In many cases, I would like to override a Qt class to extend or modify its behavior. But almost all Qt classes uses an internal private class such as QNetworkDiskCachePrivate inside QNetworkDiskCache. I know there are advantages of this approach. But there is a HUGE problem of the private class: it makes overriding the class a lot more difficult. With other C++ class library with source code, I usually override a class method, copy the code from the implementation in the parent class and make small modifications here and there to achieve the behavior I want. However, in Qt, the private class is not exported and not visible to the derived class. Since Qt classes maintains the critical internal data in the private class through the "d" member, the invisibility of the private internal class makes the possibility of behavior extension very limited. You can only play with the few exposed public method.
I tried extracting the entire source files of the class and renaming the class name and file names. But the Qt class library is so much intertwined that extracting a single class out of it is messy as well in most cases.
Do I miss something here? Or Qt classes are just really bad in terms of extendability?
Qt classes are better than most in terms of extendability; they often have hooks to change their behavior without resorting to copying and pasting an entire method. Having said that, if the generally accepted methods of extending don't work, yes the Qt classes are harder to hack. That's probably a good thing because copying-pasting-and-modifying the base class implementation means that your derived class won't get any improvements or bugfixes that are made in the base class implementation.
If you want to do it, you're going to need to convince your build system to let you include the private headers and then refer to the private classes from your new implementation. Pay attention to the disclaimer in the Qt docs; when you do this you are opening yourself up to breakage with every new version of Qt that is released (Qt only guarantees the public API, and you're messing with its internals). Qt's public API is wonderfully readable and documented; the internal code can be pretty cryptic, so you really, really want to be sure that you can't accomplish what you want with the public API. If you're still resolved to use the private class stuff, this might help.
Your approach is wrong and bad! To extend a Qt, and more in general C++, code you don't have to copy the source code and modify it where you need. You should (have to) use extending OOP(Object Oriented Programming) paradigm. In C++ you should write something like:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A
void writeName(){cout << "my name is A";}
void writeNumber(){cout << "my number is " << x << endl;}
int x;
class B : public A
void writeName(){cout << "my name is B and i'm better then A" << endl;}
int main()
B *b= new B();
return 0;
my name is B and i'm better then A
my number is 1
In this way B does all that base class A does and you add your methods(extend base class) to fit your needs. If you take a look at qt example code this is usually the approach used to do something not included into default qt widget behaviour. In example ItemDelegate customizations: you write your own class MyItemDelegate that extend QItemDelegate: link
Or Qt classes are just really bad in terms of extendability?
Qt is "only" a framework build up C++ language. This means that everything you can do in C++ you can do with Qt.
My experience in c++ is very limited, so I excuse if my question is dumb or elementary. Here goes:
When doing larger project in a language like c++, and you possibly have a very big line of inheritance, is it normal practice to include every single derived class in the.. main file, let's say.
Is there some way to circumvent this, or am I missing something banal?
Thank you.
For a C++ program to use a C++ class, it requires the declaration. If the class inherits from base classes, then those declarations are required to process that class declaration. This applies recursively: the entire inheritance tree of the class is required.
If the inheritance graph is so deep and broad (perhaps due to multiple inheritance) that the project decides it is unacceptable, then it has to be restructured. Classes might be able to use aggregation instead of inheritance. So that is to say, instead of:
#include <widget.h>
class foo : public widget { ... };
it may be possible to have;
class widget; // "forward" declaration only; no #include needed
class foo { widget *pwidget; ...}
Now, only the file which implements foo needs the full declaration of widget; the clients of foo which are including "foo.h" don't need it.
But now foo is not a-kind-of widget any longer, which has implications on the code organization. foo still has the widget parts by way of creating an object and holding it. If widget conforms to some abstract interface for widgets, foo may be able to implement that, and delegate to the contained widget.
Another tool in minimizing dependencies is dependency inversion.
I hesitate to ask this question, because it's deceitfully simple one. Except I fail to see a solution.
I recently made an attempt to write a simple program that would be somewhat oblivious to what engine renders its UI.
Everything looks great on paper, but in fact, theory did not get me far.
Assume my tool cares to have an IWindow with IContainer that hosts an ILabel and IButton. That's 4 UI elements. Abstacting each one of these is a trivial task. I can create each of these elements with Qt, Gtk, motif - you name it.
I understand that in order for implementation (say, QtWindow with QtContainer) to work, the abstraction (IWindow along with IContainer) have to work, too: IWindow needs to be able to accept IContainer as its child: That requires either that
I can add any of the UI elements to container, or
all the UI elements inherit from a single parent
That is theory which perfectly solves the abstraction issue. Practice (or implementation) is a whole other story. In order to make implementation to work along with abstraction - the way I see it I can either
pollute the abstraction with ugly calls exposing the implementation (or giving hints about it) - killing the concept of abstraction, or
add casting from the abstraction to something that the implementation understands (dynamic_cast<>()).
add a global map pool of ISomething instances to UI specific elements (map<IElement*, QtElement*>()) which would be somewhat like casting, except done by myself.
All of these look ugly. I fail to see other alternatives here - is this where data abstraction concept actually fails? Is casting the only alternative here?
I have spent some time trying to come up with optimal solution and it seems that this is something that just can't be simply done with C++. Not without casting, and not with templates as they are.
The solution that I eventually came up with (after messing a lot with interfaces and how these are defined) looks as follows:
1. There needs to be a parametrized base interface that defines the calls
The base interface (let's call it TContainerBase for Containers and TElementBase for elements) specifies methods that are expected to be implemented by containers or elements. That part is simple.
The definition would need to look something along these lines:
template <typename Parent>
class TElementBase : public Parent {
virtual void DoSomething() = 0;
template <typename Parent>
class TContainerBase : public Parent {
virtual void AddElement(TElementBase<Parent>* element) = 0;
2. There needs to be a template that specifies inheritance.
That is where the first stage of separation (engine vs ui) comes. At this point it just wouldn't matter what type of backend is driving the rendering. And here's the interesting part: as I think about it, the only language successfully implementing this is Java. The template would have to look something along these lines:
template<typename Engine>
class TContainer : public TContainerBase<Parent> {
void AddElement(TElementBase<Parent>* element) {
// ...
template<typename Engine>
class TElement : public TElementBase<Parent> {
void DoSomething() {
// ...
3. UI needs to be able to accept just TContainers or TElements
that is, it would have to ignore what these elements derive from. That's the second stage of separation; after all everything it cares about is the TElementBase and TContainerBase interfaces. In Java that has been solved with introduction of question mark. In my case, I could simply use in my UI:
TContainer<?> some_container;
TElement<?> some_element;
There's no issues with virtual function calls in vtable, as they are exactly where the compiler would expect them to be. The only issue would be here ensuring that the template parameters are same in both cases. Assuming the backend is a single library - that would work just fine.
The three above steps would allow me to write my code disregarding backend entirely (and safely), while backends could implement just about anything there was a need for.
I tried this approach and it turns to be pretty sane. The only limitation was the compiler. Instantiating class and casting them back and forth here is counter-intuitive, but, unfortunately, necessary, mostly because with template inheritance you can't extract just the base class itself, that is, you can't say any of:
class IContainerBase {};
template <typename Parent>
class TContainerBase : public (IContainerBase : public Parent) {}
class IContainerBase {};
template <typename Parent>
typedef class IContainerBase : public Parent TContainerBase;
(note that in all the above solutions it feels perfectly natural and sane just to rely on TElementBase and TContainerBase - and the generated code works perfectly fine if you cast TElementBase<Foo> to TElementBase<Bar> - so it's just language limitation).
Anyway, these final statements (typedef of class A inheriting from B and class X having base class A inheriting from B) are just rubbish in C++ (and would make the language harder than it already is), hence the only way out is to follow one of the supplied solutions, which I'm very grateful for.
Thank you for all help.
You're trying to use Object Orientation here. OO has a particular method of achieving generic code: by type erasure. The IWindow base class interface erases the exact type, which in your example would be a QtWindow. In C++ you can get back some erased type information via RTTI, i.e. dynamic_cast.
However, in C++ you can also use templates. Don't implement IWindow and QtWindow, but implement Window<Qt>. This allows you to state that Container<Foo> accepts a Window<Foo> for any possible Foo window library. The compiler will enforce this.
If I understand your question correctly, this is the kind of situation the Abstract Factory Pattern is intended to address.
The abstract factory pattern provides a way to encapsulate a group of individual factories that have a common theme without specifying their concrete classes. In normal usage, the client software creates a concrete implementation of the abstract factory and then uses the generic interface of the factory to create the concrete objects that are part of the theme. The client doesn't know (or care) which concrete objects it gets from each of these internal factories, since it uses only the generic interfaces of their products. This pattern separates the details of implementation of a set of objects from their general usage and relies on object composition, as object creation is implemented in methods exposed in the factory interface.
Creating a wrapper capable of abstracting libraries like Qt and Gtk doesn't seems a trivial tasks to me. But talking more generally about your design problem, maybe you could use templates to do the mapping between the abstract interface and a specific implementation. For example:
Abstract interface IWidget.h
template<typename BackendT>
class IWidget
void doSomething()
BackendT backend;
Qt implementation QtWidget.h:
class QtWidget
void doSomething()
// qt specifics here
cout << "qt widget" << endl;
Gtk implementation GtkWidget.h:
class GtkWidget
void doSomething()
// gtk specifics here
cout << "gtk widget" << endl;
Qt backend QtBackend.h:
#include "QtWidget.h"
// include all the other gtk classes you implemented...
#include "IWidget.h"
typedef IWidget<QtWidget> Widget;
// map all the other classes...
Gtk backend GtkBackend.h:
#include "GtkWidget.h"
// include all the other gtk classes you implemented...
#include "IWidget.h"
typedef IWidget<GtkWidget> Widget;
// map all the other classes...
// Choose the backend here:
#include "QtBackend.h"
int main()
Widget* w = new Widget();
return 0;
if I have a class with a helper (private member) class within it, like this
class Obj;
class Helper {
friend class Obj;
int m_count;
Helper(){ m_count = 0;}; // Note this is a private constructor
void incrementCount(){
class Obj {
Helper *m_pHelper;
// note that this is a private getter
int getHelperCount() { return m_pHelper->m_count; };
// the public API starts here
Obj() { m_pHelper = new Helper(); };
void incrementCount(){ m_pHelper->incrementCount(); };
So how may I TDD such a system?
auto obj = new Obj();
// what to assert???
That is my question and the following is just some background.
Response to some answers and comments.
If noone outside the class should be interested, then your tests should not be interested either. – Arne Mertz
If nobody is interested in the value outside the class, why are you – utnapistim
Even if no one outside needs the value, I may still want to know that if it's set correctly, as it is used by other self contained internal method of the class that use that value. Maybe the value is the speed where the controller will use it to update the model. Or maybe it's the position where the view will use it to draw something on the screen. And in fact all other components of Obj would be able to access that variable. It may be a bad design issue, and in this case I would like to know what better alternatives I can have. The design is listed in the background section at the bottom of this post.
define private public - Marson Mao
Love this ingenious abuse of keywords haha. But may not be concluded as the best solution just yet.
You need to "expose" the friendship relation in the header of your class. Thus you have to acknowledge there the existence of a class used to test yours.
If you use the pImpl idiom, you could make the members of the pImpl itself all public, the pImpl itself private and give your unit tests access to the pImpl - CashCow
Does this mean that I should friend the test in my original class? Or add extra "test" methods to it?
I just started TDD very recently. Is it common (or better is it good) to intrude the original class with test class dependency? I don't think I have the appropriate knowledge to judge. Any advice on this?
Miscellaneous: AFAIK TDD is not just writing test, but instead a development process. I have read that I should only write tests to the public interface. But the problem is, like the situation in question, most of the codes etc are contained within private class. How may I use TDD to create these codes?
FYI if you would like to know why I am making a private class:
I am developing a game from cocos2dx. The game engine adopts a Node tree structure for the updates, rendering etc and every game object would inherit from a Node class provided in the engine. Now I want to implement the MVC pattern on a game object. So for each object I basically created a Object class with 3 helper classes corresponding to each of the MVC components named ObjectModel, ObjectView, ObjectController. Theoretically no one should access the MVC classes directly and would only be accessed somehow through the Object class so I make the 3 of them private. The reason of making the MVC components explicitly as classes is because the View and Controller are updating at different rates (more specifically the Controller performs frame dependent updates, while the View do a simple interpolation based on the model data). The Model class is created purely for religious reasons lol.
Thanks in advance.
How to test friend functions of private class?
Thou shalt not!
A class (or module or library or whatever) exposes a public interface for a reason. You have the public interface (which is geared for client use, so it has invariants, preconditions, postconditions, side-effects, whatever - which can and should be tested) and implementation details, that allow you to implement the public interface, easier.
The point of having a private implementation, is that you are allowed to change it as you please, without affecting other code (without affecting even tests). All tests should pass after you change your private implementation, and client (and test) code should (by design) not care at all that you changed the private implementation.
So how may I TDD such a system?
TDD your public interface only. Testing implementation details means you end up coding to an implementation, instead of an interface.
Regarding your comment:
The problem is I don't even have a getter in the public interface. So how can my test check that the value is 0 or 1? And the getter is intentionally made private as no one should be interested in the value outside the class
If nobody is interested in the value outside the class, why are you (i.e. why would you wish to test for it?)
The #define private public trick can have side effects with the way some compiler are mangling function symbols (Visual c++ compiler is including access specifier in its name mangling)
You can also change visibility with the using statement :
struct ObjTest : public Obj
using Obj::incrementCount;
But like other people said, try to not test private stuff if possible.
I have encounter such problem when I was writing unit test as well.
After some searching I decided the most effective way is to add this in your Test.cpp:
#define private public
NOTE: add this before your desired include file, maybe your Obj.h, for example.
I think this method looks crazy but it's actually reasonable, because this #define only affect your test file, so all other people using your Obj.h is totally fine.
Some reference:
Unit testing of private methods
I vote, as #Marson Mao says, for #define private public.
If you want to control what to make private or public a bit more, you can do this in yourtests.cpp
#define private public
#include "IWantAccessViolationForThis.h"
#undef private
#include "NormalFile.h"
This way you can have a bit more control and try to do this trick in as few places as possible.
Another nice property of this approach is that it is non-intrusive, meaning that you don't need to clutter your real implementation and header files with #ifdefs for testing and not testing modes.
Your friend has full access to the class that it is a friend of. This might be done for many reasons and one of those could well be for unit-testing purpose, i.e. you want to be able to write a unit test that can call private members of the class and check the internal variables show what you would expect them to show, but you do not want that to be part of the public API.
You need to "expose" the friendship relation in the header of your class. Thus you have to acknowledge there the existence of a class used to test yours. No worries, you develop in the real world and classes are tested.
In order to write a unit test you will want to implement that class to provide protected member functions (probably static ones) that call all the relevant private functions or get the private members, and then you write classes that derive from yours. Note that those will not have direct access as friendship is not inherited, thus the static protected members.
If you use the pImpl idiom, you could make the members of the pImpl itself all public, the pImpl itself private and give your unit tests access to the pImpl (through the same model as above). This is now simpler as you only need to create one method for your "tester".
With regards to data members of a class, in recent years I have been known to put all these into a struct, i.e. have them all public, and then for the class to have a private instance of that struct. It can be easier for handling this kind of thing, and also serialisation / factories to your class, where they can create the struct which is all public, then construct your class from it.
So I understand pretty much how it works, but I just can't grasp what makes it useful. You still have to define all the separate functions, you still have to create an instance of each object, so why not just call the function from that object vs creating the object, creating a pointer to the parent object and passing the derived objects reference, just to call a function? I don't understand the benefits of taking this extra step.
Why do this:
class Parent
virtual void function(){};
class Derived : public Parent
void function()
cout << "derived";
int main()
Derived foo;
Parent* bar = &foo;
return -3234324;
vs this:
class Parent
virtual void function(){};
class Derived : public Parent
void function()
cout << "derived";
int main()
Derived foo;
return -3234324;
They do exactly the same thing right? Only one uses more memory and more confusion as far as I can tell.
Both your examples do the same thing but in different ways.
The first example calls function() by using Static binding while the second calls it using Dynamic Binding.
In first case the compiler precisely knows which function to call at compilation time itself, while in second case the decision as to which function should be called is made at run-time depending on the type of object which is pointed by the Base class pointer.
What is the advantage?
The advantage is more generic and loosely coupled code.
Imagine a class hierarchy as follows:
The calling code which uses these classes, will be like:
Shape *basep[] = { &line_obj, &tri_obj,
&rect_obj, &cir_obj};
for (i = 0; i < NO_PICTURES; i++)
basep[i] -> Draw ();
Where, line_obj, tri_obj etc are objects of the concrete Shape classes Line, Triangle and so on, and they are stored in a array of pointers of the type of more generalized base class Shape.
This gives the additional flexibility and loose coupling that if you need to add another concrete shape class say Rhombus, the calling code does not have to change much, because it refers to all concrete shapes with a pointer to Base class Shape. You only have to make the Base class pointer point to the new concrete class.
At the sametime the calling code can call appropriate methods of those classes because the Draw() method would be virtual in these classes and the method to call will be decided at run-time depending on what object the base class pointer points to.
The above is an good example of applying Open Closed Principle of the famous SOLID design principles.
Say you want someone to show up for work. You don't know whether they need to take a car, take a bus, walk, or what. You just want them to show up for work. With polymorphism, you just tell them to show up for work and they do. Without polymorphism, you have to figure out how they need to get to work and direct them to that process.
Now say some people start taking a Segway to work. Without polymorphism, every piece of code that tells someone to come to work has to learn this new way to get to work and how to figure out who gets to work that way and how to tell them to do it. With polymorphism, you put that code in one place, in the implementation of the Segway-rider, and all the code that tells people to go to work tells Segway-riders to take their Segways, even though it has no idea that this is what it's doing.
There are many real-world programming analogies. Say you need to tell someone that there's a problem they need to investigate. Their preferred contact mechanism might be email, or it might be an instant message. Maybe it's an SMS message. With a polymorphic notification method, you can add a new notification mechanism without having to change every bit of code that might ever need to use it.
polymorphism is great if you have a list/array of object which share a common ancestor and you wich to do some common thing with them, or you have an overridden method. The example I learnt the concept from, use shapes as and overriding the draw method. They all do different things, but they're all a 'shape' and can all be drawn. Your example doesn't really do anything useful to warrant using polymorphism
A good example of useful polymorphism is the .NET Stream class. It has many implementations such as "FileStream", "MemoryStream", "GZipStream", etcetera. An algorithm that uses "Stream" instead of "FileStream" can be reused on any of the other stream types with little or no modification.
There are countless examples of nice uses of polymorphism. Consider as an example a class that represents GUI widgets. The most base classs would have something like:
class BaseWidget
virtual void draw() = 0;
That is a pure virtual function. It means that ALL the class that inherit the Base will need to implement it. And ofcourse all widgets in a GUI need to draw themselves, right? So that's why you would need a base class with all of the functions that are common for all GUI widgets to be defined as pure virtuals because then in any child you will do like that:
class ChildWidget
void draw()
//draw this widget using the knowledge provided by this child class
class ChildWidget2
void draw()
//draw this widget using the knowledge provided by this child class
Then in your code you need not care about checking what kind of widget it is that you are drawing. The responsibility of knowing how to draw itself lies with the widget (the object) and not with you. So you can do something like that in your main loop:
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfWidgets; i++)
And the above would draw all the widgets no matter if they are of ChildWidget1, ChildWidget2, TextBox, Button type.
Hope that it helps to understand the benefits of polymorphism a bit.
Reuse, generalisation and extensibility.
I may have an abstract class hierarchy like this: Vehicle > Car. I can then simply derive from Car to implement concrete types SaloonCar, CoupeCar etc. I implement common code in the abstract base classes. I may have also built some other code that is coupled with Car. My SaloonCar and CoupeCar are both Cars so I can pass them to this client code without alteration.
Now consider that I may have an interface; IInternalCombustionEngine and a class coupled with with this, say Garage (contrived I know, stay with me). I can implement this interface on classes defined in separate class hierarchies. E.G.
public abstract class Vehicle {..}
public abstract class Bus : Vehicle, IPassengerVehicle, IHydrogenPowerSource, IElectricMotor {..}
public abstract class Car : Vehicle {..}
public class FordCortina : Car, IInternalCombustionEngine, IPassengerVehicle {..}
public class FormulaOneCar : Car, IInternalCombustionEngine {..}
public abstract class PowerTool {..}
public class ChainSaw : PowerTool, IInternalCombustionEngine {..}
public class DomesticDrill : PowerTool, IElectricMotor {..}
So, I can now state that an object instance of FordCortina is a Vehicle, it's a Car, it's an IInternalCombustionEngine (ok contrived again, but you get the point) and it's also a passenger vehicle. This is a powerful construct.
The poly in polymorphic means more than one. In other words, polymorphism is not relevant unless there is more than one derived function.
In this example, I have two derived functions. One of them is selected based on the mode variable. Notice that the agnostic_function() doesn't know which one was selected. Nevertheless, it calls the correct version of function().
So the point of polymorphism is that most of your code doesn't need to know which derived class is being used. The specific selection of which class to instantiate can be localized to a single point in the code. This makes the code much cleaner and easier to develop and maintain.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Parent
virtual void function() const {};
class Derived1 : public Parent
void function() const { cout << "derived1"; }
class Derived2 : public Parent
void function() const { cout << "derived2"; }
void agnostic_function( Parent const & bar )
int main()
int mode = 1;
? static_cast<Parent const &>(Derived1())
: static_cast<Parent const &>(Derived2())
Polymorphism is One of the principles OOP. With polymorphism you can choose several behavior in runtime. In your sample, you have a implementation of Parent, if you have more implementation, you can choose one by parameters in runtime. polymorphism help for decoupling layers of application. in your sample of third part use this structers then it see Parent interface only and don't know implementation in runtime so third party independ of implementations of Parent interface. You can see Dependency Injection pattern also for better desing.
Just one more point to add. Polymorphism is required to implement run-time plug-ins. It is possible to add functionality to a program at run-time. In C++, the derived classes can be implemented as shared object libraries. The run time system can be programmed to look at a library directory, and if a new shared object appears, it links it in and can start to call it. This can also be done in Python.
Let's say that my School class has a educate() method. This method accepts only people who can learn. They have different styles of learning. Someone grasps, someone just mugs it up, etc.
Now lets say I have boys, girls, dogs, and cats around the School class. If School wants to educate them, I would have to write different methods for the different objects, under School.
Instead, the different people Objects (boys,girls , cats..) implement the Ilearnable interface. Then, the School class does not have to worry about what it has to educate.
School will just have to write a
public void Educate (ILearnable anyone)
I have written cats and dogs because they might want to visit different type of school. As long as it is certain type of school (PetSchool : School) and they can Learn, they can be educated.
So it saves multiple methods that have the same implementation but different input types
The implementation matches the real life scenes and so it's easy for design purposes
We can concentrate on part of the class and ignore everything else.
Extension of the class (e.g. After years of education you come to know, hey, all those people around the School must go through GoGreen program where everyone must plant a tree in the same way. Here if you had a base class of all those people as abstract LivingBeings, we can add a method to call PlantTree and write code in PlantTree. Nobody needs to write code in their Class body as they inherit from the LivingBeings class, and just typecasting them to PlantTree will make sure they can plant trees).
I came across this problem via a colleague today. He had a design for a front end system which goes like this:
class LWindow
//Interface for common methods to Windows
class LListBox : public LWindow
//Do not override methods in LWindow.
//Interface for List specific stuff
class LComboBox : public LWindow{} //So on
The Window system should work on multiple platforms. Suppose for the moment we target Windows and Linux. For Windows we have an implementation for the interface in LWindow. And we have multiple implementations for all the LListBoxes, LComboBoxes, etc. My reaction was to pass an LWindow*(Implementation object) to the base LWindow class so it can do this:
void LWindow::Move(int x, int y)
p_Impl->Move(x, y); //Impl is an LWindow*
And, do the same thing for implementation of LListBox and so on
The solution originally given was much different. It boiled down to this:
#define WindowsCommonImpl {//Set of overrides for LWindow methods}
class WinListBox : public LListBox
WindowsCommonImpl //The overrides for methods in LWindow will get pasted here.
//LListBox overrides
//So on
Now, having read all about macros being evil and good design practices, I immediately was against this scheme. After all, it is code duplication in disguise. But I couldn't convince my colleague of that. And I was surprised that that was the case. So, I pose this question to you. What are the possible problems of the latter method? I'd like practical answers please. I need to convince someone who is very practical (and used to doing this sort of stuff. He mentioned that there's lots of macros in MFC!) that this is bad (and myself). Not teach him aesthetics. Further, is there anything wrong with what I proposed? If so, how do I improve it? Thanks.
EDIT: Please give me some reasons so I can feel good about myself supporting oop :(
Going for bounty. Please ask if you need any clarifications. I want to know arguments for and vs OOP against the macro :)
Your colleague is probably thinking of the MFC message map macros; these are used in important-looking places in every MFC derived class, so I can see where your colleague is coming from. However these are not for implementing interfaces, but rather for details with interacting with the rest of the Windows OS.
Specifically, these macros implement part of Windows' message pump system, where "messages" representing requests for MFC classes to do stuff gets directed to the correct handler functions (e.g. mapping the messages to the handlers). If you have access to visual studio, you'll see that these macros wrap the message map entries in a somewhat-complicated array of structs (that the calling OS code knows how to read), and provide functions to access this map.
As MFC users, the macro system makes this look clean to us. But this works mostly because underlying Windows API is well-specified and won't change much, and most of the macro code is generated by the IDE to avoid typos. If you need to implement something that involves messy declarations then macros might make sense, but so far this doesn't seem to be the case.
Practical concerns that your colleague may be interested in:
duplicated macro calls. Looks like you're going to need to copy the line "WindowsCommonImpl" into each class declaration - assuming the macro expands to some inline functions. If they're only declarations and the implementations go in a separate macro, you'll need to do this in every .cpp file too - and change the class name passed into the macro every time.
longer recompile time. For your solution, if you change something in the LWindow implementation, you probably only need to recompile LWindow.cpp. If you change something in the macro, everything that includes the macro header file needs to be recompiled, which is probably your whole project.
harder to debug. If the error has to do with the logic within the macro, the debugger will probably break to the caller, where you don't see the error right away. You may not even think to check the macro definition because you thought you knew exactly what it did.
So basically your LWindow solution is a better solution, to minimize headaches down the road.
Does'nt answer your question directly may be, but can't help from telling you to Read up on the Bridge Design pattern in GOF. It's meant exactly for that.
Decouple an abstraction from its
implementation so that the two can
vary independently.
From what I can understand, you are already on the right path, other than the MACRO stuff.
My reaction was to pass an
LWindow*(Implementation object) to the
base LWindow class so it can do this:
LListBox and LComboBox should receive an instance of WindowsCommonImpl.
In the first solution, inheritance is used so that LListBox and LComboBox can use some common methods. However, inheritance is not meant for this.
I would agree with you. Solution with WindowsCommonImpl macro is really bad. It is error-prone, hard to extend and very hard to debug. MFC is a good example of how you should not design your windows library. If it looks like MFC, you are really on a wrong way.
So, your solution obviously better than macro-based one. Anyway, I wouldn't agree it is good enough. The most significant drawback to me is that you mix interface and implementation. Most practical value of separating interface and implementation is ability to easily write mock objects for testing purposes.
Anyway, it seems the problem you are trying to solve is how to combine interface inheritance with implementation inheritance in C++. I would suggest using template class for window implementation.
// Window interface
class LWindow
// ListBox interface (inherits Window interface)
class LListBox : public LWindow
// Window implementation template
template<class Interface>
class WindowImpl : public Interface
// Window implementation
typedef WindowImpl<LWindow> Window;
// ListBox implementation
// (inherits both Window implementation and Window interface)
class ListBox : public WindowImpl<LListBox>
As I remember WTL windows library is based on the similar pattern of combining interfaces and implementations. I hope it helps.
Oh man this is confusing.
OK, so L*** is a hierarchy of interfaces, that's fine. Now what are you using the p_Impl for, if you have an interface, why would you include implementation in it?
The macro stuff is of course ugly, plus it's usually impossible to do. The whole point is that you will have different implementations, if you don't, then why create several classes in the first place?
OP seems confused. Here' what to do, it is very complex but it works.
Rule 1: Design the abstractions. If you have an "is-A" relation you must use public virtual inheritance.
struct Window { .. };
struct ListBox : virtual Window { .. };
Rule 2: Make implementations, if you're implementing an abstraction you must use virtual inheritance. You are free to use inheritance to save on duplication.
class WindowImpl : virtual Window { .. };
class BasicListBoxImpl : virtual ListBox, public WindowImpl { .. };
class FancyListBoxImpl : public BasicListBoxImpl { };
Therefore you should read "virtual" to mean "isa" and other inheritance is just saving on rewriting methods.
Rule3: Try to make sure there is only one useful function in a concrete type: the constructor. This is sometimes hard, you may need some default and some set methods to fiddle things. Once the object is set up cast away the implementation. Ideally you'd do this on construction:
ListBox *p = new FancyListBoxImpl (.....);
Notes: you are not going to call any abstract methods directly on or in an implementation so private inheritance of abstract base is just fine. Your task is exclusively to define these methods, not to use them: that's for the clients of the abstractions only. Implementations of virtual methods from the bases also might just as well be private for the same reason. Inheritance for reuse will probably be public since you might want to use these methods in the derived class or from outside of it after construction to configure your object before casting away the implementation details.
Rule 4: There is a standard implementation for many abstractions, known as delegation which is one you were talking about:
struct Abstract { virtual void method()=0; };
struct AbstractImpl_Delegate: virtual Abstract {
Abstract *p;
AbstractImpl_Delegate (Abstract *q) : p(q) {}
void method () { p->method(); }
This is a cute implementation since it doesn't require you to know anything about the abstraction or how to implement it... :)
I found that
the preprocessor #define directive to
define constants is not as precise.
Macros are apparently not as precise, I did not even know that...
The classic hidden dangers of the preprocessor like:
#define PI_PLUS_ONE (3.14 + 1)`
By doing so, you avoid the possibility
that an order of operations issue will
destroy the meaning of your constant:
x = PI_PLUS_ONE * 5;`
parentheses, the above would be
converted to
x = 3.14 + 1 * 5;