Class namespace? - c++

Is it me or the implementation of object oriented paradigm in C++ is missing the concept of class namespace?
Here is an example of what I mean:
Document { Header {} Body {} Footer {} }
Document is an object that can have a header, body, and footer.
A straight forward way to address such object and its elements from external namespace is
Is there a way to achieve such naming structure in C++ without imposing a restriction on the definition of Document class?
1) namespace Document { ... }
This case requires an object class inside its own namespace and using Document::Document seems redundant and unintended.
2) namespace Document { class ... } typedef Document::Document document;
This case gives document and Document::{part}, which in case sensitive language may seem weird and unrelated.
3) class Document { class ... };
This case requires including Document header in definition of every nested class and doesn't allow to make the final object be a derivative of its parts, since they are defined within its own scope.
4) class document { class ... }; class Document : public document {}
This case is close to what is intended but costs an extra class and inheritance.
!) Ideally, what I'd like to have is
namespace class Document {
class Header;
class Body;
class Footer;
class Document; // linked with the parent namespace as with its own name space
Document doc; // ok, resolves Document as a class
Document::{Part} docPart; // ok, resolves Document as namespace
.) Is there any other reasonable way to achieve what is intended without unreasonable extra cost?
I'm also not exactly sure why such trivial things are not a standard way to do it. :/ Any specific reason?
--- clarification ---
To address some of the raised questions,
"What is it useful for?" 1) Plain language 2) Transparent mapping from a language construct to an object's abstract model and vice versa.
"Why would one want to derive an object from its parts?" Not every entity introduced by an object has to be its part. It can be its essence, for example. E.g.:
Document { Skeleton{} Parts { Header {} Body {} Footer {} } }
--- abstract framework ---
Think of an object as a module whose definition may use external symbols and introduce some of its own along with the definition of its own logical entity, to which they should remain related since it introduces them.
--- point ---
The whole module is a definition of an object. It would be nice to be able to use it as such without any additional linguistic ridicules.
=== resolution ===
Thank you for your feedback.
Until there is a way in C++ to link a namespace name to a class, I guess I'll use the
ObjectName { ... Object {} } -> ObjectName::Object, ObjectName::Part
construct in such cases. It may be not as short as I'd like to, but at least transparent enough, with no extra cost, and can be used with forward declarations.

Your third option - using nested class declarations / definitions, will get you the ideal scope resolution as you want (though it will not involve a single namespace).
class Document
class Header
// Header class declaration here
class Body
// Body class declaration here
class Footer
// Footer class declaration here
// Document declaration here.
Your concerns with that option are:
Requires including Document header in definition of every nested class
Yes - the nested classes are inextricably linked to the surrounding class, their implementations will depend on the definition of the surrounding class because it contains the definitions of the nested classes. This is unavoidable.
Dpesn't allow to make the final object be a derivative of its parts, since they are defined within its own scope.
What you are trying to do seems to make very little logical sense - you are trying to define something based on its own parts, which is a circular definition. What are you trying to achieve by deriving Document from Header, Body or Footer?
The final line of your question suggests that you find your desired functionality "trivial", but in my opinion and experience it is far from trivial. You seem to be conflating a namespace and a class because of syntactical similarities, but they are entirely different concepts. You have to separate the two in your mind, they have very little overlap besides some scoping effects and scope resolution syntax. Your "Document" must be either a namespace and a class. Pick one ;) (technically it's actually possible to have both a namespace Document and a class Document, but this is likely to be a source of confusion.

Your first case does exactly what you say you want. There's nothing redundant about Document::Document -- it refers to the Document class in the Document namespace. There might very well be a Document class in the XML namespace, and another one in the MyCompany namespace.
Your second case looks like an attempt to essentially defeat the purpose of using namespaces. If you don't want to use a namespace, don't -- just use the global (unspecified) namespace and risk collisions. If you only want to avoid the Document:: part in the code that's related to your Document class, add a using namespace Document directive in that code.

You just enclose the part classes within the Document class.
class Document {
class Header;
class Body;
class Footer;
You can validly use this:
Document myDoc; // Type Document
Document::Header myHeader;

3) class Document { class ... };
This case requires including Document header in definition of every nested class and doesn't allow to make the final object be a derivative of its parts, since they are defined within its own scope.
No, this design is what makes the most sense. I don't understand what you think the difference would be between class and namespace class.
class Document
class Header
Header m_header;
class Body
Body m_Body;
What's wrong with this design? You access the types via Document::Header. You access via instances like myDocument.m_header.
The only inherent oddness is that you can't name a type and member variable the same, but there are plenty of ways around that and it's a superficial restriction really.

Just because a Document object contains a Header object doesn’t mean that the Header class should be contained in the Document class. At least, that’s not usually done.
I would nest classes only in rare instances; namely, when the nested class is an implementation detail of the outer class, and isn’t exposed to the outside world (but even then it’s common to forego nesting).
This, by the way, is independent of C++: classes in general are rarely nested except to hide implementation details. Frameworks to model object relations as in your case wouldn’t normally use nesting. Instead, you might have something like this:
namespace Html {
class Document;
class Header;
class Body;
// …
C++ in particular uses flat namespace hierarchies but the above would equally apply to C# or Java.
Finally, to explicitly address your introductory question:
Is it me or the implementation of object oriented paradigm in C++ is missing the concept of class namespace?
C+ has this concept to the same extent as other modern OO languages: a class forms a namespace for the purpose of name lookup so you can achieve what you want. But for the reason mentioned above I don’t think it’s a particularly desirable goal.

It's not totally clear to me how much you want to expose the nested
classes, but if they are part of Document, they probably should be
nested classes. Your example of what you mean, at the start of your
code, is exactly how one would do this in C++:
class Document
public: // or not?
class Header
class Body
class Footer
About the only objection I can see is that implementation files only
concerned with Document::Header must include the entire Document
class definition, but I don't think this is a major problem; if
Document::Header really isn't independent, then it seems reasonable to
require this. With regards to your second objection to this solution:
you never want to make an object derive from its parts: a Document
hasA Header; it isn't an isA relationship.
If it does make sense for Header et al to be used separately, then the
best solution is to define them outside of the Document class, either
giving them more descriptive names (e.g. DocumentHeader) or wrapping
them in a special namespace (e.g. namespace DocumentParts). Depending
on their relationship with Document, it might make sense to use
typedef in Document so that they can be referred to as either
DocumentParts::Header or Document::Header.


why to use classes inside namespace

I wish to know the actual reason behind writing the class names inside namespace. What purpose do they solve? Do they include the classes or do something else? Any help is greatly appreciated.
namespace ns3 {
class Channel;
class SpectrumChannel;
class MyMod; ;
class NewModule : public NetDevice
// methods and data
It is good practice to put your classes into a namespace in order to avoid a name collision with other code (libraries) you might use (also coming in later in a project). When using common names like Vector, Logger, etc. as class names it can easily happen that they are also used in other code you want to use. When you put your classes into a (well considered) namespace, this chance of a name-collision is minimized.
Forward declarations are a different (independent) topic. When classes are defined within a namespace, also their forward declarations must be done within that namespace.

Using a namespace in place of a static class in C++?

Is it good or okay practice to use a namespace as a static class? For example:
namespace MyStaticFunctions {
void doSomething();
class MyStaticFunctions {
static void doSomething();
There's no such thing as a "static class" in C++, so from a C++ point of view you're not using it "as a static class", you're using it "as a namespace". It's certainly accepted practice to use namespaces to group functions together.
It's up to you, though, how big you want the groups to be. It's not unusual for C++ libraries to use a single namespace for the whole public interface. That might come as a surprise to someone who is used to (say) Java, where classes are often used to group together smaller numbers of static methods. Since C++ was here first, you could say that Java is using classes as namespaces.
So, in C++ you don't tend to see classes similar to java.util.Collections or java.lang.Math, full of static members. If you want groups of functions like that in C++, use namespaces.
The exception (isn't there always a special case in C++?) is traits types like std::numeric_limits<T>, where the template parameter makes the class do something that a namespace can't do. You could define a namespace numeric_limits containing function templates max<T>(), min<T>() etc, but it's not as good. Firstly, it groups things slightly differently, the type T appears "lower down the hierarchy". Secondly it doesn't do everything that a traits type does, because there's no such thing as an "object template" that would let you define a value numeric_limits::digits<T>.
I don't know C# well enough to comment on the practical uses of static classes there, but AFAIK it's just a class restricted to having no non-static members, so it's analogous to those Java classes.
In C++, you are actually encouraged at the language level to use a namespace rather than a class containing only static methods because of Koenig's lookup (aka Argument Dependent Lookup).
namespace geometry {
struct Point { int x, y; };
double distance_from_center(Point const& p) {
return sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y + p.y);
} // namespace geometry
int main() {
geometry::Point const p{3, 4}; // must qualify
std::cout << distance_from_center(p) << "\n"; // not qualified
If distance_from_center is written as a static method in a class, then you need to explicitly qualify it each time.
It's a tough and interesting question for me personally, so decided to share my humble opinion
Considering the difference between "static" class (only static members) and namespace:
a namespace can be scattered over multiple files: additional flexibility but should be used carefully.
a namespace provides argument dependent lookup (see Matthieu M. answer): useful in specific situations
a "static" class can have access modifiers and can form an hierarchy: I think private members declared in class interface and visible to its clients is a C++ feature that was dictated more by technical, not logical reasons. I don't see any benefits of private static members. Protected members for "static" hierarchy? Never seen any.
a "static" class can be a "template", in addition to template members: see Steve Jessop's answer for a great example from STL
From maintenance point of view, sometimes you decide to make a class "static" (like a singleton), but then requirement changed and you need multiple instances. "Static" class would be easier to transform than namespace.
And, finally, to answer your question:
if you don't need special features of "static" class or namespace, use what you like more :)
It depends.
Is the method logically related to a class? If so, make it a member, otherwise place it in a namespace.
Functionally, they're the same, but there's more to code than function, right? For example, consider a method that returns the name of the class:
struct MyClass
static std::string getName() { return "MyClass"; }
You could obviously place the method outside, in a namespace, and get the same result, but it logically belongs to the class.

typedef structs declared inside class or outside?

I'm creating a class called ImageLoader that will be used to load various image formats. For various image formats there are certain structs used. For example with bmp files you have a BITMAPFILEHEADER struct and two others.
What I want to know is, when I'm putting my class definition in the header file, do I make the struct typedefs part of the class definition, or should they be separate, outside the class definition?
I'm not sure because if I was just declaring a struct variable, that would obviously happen in the class, but because I'm defining a type, I'm not sure if it's considered good design to define a type inside a class.
My general rule is that if it will only be used in conjunction with that class, then declare it inside (it implies ownership); otherwise declare it separately.
You get better encapsulation if you leave out everything from the header that you possibly can. Even if some methods of your class need parameters or return types of the struct, you might get away with a forward declaration.
The only time you need to put it in the header is when it's part of the public interface.
As to whether it goes in the class or not, consider whether it's useful on its own or if it is totally subservient to the class. If it can stand alone it should probably go in its own header.
I would not say that declaring a type in a class is an indicator of bad design. Assuming that your mention of "design" means something along the lines of "readability", I would be a stickler for consistency and insist that the same relationships be expressed in the same way.
Otherwise, you are not going to be struck down by a divine wrath for nesting types (Considering SGI is not a smoldering crater). This is pretty context-centric, so there are no hard and fast rules outside of what you define based on your requirements.
If client accessibility is not an issue, I declare most everything in an appropriate scope in headers and just document what my code means. Again, this is if I do not have strict usage/readability guidelines to enforce. I'd go with Mark's suggestion if I did.
Two cents: You could try enumerating image types and using one public struct for config data so that you could justify pulling everything else behind closed doors.
BITMAPFILEHEADER is a structure defined in the Win32 Platform SDK. I'm not sure I've understood your request about it and your class...
In general, if you are defining structures that are not exposed to the client of your class, I'd define them in the private part of your class, or in a sub-namespace Details in your header file, e.g.:
namespace YourCoolLibrary
namespace Details
struct SomeInternalStructure
} // namespace Details
class YourCoolClass
Details::SomeInternalStructure m_something;
} // namespace YourCoolLibrary
There are even many more choices. If you put it in the class you have to choose if it's public, protected, or private making the class definition visible for every user of the class, only derived classes or no other classes.
If you do not need the details of the class definition I'd put only forward declarations into ImageLoader to keep it simpler. The full definition of the inner class then goes into the implementation file.
My rule of thumb is to make names as local as possible, so if I use it accidentally at the wrong place the compiler will complain.
If the typedef logically belongs into the class you are creating, put it inside; if it would make sense on a global level, leave it outside.

Hiding a C++ class in a header without using the unnamed namespace

I am writing a C++ header in which I define a
class A {
// ...
that I would like to hide from the outside world (because it may change or even be removed in future versions of this header).
There is also a class B in the same header that has an object of class A as a member:
class B {
// ...
A a_;
What is a proper way of hiding class A from the outside world?
If I put the definition of A in an unnamed namespace, the compiler issues a warning, so I assume that, due to issues with internal linkage, I should do something else.
The right way to go about it in C++ is PIMPL idiom. Alternative solution is to put the class you want to hide into a nested namespace, which is usually called detail. But that will not make it totally private as users will still be exposed to its dependencies, and will be able to use it directly.
You could do an inner class:
class B
class A { /* ... */ };
A a_;
Document that this class is not part of the public API and should not be used.
In C++ you have to trusted programs that link with your library code because you have little other choice. C++ has limited "access control" features many of which can be bypassed or abused so you're better of treating your API clients with respect and building trust.
If you design your API to be easy to use correctly and hard to use unintentionally incorrectly then you will be helping your clients and it is hardly your fault if your clients abuse your interface.
An unnamed namespace is useless anyways, as it only protects agains multiple definitions. What you could do is either using the pImpl Idiom, as mentioned in other answers, or use a detail namespace. Works fine for Boost:
namespace detail{
class A{
// ...
class B{
// ...
A a_;
Anyone messing with stuff in a detail namespace is asking for trouble. Or maybe obscure it even more
namespace _b_impl_detail{
// ...
Anyone who now touches anything inside should be shot in the foot. :)
Instead of class B holding an A object, have it hold an A* instead (or a shared_ptr<A>, or an unique_ptr<A>, etc.). This way class B only needs a forward declaration of class A and class A can be fully defined inside of class B's source file.
If A is an implementation detail of B, don't put its definition in the header at all. Instead:
class B {
class A * myA;
and then put the definition of A in the B implementation (i.e. .cpp) file.
I'd like to add a small increment over that helped me better solve my peculiar use case, namely where the "main" class is a template and the "helper/inner" class also has to be a template1.
I used a nested namespace called detail, made all "helper" content private and made the "main" class a friend of the "helper" class:
template<__MAIN_TEMPLATE_PARAMS__> class Main;
namespace detail {
template<__HELPER_TEMPLATE_PARAMS__> class Helper {
/* All Main templates are friends */
template<__MAIN_TEMPLATE_PARAMS__> friend class Main;
/* Private stuff, not reachable from the outside */
static void privateThing(){
template<__MAIN_TEMPLATE_PARAMS__> class Main {
void usePrivateThing(){
The private stuff is static above only to make the code shorter. They may very well be tied to the Helper instance.
In retrospect, there could certainly be more elegant solutions involving less black magic, but it highly depends on the specific application. I still find the above a legit, nice use case for a friend class.
1 This is because I needed to use a template helper function that required a partial specialization, which is not allowed yet in c++, for no particular reason but is technically possible with a wrapper class. Partial specialization is omitted from the above for simplicity.

Pros and cons of using nested C++ classes and enumerations?

What are the pros and cons of using nested public C++ classes and enumerations? For example, suppose you have a class called printer, and this class also stores information on output trays, you could have:
class printer
std::string name_;
enum TYPE
class output_tray
printer prn;
printer::TYPE type;
printer::output_tray tray;
class printer
std::string name_;
class output_tray
printer prn;
output_tray tray;
I can see the benefits of nesting private enums/classes, but when it comes to public ones, the office is split - it seems to be more of a style choice.
So, which do you prefer and why?
Nested classes
There are several side effects to classes nested inside classes that I usually consider flaws (if not pure antipatterns).
Let's imagine the following code :
class A
public :
class B { /* etc. */ } ;
// etc.
} ;
Or even:
class A
public :
class B ;
// etc.
} ;
class A::B
public :
// etc.
} ;
Privilegied Access: A::B has privilegied access to all members of A (methods, variables, symbols, etc.), which weakens encapsulation
A's scope is candidate for symbol lookup: code from inside B will see all symbols from A as possible candidates for a symbol lookup, which can confuse the code
forward-declaration: There is no way to forward-declare A::B without giving a full declaration of A
Extensibility: It is impossible to add another class A::C unless you are owner of A
Code verbosity: putting classes into classes only makes headers larger. You can still separate this into multiple declarations, but there's no way to use namespace-like aliases, imports or usings.
As a conclusion, unless exceptions (e.g. the nested class is an intimate part of the nesting class... And even then...), I see no point in nested classes in normal code, as the flaws outweights by magnitudes the perceived advantages.
Furthermore, it smells as a clumsy attempt to simulate namespacing without using C++ namespaces.
On the pro-side, you isolate this code, and if private, make it unusable but from the "outside" class...
Nested enums
Pros: Everything.
Con: Nothing.
The fact is enum items will pollute the global scope:
// collision
enum Value { empty = 7, undefined, defined } ;
enum Glass { empty = 42, half, full } ;
// empty is from Value or Glass?
Ony by putting each enum in a different namespace/class will enable you to avoid this collision:
namespace Value { enum type { empty = 7, undefined, defined } ; }
namespace Glass { enum type { empty = 42, half, full } ; }
// Value::type e = Value::empty ;
// Glass::type f = Glass::empty ;
Note that C++0x defined the class enum:
enum class Value { empty, undefined, defined } ;
enum class Glass { empty, half, full } ;
// Value e = Value::empty ;
// Glass f = Glass::empty ;
exactly for this kind of problems.
One con that can become a big deal for large projects is that it is impossible to make a forward declaration for nested classes or enums.
If you're never going to be using the dependent class for anything but working with the independent class's implementations, nested classes are fine, in my opinion.
It's when you want to be using the "internal" class as an object in its own right that things can start getting a little manky and you have to start writing extractor/inserter routines. Not a pretty situation.
It seems like you should be using namespaces instead of classes to group like things that are related to each other in this way. One con that I could see in doing nested classes is you end up with a really large source file that could be hard to grok when you are searching for a section.
There are no pros and cons per se of using nested public C++ classes. There are only facts. Those facts are mandated by the C++ standard. Whether a fact about nested public C++ classes is a pro or a con depends on the particular problem that you are trying to solve. The example you have given does not allow a judgement about whether nested classes are appropriate or not.
One fact about nested classes is, that they have privileged access to all members of the class that they belong to. This is a con, if the nested classes does not need such access. But if the nested class does not need such access, then it should not have been declared as a nested class. There are situations, when a class A wants to grant privileged access to certain other classes B. There are three solutions to this problem
Make B a friend of A
Make B a nested class of A
Make the methods and attributes, that B needs, public members of A.
In this situation, it's #3 that violates encapsulation, because A has control over his friends and over his nested classes, but not over classes that call his public methods or access his public attributes.
Another fact about nested classes is, that it is impossible to add another class A::C as a nested class of A unless you are owner of A. However, this is perfectly reasonable, because nested classes have privileged access. If it were possible to add A::C as a nested class of A, then A::C could trick A into granting access to privileged information; and that yould violate encapsulation. It's basically the same as with the friend declaration: the friend declaration does not grant you any special privileges, that your friend is hiding from others; it allows your friends to access information that you are hiding from your non-friends. In C++, calling someone a friend is an altruistic act, not an egoistic one. The same holds for allowing a class to be a nested class.
Som other facts about nested public classes:
A's scope is candidate for symbol lookup of B: If you don't want this, make B a friend of A instead of a nested class. However, there are cases where you want exactly this kind of symbol lookup.
A::B cannot be forward-declared: A and A::B are tightly coupled. Being able to use A::B without knowing A would only hide this fact.
To summarize this: if the tool does not fit your needs, don't blame the tool; blame yourself for using the tool; others might have different problems, for which the tool is perfect.
paercebal said everything I would say about nested enums.
WRT nested classes, my common and almost sole use case for them is when I have a class which is manipulating a specific type of resource, and I need a data class which represents something specific to that resource. In your case, output_tray might be a good example, but I don't generally use nested classes if the class is going to have any methods which are going to be called from outside the containing class, or is more than primarily a data class. I generally also don't nest data classes unless the contained class is not ever directly referenced outside the containing class.
So, for example, if I had a printer_manipulator class, it might have a contained class for printer manipulation errors, but printer itself would be a non-contained class.
Hope this helps. :)
Remember that you can always promote a nested class to a top-level one later, but you may not be able to do the opposite without breaking existing code. Therefore, my advice would be make it a nested class first, and if it starts to become a problem, make it a top-level class in the next version.
For me a big con to having it outside is that it becomes part of the global namespace. If the enum or related class only really applies to the class that it's in, then it makes sense. So in the printer case, everything that includes the printer will know about having full access to the enum PRINTER_TYPE, where it doesn't really need to know about it. I can't say i've ever used an internal class, but for an enum, this seems more logical to keep it inside. As another poster has pointed out, it's also a good idea to to use namespaces to group similar items, since clogging the global namespace can really be a bad thing. I have previously worked on projects which are massive and just bringing up an auto complete list on the global namespace takes 20 minutes. In my opinion nested enums and namespaced classes/structs are probably the cleanest approach.
I agree with the posts advocating for embedding your enum in a class but there are cases where it makes more sense to not do that (but please, at least put it in a namespace). If multiple classes are utilizing an enum defined within a different class, then those classes are directly dependent on that other concrete class (that owns the enum). That surely represents a design flaw since that class will be responsible for that enum as well as other responsibilities.
So, yeah, embed the enum in a class if other code only uses that enum to interface directly with that concrete class. Otherwise, find a better place to keep the enum such as a namespace.
If you put the enum into a class or a namespace, intellisense will be able to give you guidance when you're trying to remember the enum names. A small thing for sure, but sometimes the small things matter.
Visual Studio 2008 does not seem to be able to provide intellisense for nested classes, so I have switched to the PIMPL idiom in most cases where I used to have a nested class. I always put enums either in the class if it is used only by that class, or outside the class in the same namespace as the class when more than one class uses the enum.
I can see a con for nested classes, that one may better use generic programming.
If the little class is defined outside the big one, you can make the big class a class template and use any "little" class you may need in the future with the big class.
Generic programming is a powerful tool, and, IMHO, we should keep it in mind when developing extensible programs. Strange, that no one has mentioned this point.
Only problem with nested classes that I bumped into yet was that C++ does not let us refer to the object of the enclosing class, in the nested class functions. We cannot say "Enclosing::this"
(But maybe there's a way?)