Camel-case column-names: Howto generate a sql column with underscore in EclipseLink like Hibernates ImprovedNamingStrategy does - jpa-2.0

I'm moving from Hibernate to EclipseLink.
What I realized is, that Hibernates ddl-generation creates underscore-separated sql-columns for camel-case columns with
<property name="hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy" value="org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy" />
in my persistence.xml. I like that a lot.
My question is: How can I get EclipseLink to do that?

I found a solution. You have to use the EclipseLink Session-Customizer class.
Explained here (with an example if you scroll down that page):

Fork this . Numbers are not recognized as chars to be surrounded with underscores, you can override the mapping with #Column(name="")


Can I change the regex on NagVis and if yes, how can I do this?

I have a problem with Nagvis. There I created several maps with the locations of hosts and used the service lines to display the bandwidth and utilization of individual interfaces. It all worked well until we eventually switched to CheckMK 2.0. We have renamed the interfaces and theoretically it would not be a problem to simply transfer the new names to NagVis.
However, the regex error mentioned below occurs. I also checked the new label with the regex using regex101 and found that the label has changed. It is structured according to the pattern: 'Interface_Name "Interface description"'. Nagvis's regex doesn't allow quotes, and thus neither does the name of the interface.
I'm relatively new to this and haven't had much to do with it before. One solution would be to escape the quotation marks, but I don't know where to do that. If you have any suggestions for a solution, I would be very grateful.
If you have any questions, just ask.
CMK version: 2.0.0p26
OS version: Windows 10
Error message: The attribute has the wrong format (Regex: /^[0-9a-zа-яё\p{L}\s:+_.,'-*?!##=/]+ $/u).

Regex for dates format

I am working under the Web Application based on ASP.NET MVC 5 and I have a great problem in my project with the field which gives the user the ability to choose format for showing Dates in the application.
The goal is to make RegularExpressionAttribute with the regex for validation date formats inputted by user.
Acceptable formats must be:
and the length of the date symbols may be as 'y' so far 'yyyy'. And they can be upper case.
So after hard-coding I've made the acceptable one:
This one works... But according to my scarce regex knowledge and experience I hope to get some help and better example for resolving this puzzle.
You have to generalize a bit.
instead of e.g. [mM] use m and set option for case insensitive match
([:/-]) all allowed delimiters as group
\1...\3 back reference to the delimiter group 1...3

Search and Replace in Solr?

Im looking for something like a search and replace functionality in Solr.
I have dumped a document into solr, and doing some text analysis over it. At times i may need to group couple of words together and want solr to treat it as one single token.
For ex: "South Africa" will be treated as one single token for further processing. And also notice that these can be dynamic and im going to let the end user to decide which words he/she has to group. So NO Semantics required.
My current plan is to add a special character between these two words so Solr will treat it as one single token (StandardTokenizerFactory) for further processing.
So im looking for something like:
replace("South Africa",South_Africa")
Can anyone has any solution?
Use a Synonym filter and define these replacements in a synonyms.txt file. Once you have all of your definitions, rebuild the index.
You would probably have an entry like this to handle both the case where a field has a LowerCase filter before Synonym and where Synonym comes before LowerCase.
South Africa,south africa => southafrica
More info here
You could perhaps use a PatternReplaceFilter and a clever regexp.

HOW: Apache Camel, Regex match files

im experimenting in getting camel to do some file operations and pass them through the activeMQ broker, ive taken this project over from a guy who recently quit.
what ive got so far:
<route id="SVLFTPCOPY">
<from uri="sftp://*****:*******#********/srv/test/?fileName=*2280.xls&noop=true&idempotent=false"/>
<to uri="file:/srv/data/test/destination/"/>
<to uri="activemq:queue:svl.ftp.copy"/>
it works to the point where it runs the route without throwing any errors, but still doesnt copy the file to the local file.
Any ideas?
Yeah you need to use the include/exclude/filter option if you want to filter out files based on patterns. The fileName option is for a single file.
So in your case, remove fileName option and replace it with include=.*2280.xsl. Mind that the include is based on Java regular expressions, so we use dot star to indicate wildcard. More details here: The ftp component inherits 99% of the options of the file component, so that is why I refer to the file wiki page.
Use the include option that uses Java regular expression:
Please, mind the \\ before the dot .
Alternatively, use antInclude:
For that kind of filtering I recommend to use the GenericFileFilter
In the implementation of name matching, the following code is used:
if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(endpoint.getInclude())) {
if (!name.matches(endpoint.getInclude())) {
return false;
So you can test which regular expression you should use. In you case, I think .*2280\\.xsl is what you should use.

camelCase to underscore in vi(m)

If for some reason I want to selectively convert camelCase named things to being underscore separated in vim, how could I go about doing so?
Currently I've found that I can do a search /s[a-z][A-Z] and record a macro to add an underscore and convert to lower case, but I'm curious as to if I can do it with something like :
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I figured out the answer for camelCase (which is what I really needed), but can someone else answer how to change CamelCase to camel_case?
You might want to try out the Abolish plugin by Tim Pope. It provides a few shortcuts to coerce from one style to another. For example, starting with:
Typing crc [mnemonic: CoeRce to Camelcase] would give you:
Typing crs [mnemonic: CoeRce to Snake_case] would give you:
And typing crm [mnemonic: CoeRce to MixedCase] would take you back to:
If you also install repeat.vim, then you can repeat the coercion commands by pressing the dot key.
This is a bit long, but seems to do the job:
:%s/\<\u\|\l\u/\= join(split(tolower(submatch(0)), '\zs'), '_')/gc
I suppose I should have just kept trying for about 5 more minutes. Well... if anyone is curious:
%s/\(\l\)\(\u\)/\1\_\l\2/gc does the trick.
Actually, I realized this works for camelCase, but not CamelCase, which could also be useful for someone.
I whipped up a plugin that does this.
To convert the case, select a block of text in visual mode and the enter one of the following (Self explanatory) :
To convert all occerences in your document then run one of the following commands:
Add a bang (eg. :CamelToHyphen!) to any of the above command to bypass the prompts before each conversion.
You may not want to do that though as the plugin wouldn't know the different between variables or other text in your file.
For the CamelCase case:%s#(\<\u\|\l)(\l+)(\u)#\l\1\2_\l\3#gc
Tip: the regex delimiters can be altered as in my example to make it (somewhat) more legible.
I have an API for various development oriented processing. Among other things, it provides a few functions for transforming names between (configurable) conventions (variable <-> attribute <-> getter <-> setter <-> constant <-> parameter <-> ...) and styles (camelcase (low/high) <-> underscores). These conversion functions have been wrapped into a plugin.
The plugin + API can be fetch from here:, for this names conversion task, it requires lh-vim-lib
It can be used the following way:
put the cursor on the symbol you want to rename
type :NameConvert + the type of conversion you wish (here : underscore). NB: this command supports auto-completion.
et voilà!