Referencing variables in a structure / C++ - c++

Below, I provided a minimal example of code I created. I managed to get this code working, but I'm not sure if the practice being employed is sound. In essence, what I am trying to do is have the 'Parameter' class reference select elements in the 'States' class, so variables in States can be changed via Parameters.
Questions I have: is the approach taken OK? If not, is there a better way to achieve what I am aiming for?
Example code:
struct VAR_TYPE{
bool is_fixed; // If is_fixed = true, then variable is a parameter
double value; // Numerical value
std::string name; // Description of variable (to identify it by name)
struct NODE{
/* VAR_TYPE is a structure of primitive types */
class States{
std::vector <NODE_ptr> node; // shared ptr to struct NODE
std::vector <PROP_DICTIONARY_ptr> property; // CAN NOT be part of Parameter
std::vector <ELEMENT_ptr> element; // CAN NOT be part of Parameter
/* ect */
void set_X_reference ( Parameter &T , int i ) { T.push_var( &node[i]->X ); }
void set_Y_reference ( Parameter &T , int i ) { T.push_var( &node[i]->Y ); }
void set_Z_reference ( Parameter &T , int i ) { T.push_var( &node[i]->Z ); }
bool get_node_bool_X( int i ) { return node[i]->X.is_fixed; }
// repeat for Y and Z
class Parameter{
std::vector <VAR_TYPE*> var;
/* ect */
int main(){
States S;
Parameter P;
/* Here I initialize and set S, and do other stuff */
// Now I assign components in States to Parameters
for(int n=0 ; n<S.size_of_nodes() ; n++ ){
if ( S.get_node_bool_X(n)==true ){
S.set_X_reference ( P , n );
// repeat if statement for Y and Z
/* Now P points selected to data in S, and I can
* modify the contents of S through P
return 0;
The reason this issue cropped up is I am working with Fortran legacy code. To sum up this Fotran code - it's a numerical simulation of a flight vehicle. This code has a fairly rigid procedural framework one must work within, which comes with a pre-defined list of allowable Fortran types. The Fortran glue code can create an instance of a C++ object (in actuality, a reference from the perspective of Fortran), but is not aware what is contained in it (other means are used to extract C++ data into Fortran).
The problem that I encountered is when a C++ module is dynamically linked to the Fortran glue code, C++ objects have to be initialized each instance the C++ code is called. This happens by virtue of how the Fortran template is defined.
To avoid this cycle of re-initializing objects, I plan to use 'State' as a container class. The Fortran code allows a 'State' object, which has an arbitrary definition; but I plan to use it to harness all relevant information about the model. The idea is to use the Parameters class (which is exposed and updated by the Fortran code) to update variables in States.

What you are doing is legal C++ (although some parts of the code are missing, so I have to guess what they do) -- you can take pointers and references to member variables like this. But the question whether this is moral (or "sound") depends heavily on the situation.
It seems to me that you are trying to hide the semantics of which data member (x, etc) a particular object belongs to with your Parameter type. So, when actually accessing the contents of your VAR_TYPE* collection, you will not have that information.
That could be desired or it could be code smell. I'm leaning towards the latter. If x, y and z can serve similar roles, it might be better to replace them by one std::array<VAR_TYPE,3> and access them by index rather than going to the trouble of creating this wrapper type that serves the only purpose to add exactly this indirect access functionality.


What is the best way to initialize a more complex class construct with many unchangeable members in c++

I'm currently designing classes that should represent a chaotic storage system.
Lets say we have slots in rows and columns with certain properties.
So the slots have different restrictions in min/max height, width, length, weight and some more that come from a parameter file.
Also the Slots have a max total weight that must be checked before a new parcel gets added to that slot. And also the max weight that a row of slots can hold is lower than the sum of the max weights of the single slots. So for example each individual slot might be able to hold 50kg but the row of 10 slots must not exceed 200kg, so it is not allowed to fill every slot by 100%. The same is true for the Columns where the maximum weight is lower than the sum of the individual weights of the single rows. The row_id and column_id are atrificial numbers for adressing the slot in the physical system with barcodes or whatever that get read for positioning.
As all this parameters do not change over the lifetime of the program, my intention was to design the classes in a way that this properties are readable by getter functions but there should not be any setter functions (maybe not even private ones) in the object o the values cannot be changed by accident.
There is one class/function that reads the config-file and generates the data structure for the rows and columns with the slots. This function should be able to read the config and create objects for every column holding a row of slots and pass all the values from the config down to the slot.
Later when the program is running I also need some way to search for the best matching slot to add the next parcel or for searching parcels and unload them in a certain sequence.
So the (simplfied) basic structure of the classes would be like this:
Class Parcel {
int width;
int height;
int length;
int weight;
Class Slot {
vector<Parcel> parcel;
int min_width;
int max_width;
int min_height;
int max_height;
int min_length;
int max_length;
int max_total_weight;
int act_total_weight;
int total_length;
int free_length;
Class Row {
vector<Slot> slot;
int row_id;
int max_total_weight;
int act_total_weight;
Class Column {
vector<Row> row;
int column_id;
int max_total_weight;
int act_total_weight;
Class Storage {
vector<Column> column;
So here are my thoughts about how to initialize the data structure:
First possibility would be to pass all the properties in the constructor(s) of the classes, but then the constructors has some huge parameter lists specially for the Slot class that has a lot of properties.
Second thing that came to my mind (and currently my fafourite way to go) is to use config-data-structures that hold all the parameters. This parameter-objects get filled by the config-function and passed to the constructor when initializing the class. Then it also may be useful to use the parameter class as such and not having all the parameters defined in the storage class once more.
Third way is to use private setter and public getter and make the config class friends with the data structure classes to be able to access the setter functions (but i would prefer to have no setters at all in the final storage structure classes.
Fourth way that i was thinking off, was to derive child classes from the structure classes that hold the setter functions (and also some other logic needed for creating the data structure) so the child has no own variables but only additional functions. So the child class is used to fill the properties but the base class gets added to the data structure vector.
I also want to use Factory pattern to initialize the data structure because the objects have often similar or only slightly different properties. So with the second aproach after creating one row of slots I would maybe want to change the max weight of the slots in that row. Therefore I would need to change the setting in the factory and the factory then fills the parameter data structure differently and passes it to the Slot class. Or is it better to pass the data structure to the factory directly and the factory assigns it but then i think this is not what the factory pattern is meant to be.
I don't know if this is a good aproach or which of the above is best practice.
Or am I missing something and there is a way more convenient solution or this?
Thank you (and sorry if the question is maybe not the way it should be)
When constructing your classes as you describe it you can have a look at the creational design patterns.
Your second proposed solution is almost a builder design pattern. This will help you to construct the Slot e.g. piecewise.
As an example:
#include <iostream>
class Slot {
int GetMinWidth() const { return min_width_; };
int GetMaxWidth() const { return max_width_; };
// Builder class
class SlotBuilder {
SlotBuilder& SetMinWidth(int min_width) {
min_width_ = min_width;
return *this;
SlotBuilder& SetMaxWidth(int max_width) {
max_width_ = max_width;
return *this;
Slot Build() {
return Slot(min_width_, max_width_);
int min_width_{/* you can add default value here*/};
int max_width_{/* you can add default value here*/};
// This is optional, but creates a neat interface
static SlotBuilder Create() {
static SlotBuilder slot_builder;
return slot_builder;
// Make constructor private to restrict access and force the use of the builder
Slot(int min_width, int max_width) : min_width_(min_width), max_width_(max_width) {}
const int min_width_;
const int max_width_;
// .
// .
// Continue with your const attributes
int main() {
// Create the slot with the builder
Slot slot = Slot::Create()
std::cout << slot.GetMinWidth() << ", " << slot.GetMaxWidth();
return 0;
You can see the example working here
For having different types that are almost the same a Prototype pattern could work if you want to "clone" a class or in your case a Factory pattern could do the job.
There is never an ideal solution or that one pattern that solves it all, so I can't give you a definitive answer, but here are some collected thoughts:
Default values
Primitive types like int don't have a default value, so make sure you give them one explicitly:
struct Parcel {
int width{};
int height = 0;
int length = {};
int weight{};
All those different versions above are equivalent, but you really should use one of them. Otherwise you will probably run into UB down the line.
Const correctness
One thing that I love about C++ and that I dearly miss in languages like C# is const correctness. If you want an object to be immutable, declare it as const. To prevent changes to your objects, either instantiate the object as a const:
const Parcel x;
x.width = 10; // compiler error
or make the members of your classes const:
struct Parcel {
const int width{};
const int height{};
const int length{};
const int weight{};
Parcel x;
x.width = 10; // compiler error
Aggregate initialization
If you keep your types simple enough you can initialize the class members with curly braces directly:
const Parcel x { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
In C++ 20, you can also name the members, so this code is equivalent to the line above:
const Parcel x { .width = 1, .height = 2, .length = 3, .weight = 4 };
Note that this can bite you later though if you have to deal with ABI stability and versioning. In that case you are better off using getter and setter functions, because that allows you to still change the data layout of your members.
I have to think about design patterns a bit more. I'll update this post if something useful comes out of it.

How to create method which will know that its instance is in matrix of another class

I'm an absolute beginner in OOP (and C++). Trying to teach myself using resources my university offers for students of higher years, and a bunch of internet stuff I can find to clear things up.
I know basic things about OOP - I get the whole point of abstracting stuff into classes and using them to create objects, I know how inheritance works (at least, probably the basics), I know how to create operator functions (although as far as I can see that only helps in code readability in a sense that it becomes more standard, more language like), templates, and stuff like that.
So I've tried my first "project": to code Minesweeper (in command line, I never created a GUI before). Took me a few hours to create the program, and it works as desired, but I feel like I'm missing a huge point of OOP in there.
I've got a class "Field" with two attributes, a Boolean mine and a character forShow. I've defined the default constructor for it to initialize an instance as an empty field (mine is false), and forShowis . (indicating a not yet opened filed). I've got some simple inline functions such as isMine, addMine, removeMine, setForShow, getForShow, etc.
Then I've got the class Minesweeper. Its attributes are numberOfColumns, ~ofRows, numberOfMines, a pointer ptrGrid of type Mine*, and numberOfOpenedFields. I've got some obvious methods such as generateGrid, printGrid, printMines (for testing purposes).
The main thingy about it is a function openFiled which writes the number of mines surrounding the opened field, and another function clickField which recursively calls itself for surrounding fields if the field which is currently being opened has 0 neighbor mines. However, those two functions take an argument -- the index of the field in question. That kinda misses the point of OOP, if I understand it correctly.
For example, to call the function for the field right to the current one, I have to call it with argument i+1. The moment I noticed this, I wanted to make a function in my Field class which would return a pointer to the number right to it... but for the class Field itself, there is no matrix, so I can't do it!
Is it even possible to do it, is it too hard for my current knowledge? Or is there another more OOP-ish way to implement it?
TLDR version:
It's a noob's implemetation of Minesweeper game using C++. I got a class Minesweeper and Field. Minesweeper has a pointer to matrix of Fields, but the navigation through fields (going one up, down, wherever) doesn't seem OOP-ishly.
I want to do something like the following:
game->(ptrMatrix + i)->field.down().open(); // this
game->(ptrMatrix + i + game.numberOfColumns).open(); // instead of this
game->(ptrMatrix + i)->field.up().right().open(); // this
game->(ptrMatrix + i + 1 - game.numberOfColumns).open(); // instead of this
There are a couple of ways that you could do this in an OOP-ish manner. #Peter Schneider has provided one such way: have each cell know about its neighbours.
The real root of the problem is that you're using a dictionary (mapping exact coordinates to objects), when you want both dictionary-style lookups as well as neighbouring lookups. I personally wouldn't use "plain" OOP in this situation, I'd use templates.
/* Wrapper class. Instead of passing around (x,y) pairs everywhere as two
separate arguments, make this into a single index. */
class Position {
int m_x, m_y;
Position(int x, int y) : m_x(x), m_y(y) {}
// Getters and setters -- what could possibly be more OOPy?
int x() const { return m_x; }
int y() const { return m_y; }
// Stubbed, but these are the objects that we're querying for.
class Field {
// don't have to use an operator here, in fact you probably shouldn't . . .
// ... I just did it because I felt like it. No justification here, move along.
operator Position() const {
// ... however you want to get the position
// Probably want the Fields to "know" their own location.
return Position(-1,-1);
// This is another kind of query. For obvious reasons, we want to be able to query for
// fields by Position (the user clicked on some grid), but we also would like to look
// things up by relative position (is the cell to the lower left revealed/a mine?)
// This represents a Position with respect to a new origin (a Field).
class RelativePosition {
Field *m_to;
int m_xd, m_yd;
RelativePosition(Field *to, int xd, int yd) : m_to(to), m_xd(xd),
m_yd(yd) {}
Field *to() const { return m_to; }
int xd() const { return m_xd; }
int yd() const { return m_yd; }
// The ultimate storage/owner of all Fields, that will be manipulated externally by
// querying its contents.
class Minefield {
Field **m_field;
Minefield(int w, int h) {
m_field = new Field*[w];
for(int x = 0; x < w; x ++) {
m_field[w] = new Field[h];
~Minefield() {
// cleanup
Field *get(int x, int y) const {
// TODO: check bounds etc.
// NOTE: equivalent to &m_field[x][y], but cleaner IMO.
return m_field[x] + y;
// The Query class! This is where the interesting stuff happens.
class Query {
// Generic function that will be instantiated in a bit.
template<typename Param>
static Field *lookup(const Minefield &field, const Param &param);
// This one's straightforwards . . .
Field *Query::lookup<Position>(const Minefield &field, const Position &pos) {
return field.get(pos.x(), pos.y());
// This one, on the other hand, needs some precomputation.
Field *Query::lookup<RelativePosition>(const Minefield &field,
const RelativePosition &pos) {
Position base = *;
return field.get(
base.x() + pos.xd(),
base.y() + pos.yd());
int main() {
Minefield field(5,5);
Field *f1 = Query::lookup(field, Position(1,1));
Field *f0 = Query::lookup(field, RelativePosition(f1, -1, -1));
return 0;
There are a couple of reasons why you might want to do it this way, even if it is complicated.
Decoupling the whole "get by position" idea from the "get neighbour" idea. As mentioned, these are fundamentally different, so expose a different interface.
Doing it in this manner gives you the opportunity to expand later with more Query types in a straightforwards fashion.
You get the advantage of being able to "store" a Query for later use. Perhaps to be executed in a different thread if it's a really expensive query, or in an event loop to be processed after other events, or . . . lots of reasons why you might want to do this.
You end up with something like this: (C++11 ahead, be warned!)
std::function<Field *()> f = std::bind(Query::lookup<RelativePosition>,
field, RelativePosition(f1, -1, -1));
. . . wait, what?
Well, what we essentially want to do here is "delay" an execution of Query::lookup(field, RelativePosition(f1, -1, -1)) for later. Or, rather, we want to "set up" such a call, but not actually execute it.
Let's start with f. What is f? Well, by staring at the type signature, it appears to be a function of some sort, with signature Field *(). How can a variable be a function? Well, it's actually more like a function pointer. (There are good reasons why not to call it a function pointer, but that's getting ahead of ourselves here.)
In fact, f can be assigned to anything that, when called, produces a Field * -- not just a function. If you overload the operator () on a class, that's a perfectly valid thing for it to accept as well.
Why do we want to produce a Field * with no arguments? Well, that's an execution of the query, isn't it? But the function Query::lookup<RelativePosition> takes two arguments, right?
That's where std::bind comes in. std::bind essentially takes an n-argument function and turns it into an m-argument function, with m <= n. So the std::bind call takes in a two-place function (in this case), and then fixes its first two arguments, leaving us with . . .
. . . a zero-argument function, that returns a Field *.
And so we can pass around this "function pointer" to a different thread to be executed there, store it for later use, or even just repeatedly call it for kicks, and if the Position of Fields was to magically change for some reason (not applicable in this situation), the result of calling f() will dynamically update.
So now that I've turned a 2D array lookup into a mess of templates . . . we have to ask a question: is it worth it? I know this is a learning exercise and all, but my response: sometimes, an array is really just an array.
You can link the four neighbours to the cell via pointers or references. That would likely happen after the playing field has been created. Whether that's good or bad design I'm not sure (I see the same charme though that you see). For large fields it would increase the memory footprint substantially, because a cell probably doesn't hold that much data besides these pointers:
class Cell
// "real" data
Cell *left, *right, *upper, *lower;
// and diagonals? Perhaps name them N, NE, E, SE, S...
void init()
// allocate etc...
// pseudo code
foreach r: row
foreach c: column
// bounds check ok
cells[r][c].upper = &cells[r-1][c];
cells[r][c].left = &cells[r][c-1];
// etc.
// other stuff

Accomplish this task in C++; Migration from AS3.0

I've got way too much information to work with, so for now I'll consider this question answered until I can sort it all out and decide on the final implementation! Thanks a ton gf and Simon Buchan. I wish I could accept both of your answers, since they're both definite possibilities!
Additional / Revised Conceptual Information as suggested:
What I am aiming to do;
I am making a game. In this game every object used is an instance of the DOBJ class. The TUR class extends the DOBJ class. The SHO class extends the TUR class.
Each TUR class has an array of SHO's stored in it's SHOARR array. Each SHO instance needs to be given a set of instructions.
I know for a fact I could make 1000's of different SHO classes that have their instructions set during construction.
However, considering I will have so many different acting SHO instances, I was interested in another way to pass a set of instructions. Through the contruction of the SHO would be the ideal.
The instructions I am attempting to pass to each SHO are simple if statements;
if(frame > 64) { rotation += 4; };
if(state == 0 && frame < 32) { xs = 12; ys = 12; state = 1; };
Original question
Migration from ActionScript3.0 to C++ is proving to be a trial indeed. Thanks to those who have answered my questions thus far and also to those who opened stackoverflow in the first place. Onto the question... (TL;DR near the bottom to get straight to the question)
I'm attempting to apply the same logic that I could apply in AS3.0 to my project in C++ and it's just not going very well.
In AS3.0 I was used to slapping any and every datatype into an Array. It made things pretty simple. Now that I've run into C++ dev, I realized that I can't exactly do that anymore.
So now I'm stuck with this problem of rewriting a little AI system in a new language, where the driving point of the system isn't even compatible!
Here's an example of a piece of the code I was writing in AS3.0;
AI[NUM][1]( OBJ, AI[NUM][2], AI[NUM][3] );
AI being an array, NUM being an integer, OBJ being an instance of a class.
This line obviously called the function in the second element of the first array in the main array with the arguments being a class in which to perform the function on, whatever was in the third element of the first array of the main array, and likewise the fourth element.
In this case;
AI[NUM][1] would be a function
AI[NUM][2] would be a variable
AI[NUM][3] would be a number
Generally, my AI was run on calling a function to change or compare the variable with a number.
An example would be;
CompareST( someObject, "x", 500 );
and return true if someObject's x variable was smaller than (ST) 500.
The AI array itself was just filled with arrays of calls similar to this.
Quite new to C++ I had no idea how to go about this, so I did a bit of searching and reading of many different websites and came to the conclusion that I should look into function pointers.
However, after reading a bit into them, I've come to the conclusion that it won't help me realize my goal. While it did help me call functions like I wanted to call them, it doesn't help me stack different datatypes into one large array of arrays.
What I need for each object is a set of instructions to be checked every frame. However, for each instance of the class, the instructions have to be different.
I plan on having a LOT of different instances, so making a class for each one is unreasonable.
Thus, I needed a way to pass a set of instructions to each one through it's constructor and read + execute them at any time their think() function is called.
My ultimate goal (aside from finding out about a better way to go about this) would be to be able to have an array of function calls, like;
A[n][0]( O, A[n][1], A[n][2] );
O is the instance the function is altering
A[n][0] is a function (Equality or Comparison)
A[n][1] is the variable, eg; "x", O["x"] (or a pointer to that variable in the case of C++)
A[n][2] is the value to alter the variable by, or compare it to.
And I'm not sure how I would rewrite this into C++, or alter it to work in another way.
Aftermath / Additional Information
What I'm actually aiming to do is be able to give an object a set of instructions at the time of it's creation, through the constructor. For example upon creation give an object instructions to wait 64 frames, and then rotate in the opposite direction, would have been something like this;
t.AI = [ [ 1, AIF.CompareET, "STATE", 0, AIF.CompareGT, "FRAME", 64, 0, AIF.EqualityAT, "baseRotation", 180, AIF.EqualityET, "STATE", 1 ] ];
In pseudocode;
(The 1 in the array denotes how to read the rest of the array, in this case everything before the odd 0 [ The one that comes after 64 ] is a comparison. If any of those fail, anything after the 0 will not be looked at )
Compare STATE is equal to (ET) 0, if true
Compare FRAME is greather than (GT) 64, if true
Add 180 to (AT) baseRotation, Set STATE equal to 1
Sorry that this turned out really long. I hope it's understandable, and I'm not asking something stupidly difficult to explain.
You can store functions using function pointers or functors. Variant types though are not natively supported by C++, you have to use custom solutions there.
One possibility would be to use Boost.Any (or better, Boost.Variant if you only use a fixed set of types):
typedef void (*Function)(Object*, const std::string&, boost::any&);
std::vector<Function> functions;
Given some function:
void f(Object* obj, const std::string& name, boost::any& value) {
// ...
you could store and call it similar to your example:
functions[0](obj, "x", boost::any(500));
To utilize a declarative syntax, there are three options that come to my mind:
you use a similar approach and have central "interpreter" function, e.g. based on a switch (don't forget to switch to integers or pointers-to-members instead of strings if you need performance)
you invent your own language and generate C++ code from description files
you compose function objects in a declarative way
To do composition, you could use Boost.Bind or something like custom objects that represent operations:
struct Operation {
virtual ~Operation() {}
virtual bool operator()(Object&) = 0;
template<class T>
struct GreaterThen : Operation {
typedef T Object::*Member;
Member member;
const T value;
CompareGT(Member member, const T& value) : member(member), value(value) {}
bool operator()(Object& obj) { return (obj.*member > value); }
template<class T>
struct SetTo : Operation {
typedef T Object::*member;
Member member;
const T value;
SetTo(Member member, const T& value) : member(member), value(value) {}
bool operator()(Object& obj) { obj.*member = value; return true; }
Now we can build operation lists:
typedef std::vector<Operation*> OpList;
OpList operation;
operations.push_back(new GreaterThen<int>(&Object::Frame, 64));
operations.push_back(new SetTo<int>(&Object::State, 1));
We can use helper functions to avoid having to specify the template types:
template<class T>
Operation* opGreaterThen(T Object::*mem, const T& val) {
return new GreaterThen<T>(mem, val);
Assuming a similar helper for SetTo and using Boost.Assign the above becomes:
OpList operations = boost::assign::list_of
(opGreaterThen(&Object::Frame, 64))
(opSetTo (&Object::State, 1));
Executing the operations becomes the following then:
OpList::iterator it = operation.begin();
for( ; it != operations.end(); ++it) {
Operation& op = *it; // just for readability
if(!op(someObject)) break; // stop if operation returns false
Reading through that slowly suggests what you're trying to end up with is an array of function calls and you can choose a different function with the same parameters (but different implementation) for different actions and choose the correct one for the correct case.
If that is the case, you're looking for function pointers. Try this tutorial.
You should be able to use a function pointer with an argument set and point it to the correct function based on your needs. You won't need an array of function pointers for this either - any function that matches the definition should do. From the tutorial, declare a function pointer like this:
int (TMyClass::*functptr)(classname, int, int) = NULL; // C++
Then assign it later:
this.functptr = &TMyClass::doitthisway;
While it is possible (although a pain) to have an array of arbitrary types, you pretty much never need it, since you have to know something about what is where to do anything interesting with it: for example, your 'TL;DR' example seems to look something like:
struct AIRule {
// Can only handle comparing ints, see later for more general solution.
typedef bool compare_type(AIObject*, AIObject::*int, int);
compare_type* compare;
AIObject* object;
AIObject::int* member;
int comparand;
So now you can do something like:
bool ai_equal(AIObject* object, AIObject::int* member, int comparand) {
return object->*member == comparand;
ai[n].compare = &ai_equal;
ai[n].object = some_object;
ai[n].member = &AIObject::some_member;
ai[n].comparand = 50;
if (ai[n].compare(ai[n].object, ai[n].member, ai[n].comparand)) {
This just moves the any type problem from the rules array to member though. C++ needs to know at least how many bytes a member is, and a string (for example) can be much bigger than an int. You can get around this by using pointers: which essentially is C++'s version of any, but you then need to delete it yourself (or you will leak memory!), at which point the interface method below becomes simpler.
If I was doing what you seem to want, I would use inheritance:
struct Sprite {
int frame;
double rotation;
Sprite() {
frame = 0;
rotation = 0.0;
virtual ~Sprite() {}
virtual void think() {
virtual void draw() {
struct RotatingSprite : public Sprite {
int state;
MyShape() {
state = 0;
void think() {
if (state == 0 && frame > 64) {
state = 1;
rotation += 180.0;
Or a function pointer:
struct Sprite {
int frame;
double rotation;
void (*think)(Sprite*);
Sprite() {
frame = 0;
rotation = 0.0;
void rotate_think(Sprite* sprite) {
if (sprite->state == 0 && sprite->frame > 64) {
sprite->state = 1;
sprite->rotation += 180.0;
sprite->think = &rotate_think;
If you really need to do it dynamically I would recommend using the ++ part of C++. For the predicates (a predicate is just something that returns a boolean, like isLowerCase()) create an AIPredicate interface, and the actions an AIAction interface:
struct AIPredicate {
// "When you delete an AIPredicate, delete the full type, not just this interface."
virtual ~AIPredicate() {}
// "You can treat this as a function (operator()) but I'm not providing an implementation here ( = 0)"
virtual bool operator()(AIObject* object) = 0;
struct AIAction {
virtual ~AIAction() {}
virtual void operator()(AIObject* object) = 0;
struct AIRule {
// std::auto_ptr (or std::unique_ptr if you can use C++0x) will delete predicate for you.
// Add "#include <memory>" to your includes if it complains (most std headers will include it already)
std::auto_ptr<AIPredicate> predicate;
std::auto_ptr<AIAction> action;
Now you can make types like:
struct AIFrame : public AIPredicate {
// Implement the operator() member AICondition promises.
bool operator()(AIObject* object) {
return object->foo < 100;
// Use .reset() instead of = if you use std::unique_ptr.
ai[n].predicate = new AIFooIsLow();
If you want to have a very general predicate type, you can use the very powerful (and complicated) templates feature:
// The naming convention I'm using here is 'T'TitleCase for template parameters, TitleCase for types,
// lower_case for arguments and variables and '_'lower_case for members.
template<typename TMemberType, AIObject::TMemberType* TMember>
struct AIMemberEquals : public AIPredicate {
// Constructor: Initializes a new instance after it is created.
AIMemberEquals(TMemberType comparand) {
// Save comparand argument so we can use it in operator().
_comparand = comparand;
bool operator()(AIObject* object) {
return object->*TMember == comparand;
// Stores the value to compare.
TMemberType _comparand;
Unfortunately, creating templates looks a bit crazy:
ai[n].predicate = new AIMemberEquals<int, &AIObject::some_member>(100);
Read it as "create a new instance of (the type that AIMemberEquals applied to int and (the some_member member of AIObject) creates), with the argument 100".
When you have multiple predicates memory management becomes a bit more difficult without C++0x's unique_ptr or shared_ptr, types that will delete the object for you, since std::auto_ptr doesn't work in containers:
#include <vector>
struct AIData {
// vector is fairly close to AS3's Array type, it is a good default for
// arrays of changing or unknown size.
std::vector<AIPredicate*> predicates;
// Destructor: will be run before the memory for this object is freed.
~AIData() {
for (int i = 0; i != predicates.size(); ++i) {
delete predicates[i];
ai[n].predicates.push_back(new AIFooIsLow());
for (int i = 0; i != ai[n].predicates.size(); ++i) {
In C++0x:
struct AIData {
// unique_ptr will delete it for you, so no ~AIData() needed.
std::vector<unique_ptr<AIPredicate>> predicates;
Your final example could in C++ look something like:
std::auto_ptr<Shape> shape(new Shape());
std::auto_ptr<AIRule> rule(new AIRule());
rule->predicates.push(new AIMemberEquals<int, &Shape::state>(0));
rule->predicates.push(new AIMemberGreater<int, &Shape::frame>(64));
rule->actions.push(new AIAddMember<double, &Shape::rotation>(180.0));
rule->actions.push(new AISetMember<int, &Shape::state>(1));
shape->ai.push(rule); // .push(std::move(rule)); if you are using unique_ptr
Certainly not as pretty, but it works and is fairly flexible.

Is there a way to apply an action to N C++ class members in a loop over member names (probably via pre-processor)?

The problem:
I have a C++ class with gajillion (>100) members that behave nearly identically:
same type
in a function, each member has the same exact code done to it as other members, e.g. assignment from a map in a constructor where map key is same as member key
This identicality of behavior is repeated across many-many functions (>20), of course the behavior in each function is different so there's no way to factor things out.
The list of members is very fluid, with constant additions and sometimes deletions, some (but not all) driven by changing columns in a DB table.
As you can imagine, this presents a big pain-in-the-behind as far as code creation and maintenance, since to add a new member you have to add code to every function
where analogous members are used.
Example of a solution I'd like
Actual C++ code I need (say, in constructor):
MyClass::MyClass(SomeMap & map) { // construct an object from a map
intMember1 = map["intMember1"];
intMember2 = map["intMember2"];
... // Up to
intMemberN = map["intMemberN"];
C++ code I want to be able to write:
MyClass::MyClass(SomeMap & map) { // construct an object from a map
#FOR_EACH_WORD Label ("intMember1", "intMember2", ... "intMemberN")
$Label = map["$Label"];
The solution must be compatible with GCC (with Nmake as make system, if that matters).
Don't care about other compilers.
The solution can be on a pre-processor level, or something compilable. I'm fine with either one; but so far, all of my research pointed me to the conclusion that the latter is just plain out impossible in C++ (I so miss Perl now that I'm forced to do C++ !)
The solution must be to at least some extent "industry standard" (e.g. Boost is great, but a custom Perl script that Joe-Quick-Fingers created once and posted on his blog is not. Heck, I can easily write that Perl script, being much more of a Perl expert than a C++ one - I just can't get bigwigs in Software Engineering at my BigCompany to buy into using it :) )
The solution should allow me to declare a list of IDs (ideally, in only one header file instead of in every "#FOR_EACH_WORD" directive as I did in the example above)
The solution must not be limited to "create an object from a DB table" constructor. There are many functions, most of them not constructors, that need this.
A solution of "Make them all values in a single vector, and then run a 'for' loop across the vector" is an obvious one, and can not be used - the code's in a library used by many apps, the members are public, and re-writing those apps to use vector members instead of named members is out of the question, sadly.
Boost includes a great preprocessor library that you can use to generate such code:
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
typedef std::map<std::string, int> SomeMap;
class MyClass
int intMember1, intMember2, intMember3;
MyClass(SomeMap & map)
#define ASSIGN(z,n,_) BOOST_PP_CAT(intMember, n) = map[ BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(BOOST_PP_CAT(intMember, n))];
Boost.Preprocessor proposes many convenient macros to perform such operations. Bojan Resnik already provided a solution using this library, but it assumes that every member name is constructed the same way.
Since you explicitely required the possibily to declare a list of IDs, here is a solution that should better fulfill your needs.
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp>
// sequence of member names (can be declared in a separate header file)
#define MEMBERS (foo)(bar)
// macro for the map example
#define GET_FROM_MAP(r, map, member) member = map[BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(member)];
// generates
// foo = mymap["foo"]; bar = mymap["bar];
//Somewhere else, we need to print all the values on the standard output:
#define PRINT(r, ostream, member) ostream << member << std::endl;
As you can see, you just need to write a macro representing the pattern you want to repeat, and pass it to the BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH macro.
You could do something like this: create an adapter class or modify the existing class to have a vector of pointers to those fields, add the addresses of all member variables in question to that vector in the class constructor, then when needed run the for-loop on that vector. This way you don't (or almost don't) change the class for external users and have a nice for-loop capability.
Of course, the obvious question is: Why do you have a class with 100 members? It doesn't really seem sane.
Assuming it is sane nevertheless -- have you looked at boost preprocessor library? I have never used it myself (as one friend used to say: doing so leads to the dark side), but from what I heard it should be the tool for the job.
Surreptitiously use perl on your own machine to create the constructor. Then ask to increase your salary since you're succesfully maintaining such a huge chunk of code.
You could use the preprocessor to define the members, and later use the same definition to access them:
#define MEMBERS\
MEMBER( int, value )\
SEP MEMBER( double, value2 )\
SEP MEMBER( std::string, value3 )\
struct FluctuatingMembers {
#define SEP ;
#define MEMBER( type, name ) type name
#undef MEMBER
#undef SEP
.. client code:
FluctuatingMembers f = { 1,2., "valuesofstringtype" };
std::cout <<
#define SEP <<
#define MEMBER( type, name ) #name << ":" << f.##name
#undef MEMBER
#undef SEP
It worked for me, but is hard to debug.
You can also implement a visitor pattern based on pointer-to-members. After the preprocessor solution, this one turns out way more debuggeable.
struct FluctuatingMembers {
int v1;
double v2;
std::string v3;
template<typename Visitor> static void each_member( Visitor& v );
template<typename Visitor> void FluctuatingMembers::each_member( Visitor& v ) {
v.accept( &FluctuatingMembers::v1 );
v.accept( &FluctuatingMembers::v2 );
v.accept( &FluctuatingMembers::v3 );
struct Printer {
FluctuatingMembers& f;
template< typename pt_member > void accept( pt_member m ) const {
std::cout << (f::*m) << "\n";
// you can even use this approach for visiting
// multiple objects simultaneously
struct MemberComparer {
FluctuatingMembers& f1, &f2;
bool different;
MemberComparer( FluctuatingMembers& f1, FluctuatingMembers& f2 )
: f1(f1),f2(f2)
template< typename pt_member > void accept( pt_member m ) {
if( (f1::*m) != (f2::*m) ) different = true;
... client code:
FluctuatingMembers object1 = { 1, 2.2, "value2" }
, object2 = { 1, 2.2, "valuetoo" };
Comparer compare( object1, object2 );
FluctuatingMembers::each_member( compare );
Printer pr = { object1 };
FluctuatingMembers::each_member( pr );
Why not do it at run time? (I really hate macro hackery)
What you really are asking for, in some sense, is class metadata.
So I would try something like:
class AMember{
class YourClass{
AMember member1;
AMember member2;
AMember memberN;
typedef AMember YourClass::* pMember_t;
struct MetaData : public std::vector<std::pair<std::string,pMember_t>>{
static const MetaData& myMetaData() {
static const MetaData m;//initialized once
return m;
YourClass(const std::map<std::string,AMember>& m){
const MetaData& md = myMetaData();
for(MetaData::const_iterator i = md.begin();i!= md.end();++i){
this->*(i->second) = m[i->first];
YourClass(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string,pMember_t>>& m){
const MetaData& md = myMetaData();
for(MetaData::const_iterator i = md.begin();i!= md.end();++i){
this->*(i->second) = m[i->first];
(pretty sure I've got the syntax right but this is a machinery post not a code post)
in a function, each member has the same exact code done to it as other members, e.g. assignment from a map in a constructor where map key is same as member key
this is handled above.
The list of members is very fluid, with constant additions and sometimes deletions, some (but not all) driven by changing columns in a DB table.
When you add a new AMember, say newMember, all you have to do is update the MetaData constructor with an:
This identicality of behavior is repeated across many-many functions (>20), of course the behavior in each function is different so there's no way to factor things out.
You have the machinery to apply this same idiom to build the functions
eg: setAllValuesTo(const AMember& value)
YourClass::setAllValuesTo(const AMember& value){
const MetaData& md = myMetaData();
for(MetaData::const_iterator i = md.begin();i!= md.end();++i){
this->*(i->second) = value;
If you are a tiny bit creative with function pointers or template functionals you can factor out the mutating operation and do just about anything you want to YourClass' AMember's on a collection basis. Wrap these general functions (that may take a functional or function pointer) to implement your current set of 20 public methods in the interface.
If you need more metadata just augment the codomain of the MetaData map beyond a pointer to member. (Of course the i->second above would change then)
Hope this helps.
You can do something like his:
#define DOTHAT(m) m = map[#m]
DOTHAT(member1); DOTHAT(member2);
#undef DOTHAT
That doesn't fully fit your description, but closest to it that saves you typing.
Probably what I'd look to do would be to make use of runtime polymorphism (dynamic dispatch). Make a parent class for those members with a method that does the common stuff. The members derive their class from that parent class. The ones that need a different implementation of the method implement their own. If they need the common stuff done too, then inside the method they can downcast to the base class and call its version of the method.
Then all you have to do inside your original class is call the member for each method.
I would recommend a small command-line app, written in whatever language you or your team are most proficient in.
Add some kind of template language to your source files. For something like this, you don't need to implement a full-fledged parser or anything fancy like that. Just look for an easily-identified character at the beginning of a line, and some keywords to replace.
Use the command-line app to convert the templated source files into real source files. In most build systems, this should be pretty easy to do automatically by adding a build phase, or simply telling the build system: "use MyParser.exe to handle files of type *.tmp"
Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
MyClass::MyClass(SomeMap & map) { // construct an object from a map
▐REPLACE_EACH, LABEL, "intMember1", "intMember2, ... , "intMemberN"
▐ LABEL = map["$Label"];
I've used "▐" as an example, but any character that would otherwise never appear as the first character on a line is perfectly acceptable.
Now, you would treat these .tmp files as your source files, and have the actual C++ code generated automatically.
If you've ever heard the phrase "write code that writes code", this is what it means :)
There are already a lot of good answers and ideas here, but for the sake of diversity I'll present another.
In the code file for MyClass would be:
struct MemberData
size_t Offset;
const char* ID;
static const MemberData MyClassMembers[] =
{ offsetof(MyClass, Member1), "Member1" },
{ offsetof(MyClass, Member2), "Member2" },
{ offsetof(MyClass, Member3), "Member3" },
size_t GetMemberCount(void)
return sizeof(MyClassMembers)/sizeof(MyClassMembers[0]);
const char* GetMemberID(size_t i)
return MyClassMembers[i].ID;
int* GetMemberPtr(MyClass* p, size_t i) const
return (int*)(((char*)p) + MyClassMembers[i].Offset);
Which then makes it possible to write the desired constructor as:
MyClass::MyClass(SomeMap& Map)
for(size_t i=0; i<GetMemberCount(); ++i)
*GetMemberPtr(i) = Map[GetMemberID(i)];
And of course, for any other functions operating on all the members you would write similar loops.
Now there are a few issues with this technique:
Operations on members use a runtime loop as opposed to other solutions which would yield an unrolled sequence of operations.
This absolutely depends on each member having the same type. While that was allowed by OP, one should still evaluate whether or not that might change in the future. Some of the other solutions don't have this restriction.
If I remember correctly, offsetof is only defined to work on POD types by the C++ standard. In practice, I've never seen it fail. However I haven't used all the C++ compilers out there. In particular, I've never used GCC. So you would need to test this in your environment to ensure it actually works as intended.
Whether or not any of these are problems is something you'll have to evaluate against your own situation.
Now, assuming this technique is usable, there is one nice advantage. Those GetMemberX functions can be turned into public static/member functions of your class, thus providing this generic member access to more places in your code.
class MyClass
MyClass(SomeMap& Map);
int Member1;
int Member2;
int Member3;
static size_t GetMemberCount(void);
static const char* GetMemberID(size_t i);
int* GetMemberPtr(size_t i) const;
And if useful, you could also add a GetMemberPtrByID function to search for a given string ID and return a pointer to the corresponding member.
One disadvantage with this idea so far is that there is a risk that a member could be added to the class but not to the MyClassMembers array. However, this technique could be combined with xtofl's macro solution so that a single list could populate both the class and the array.
changes in the header:
#define MEMBERS\
MEMBER( Member1 )\
SEP MEMBER( Member2 )\
SEP MEMBER( Member3 )\
class MyClass
#define SEP ;
#define MEMBER( name ) int name
#undef MEMBER
#undef SEP
// other stuff, member functions, etc
and changes in the code file:
const MemberData MyClassMembers[] =
#define SEP ,
#define MEMBER( name ) { offsetof(MyClass, name), #name }
#undef MEMBER
#undef SEP
Note: I have left error checking out of my examples here. Depending on how this would be used, you might want to ensure the array bounds are not overrun with debug mode asserts and/or release mode checks that would return NULL pointers for bad indexes. Or some use of exceptions if appropriate.
Of course, if you aren't worried about error checking the array bounds, then GetMemberPtr could actually be changed into something else that would return a reference to the member.

Is it better to store class constants in data members or in methods?

I recently wrote a class that renders B-spline curves. These curves are defined by a number of control points. Originally, I had intended to use eight control points, so I added a constant to the class, like so:
class Curve
static const int CONTROL_POINT_COUNT = 8;
Now I want to extend this class to allow an arbitrary amount of control points. So I want to change this to:
class Curve
int getControlPointCount() {return _controlPointCount;}
The question is whether it isn't better to store constants in methods to begin with, to facilitate adaptability. In other words, isn't it better to have started thus:
class Curve
int getControlPointCount() {return 8;}
The advantage of this is that I could have just changed one symbol in the method in question, instead of moving around constants etc.
Is this a good practice or a bad one?
int getControlPointCount() {return _controlPointCount;}
This is an accessor. Swapping a const static for an accessor is not really a gain as litb has pointed out. What you really need to future-proof is probably a pair of accessor and mutator.
int getControlPointCount() {return _controlPointCount;} // accessor
I'd also throw in a design-const for the accessor and make it:
int getControlPointCount() const {return _controlPointCount;} // accessor
and the corresponding:
void setControlPointCount(int cpc) { _controlPointCount = cpc;} //mutator
Now, the big difference with a static object is that the control-point count is no longer a class-level attribute but an instance level one. This is a design change. Do you want it this way?
Nit: Your class level static count is public and hence does not need an accessor.
Typically I favour maintaining as few couplings manually as possible.
The number of control points in the curve is, well, the number of control points in the curve. It's not an independent variable that can be set at will.
So I usually would expose a const standard container reference:
class Curve
std::vector<Point>& _controlPoints;
Curve ( const std::vector<Point>& controlPoints) : _controlPoints(controlPoints)
const std::vector<Point>& getControlPoints ()
return _controlPoints;
And if you want to know how many control points, then use curve.getControlPoints().size(). I'd suspect that in most of the use cases you'd want the points as well as the count anyway, and by exposing a standard container you can use the standard library's iterator idioms and built-in algorithms, rather getting the count and calling a function like getControlPointWithIndex in a loop.
If there really is nothing else in the curve class, I might even go as far as:
typedef std::vector<Point> Curve;
(often a curve won't render itself, as a renderer class can have details about the rendering pipeline, leaving a curve as purely the geometric artifact)
To better answer your question, one should also know how the controlPointCount variable is set. Is it set outside from your class? In this case, you should also define a setter. Or the Curve class is the sole responsible for setting it? Is it set only on compile time or also on runtime.
Anyway, avoid a magic number even in this form:
int getControlPointCount() {return 8;}
This is better:
int getControlPointCount() {return CONTROL_POINT_COUNT;}
A method has the advantage that you can modify the internal implementation (use a constant value, read from a configuration file, alter the value dynamically), without affecting the external of the class.
class Curve
int _controlPointCount;
void setControlPointCount(int cpc_arg)
_controlPointCount = cpc_arg;
_controlPointCount = 8;
int getControlPointCount() const
return _controlPointCount;
I will create a code like this, with set function in private, so that no body can play with control point count, until we move to the next phase of development..where we update start to update the control point count at runtime. at that time, we can move this set method from private to public scope.
While understanding the question, I have a number of conceptual problems with the example:
What is the return value for getControlPointCount() when the number of control points is not limited?
Is it the current number of control points on the curve (thus breaking the logic that says that this is the largest possible number of points?)
What happens when you actually attempt to create a curve with MAXINT points? You will run out of memory eventually.
The interface itself seems problematic to me. Like other standard collection classes, the class should have encapsulated its limitation on number of points, and its AddControlPoint() should have returned an error if a limitation on size, memory, or any other violation has occurred.
As for the specific answer, I agree with kgiannakakis: a member function allows more flexibility.
I tend to use configuration + constant (default value) for all 'stable' values through the execution of the program. With plain constants for values that cannot change (360 degrees -> 2 pi radians, 60 seconds -> 1 minute) or whose change would break the running code (minimum/maximum values for algorithms that make them unstable).
You are dealing with some different design issues. First you must know whether the number of control points is a class or instance level value. Then whether it is a constant at any of the two levels.
If all curves must share the same number of control points in your application then it is a class level (static) value. If different curves can have different number of control points then it is not a class level value, but rather a instance level one.
In this case, if the number of control points will be constant during the whole life of the curve then it is a instance level constant, if it can change then it is not constant at this level either.
// Assuming that different curves can have different
// number of control points, but that the value cannot
// change dynamically for a curve.
class Curve
explicit Curve( int control_points )
: control_points_( control_points )
// ...
const int control_points_;
namespace constant
const int spline_control_points = 8;
class Config
void readFile( std::string const & file );
// returns the configured value for SplineControlPoints or
// constant::spline_control_points if the option does not
// appear in config.
int getSplineControlPoints() const;
int main()
Config config;
config.readFile( "~/.configuration" ); // read config
Curve c( config.getSplineControlPoints() );
For integral type I'm usualy using:
class Curve
If constant doesn't need for any entities except class implementation I declare constants in *.cpp file.
const int CONTROL_POINT_COUNT = 8;
In general, all your data should be private and accessed via getters and setters. Otherwise you violate encapsulation. Namely, if you expose the underlying data you lock yourself and your class into a particular representation of that underlying data.
In this specific case I would have done the something like the following I think:
class Curve
int getControlPointCount() {return _controlPointCount;}
int setControlPointCount(int c) { _controlPointCount = c; }
static int _controlPointCount = 0;
Constants in general should not be defined inside methods. The example you're choosing has two unique features. First, it's a getter; second, the type being returned is an int. But the point of defining constants is to use them more than once, and to be able to refer to them in a convenient way. Typing "8" as opposed to "controlPointCount" may save you time, and may not seem to incur a maintenance cost, but this won't typically be true if you always define constants inside methods.