How to integrate c++ classes and objects around winApi? - c++

Hey so for one of my c++ projects I need to develop a 4-5 window application.Now the issue is that currently all of my programs tasks are divided into classes, and I have tested them by passing 'dummy' values and returning print results. That's all fine and working, however now as I want to introduce a GUI interface it presents me with the problem of how my processing should communicate with the front end, since winAPI is initially meant for c and not object oriented language.
What I am thinking of doing, and have a feeling is going to be a tedious task, to make a class which does the win api's registrations and methods for me. Is there any other alternative to this ???
I was looking at integrating Qt into eclipse but I think they stopped providing the library for eclipse, because I couldn't find a download for the library anywhere, not even on the Qt download page.

Well, if you want to use Win32, then you have to do all the stuff that Win32 needs you to do. It's a rather low level API, so you just have to take care of a lot of details.
However, don't over-engineer things. You don't have to write a generic C++ wrapper for Win32... you just have to make a GUI for your program.

If your problem is only that classes are not supported by C, then simply replace the keyword class with the keyword struct. Just make sure to declare the access types of all variables (private, public, protected), that way it becomes interchangeable (Works for both). The only difference between them is the default access type, which for classes is private. In case you used other syntax that is unique to C++, then this wouldn't work.
There are code generators from C++ to C as well. The optimal solution would be to create a GUI using an IDE specifically for that purpose which uses C++ as its base language. MFC works well, but it is not open-source and you will need a considerable knowledge on inheritance and comfort with "class typecasting". Using the included wizards in Visual Studio will help.
Try the first option; it will possibly work the same way.


Add to openFrameworks project external libraries?

I'm building a cross-platform mobile application and I was suggested to use OF environment and compile my application using Xcode. I'm a Mac user and I started programming few time ago (so I'm really a beginner).
I need some class to get information about position and rotation so I was thinking to have a look at some SDK such as MoSync or CMDeviceMotion in order to understand which one is the most suitable to my purpose.
I also noted here:
that CMDeviceMotion is written for Obj-C and Swift.
So I have two question:
is it possible add to the main project libraries that are not part of OF?
should I use only C/C++ class?
I'm not sure if stackoverflow is the right place to ask a q like this, since any answer is very much prone to subjectivity.
I don't think there's a lot of valid reasons to even try to connect "MoSync" with OF, since they are both in a way "platforms" for developing apps, supporting different languages (javascript on the first and c++ on the latter). It is possible to mix objective-c (and swift) code with c++, so you can combine CMDeviceMotion with OF.
However to answer your question: It seems that if you want to have device information you don't need to go out of the scope of openFrameworks. Take a look at the "ofxIOSCoreLocation"class of OpenFrameworks/ofxIOS. It provides means for altitude, location, direction and so forth.
It is very possible to cross Objective-C and C++ with what is called Objective-C++ (by standard .mm instead of cpp), in openFrameworks.
Limitations and features:
You can then from the Objective-C++ class (lets say for example ofApp.h), call Objective C delegates and functions directly.
You can not embed swift like this, however you there are some methods of using objective-c middle man class.

Can I use pure native C++ to write apps for windows 8 metro?

With native c++, I mean, not managed c++, not cli, not any special things from microsoft, I can:
1) get high performance
2) use existing c++ code library and engine
3) write cross platform code (for example, for ios and android)
it needn't be fully native c++, I can use managed code to do the ui things, like object-c in ios and java in android, but beside interface, can I use native c++ code?
I suggest you have a look at the presentation here: Using the Windows Runtime from C++ and especially at the comments from Herb Sutter. I quote:
Please answer this question: If I decide to write C++ GUI application
in Metro style am I forced to use all these proprietary ref, sealed,
^, Platform::String^ extensions for GUI components or not?
#Tomas: No, you are not forced to use them. We are providing two
supported ways:
1) These language extensions (C++/CX).
2) A C++ template library (WRL), see
Windows Kits\8.0\Include\winrt\wrl as Yannick mentioned. WRL is a C++
library-based solution sort of along the lines of ATL, which offers
what I think you're looking for -- template wrapper/convenience
classes and explicit smart pointers and such.
Yes you absolutely can, real native C++ is fully supported.
You do however mostly have to use the new WinRT libraries to do an user interface or system calls and although they are native code and fully callable from C++ directly the interface to them makes it very painful indeed to do so, as everything is a reference counted COM object and in addition it's not so easy to create instances of them as just calling "new" so you have to write a lot of ugly code to do so.
As the earlier answer said, microsoft provide two ways to help with this. One is via language extensions to c++ and the other is a c++ template library. Personally I consider both to be rather ugly for doing something as simple as calling an API but that's just me :)
But to answer your question, it's completely possible to write your application in real native c++. You won't need to use managed code at all for anything. But you'll probably want to use either the language extensions or the template library to make calling the API more easy.
Personally I'm hoping someone writes a wrapper for WinRT that exposes the most necessary functionality as a more usable c++ native library and then everyone can just use that from c++ instead...

Compile/Translate Microsoft COM IDL to Idiomatic C++?

I'm working on a fairly large project written primarily in C++ using MFC. We are tasked to gradually port this application to use Qt. Years ago, a wrapper around much of our functionality was written using COM. I feel using the COM wrapper from the new Qt code will help isolate code that would force dependencies on MFC. Unfortunately, we're also being asked to ween our use of COM/ActiveX. So, introducing new consumers of our COM wrapper in Qt isn't ideal. Visual Studio has a class wizard that will generate a C++ class based on an interface in a TLB file, but it's dependent on MFC and the interface still exposes COM (LPDISPATCH, SAFEARRAY*, etc).
With all that said, does anyone know of a tool (free or commercial) that will take a Microsoft IDL file and convert it to C++, who's interfaces aren't dependent on MFC nor COM?
and working with the code generated by midl.exe
That's hang-up number one. Midl.exe does not generate code, it only generates declarations. Pure virtual classes in C++, only method declarations with no implementations. Either to a .h file or to a .tlb type library file. The type library is handy because it is easy to read by tooling, having a restricted sub-set of COM called Automation. And implemented by just about any language runtime on Windows.
Key point is that these are just declarations, the glue that makes code written in different modules and/or different languages or class libraries work together. Very important in large projects, interfaces tie the pieces together.
Our system architect learned of our approach and advised that we find a way to not add these COM-specifics to our new Qt projects.
That's singularly unhelpful advice. "Don't do that" is something my doctor tells me when it hurts to put my arm behind my back. I can live with that, I have a good alternative and can just turn around. In your case I would have to demand more from the architect. He's messing with the body parts, he's separating the torso from the legs and head and feet and hands. Brain utterly disjointed. The very glue that makes the different chunks of code you have now work together. Break that interface and you'll seriously break your app, Netscape style.
Beware of the astronaut architect (another Spolsky favorite) that's happy to force you into something that he understands but doesn't have to implement. Demand a reasonable alternative, an architectural approach since breaking the interfaces has a deep architectural impact on your app. Those MFC classes that everybody implemented from the interfaces are pretty much junk when you change the interface. Rewriting them all into Q classes is going to seriously keep you unproductive for a while. And is devastatingly boring code to write. Only to produce the same thing, with more bugs. Things You Should Never Do, part 2.
If you are able to keep using Visual C++, a solution would be to use the plain compiler support for COM.
You need to #import your TLB file
Then you can make use of the COM compiler support to handle the COM object instances,

linking and using a C++ library with an Objective-C application

I'm writing a graphical application using Objective-C for the front end and C++ for the graphics processing and network communication. I read around on Apple's site looking for a way to link either a .dylib or .so with my C++ code in it to my Xcode project, but nothing seemed to work. I was able to get the project to reference it and link against it, but when I tried to call functions from that .dylib, it was saying that it didn't know what I was trying to do. Does anyone know what is going on here?
I know that Objective-C has all the libraries I would need to do graphics and networking, but I just feel like doing it like this. I haven't done much C++ in a while and I want to learn more Objective-C, so what better way than to use them together?
Most of the projects I work on have an ObjC frontend and C++ backend. If you're dealing exclusively with functions, then Dave Gamble's name mangle fix is correct, but if you're dealing with more complex situations, where you need to deal with both ObjC and C++ objects, your best bet is to wrap the C++ objects in ObjC objects. Using opaque references (which is a very fancy way of saying void*), you can actually hand around C++ objects in ObjC and vice versa. I have some sample code that may be helpful.
That said, for graphics you're probably going to take a serious performance hit doing custom C++ rather than using Core Image and the related frameworks. Core Image and the other graphics frameworks are highly optimized for the Mac, and you're very unlikely to do better with hand-rolled C++ (or even very well-written C++ that isn't specifically for the Mac). As you move to 10.6 and grand central dispatch, the performance difference is going to be even more notable because you'll lose all the parallelization advances that you would get for free otherwise. This has nothing to do with ObjC; Core Image is C. You can call it from C++ all you like. I just recommend against custom graphics processing on Mac in any language unless you need portability or you have the expertise necessary to beat Core Image.
You're going to hit one obstacle in the form of what's called "name mangling". C++ stores function names in a way not compatible with Obj-C.
Objective-C doesn't implement classes in the same way as C++, so it's not going to like it.
One way around this is to implement a set of simple C functions which call the C++ functions. It'll be a good challenge to keep the number of C functions as low as possible! You'll end up with a nice compact interface! :)
To declare these functions in a C++ file, you'll need to mark them as C with:
extern "C" int function_name(char *blob,int number, double foo) {...}
This disables the standard name-mangling.
Build a header file with the prototypes for all these functions that you can share with your objective C code.
You won't be able to pass classes around in the same way (because your ObjC code can't use them), but you'll be able to pass pointers (although you might have to lie about the types a little).

C++ developing a GUI - classes?

I do have to say I'm fairly inexperienced when it comes to C++, don't be too harsh on me.
Recently stumbled unto the wonders of the win32 API and have chosen to practice using it (I'd rather not use MFC/wxWidgets/etc at this point, just for educational purposes).
Well, my real question is:
How do you properly code your win32 GUI stuff into classes. I mean, sure, you can make a class that saves individual window handles, allows for easier modification of window properties, has a more simplified version of CreateWindow(). But as I understand it you will need a messagepump and several callback functions for your created windows. How does that work when combining them with classes?
Could anyone point me in the right direction here? I don't mind reading (a lot of) example code as long as it is commented.
PS: I'm also having trouble finding good (read: easy) documentation on using 'resource files' for my window decorations. Bonuspoints for that! :)
I program in C++ for a living. I like C++.
That said, your life will be so much easier if you do your windows GUI in something .Net, e.g., C#. Win32 is very low-level and you will be building tons of stuff that you will get for free with the .Net libraries. Win32 is not a wonder, anymore. :-)
If you want to learn C++, pick something other than a GUI to do with it.
I personally would use MFC instead of reinventing the wheel here. However, if you insist you need to have an application object that is instantiated when the program is run and contains the message loop and a mechanism for forwarding messages to the correct window objects.
That's the way MFC does it, at least. I'm not sure if the MFC source code is available for download, but if you have access to Visual C++ install disks (any version) you should be able to install the source code on your computer to review.
The biggest problem I faced back when I used the Win32 API (have since moved on to Linux and cross-platform solutions) were the callbacks. Especially the winproc one, AKA the message pump. I found this, which should be a good hint. I did what that page suggests when I rolled my own wrapper.
Look at MFC or ATL/WFC. If you want to re-invent the wheel, the best reference source for how to do so is the wheel itself, especially since the source code is readily available.
I would suggest reading Windows++ by Paul Dilascia. It takes you through the whole process of building a class library in C++ on top of the Windows API. It's written for 16-bit Windows, but all of the concepts presented in the book still apply. Plus, you can get it really cheap since it's "out of date".
And make sure you learn about message crackers (#include <windowsx.h>), they will keep you from pulling out too much hair. ;-)
The best way to learn this is to go and readCharles Petzold's original book. He does a good job of showing how to set up the base message loop and how to build statements for routing the various events to handlers. The real problem here is that by reinventing everything you are going to be spending hours and hours writing and debugging windows event hanlding code instead of writing your own application.
Unless you have a compelling reason for doing this yourself, you woudl be far better served using someone else's construct like MFC.
The only reason I see for coding all this yourself is if you want a basic understanding of how it works before you switch over to MFC or something similar. At least this way you would see how it works under the covers before you can forget it forever.
Many years ago, I developed a set of classes to encapsulate the API (various reasons why we couldn't use MFC). I learned a lot from the MFC source code.
The big key is that every window has a UserInfo data member - you can use it for whatever you want. What you'll want to use it for is the class's this pointer.
Now, the other tricky thing is that the message handler callback function cannot be a normal class member function, as Windows uses C calls and not C++. So your callbacks must be statics. However, since you've saved the class's this pointer, its just a matter of getting the class's userinfo, casting it to your class's this pointer and then calling whatever (non-static) class functions you need.
If you plan it correctly, inheritance will work well, including all of the inheritance that the windows themselves exhibit (ie, an Edit is a Control is a Window).
The only reason I would recommend not reinventing the wheel is you are neither an expert at C++ nor the Win32 API. Trying to learn two unrelated subjects at once will not be productive. If you want to become better at C++, write a library for a subject you know a lot about. If you want to learn the Win32 API, program it raw to understand how it works before creating (or using) a wrapper for it.
There is a pretty good C++ Windows API tutorial on the Reliable Software site.