C++ Dll in Dependency walker shows IESHIMS.dll and MSVCR110.dll - c++

I've a dll which I've built in Windows7 (64bit OS) in 'Win32' platform. Unfortunately, when I import this dll in C# code, I encounter:
an attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format
HRESULT: 0x8007000B
" is observed
When I used DependencyWalker for this DLL, it shows IESHIMS.dll and MSVCR110.dll dependency which could not be found.
From where these dlls come from and why my created dll has dependency over these two?
Pl help how can I getg over this?
Note: I've used x86 platform in my C# code.

IEShims.dll is available on Windows Vista or Windows 7 to handle protected-mode Internet Explorer 9 or newer. Further explanation here.
You should be able to obtain a copy from another Windows 7 machine with Internet Explorer 9 or newer. As a quick fix, get the Windows 7 version from http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?ieshims

You probably don't have the C++ runtime installed. Download it and install it. You have to play with the versions of runtime a bit. There are quite a few versions available. This will take care of your MSVCR110.dll issue. I am not sure why the dll show dependency for an IE dll though.

Make sure you chose x86 for the target architecture in the properties of your C# project.


dll in c++, WINDOWS deployment / dependency's (mingw-w64 )

I'm programming a plugin (basically a dll) for an x64 application.
More specifically this x64 WIN application comes with a "plugin manager" (a dll) that loads and unloads 3rd party plugins (like mine).
My plugin is written in C++ and I decided to compile it with mingw-w64. As IDE I've choosen Code::Blocks.
I tried to avoid MS tools since later I need to deploy "the same" plugin on Linux and MAC (but that's another story lets focus on Windows for now).
There is one severe issue I can not resolve reliable with my knowledge/skill level, although I really worked hard in days of researches and tests: Dependency on WINDOWS dll's.
I must assure that this plugin runs on all WINDOWS versions from 7 to 10 (x64 only however).
The shipment of MS redistributables should be avoided since not practical in this case.
Apparently a static linking of the c-runtime library "MSVCRT.dll" seems to be neither allowed by copyright nor a reliable solution since there seam to be many different releases on the various WIN versions. Although Microsoft describes it as "known dll" I'm not sure which version is available where and which version is able to run on a certain Win version. And if a certain MSVCRT.dll runs, does it have enough "functionallity" for my plugin? (To high for me)
The question:
In your professional opinion what's is a reliable way to assure stability for my plugin on WINDOWS 7 to 10 (x64) in terms of Windows dll dependency's?
Are there other pitfalls I should worry about in the context of this dependency's on deployment.
Additional info:
Dependency walker_x64 (what a handy tool!) in this development stage of the plugin shows me dependency's on:
MSVCRT.DLL (That's the guy I'm worried the most)
PM_64.DLL (That's the plugin manager of the x64 application)
On my computer (Windows 7 x64), MSVCRT.DLL shows version 7.0.7601.17744, OK, works. But if the customer has, say, a Windows 10 machine, freshly installed (not many MS redistributable versions available), will it work reliably?
I know that similar questions have been discussed before, especially on the c-runtime library "MSVCRT.dll". Many of them before WIN10 however.
The newlib idea (http://sourceware.org/newlib/) for example, 6years ago.
Mingw-w64 ships with archives called: libmsvcrt.a / libmsvcrtXXX.a. Is there a way with those?
I've read all I could find but I have to admit that now I have more doubts and questions than answers...
Your prefessional advice is appreciated. Thank you.
You may rely on presence and stability of at least the following dynamic libraries: kernel32.dll, msvcrt.dll, user32.dll, gdi32.dll. They are system libraries, present in C:\Windows\System32\ folder after the clean OS installation, and created by Microsoft as user API to interact with OS. MinGW library libmsvcrt.a (as well as non-static MS libraries) have no actual processing code but are just wrappers to call these DLLs from system folder.

Error with msvcrt.dll and pcre library

I wrote a C program and works fine on Windows 7 and Linux, but when I execute it on Windows XP I get the error:
"_except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll"
I researched it and some people said to delete the DLL "dwmapi.dll" which I don't have, so that's not my problem.
Some one told me to use depends walker(depends.exe) to find who is using msvcrt.dll. I did and find that pcre library is using it and there actually is a problem with it, but I don't have any idea how to solve this. Can any one help me?
Here's image of what depends walker show me:
Reason possibilities (afaiu):
a) You linked to msvcrt.dll specifically when building - this should
not happen according to Microsoft support unless you specifically do
b) Some other installed or copied program/driver on your XP that
links to "wrong" version of msvcrl.dll is being triggered.
Depending on what the reason is,
here are few ideas to resolve:
1) There might be some program/driver/etc. installation on your XP
machine that has introduced "Vista/Win7 related crap" onto it. It is
said (by the internets) that PCRE3.DLL belongs to "GnuWin32 Non-system
processes". That means you can try to find it and rename/delete it. Or
delete the program you that uses it.
2) Installing the redist for XP of the C++ redistributable that you
used to build on Win7 might help. This is link for VS2005: (darn..
use google - i can only give two links per post :P)
3) Just build the file from sources on your XP machine using some
VisualStudio version you can get on it. And check those VS project
4) Fix your build on Windows7. You might be linking to
_except_handler4_common in msvcrt.dll in your Windows 7 build. Make sure that you do not do that. You can specifically instruct the linker
not to link to it in VisualStudio project properties
"/NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt80.lib". You also did not specify what are you
using for building. VS2005, VS2008, VS2010, gcc?
Answer based on educated guesses and Jeffrey Tan research here:
and research here:
(On behalf of OP)
The problem was with the pcre3.dll, as i've told before, and i simply change the version of it, I was using the version 7.x and change to 4.4 that calls pcre.dll instead of pcre3.dll, that solve my problem if any one have the same issue.
here is the link to the correct lib:

Want to run a program on some unknown system

I have been working on a VS 2005 project and have successfully generated an exe file which works fine on my system. However when I tried to run it on some other pc it didnt run. It throws up the error message "the system cannot run the specified program". Can someone tell me how to make my code immune to such message i.e. system independent?
platform used: Windows XP, VS 2005
the extension of all my code files is cpp but I know only c and thats what I wrote inside them.
I have seen before exe created on Windows Sp1 not working on SP2 and problems such as that.
This should help you perhaps.
I've seen this when you run on a different version of Windows that doesn't have some DLL you depend on. The easiest thing to do is statically link the C runtime (that's the usual culprit) and use depends.exe to see if there are any others.
You will almost certainly need to create an installer that installs your executable and any non-OS-included DLL's it relies upon. It is not always possible or desirable to statically link all dependencies. You can in many cases simply copy the DLL's to the same folder as the executable.
By default, even the C/C++ standard library is provided by a DLL. While the MSVCRT.DLL used by VC++ 6 is included with the OS since later editions Win95, the MSVCRT required by VS2005 is not included with XP installations (other versions I do not know). The run-time support is included VC redistributes package. You may need to arrange for your installer to include that installation, or you could be more selective is you know your dependencies.
Some Win32 API calls if you are using them are dependent on the OS version (check the documentation), but if you built and rin it on XP, it should normally work of any subsequent version of Windows. You need to define various API version macros if you want to extend support to earlier versions of Windows (which seems unlikley).
You might need to install the VS 2005 redistributables on the other machines, depending on how you have compiled your program.

Side by side madness - running binaries on the same computer

Here's my configuration:
Computer A - Windows 7, MS Visual Studio 2005 patched for Win7 compatibility (8.0.50727.867)
Computer B - Windows XP SP2, MS Visual Studio 2005 installed (8.0.50727.42)
My project has some external dependencies (prebuilt DLLs - either build on A or downloaded from the Internet), a couple of DLLs built from sources and one executable. I am mostly developing on A and all is fine there. At some point I try to build my project on computer B, copying the prebuilt DLLs to the output folder. Everything builds fine, but trying to start my application I get
The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002)....
The event log contains two of those:
Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.CRT could not be found and Last Error was The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.
plus the slightly more amusing
Generate Activation Context failed for
some.dll. Reference error message: The
operation completed successfully.
At this point I'm trying my Google-Fu, but in vain - virtually all hits are about running binaries on machines without Visual Studio installed. In my case, however, the executables fail to run on the computer they are built.
Next step was to try dependency walker and it baffled me even more - my DLLs built from sources on the same box cannot find MSVCR80.DLL and MSVCP80.DLL, however the executable seems to be alright in respect to those two DLLs i.e. when I open the executable with dependency walker it shows that the MSVC?80.DLLs can be found, but when I open one of my DLLs it says they cannot. That's where I am completely out of ideas what to do so I'm asking you, dear stackoverflow :)
I admit I'm a bit blurry on the whole side-by-side thing, so general reading on the topic will also be appreciated.
Your question has the answer to your problem: Computer A has VC runtime of version 8.0.50727.867, and Computer B has only version 8.0.50727.42.
You built your libraries on Computer A, and they depend on version 867 of VC runtime. (This can be found in manifest embedded in the libraries.) When you copy them to Computer B, these libraries still require version 867 of the runtime but you have only version 42.
To resolve the VC runtime assembly dependencies, you have to install VC runtime redistributables of version 867 on Computer B. However, I'd advise you to update Visual Studio on Computer B so that you have the same version on both computers. And even better, install Visual Studio 2005 SP1 on both computers and then install this security update to SP1. After installing the latter, your libraries will depend on version 8.0.50727.4053.
it's possible the problem is related with different versions of CRT runtime installed on both machines. is it possible to build all your modules to use statically linked CRT runtime to verify this?
first I'd check that prebuilt dlls by preparing dummy project to load them
I recently had the same type of error when building projects on one machine and then moving them to another machine. The biggest culprit here is likely a debug configuration for one of the binary components. That is, MSVC has the fairly rigid requirement of all DLLs/EXEs being built with the same runtime library, debug or release, otherwise they will not work together.
When I had this happen they also tend to compile just fine, but when you attempt to run them you get that extremely cryptic error message.
You need to ensure that every module you build together uses the same configuration, thus debug or release through the entire build chain. This error also likely comes up with mismatches in other libraries, so make sure your MSVC is the exact same version on the machines where you are building.

Windows API commctrl.h using application doesn't work on machines without the Platform SDK

I have written something that uses the following includes:
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
This code works fine on 2 machines with the Platform SDK installed, but doesn't run (neither debug nor release versions) on clean installs of windows (VMs of course). It dies with the quite familiar:
C:\Documents and Settings\Someone\Desktop\DesktopRearranger.exe
C:\Documents and Settings\Someone\Desktop\DesktopRearranger.exe
This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
How can I make it run on clean installs? Which dll is it using which it can't find? My bet is on commctrl, but can someone enlighten me on why it's isn't with every windows?
Further more, if anyone has tips on how to debug such a thing, as my CPP is already rusty, as it seems :)
Edit - What worked for me is downloading the Redistributable for Visual Studio 2008. I don't think it's a good solution - downloading a 2MB file and an install to run a simple 11K tool. I think I'll change the code to use LoadLibrary to get the 2 or 3 functions I need from comctl32.dll. Thanks everyone :)
Use Dependency Walker. Download and install from http://www.dependencywalker.com/ (just unzip to install). Then load up your executable. The tool will highlight which DLL is missing. Then you can find the redistributable pack which you need to ship with your executable.
If you use VS2005, most cases will be covered by http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=32BC1BEE-A3F9-4C13-9C99-220B62A191EE&displaylang=en which includes everything needed to run EXEs created with VS2005. Using depends.exe you may find a more lightweight solution, though.
Common controls is a red herring. Your problem is that the Visual C++ 8.0 runtime - I assume you're using Visual Studio 2005 - isn't installed. Either statically link to the C/C++ runtime library, or distribute the runtime DLL.
You will have this problem with any C or C++ program that uses the DLL. You could get away with it in VS 6.0 as msvcrt.dll came with the OS from Windows 2000 up, and in VS.NET 2003 as msvcr71.dll came with .NET Framework 1.1. No more. Visual Studio 2005 and later use side-by-side assemblies to prevent DLL Hell, but that means you can't rely even on .NET 2.0 installing the exact version of C runtime that your program's built-in manifest uses. .NET 2.0's mscorwks.dll binds to version 8.0.50608.0 in its manifest; a VS-generated application binds to 8.0.50727.762 as of VS2005 SP1. My recollection is it used some pre-release version in the original (RTM) release of VS2005, which meant you had to deploy a Publisher Policy merge module if you were using the merge modules, to redirect the binding to the version actually in the released C run-time merge module.
See also Redistributing Visual C++ Files on MSDN.
I suspect it is trying to find a version of common controls that isn't installed. You may need a manifest file to map the version of common controls to your target operating system. Also, you may need to make sure you have installed the same VC runtimes that you were linked to.
Chris Jackson blog
EDIT: A little searching and I've confirmed (mostly) that it is the version of your VC++ runtimes that is to blame. You need to distribute the versions that you built with. The platform SDK usually includes a merge module of these for that purpose, but there is often a VCRedist.exe for them as well. Try looking Microsoft's downloads.