unit-test the template method design pattern - unit-testing

Suppose the following template method implementation:
public abstract class Abs
void DoYourThing()
log.Info("All done");
catch (MyException ex)
log.Error("Something went wrong here!");
protected abstract void DoYourThingInternal();
Now, there are plenty of info around on how to test the Abs class, and make sure that DoYourThingInternal is called.
However, suppose I want to test my Conc class:
public class Conc : Abs
protected override void DoYourThingInternal()
// Lots of awesome stuff here!
I wouldn't want to do conc.DoYourThing(), since this will invoke the parent method, which was already tested separately.
I would like to test only the overriding method.
Any ideas?

You have labeled the question "tdd" but I doubt you've followed that principle when you encountered this "problem".
If you truly followed tdd your work flow would have been something like
Write a test for some logic not yet implemented
Impl the easiest possible impl for this test to make it green (logic on Conc1 for example)
Write a test for some other logic not yet implemented
Impl the easiest possible impl for this test to make it green (logic on Conc2 for example)
In "6" you might think that it would be a great idea to implement a template method because Conc1 and Conc2 share some logic. Just do it, and run your tests to see that the logic still works.
Write tests to verify the logic, don't base them how the implementation look like (=start with the tests). In this case, start writing tests verifying that the logic works (the logic later placed in your concrete types). Yes, that means that some code lines (the one in your abstract class) are tested multiple times. But so what? One of the point of writing tests is that you should be able to refactor your code but still be able to verify that it works by running your tests. If you later don't want to use template method pattern, in a ideal world your shouldn't need to change any tests, but just change the implementation.
If you start to think which code lines you test, IMO you loose much of the benefits of writing tests at all. You want to ensure that your logic works - write tests for this instead.

I assume part of the 'problem' is that there is no way to call a protected method from outside the class. How about a mock class which derives from Conc and provides a new public method:
public class MockConc: Conc
void MockYourThingInternal()

I wouldn't consider DoYourThingInternal() to be separate from DoYourThing() (as in, two separate modules of code that can be tested in isolation) since you won't be able to instantiate your abstract class alone anyways and the 2 methods will always be run together. Besides, DoYourThingInternal() has access to all protected members of your class and could modify them, with potential side effects on DoYourThing(). So I think it would be dangerous to test DoYourThing() in complete isolation from a concrete implementation of DoYourThingInternal().
However, that doesn't mean you can't have separate tests for DoYourThing()'s expected behavior, which has to remain the same across all implementations of Abs, and DoYourThingInternal()'s expected behavior.
You could use an (abstract) base test class where you define a test for the general behavior expected from DoYourThing(). Then create as many test subclasses as there are implementations of Abs, with unit tests for the specifics of each implementation.
The test from the base test class will be inherited, and when you run any subclass's tests, the inherited test for DoYourThing() will also run :
public abstract class AbsBaseTest
public abstract Abs GetAbs();
public void TestSharedBehavior()
// Test shared behavior here...
public class AbsImplTest : AbsBaseTest
public override Abs GetAbs()
return new AbsImpl();
public void TestParticularBehavior()
// Test specific behavior here
See http://hotgazpacho.org/2010/09/testing-pattern-factory-method-on-base-test-class/
Don't know if abstract test class inheritance is supported by all unit test frameworks though (I think NUnit does).

What about sticking an interface on Abs and mocking it? Ignoring the calls, or set expectations on them?

You could do it several ways, many of which are documented here already. Here is the approach I typically take: Have the test case inherit from the concrete class.
public ConcTest : Conc
public void DoesItsThingRight()
var Result = DoItsThingInternal();
// Assert the response
Hope that helps!


How to test behavior based on private class using members c++ using gtest

I want to use Google test to test my class.
Lets assume I have a state machine implementation and the current state is private
so I have a method SetNextState that looks like that:
void setNextState
switch(m_currentState) //m_currentState is a private member
if some conditions occurred m_currentState=GO_STATE
so I have several cases and each define the behavior to move from certain state to another.
My question:
How do I perform tests on that method assuming the state is relevant only to this class so there is no output
How do I set its value to be, for example "GO_STATE" to test the GO_STATE case
and how do i check the m_currentState at the end of the test
Im trying to avoid putting friends etc. in my UUT code since I want it to be as original as possible
You don't. You do the same thing that your actual program will do, which is provide an input, then examine the result; you say there's no output, but there must be some effect, otherwise the class is pointless!
Failing that, you could make the test a "friend" of the class so that it can inspect its internals, or add an immutable getter for the current state (and who really cares if your class's users get to see that?) but neither option is really in the spirit of the thing.
In my experience, you'll occasionally realise that you're not really unit testing any more but instead functional testing, and Google Test may not be the right tool for that job. If your class is as big as it sounds, that could be the case here. Conversely, you could help yourself by splitting the class into smaller chunks, then unit testing those. Depends what you're going for, really.
Lightness Races in Orbit is correct. However, if sometimes you feel like it's useful to test the private member functions of your class, it often means that your class could be split in multiple smaller pieces.
If you don't think those smaller components are useful to the clients of your library, you can simply hide them in a detail:: namespace and then create unit tests as usual. This will allow you to test the internal behavior of your classes without polluting your public API.
After much considerations I decided to wrap my UUT with a helper which provides set and get to the relevant private members.and use it in the test procedure before calling the tested API
Original code
class UUT //That's the actual class I want to test
int m_protectedMember;
void methodToTest()
//Do something with m_protectedMember use its value as input
//and set it as output
In the tester
class UUTHelper: public UUT
int getProtectedMember() { return m_protectedMember; }
void setProtectedMember(int value) { m_protectedMember = value; }
The pros:
My test code is very simple and I easily create complicated scenarios .
I test the real code without any "friends" or any other manipulations.
The cons:
As written in the discussion, not the best "good practice", touching private members
Thank you all :)

UnitTesting the public interface of a class when the internals are already covered?

I've covered the internal implementation of my class with UnitTests. Is it still useful to test my public interface now (which is one function that is little more then a chain of calls to the internal methods)?
It feels like I would be adding additional tests that test the same thing(s).
Or is testing the public interface more an integration test (even though I've stubbed my data access so it's all processed in memory) in that way that it tests whether all the UnitTested methods work well together?
internal bool internalCheck() {
// complex logic that is being unit tested
internal void internalDoSomething() {
// do stuff. is being unit tested
public void DoIt() {
if (internalCheck()) {
Now if I am going to add tests that test DoIt, I will basically end up retesting all logic flows for internalCheck and assert that when it returns true, the internalDoSomething is being called.
Hmm I think I've figured it out:
I need to mock the class itself and check just that the correct calls are being made, pretty much ignoring real inputs/outputs. To test the public method, rather than retesting the internalCheck, I use a mocking framework to have internalCheck return what flow I want to test and then verify that the correct methods have been called.
It depends how you have defined your unit. Usually the is the class, so this would still be a unit test.
Even if you have have tested the internal methods, it is still important to test the public interface, to make sure that the internal methods work together.

Where should I test methods on an abstract class?

I have an abstract class that defines some methods. This class has two subclasses.
Should I create a fake subclass just for testing, or should I test the methods through the subclasses' tests? Testing through the subclasses seems more natural, but then I'd have to duplicate the test code between the 2 subclasses' tests.
What do you guys think?
You don't have to duplicate your test code - you can write your test methods so that they accept a parameter.
Since most test frameworks don't support tests that take parameters you can add a little wrapper that calls your parameterized test method with a specific instance. You can now easily choose whether it makes sense to call your test just once with some specific base class, or have multiple tests of the same method - one test for each of the possible base classes. Since only a thin wrapper needs to be added for each new test, there is very little code duplication.
void TestSomething(AbstractClass foo)
// Your test code goes here.
Assert.AreEqual(42, foo.Bar());
void TestSomethingFoo1()
TestSomething(new Foo1());
void TestSomethingFoo2()
TestSomething(new Foo2());
I would go for a minimal fake subclass, associating this with the Abstract Class. I like to think that the Abstract class is properly tested no matter what happens to any of the Concrete instantiations. This does assume that the code in the Abstract class is non-trivial and writing the fake class is not dispropoartionate work - with mocks I think this will usually be the case.

Writing maintainable unit tests with mock objects

This is a simplified version of a class I'm writing a unit test for
class SomeClass {
void methodA() {
void methodB() {
//does something
void methodC() {
//does something
void methodD() {
//does something
While writing the unit tests for this class, I've mocked out objects using EasyMock used in each method. It was easy to set up the mock objects and their expectation
In method B,C,and D. But to test method A, I have to set up A LOT more mock objects and their expectations. Also, I’m testing method A in different conditions, meaning I have to setup the mock objects many times with different expectations.
In the end, my unit test becomes hard to maintain and pretty cluttered. I was wondering if anyone has or seen a good solution to this problem.
If I understand your question correctly, I think that this is a matter of design. The nice thing about unit testing is that writing tests often forces you to make your design better. If you need to mock too many things while testing a method it often means you should split your class into two smaller classes, which will be easier to test (and write, and maintain, and bugfix, and reuse, etc.).
In your case, the method A seems to be at a higher level than methods A, B, C. You can consider removing it to a higher level class, that would wrap SomeClass:
class HigherLevelClass {
ISomeClass someClass;
public HigherLevelClass(ISomeClass someClass)
this.someClass = someClass;
void methodA() {
class SomeClass : ISomeClass {
void methodB() {
//does something
void methodC() {
//does something
void methodD() {
//does something
Now when you are testing methodA all you need to mock is the small ISomeClass interface and the three method calls.
You could extract common setup code into separate (possibly parametrized) methods, then call them whenever appropriate. If the tests for methodA have a very different fixture from the tests of the other methods, there may not be much to put into the #Before method itself, so you need to call the appropriate combination of setup helper methods from the test methods themselves. It is still a bit cumbersome, but better than duplicating code all over the place.
Depending on what unit test framework you use, there may be other options too, but the above should work with any framework.
This is an example of a Fragile test because the mock setups have too intimate knowledge of the SUT.
I don't know EasyMock, but with Moq you don't need to setup void methods. However, with Moq the methods would have to be public or protected and virtual.
For each test you're writing, consider the behaviour which is valuable for that test. You'll have some contexts you're setting up which the behaviour relies on, and some outcomes as a result of the behaviour that you want to verify.
Set up relevant contexts, verify the outcomes, and use NiceMocks for everything else.
I prefer Mockito (Java) or Moq (.NET) which work this way by default. Here's Mockito's page on Mockito vs. EasyMock so you can get the idea (EasyMock didn't have NiceMock before Mockito came along):
You can probably use EasyMock's NiceMock in a similar way. Hopefully this will help you detangle your tests. You can always import both frameworks and use them alongside each other / incrementally switch over if it helps.
Good luck!
I’m testing method A in different conditions, meaning I have to setup the mock objects many times with different expectations.
If you care of what methodA is doing and which collaborator function has to be called then you have to setup different expectations... I don't see how you can skip this step?!
If you testLogout you would expect a call to myCollaborator.logout() otherwise if you testLogin you would expect something like myCollaborator.login().
If you have many methods with lots/different expectations maybe is the case to split your class in collaborators

Rhino Mocks - How can I test that at least one of a group of methods is called?

Say I have an interface IFoo which I am mocking. There are 3 methods on this interface. I need to test that the system under test calls at least one of the three methods. I don't care how many times, or with what arguments it does call, but the case where it ignores all the methods and does not touch the IFoo mock is the failure case.
I've been looking through the Expect.Call documentation but can't see an easy way to do it.
Any ideas?
You can give rhino mocks a lambda to run when a function get's called. This lambda can then increment a counter. Assert the counter > 1 and you're done.
Commented by Don Kirkby:
I believe Mendelt is referring to the Do method.
Not sure this answers your question but I've found that if I need to do anything like that with Rhino (or any similiar framework/library), anything that I didn't know how to do upfront, then I'm better just creating a manual mock.
Creating a class that implements the interface and sets a public boolean field to true if any of the methods is called will be trivially easy, you can give the class a descriptive name which means that (most importantly) the next person viewing the code will immediately understand it.
If I understood you correctly you want to check that the interface is called at least once on any of three specified methods. Looking through the quick reference I don't think you can do that in Rhino Mocks.
Intuitively I think you're trying to write a test that is brittle, which is a bad thing. This implies incomplete specification of the class under test. I urge you to think the design through so that the class under test and the test can have a known behavior.
However, to be useful with an example, you could always do it like this (but don't).
public class MyTest {
// The mocked interface
public class MockedInterface implements MyInterface {
int counter = 0;
public method1() { counter++; }
public method2() { counter++; }
public method3() { counter++; }
// The actual test, I assume you have the ClassUnderTest
// inject the interface through the constructor and
// the methodToTest calls either of the three methods on
// the interface.
public void testCallingAnyOfTheThreeMethods() {
MockedInterface mockery = new MockedInterface();
ClassUnderTest classToTest = new ClassUnderTest(mockery);
Assert.That(mockery.counter, Is.GreaterThan(1));
(Somebody check my code, I've written this from my head now and haven't written a C# stuff for about a year now)
I'm interested to know why you're doing this though.