Error in cloudbees build: unable to find pom.xml - build

When I build my cloudbees project it gives the following error:
ERROR: No such file /scratch/jenkins/workspace/glassfish-myruby/pom.xml
Where my project name is glassfish-myruby.

Go to the job you created and click on the "Workspace" link on the left. This will show you how your project was checked out. The pom may be in a different place than you expect.

I ran into a similar problem. My project was building fine, then suddenly stopped with the same error:
Parsing POMs
ERROR: No such file /scratch/jenkins/workspace/MyMoney/pom.xml
Perhaps you need to specify the correct POM file path in the project configuration?
[cloudbees-deployer] Skipping deployment as build result is FAILURE
Finished: FAILURE
I realized the only thing I had changed was adding a GitHub page (as described in
For reasons I don't understand, this was causing my project to check out from the gh-pages branch instead of master, as reflected in the console output:
Commencing build of Revision 88d8d7ee822e02aa2cdae11e07265eb7a8403fed (origin/gh-pages)
This was also reflected in the jenkins workspace (it contained the GitHub pages files, rather than my project files).
I'm sure there is a way to get this to work AND use GitHub pages, but for me the GitHub page was just an experiment, so I deleted the branch using:
git push origin --delete gh-pages
I then also did another commit to make sure all was OK and rebuilt.
The project is now checking out from master again and building OK.


Problem building an AWS app with SAM and Maven

i am getting some errors while trying to build an AWS example "HelloWorld" app using SAM with Maven. Note that i've tried the same procedure using Gradle and everything works fine. I've followed this guide:
The first terminal command "sam init" works fine as it should.
The problems starts with the second part where I typed "sam build", and that's where the following error happens.
Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:jar:2.5 was not found in during a previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of mrm-maven-plugin has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
Despite with this error, the command created the folders for the project but when i open it using IntelliJ, it says that it couldn't find all the dependencies that are in the pom.xml file. I've also tried to delete the .aws folder like someone on the internet suggested but it doesn't worked. Note that i'm using Windows 11

Unable to publish GitHub page for my R package using pkgdown

I was trying to build a website for my R package using pkgdown R package. FYI, I am not using <username>
Following the instrucution (, I ran
I have created 'docs' folder and html files in my master branch and an empty 'gh-pages' branch. When I checked locally built pages using pkgdown::build_site(), it works perfect.
However, when I open <username><packagename>, I have 404 error (files not found). Is this because of empty gh-pages branch? Or, is this because I am not using <username> The instruction does not provide much, so could you share me any extra documents that explains how to publish a project website on Github using pkgdown?
Thank you!
Sorry for not providing an reproducible example.
I tried re-run
commit and push the changes on md files + use pkgdown::build_site() to check locally.
I thought if I made changes on the md files and push the changes to GitHub master branch, pre-setuped bots or codes by use_pkgdown_github_pages() builds and publish the webpage.
Just want to update my situation:
I don't know how and why, but 'gh-pages' branch is mirroring the main/document folder for some reason. Github action called "pages build and deployment" ran successfully from mirrored 'gh-pages' branch.

Build on Vercel with Prisma is not working recently (how to include schema.prisma file?)

I developed SvelteKit app with Prisma and am trying to deploy it on Vercel.
In package.json, configuration below should be set so that schema.prisma file located in root path is available when app is deployed.
"postbuild": "cp prisma/schema.prisma .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/ && cp node_modules/#prisma/engines/*query* .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/",
Problem is an error occurred during the build on Vercel, but that wasn't occurred before (~ May 2022).
I guess cause of the error is related to recent update of SvelteKit and found that directory of .vercel_build_output that is generated during the build is changed to the new .vercel recently. However, the new path structure for index.js (i.e. .vercel/output/functions/render.func/home/s/test/discord-bot-frontend/.svelte-kit/output/server/index.js) is so different from the previous (i.e. .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/) that I cannot find right path for it.
Would you please let me know right setting for package.json?
Error message:
> discord-bot-frontend#0.0.1 postbuild
> cp prisma/schema.prisma .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/ && cp node_modules/#prisma/engines/*query* .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/
cp: cannot create regular file ‘.vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/’: No such file or directory
Error: Command "npm run vercel-build" exited with 1
I found that there is no need to modify .vercel_build_output now. In other words, the post build is not needed anymore.
It is probably because latest Vercel handles this point.

Using ant with AWS CodeBuild - build.xml does not exist and other questions for a newbie

I am trying to switch over to using CodeBuild to build my code so I can then easily push it to my EC2 instances instead of manually building and copying.
I can manually run ant on my station and all will build as it should.
I am now trying to use the AWS CodeBuild console to try this.
I zipped up my source code files and put it in an S3 bucket and put its location in the source fields of AWS CodeBuild. I have the build.xml in this same bucket and I also put the build.xml in the base of the codes zip file. In the build commands I put "ant".
I assume that the build.xml needs to go somewhere else?
Do I need more then just "ant" in the build commands? That is all I use when i manually build the project.
From what I have read i should be able to zip up my code , put it in the S3 location and CodeBuild will extract it and build it correct?
Also, under "Environment: How to Build" - what is the "Output files" section for? It's not for the artifacts that are built correct?
Any other tips or tricks? I am very new to all of this so any help is appreciated! I just learned about ant this week. This is building a rather large project with many classes being built - Will this cause an issue? Like I stated earlier - I do have it building file if I run it manually on my system.
Here is the error I get when I build through Code Build:
[Container] 2019/03/21 15:32:27 Entering phase BUILD
[Container] 2019/03/21 15:32:27 Running command ant
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed
I figured out my issue - I zipped the build files from the folder level and not the root level. I re-zipped and it can now see the build.xml.
I built again with these changes and it looks like I am close! It failed for the following - 2019/03/21 20:57:13 Expanding myapp.jar 2019/03/21 20:57:13 Skipping invalid artifact path myapp.jar 2019/03/21 20:57:13 Phase complete: UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS Success: false 2019/03/21 20:57:13 Phase context status code: CLIENT_ERROR Message: no matching artifact paths found
Isn't myapp.jar what the build is creating?
I am very confused as to what the Artifact/name should be - isn't this what is being created from the build? It is asking for an ARN - how can there be an ARN for it when it is not created?
Also very confused as to what the Environment/Output files is? It is required but I have no idea what should go in this field? It states that output files can not be empty. Does this mean it wants all the class files that are being built? If so then this build is creating over 30 class files in multiple locations - that is a ton to list.
I have it working! I will post my findings for others going that might be struggling -
So I figured out that the "Outputs" means what are all the files and/or directories that you want to go into your final artifact after all is built.
I have two directories that I want in the final jar artifact. One is WebContent and the other is build. They both have multiple sub-directories. I put "WebContent/*,build/*" in the output files field. It gave me a jar artifact but when I open the jar it did not have any sub-directories. In order to get it to include all sub-directories I had to make the output files field with "WebContent/**/*,build/**/*". All sub-directories are now in the zip and it appears as if the build was successful.
Hopefully this can help others out.
Now on to creating a script for this and also getting this to work from GitLab.

Error deploying solution using Octopus deploy

I have a web project written in Sitecore 8/uCommerce. I am using Teamcity to compile and package the project and Octopus deploy to push it out. When I commit to SVN Teamcity picks up the changes, compiles and packages it up and Octopus deploys it to the Dev environment. All works well. However when I try to promote to test I get an error...
Error running conventions; running failure conventions... Fatal
10:24:19 Deployment on the Tentacle failed.
In the project I have a post deploy script (PostDeploy.ps1) to remove unwanted config files. There is only one line...
.\DeleteConfig.exe $OctopusEnvironmentName
I changed it to this from..
.\DeleteConfig.exe $OctopusParameters['Octopus.Environment.Name']
Due to an article I read, but this hasn't changed the error. I have also tried..
.\DeleteConfig.exe $OctopusParameters['OctopusEnvironmentName']
Again no effect. If I comment out the line of code I no longer get the error.
I have been trying to fix this for sometime now, read and followed the articles and post I can find on the problem but cannot find the fix.
A slight curveball is that this is the second project we deploy in this way. The first is also Sitecore/uCommerce and in the PostDeploy.ps1 the line
.\DeleteConfig.exe $OctopusParameters['Octopus.Environment.Name']
works perfectly.
Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
You don't need a post deploy script as there is a community task that cleans up any extra configuration files. It's at
If you want to do it your way, I would simply use Poweshell like this:
Get-ChildItem -Filter Web.*.config l Remove-Item