How to interpret g++ generated .i file [duplicate] - c++

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
gcc preprocessor output
For some reason I need to investigate some .i files generated by g++ preprocessor, where I see code like this:
#1 /usr/local/include/boost/python.hpp 1 3
#11 /usr/local/include/boost/python.hpp 3
I'm an experienced C++ programmer and I know what .i file is, the problem is, I can't find a detailed explanation on how to interpret the lines in .i file.
Can someone explain what the above lines mean (especially what the numbers following the files ) or point me a place where I can find some document about this?
Thanks, after looking at the link, my problem solved. I'd like to add some background in case somebody else see the same problem.
My project uses a strict compiler check, i.e., g++ -Wall -Werror. All warnings are treated as errors. And we are using boost.python, before yesterday, boost was put in /usr/local/include, and the compilation is fine. Then we decide to move boost into our source control for easier upgrade, and a warning (treated as error) arise.
So after the investigation and the details from the link given by CrazyCasta, the problem is actually this: when boost is in /usr/local/include, it is treated as a system header, so gcc supresses some warnings; while we move boost out, gcc is not that tolerable to it.
Basically, just ignore or supress that warning by hand.

Your answer can be found here.
Basically it's remapping the line number/filename space of the input so the compiler knows where lines came from. The first number is the line number of where the source came from, the filename after that is the file it came from. The numbers thereafter are flags.


mingw "too many sections" bug while compiling huge header file in Qt

I was trying to compile exprtk.hpp file ( with mingw32(491_32) on Qt (win7).
During compilation, I give this error message:
debug\main.o:-1: error: too many sections (35325)
I've been noticed that the exprtk.hpp file is huge (>32000 lines).
I've been trying optimization flags on compiler but It didn't help eighter.
I'll be appreciated if somebody help me...
You can by adding the compilation flags -flto -Wl,-allow-multiple-definition and you can add -fuse-linker-plugin
-Wa,-mbig-obj do not work on x86/32bits architecture (only x64)
Such huge header-only code is already bad design, i'd rather recommend to use another library, like muParser.
Your problem was already discussed in other threads, like this.
As you've already noticed, passing /bigobj to Microsoft's compiler
causes it to output a munged COFF format with up to 2^31 sections,
which "should be enough for anybody."
I've tested this new option with MinGW-w64 and it works. You need to
pass -Wa,-mbig-obj to gcc to opt-in to big objects (-Wa means pass
this option to the assembler). – Francis Gagné

Compiling a very large .cpp file

Similar question with no real answer applicable to my case : CLICK
Question which I researched before asking here - CLICK
I'm using MinGW64 to try and compile a very large .cpp file (>13k lines), but I also have access to Visual Studio 2010 - if someone has a solution using that, feel free to tell me.
I've identified an error in the assembling stage -
... too many sections (33396)
C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\ccnAocvD.s: Assembler messages:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\ccnAocvD.s: Fatal error: can't write
CMakeFiles/source.dir/sourcecode.cpp.obj: File too big
I'm currently running the compilation with the -Os , --param ggc-min-expand=0, --param ggc-min-heapsize=4096 as suggested by two of my colleagues - the compilation is running way over 5 hours now.
As suggested by some people, I will just split the file into 2 source files and create a header for them - thanks.
Second Update:
Compilation hasn't finished yet(5 days !!!), even after creating a header and splitting the file into 4 smaller ones.
This problem remained unresolved - even after following advice from everyone that posted I still couldn't manage to compile this.
Not sure about GCC, but have you tried the /bigobj flag for that specific file in VisualStudio?
I had the same issue with a large file, and it actually solved the issue. So it's worth a try.
From MSDN:
By default, an object file can hold up to 65,536 (2^16) addressable sections. This is the case no matter which target platform is specified. /bigobj increases that address capacity to 4,294,967,296 (2^32).
More about this here.

GCC- Invalid use of Register

I am compiling a project under VS2012 and GCC (CodeBlocks) for Windows.
On VS2012 everything works perfect. Under GCC I am obtaining the following compiling error:
C:\Users\Piotrek\AppData\Local\Temp\ccfdl0Ye.s|164|Error: invalid use of register|
C:\Users\Piotrek\AppData\Local\Temp\ccfdl0Ye.s|166|Error: invalid use of register|
C:\Users\Piotrek\AppData\Local\Temp\ccfdl0Ye.s|221|Error: invalid use of register|
||=== Build finished: 3 errors, 14 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds) ===|
I am using the compiler option -fpermissive - It should have nothing to do with the error.
I just can't understand why is it pointing to a temporary file under the Local Temp folder, and saying that I am using a wrong register??
Does anybody have any idea on what's happening?
It looks like you've encountered a bug in the compiler. The
error messages (judging from the "source" file name) are from
the assembler. The only time the assembler should generate an
error message is when there is something illegal in the
assembler, and the C++ compiler should never generate illegal
assembler; if it can't generate legal assembler, it should
output an error message and fail.
The real problem, when you get this sort of message, is to
figure out what in your code is triggering it. g++ has an
option which tells it to not delete any of the intermediate
files. Use this, then try and see what is going on in the
assember files at these lines. (When you ask g++ to output
assembler, it puts nice comments in to help finding the
corresponding source. I don't know if it also does this when
generating assembler as an intermediate file.) And then try
cutting code (if worse comes to worse, using binary search)
until you can get the error for a program of one or two lines.
Try to guess what's special about them, and change them to do
the same thing, in a different way.
And don't fail to report the error to g++.
Thanks to James Kanze's recommendation, I decided to tell to the compiler not to delete temporary files. This is done by the flag:
As James said, the assembler generates some nice comments which inform exactly which line on our C++ code is throwing the error. In my case, it looks like it is not accepting such instruction:
".intel_syntax noprefix\n"
"lock dec [DWORD PTR eax]\n"
".att_syntax \n"
: "a" (data)
I don't know why he is not accepting Intel Syntax anymore, since it was working with previous GCC version, and now that I updated it it doesn't anymore.
Anyway, the solution for such problems is the one mentioned by James: Just dont delete intermediate files so that you can spy directly into Assembly code what's wrong.
About the problem of the INTEL syntax, any idea why it doesn't work anymore?

How do I compile a .cpp file on Linux? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
I'm fairly comfortable with Linux and compiling things - I normally just follow the instructions and can manage to get myself out of trouble. This time, I was given a .cpp file by a random Internet citizen and I would really like to know how to compile it. Everything I seem to try (g++, c++, gcc) doesn't seem to work.
Anyhow, here's the file:
Edit: Updated with verbose output from g++ file.cpp -o whatever:
You'll need to compile it using:
g++ inputfile.cpp -o outputbinary
The file you are referring has a missing #include <cstdlib> directive, if you also include that in your file, everything shall compile fine.
The compiler is telling you that there are problems starting at line 122 in the middle of that strange FBI-CIA warning message. That message is not valid C++ code and is NOT commented out so of course it will cause compiler errors. Try removing that entire message.
Also, I agree with In silico: you should always tell us what you tried and exactly what error messages you got.
Just type the code and save it in .cpp format. then try "gcc filename.cpp" . This will create the object file. then try "./a.out" (This is the default object file name). If you want to know about gcc you can always try "man gcc"

Basic example code compiling help required - I can't get any SDK examples to work

I'm very new to C++; I've worked with several SDKs now on various applications and every time come across the problem that I can't get the 'example code' to compile. This is a very broad question basically regarding ANY example code that is given over the net - what is the standard procedure to make things compile? I know how to compile code that I've written myself but when given a large project containing several CPP and H files, what do I start with? My first port of call, to open 'main.cpp' in Dev-C++ and hit the 'compile' button generally throws up errors about header files not being available and so on.
I won't give a specific example as this has happened several times. I feel as someone getting to grips with C++ that I would learn a lot quicker if I could start with code that works and tweak it myself rather than having to fumble around building things up piece by piece.
The most recent example is a set of example code provided by a company which 10 files:
Running the .exe file works absolutely fine; however if I open main.c and press compile, I receive many error messages. As an example, the first two lines of code in main.c are:
#include "simple.h"
#include <sdl_text_support.h>
This alone spews the error messages:
1: expected unqualified-id before "public"
1: expected `,' or `;' before "public"
2: In file included from trial.c
Clearly I am doing something very wrong as this code must have compiled for someone else in the past to have generated the .exe file. Again this is not an isolated issue, I have this problem all the time.
Since Dev-C++ is perfectly equipped to deal with plain old C files, I can't see that that is the issue. Secondly, simple.h is definitely included in the correct directory. The second include though, sdl_text_support.h is obviously not in my file list above. I have searched the rest of the SDK and found the file lurking elsewhere. How do I explicitly reference the location of the header file using Dev-C++?
Any general tutorial to how to compile pre-made projects or help of any kind would be greatly appreciated.
I like this page:
I am not familiar with DevC++, but you cannot assume that if you can open main.c and press a button, then everything will work out. No build system is that smart.
If you write your own code (and you understand compiling and linking) then you can keep your files in order and know exactly how to build everything; someone else's codebase may come with a makefile or some other guide to it's organization, but you'll have to learn how to use a good build system, and the one you're using sounds inadequate.
open the project by simple.dsw instead of main.cpp and it should work .