How to open mongo port in amazon aws vpc private subnet - amazon-web-services

I setup the VPC as described here:
And I have a box in the private subnet, that I want to use as a mongo box. The private IP is
I can connect to mongod instance over localhost, but not over the private IP:
ubuntu#ip-10-0-1-51:~$ mongo localhost
connecting to: localhost
> this works
> ^Cubuntu#ip-10-0-1-51:~$ mongo
Fri Sep 21 02:23:18 Error: couldn't connect to server shell/mongo.js:81
exception: connect failed
The security group allows incoming and outgoing port 27017.
The route table has local
What am I missing?

Three things affect network connectivity on Amazon VPC.
Route tables - the default one should be sufficient.
Security Groups - double checking wouldn't hurt.
Network ACLs - though I can't remember the default rule, it may be DENY. These can be modified under the VPC tab in the AWS console. These rules are unlink security groups, says Amazon, "Network ACLs are stateless, which means for any given request you want to handle, you must create rules in both directions."
My guess is that it's your ACLs, since you didn't mention them in your original post.

The problem was actually in mongodb config, not the routing tables. MongoDB, like MySQL, needs to allow connections from a specific host.
In mongodb.conf:
bind_ip = <%= #bind_ip || '' %>
port = <%= #port || '27017' %>
Where #bind_ip and #port are the IP and port of your server as it appears to the client nodes.


AWS Network ACS causes SQL Server to disconnect

I have two EC2 serers in the same VPC. Server "W" hosts a web server and a TCP connections server. Server "S" hosts a web server and a SQL Server. Both web servers and the TCP connections server uses the same SQL Server. The servers on server "W" accesses the SQL Server on server "S" via its priviate IP and port 1433:
Server W's security group's inbound rules:
Server S's security group's inbound rules:
It has an inbound rule allowing port 1433 from the security group used by server "W".
The common network ACS's inbound rules:
My intension is to hide the SQL Server within the VPC and do not expose it to outside world.
What is strange and I can't understand, is that on the network ACL I have to allow inbound connection on port 1024-65535. If I change it to the proper ephemeral port range 32768-65535, both the web server and the TCP connections on server "W" can no longer access the SQL Server, and the following exception is thrown in server "W":
SqlException - A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
innerException Win32Exception - The network path was not found.
So it seems as if the SQL Server needs to allow an inbound connection from outside of the VPC, on a port between 1024-32768. But no one outside of the VPC needs to access the SQL Server. This is what puzzles me.
Network ACLs apply at subnet level. When a NACL is attached to a subnet, all internal/external traffic into and out of that subnet must be allowed through a rule. Security Groups apply at instance level, so essentially to inbound traffic that have already passed through the NACL (for outbound traffic it's in reverse, so SG before NACL).
In this case when server W tries to connect to server S on port 1433, that traffic encounters the deny all rule on your NACL since there are no other rules before it that match. It doesn't even reach the security group. When you add an allow rule for port 1024-65535, obviously this includes port 1433 so it works. You can confirm this behavior using the VPC Reachability Analyzer tool.
So the fix here is basically to have an allow rule for port 1433 on the NACL attached to your Server S subnet. This doesn't mean automatically allowing traffic from outside of the VPC - if this is a private subnet (ie. without an internet gateway) external traffic can't reach your instance plus your security group already restricts access.

Connection error of AWS Redshift to local computer

I tried to connect Amazon Redshift to my local computer using pycopg2. However, I got an error message:
psycopg2.OperationalError: could not connect to server: Operation timed out. Is the server running on host xxx and accepting TCP/IP connecitons on posrt 5439
I have done two guides with searching google:
Changed the Publicly Accessible setting as enable, and
Add and ::/0 to VPC route as gateway.
It still doesn't work. Please let me know if you know what the problem is.
Things to check:
Check the Security Group associated with the Redshift cluster and confirm that it permits access on port 5439 from your IP address
Check that the Redshift cluster was launched in a Public Subnet (with the Route Table for that subnet pointing to to the Internet Gateway)
Make sure you are connecting by using the DNS Name (If you ping the DNS Name, does it resolve to an IP address?)
Try going via a different network (eg home vs office vs tethered via your phone)?

Cannot connect to AWS Transfer S3 SFTP server - might need to set security group

I'm trying to set up an SFTP server managed by AWS that has a fixed IP address which external clients can whitelist in a firewall. Based on this FAQ this is what I should do:
You can enable fixed IPs for your server endpoint by selecting the VPC endpoint for your server and choosing the internet-facing option. This will allow you to attach Elastic IPs (including BYO IPs) to your server’s endpoint, which is assigned as the endpoint’s IP address
So I followed the official instructions here under "Creating an Internet-Facing Endpoint for Your SFTP Server". The creation settings look like this:
The result looks like this:
Compare with the result screenshot from the docs:
My result is almost the same, except that under the table "Endpoint Configuration" the last column says "Private IPv4 Address" instead of 'Public'. That's the first red flag. I have no idea why it's a private address. It doesn't look like one, it's the IP address of the Elastic IP that I created, and the endpoint DNS name s-****** resolves to that IP address on my local machine.
If I ping the endpoint or the IP address, it doesn't work:
451 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 460776ms
If I try connecting with sftp or ssh it hangs for a while before failing:
ssh: connect to host 34.****** port 22: Connection timed out
Connection closed
The other potential problem is security groups:
At this point, your endpoint is assigned with the selected VPC's default security group. To associate additional or change existing security groups, visit the Security Groups section in the
These instructions don't make sense to me because there's nowhere in the Security Groups interface that I can assign a group to another entity such as a transfer server. And there's nowhere in the transfer server configuration that mentions security groups. How do I set a new security group?
I tried changing the security group of the Network Interface of the Elastic IP, but I got a permission error even though I'm an administrator. Apparently I don't actually own ENIs? In any case I don't know if this is the right path.
The solution was to find the endpoint that was created for the server in the "Endpoints" section of the VPC console. The security groups of the endpoint can be edited.
The "Private IPv4 address" seems to be irrelevant.
The default security group controls access to the internet-facing endpoint for the new sftp server in a vpc. Mess around with the default security group ingress rules for the vpc selected for the sftp server. Or, white list the exact ip address connecting to the sftp endpoint in the default security group.
If the admin says ho hum, create a second vpc for the sftp server if isolation is absolutely necessary. Fiddle with the default group in the new, isolated vpc.
Creating an Internet-Facing endpoint for Your sftp server
Happy transferring!

How do I connect with my redshift database?

I am setting up a redshift database on AWS and I've followed the instructions on this article -
I am unable to connect to the database.
Here's my setup -
I have a PostgreSQL database instance that I spun up with Amazon RDS. That is connected to an Amazon VPC with two subnets.
Subnet A is set in us-east-2c. It is associated with a Route Table that has two routes. The first has destination, target 'local', status 'active' and propogated 'no'. The second has destination and is targeted to an Internet Gateway associated with the VPC.
Subnet B is set in us-east-2b. It has destination and target 'local'.
The PostgreSQL db is associated with a Security Group with this inbound rule: Type: Custom TCP Rule, Protocol: TCP, Port Range: 5432 and Source: There are no outbound rules.
Other details on the database:
-Publicly Accessible is set to No
-It is running in us-east-2b
Additionally, there is an instance on EC2. It is on us-east-2c.
It is associated with a Security Group with these inbound rules:
First- Type: Custom TCP Rule, Protocol: TCP, Port Range: 5432, Source:
Second- Type: SSH, Protocol: TCP, Port Range: 22, Source: (my-ip-address)/32
Third- Type: SSH, Protocol: TCP, Port Range: 22, Source: (group id for the security group)
Both of the Security Groups are associated with the same VPC that has the following settings: IPv4 CIDR:, IPv6 CIDR: (blank).
My understanding of the set up is that the EC2 instance is public and I can SSH into that from my SQL client (Postico). And then, the EC2 instance will connect privately to the Redshift Database.
Here's my problem-
a) I've never set this up before and I may have done something completely wrong without knowing it.
b) I am attempting to create an SSH connection from Postico. I do not know what value to fill in for 'Host' or 'Port'. Additionally, I do not know whether 'User' and 'Password' refer to the user and password for the account on my computer or whether it refers to something else altogether.
My goal is simply to be able to have a PostgreSQL database that is unavailable to the public, but allows me to access it from my SQL client (Postico).
I've attempted to research this problem, but there is a surprising lack of content that I was able to find to address these needs. I'm new to this, so if I'm missing required pieces to post this or if I've messed up in some way, please alert me and I will update accordingly.
Your inbound security group has "Source:" This means only can connect to it, which is an invalid host address. Change the /32 to match your network (/16).
Redshift's port is usually 5439. You are referencing 5432.
I don't understand your "b" question. What are you trying to connect to?
[Update with new information]
I just realized an issue with what you are trying to do.
Your goal is to connect to EC2 from your desktop using SSH and then connect to RDS. This won’t work.
The solution is to setup a VPN such as OpenVPN that allows you to connect to your VPC in AWS and then OpenVPN will forward your client requests to RDS (VPN routing).
What I do is setup an EC2 instance using OpenVPN. I then turn on and off this instance when I need VPN access into AWS. I have batch scripts that do this from my desktop (start and stop an EC2 instance).
The other choice is to allow Internet access to RDS. You can use Security Groups to lock down Internet access to only your home/work IP address. Depending on your Internet provider your IP may change which means updating your security group with the new IP address, but this is simple to do.
This page will show you your public IP address that is put into the Security Group: What is my IP

Amazon RDS db connects locally but not on production

I was able to connect to the amazon rds aurora database locally, and run queries.
But on production EC2 server, the connection returns 500 server error "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection timed out".
I've added the same credentials for the database to production, and can see they are being used in the error log.
I enabled the 'allow public access' setting.
I added all the security groups I have to the database (this is probably the problem, I didnt create any special groups, just whatever amazon suggested I let them do).
How could it be working locally but not on production?
Can you check your production server security group outbound rules. if it is connecting from local and not connecting from production machine , so should be some outbound traffic timeout.
It was a security group issue.
The default rds-setup-wizard security group was applied to my database instance, and this gave me local access. I guess it had my ip address or similar as an inbound rule.
I had to add a new security group and add that new group to the database instance.
My new security group needed an inbound rule that looked like this:
Type: MYSQL/Aurora
Protocol: TCP
Port Range: 3306
Source: my EC2's private ipv4 address with /32. Eg: