult to provide accurate answers with only a glimpse of the system, but have you actually tried to check the actual throughput ?
As a first solution, I would simply recommend using a dedicated disk (so there are no concurrent read/write actions from other processes), and a fast one at that. This way it would be just some cost of hardware upgrade, and we all know hardware is usually cheaper that software ;) You may even go to a RAID controller for maximizing throughput.
If you are still limited by the disk throughput, there are new technologies out there using the Flash technology: USB keys (though it may not seem very professional) or the "new" Solid State Drives may provide more throughput than a mechanical disk.
Now, if the disks approach are not fast enough or you can't get your hands on good SSDs, you have other solutions, but they involve software changes, and I propose them off the top of my hat.
A socket approach: the second utility is listening on a port and you send it the data there. On a local machine it's relatively fast, and you parallelize the work too, so even if the size of the data grows, you will still begin treating fairly quickly.
A memory mapping approach: write to a dedicated area in live memory and have the utility read from that area (Boost.Interprocess may help, there are other solutions).
Note that if the read is sequential, I find it more "natural" to try a 'pipe' approach (ala Unix) so that the two processes execute concurrently. In a traditional pipe, the data may not hit the disk after all.
A shame, isn't it, that in this age of overwhelming processing power, we are still struggling with our disk IO ?
If your App is reading the data sequential migrating to a DB would not help to increase performance. If random access is used you should consider to move the data into a DB,especially if different indices are used. You should check whether enough resources are available, if loaded completly into memory virtual memory management could have an impact to performance (swapping,paging). Depending on your OS setting a limit for file io buffers could be reached. The file system itself could be fragmented.
To get a higer quality answer you should provide informations about hardware,os,memory and file system. And the way your data file is used. Than you could get hints about kernel tuning etc.
So what is the retrieval mechanism here? How does your application know which of the smaller files to look in to find a record? If you have split up the big file without implementing some form of keyed lookup - indexing, partitioning - you have not addressed the problem, just re-arranged it.
Of course, if you have implemented some form of indexing then you have started down the road of building your own database.
Without knowing more regarding your application it would be rash for us to offer specific advice. Maybe the solution would be to apply an RDBMS solution. Possibly a NoSQL approach would be better. Perhaps you need a text indexing and retrieval engine.
How often does your application need to retrieve records? How does it decide which records to get? What is your definition of poor performance? Why did you (your project) decide to use flat files rather than a database in the first place? What sort of records are we talking about?

BerkeleyDB Concurrency

What's the optimal level of concurrency that the C++ implementation of BerkeleyDB can reasonably support?
How many threads can I have hammering away at the DB before throughput starts to suffer because of resource contention?
I've read the manual and know how to set the number of locks, lockers, database page size, etc. but I'd just like some advice from someone who has real-world experience with BDB concurrency.
My application is pretty simple, I'll be doing gets and puts of records that are about 1KB each. No cursors, no deleting.
It depends on what kind of application you are building. Create a representative test scenario, and start hammering away. Then you will know the definitive answer.
Besides your use case, it also depends on CPU, memory, front-side bus, operating system, cache settings, etcetera.
Seriously, just test your own scenario.
If you need some numbers (that actually may mean nothing in your scenario):
Oracle Berkeley DB:
Performance Metrics and
Performance Metrics
& Benchmarks:
Berkeley DB
I strongly agree with Daan's point: create a test program, and make sure the way in which it accesses data mimics as closely as possible the patterns you expect your application to have. This is extremely important with BDB because different access patterns yield very different throughput.
Other than that, these are general factors I found to be of major impact on throughput:
Access method (which in your case i guess is BTREE).
Level of persistency with which you configured DBD (for example, in my case the 'DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC' environment flag improved write performance by an order of magnitude, but it compromises persistency)
Does the working set fit in cache?
Number of Reads Vs. Writes.
How spread out your access is (remember that BTREE has a page level locking - so accessing different pages with different threads is a big advantage).
Access pattern - meanig how likely are threads to lock one another, or even deadlock, and what is your deadlock resolution policy (this one may be a killer).
Hardware (disk & memory for cache).
This amounts to the following point:
Scaling a solution based on DBD so that it offers greater concurrency has two key ways of going about it; either minimize the number of locks in your design or add more hardware.
Doesn't this depend on the hardware as well as number of threads and stuff?
I would make a simple test and run it with increasing amounts of threads hammering and see what seems best.
What I did when working against a database of unknown performance was to measure turnaround time on my queries. I kept upping the thread count until turn-around time dropped, and dropping the thread count until turn-around time improved (well, it was processes in my environment, but whatever).
There were moving averages and all sorts of metrics involved, but the take-away lesson was: just adapt to how things are working at the moment. You never know when the DBAs will improve performance or hardware will be upgraded, or perhaps another process will come along to load down the system while you're running. So adapt.
Oh, and another thing: avoid process switches if you can - batch things up.
Oh, I should make this clear: this all happened at run time, not during development.
The way I understand things, Samba created tdb to allow "multiple concurrent writers" for any particular database file. So if your workload has multiple writers your performance may be bad (as in, the Samba project chose to write its own system, apparently because it wasn't happy with Berkeley DB's performance in this case).
On the other hand, if your workload has lots of readers, then the question is how well your operating system handles multiple readers.