How can I get stock option chains using YQL? - web-services

I am trying to get stock option chains from Yahoo using YQL. I have tried this command in the YQL console:
select * from
However, I get this error XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error xmlns:yahoo="" yahoo:lang="en-US">
<description>No definition found for Table</description>
It looks like this table doesn't exist anymore. Does anyone know what the correct table is?

You have to provide at least one where clause to make this query work. Like this:
select * from where symbol='MMM'
select * from where symbol='A'
select * from where symbol='YHOO'
All the above queries work fine. If you want more specific data then you have to provide more conditions to filter out your desired data out of the whole data. is a community table. To read about community tables check here. From the link I just posted:
In order to use YQL with the community tables, you must pass in the datatables env file. You can do this on the YQL console as part of a YQL statement, or by passing in a query parameter.
The YQL console to test this can be found here

Something I just figured out today is that you can just use this to get the option data from yahoo

Since the middle of 2014 YQL has the problem, so the option chain from with scraping could be get by the following codes with: Python and Matlab


Hi, i need a result of all attributes including the properties when we right click the documents and see

I want all the mandatory single and repeating attributes and also the properties when we see by right click the documents for the Archive cabinet. I tried the below query in Oracle SQL Developer :
select r_object_id, object_name, r_object_type, title, subject,
r_creation_date, r_modify_date, r_modifier, a_content_type,
i_contents_id, i_cabinet_id,owner_name,i_chronicle_id,authors,keywords,
FROM IPEDMS.dm_sysobject_s, IPEDMS.dm_sysobject_r
WHERE IPEDMS.dm_sysobject_s.r_object_id = IPEDMS.dm_sysobject_r.r_object_id
and r_object_id in (select * from ip_indexcard_doc_s);
Please let me know the correct query.
Note: in the ip_indexcard_doc_s table only i found those properties when we right click the documeents under archive.
You need to look in the dm_type_xxx tables along with some other tables.
Easiest way to find out is to install the dqMan from FME and work your way though that. It's free and very good for working with docbases.
And as stated by #cgrim above, you should consider to use DQL instead unless you really understand the Documentum object model.

OBIEE: how to set 'is prompted' values in saved filter

My task is to automate testing of OBIEE report data. The main step is to get report's logical SQL.
I have dashboard with reports. Every report has named filter (not inline one) attached. So, I'd like to find a way to set up filter values and programmatically run generation of report SQL (so that WHERE clause is filled in with my values), play it and retrieve data. I have tried the following approaches:
OBIEE WebServices. First, I use generateReportSQL, then call for executeSQLQuery. This approach works fine for inline filters, I managed to set them up in . But I can not get it working with saved filters. How to generate report with values set up for columns in attached saved filter? No information in documentation or in internet found.
Generate Dashboard URL with all prompts set, run it and then read usage tracking tables to retrieve SQL queries. But it seems a bit strange approach, I believe there must be a simpler way to do the task. Moreover, usage tracking does not put information about report execution in its DB immediately, it has some timeout. Is there a way to avoid it? + nqcmd - still, have not found a way to set values for saved filter.
So, my question is: how generate report's logical SQL with prompt values set for saved filter attached?
Thanks in advance,
Some examples:
XML of my usage tracking analysis contains the following:
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:logical" op="and">
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:special" op="prompted">
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"S_NQ_ACCT"."START_DT"</sawx:expr>
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:special" op="prompted">
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"S_NQ_ACCT"."USER_NAME"</sawx:expr>
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:special" op="prompted">
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"S_NQ_ACCT"."SAW_DASHBOARD_PG"</sawx:expr>
I can use filterExpressions tag of generateReportSQL to create logicalSQL that includes my values in WHERE clause. Everything is OK if tag filter is included in analysis's XML (the case of inline filters, as in the example above):
<v7:reportPath>report path</v7:reportPath>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<![CDATA[<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:string" op="equal" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:saw="" xmlns:sawx="" subjectArea="Usage Tracking">
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"S_NQ_ACCT"."USER_NAME"</sawx:expr>
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:string">testuser</sawx:expr></sawx:expr>
XML of my test analysis contains the following:
<sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:savedFilter" path="/shared/myproject/_filters/myroject/my saved filter" name="my saved filter" /></saw:filter>
'my saved filter' has 'is prompted' columns that I'd like to set to my values and run an analysis to get dataset. But how to do it?
if webservices are useless here, what could be used?
Since those are normally used for completely dynamic population in terms of content (instantiated variables pulled from user profiles, stuff gotten from prompts, etc....) you won't get them in the LSQL.
tl;dr - Robin wrote a bice post about load testing with LSQL
Edit: Baseline Validation Tool (BVT) was proposed and is the answer.

Can I disable QUERY OPTIMIZATION for MQT in DB2 LUW without recreating it?

UPDATE from 2021
This question is no longer actual for me.
It was a short period when I worked with DB2 and I don't know how it's in recent versions.
The problem was: I could not test effect of MQT without rebuilding it.
Which was not practical when you deal with multi-Gb data.
I did not found solution earlier, I don't know why question was minused.
SO recommends to not delete questions with answers and who knows: maybe somebody finally answers that.
I have a MQT in DB2 10.5 LUW:
ServerName = 'COL'
AND LASTOCCURRENCE > TIMESTAMP '2015-12-21 00:00:00'
I found "Altering materialized query table properties"
but this is for z/OS.
If I try:
I get:
DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a
valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned:
SQL0104N An unexpected token "TABLE" was found following "ALTER ". Expected
tokens may include: "VIEW". SQLSTATE=42601
Documentation for LUW explains how to change MQT to regular table and otherwise.
Can I alter MQT options in DB2 LUW without recreating it?
It's quite strange, but looks like this is impossible to achieve in DB2 LUW.
As data_henrik mentioned, it's possible to disable/enable optimization for all MQTs.
I accept his answer although it's not quite what I was looking for.
No personal experience with it, but you could:
This would tell DB2 to not consider any MQT. Later on you would enable query optimization by setting that variable to "system" (the default) or something else. That statement is documented here.
Try this:

How do I save the web service response to the same excel sheet I extracted the data from?

For example:
The given sample HP Flights SampleAppData.xls and using the CreateFlightOrder, we can link the data to the test functions and get a OrderNumber and Price response from the Web Service. And in the SampleAppData.xls Input tab, we can see that there is a empty column of OrderNumber.
So here is my question, is there any ways that I can take the OrderNumber response and fill the empty column in SampleAppData.xls?
My point to do this is because, let's say I have many test cases to do and will take days, and today I do this certain test and I would need the result of today for the next day's test.
Although I know that the responses are saved in the result but it beats the point of automation if I am required to check the response for each and every test cases?
Yes of course you can. There are a number of ways to do this. The simplest is as follows.
Once you have recorded the results in the Datasheet, your can export them using
You can write back the response programatically , if you already imported mannually .
You can use GetDataSource Class of UFT API , it will work like this lets say you imported excel from FlightSampleData.xls, and named it as FlightSampleData, you have sheet, accessing the sheet will be like below:
for exporting you can use ExportToExcelFile method of GetDataSourse class after your test run . Please let me know if you have any furthur question about this.

<cfquery> not retrieving DATA

I am unable to retrieve any data from my cfquery. Same query when i run in sql developer i get the result.
Any reason why ?
Hi all, thanks for the responses. Sorry, it was my fault.
It was a data issue. I was retrieving uncommited data from CF.
You can also build the query in CFEclipse, test it and then paste the query in your CFQuery tag.
Also check how you have put the query name in the CFoutput tag, so many times I've put #queryname# instead of queryname in cfoutput.
Is the query actually being ran?
If you can turn debugging on, does the query show as being executed?
Also when you run the same query do you mean you copy/paste the query from the debugger into sql developer?
Perhaps the same values are not being included (if you are using variables in there)