How to get Travis-CI build_number within after_script command - build

How can one get the build_number (and other build metadata) from within the after_script command in Travis-CI?
What have been tried already:
The documentation on build configuration says this, in the IRC notification section:
You also have the possibility to customize the message that will be
sent to the channel(s) with a template:
- ""
- ""
- "%{repository} (%{commit}) : %{message} %{foo} "
- "Build details: %{build_url}"
You can interpolate the following variables:
repository: your GitHub repo URL.
build_number: build number.
branch: branch build name.
commit: shorten commit SHA
author: commit author name.
message: travis message to the build.
compare_url: commit change view URL.
build_url: URL of the build detail.
Trying to get this to work within an after_script command as below, did not work at all:
language: java
- git commit -a -m "Committed by Travis-CI build number: %{build_number}"
It behaved as if .travis.yml file was absent/invalid (even though it did pass the Travis-CI YAML validation here).
It seems as though this should be doable, but could not find any sample that does this.
Could someone point me in the right direction?

The string replacements you can do for IRC output only work there unfortunately. They're only meant to be used for notifications in general, to customize the output, but are currently only available for IRC.
There's still a way to get the current build number, by accessing the TRAVIS_JOB_ID environment variable. If you change your script to the following line, things should work as expected:
- git commit -a -m "Committed by Travis-CI build number: $TRAVIS_JOB_ID"

I use this in my deploy script:
git commit -am "Auto deploy from Travis CI build $TRAVIS_BUILD_ID"
More on Travis CI Documentation.


Cut text of variable in google cloud pipeline

I am trying to bump a version automatically when deploying a project into a QA environment.
I have the following code
- '-c'
- |
set -x
npm install
npm i -g #nrwl/cli
npm version --git-tag-version false --commit-hooks false $(TZ=UTC0 git show --quiet --date='format-local:%Y' --format="%cd").$(TZ=UTC0 git show --quiet --date='format-local:%m%d' --format="%cd").${BUILD_ID}-${SHORT_SHA}
nx run-many --target=build --all --configuration=qa-1 --parallel
nx run-many --target=deploy-qa-1 --all --configuration=qa-1 --token "$$FIREBASE_TOKEN" --parallel
This works, but I would like to shorten the BUILD_ID to only 8 digits and not the full strings.
I tried using ${BUILD_ID::8} ${$(echo BUILD_ID::8)} but what I get is a empty string.
How to achieve it ?
Currently this is not possible in Cloud Build, you can't shorten the value of substitutions by making a substring within the args of a build.
However, if you'd like to have this implemented into Cloud Build, you can open a Feature Request into Google's Issue tracker system, so that this can be considered by their product team.
This seems to work
then you can use ${_SHORT_BUILD}

google cloud build: simple test file not found even though shows up with ls

Trying to run a simple bash script on google cloud build. Trying to run it it says it cannot find it, even though ls shows it is there
I've set up a build trigger on google cloud to run a simple test repository on pushes to main branch
The test repository has just two files: the cloudbuild yaml and a simple bash script
Cloudbuild yaml tells it to run this file, but says it cannot find it even though a simple ls arg shows it
I've tried like every combination of ways to run a bash file:
with/without '-c' argument
with/without '.' argument
with/without file shebang
- name: 'ubuntu'
entrypoint: 'bash'
args: ['-c', '']
echo "Go suck it, world!"
gcloud builds log <log-id>:
starting build "640c5ba5-5906-4296-a80c-9adc54ee84bb"
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: git branch -m <name>
Initialized empty Git repository in /workspace/.git/
* branch 1d6fc0b27c09cb3421a242764dfe28bc115bf8f5 -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at 1d6fc0b Fix typo in entrypoint
Pulling image: ubuntu
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
Digest: sha256:adf73ca014822ad8237623d388cedf4d5346aa72c270c5acc01431cc93e18e2d
Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:latest
bash: command not found
ERROR: build step 0 "ubuntu" failed: step exited with non-zero status: 127
I fixed it
Had to get rid of the '-c' from the args list

GitHub Cloud Build Integration with multiple cloudbuild.yamls in monorepo

GitHub's Google Cloud Build integration does not detect a cloudbuild.yaml or Dockerfile if it is not in the root of the repository.
When using a monorepo that contains multiple cloudbuild.yamls, how can GitHub's Google Cloud Build integration be configured to detect the correct cloudbuild.yaml?
File paths:
Cloud Build integration output:
You can do this by adding a cloudbuild.yaml in the root of your repository with a single step. This step should:
Traverse each subdirectory or use find to locate additional cloudbuild.yaml files.
For each found cloudbuild.yaml, fork and submit a build by running gcloud builds submit.
Wait for all the forked gcloud commands to complete.
There's a good example of one way to do this in the root cloudbuild.yaml within the GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-builders-community repo.
If we strip out the non-essential parts, basically you have something like this:
- name: ''
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
for d in */; do
if [[ ! -f "${config}" ]]; then
echo "Building $d ... "
gcloud builds submit $d --config=${config}
) &
We are migrating to a mono-repo right now, and I haven't found any CI/CD solution that handles this well.
The key is to not only detect changes, but also any services that depend on that change. Here is what we are doing:
Requiring every service to have a MAKEFILE with a build command.
Putting a cloudbuild.yaml at the root of the mono repo
We then run a custom build step with this little tool (old but still seems to work) which lists out all packages have changed and all packages that depend on those packages, etc.
then the shell script will run make build on any service that is affected by the change.
So far it is working well, but I totally understand if this doesn't fit your workflow.
Another option many people use is Bazel. Not the most simple tool, but especially great if you have many different languages or build processes across your mono repo.
You can create a build trigger for your repository. When setting up a trigger with cloudbuild.yaml for build configuration, you need to provide the path to the cloudbuild.yaml within the repository.

Generating GitHub wiki pages from Doxygen style XML comments in c++

I have Doxygen style XML comments for a c++ project I am working on, and would like to take it and make a GitHub wiki page from these comments. What would be the best way to do so? I cannot use GitHub pages. I have tried pandoc, but the pages it generates do not wind up looking nice, but I am not sure if that is because I am using it wrong or some other reason..
Any help is appreciated.
With GitHub Pages, you can have either the /docs/ or the root / of a selected branch to served .html files and it will be accessible through the regular link: https://<user_or_organization><repository>/ (it will be public regardless of your repo privacy), you can also have a GitHub Action to do so using the following template
And last part is to have an action that push (either on PR to your main branch or directly to main if there are changes to some directory), and that Workflow can be as simple as that:
name: ...
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout#v3
# ...
- name: Commit Doxygen updates
run: |
git config github-actions
git config
git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -am "Automated Doxygen updates"
git push
There is no need to go through XML files, regarding the GitHub wiki comment, if you choose that over Pages, then XML files are the solution as you can convert them to Markdown files

How to force GitHub Pages build?

Every GitHub repository can have (or be) a GitHub Pages website, that can be built with Jekyll. GitHub builds the site every time you push a new commit.
Is there a way to force the refresh of the Github Pages website without pushing a new commit?
From GitHub support, 2014-06-07:
It's not currently possible to manually trigger a rebuild, without pushing a commit to the appropriate branch.
As Andy pointed out in the comments, you can push an empty commit with the command:
git commit -m 'rebuild pages' --allow-empty
git push origin <branch-name>
Edit 2:
Thanks to GitHub Actions, it's fairly easy to trigger a daily publish:
If you want a quick script solution, here it is. Just do the following tasks only once, and run the script whenever you want to rebuild your GitHub page.
1. Create a personal access token for the command line:
Follow the official help here to create a personal access token. Basically, you have to log in your GitHub account and go to: Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens > Generate new token.
Tick repo scope.
Copy the token.
2. Create the following script:
Create a file called and add the lines:
curl -u yourname:yourtoken -X POST
Replace yourname with your GitHub username.
Replace yourtoken with your copied personal access token.
Replace yourrepo with your repository name.
3. Run the script:
If you use Windows 10:
You need to setup Windows Subsystem for Linux, if not already done. Follow this to do so.
Remove the first line (#!/bin/bash) from the script and save the script as RebuildPage.bat. (i.e., replace .sh with .bat in the script file name)
Alternative to the above point: To get the double-click feature for running the .sh file:
Set bash.exe as the default program for .sh files.
Open regedit.exe and edit HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\bash.exe\shell\open\command. Set the (Default) value to:
"C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe" -c " \"./$(grep -oE '[^\\]+$' <<< '%L')\";"
Now double-click the script wheneven you want to rebuild your GitHub page. Done!
If you use Linux/Mac, running the script is as same as running other scripts. Done!
Additional notes for the solution:
This solution utilizes a API of GitHub REST API v3. Here is the official documentation for the API.
Now that GitHub Actions are available, this is trivial to do:
# File: .github/workflows/refresh.yml
name: Refresh
- cron: '0 3 * * *' # Runs every day at 3am
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Trigger GitHub pages rebuild
run: |
curl --fail --request POST \
--url${{ github.repository }}/pages/builds \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $USER_TOKEN"
# You must create a personal token with repo access as GitHub does
# not yet support server-to-server page builds.
USER_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.USER_TOKEN }}
Sample repo that does this:
Pages API:
I had this problem for a while, and pushing to master branch didn't change anything on, for two reasons :
1 - Build
No matter how many time I tried to push my work on master, build would not start. I found a workaround by modifying my file in Github online editor (open your index.html and edit it on Github website, then commit)
2 - Caching issues
Even after a successful build, I would still see the exact same page on, and hard reloading with Ctrl + Shift + R wouldn't solve it. Instead, if using Chrome, inspect your page, head into the Application tab, select "Clear storage" in the left menu, and click on "Clear site data" at the bottom of the menu.
Even after I pushed my changes to GitHub repository, I was not able to see the changes today. Then I checked my repository settings for more information, there I could see, all these times the build was failing and that was the reason I was not able to see the changes.
You may also see a message as "Your site is having problems building: Unable to build page. Please try again later."
Then I was checking my recent commits and tried to find out what causes this issue. At the end I was able to fix the issue.
There was an additional comma in the tags (,) and that caused this issue.
You will not get relevant error messages if there are any issues in your .md file. I recommend you to check for the build status and compare the changes if you are facing the same issue.
This is doable as of v3 of the GitHub API, though it is currently in preview
POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pages/builds
The empty commit didn't work for me, but based on #benett answer, this worked for me:
Open Postman, create a new request with this URL:[user_name]/[repo_name]/pages/builds (replace with your name and repo), and select POST method.
Before you run it, go to the headers tab and add a new key Accept with the value application/vnd.github.mister-fantastic-preview+json
Now you can run it and visit your pages again.
I was having trouble refreshing even though my Github Actions was showing that my site has been deployed.
Toggling the publishing source did the trick for me. I switched the publishing source from master to content and then back to master. You can check how to change the publishing source of the branch here
I went through the same problem, to solve it I developed a githu action that works with scheduler and supports updating multiple gh-pages at the same time., the action update gh-pages without generate new commits.
name: Update all github pages
- cron: "30 0 * * *"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Update Github Pages Initiatives
- name: Jekyll update github pages without new commit
uses: DP6/jekyll-update-pages-action#v1.0.1
USER: ${{ secrets.GH_PAGES_USER }}
FILTER: 'is%3Apublic%20org%3Adp6'
Log action
Alternative Solution
You may have received an email from GitHub telling you that Jekyll did not succeed at building your site when you pushed it to your gh-pages. If this is the case, you can try to force push to trigger another build.
If you use a dedicated folder for the final website, let's say a public folder, you can try to rebuild your folder and add the folder to your commited changes. After that, you'll need to split those file into your gh-pages branch and force them to trigger another build even if the files did not change at all. The rest of the code bellow just removes the commits for the public folder for convenience and removes it from the local filesystem.
git add public
git commit -am ":bug: triggering another jekyll build"
git push origin $(git subtree split --prefix public master):gh-pages --force
git reset HEAD~1
rm -rf public
If there are uncommited changes that are not part of the final site, you can stash them with the following command.
git stash
Then do the above command to manually force the Jekyll build and unstash them.
git stash pop
Online Git Manual
I surmise from other answers that this was once difficult?
Go to Settings->Pages
Just under "Change theme" you'll see a link to the actual Github action labeled "pages build and deployment workflow".
Click Re-run all jobs