ActiveX bug in ctlinplc.cpp - c++

I am writing an ActiveX Control. Everything worked fine when i test my AX Control with TestConn. But when i put it into a HTML and load the problem happened. When i click on the frame contain my control at the second time, bug occured. It said that "Debug Assertion Failed ..... ctlinplc.cpp line 51).
When i take a look at ctlinplc.cpp the bug line is
ASSERT(m_menuWidths.width[5] == 0);
Please , tell me how to overcome this bug. P/S: I am also stucking in create an ActiveX Control that has a menubar to add to my website


VS2022 Community crashes when adding Class to MFC Dialog

I am facing a very consistent and persistent problem with Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition.
In an MFC project I open the Resource File and add a new Dialog. Then I place some standard controls and rename the dialog resource from its default name to a new ID.
Then I save and try to assign a Class to the dialog by right-clicking on the dialog and choosing 'Add Class'. Then the 'Add MFC Class' window appears, I enter the Class Name and click [OK].
It appears it creates the class on the File System and then VS2022 crashes completely!
I have disabled all addins in case an addin could be causing the problem but it happens every (almost) every time even without plugins. The only time I manage to get it to work is if I save, close all code editors, exit VS2022, restart it and immediately try to add the class. Another piece of information is that I have changed the MFC dialog template with a different one but it does not seem to bother it when I get it to work. Also intelliSense is completely disabled.
How can I debug this and identify the root cause of this crash?
There's a fair chance that you can't do anything in an effective fashion. VS2022 isn't an open source project, where you can easily pinpoint a crash to a specific line of code and fix it yourself.
But the good thing is that you don't need to. Just use the feedback channel VS2022 provides:
Usually a Microsoft employee will reply within a few days and maybe a fix will be included in the next preview version. Only now and then it can take some month to get a bug resolved.

CodeLite - unable to handle compilation, expected exactly one compiler job in ''

I'm just starting out in C++, writing my first few programs in CodeLite. I keep getting this red arrow & warning message (shown below). I managed to fix it so that my code runs and works fine (had to open some of my files as an administrator?), but the message won't go away - would like to know if anyone else has had this issue and if you managed to fix it! (and how, please & thankyou)
Select 'Plugins'->'Language Server'->'Settings' and uncheck the box that says 'Display Diagnostics' at the bottom of the page then click OK ( Drag down Setting Dialog to See it ). That should take care of those red arrows.

Postman won't start on Windows 7

I've been using Postman for a while now. Suddenly though it has stopped working. When trying to open it I get a loading spinner then nothing. No error. Nothing in Event Viewer. Nothing. Although the Icon in the task bar at the foot of the page looks broken or corrupted.
I've tried reinstalling, rebooting, clearing cache - nothing
I'm on Windows 7, 64 bit
Anyone ran into anything like this? :-/
I had a similar issue. The solution that worked for me is to use --disable-gpu flag for postman shortcut C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Postman\<app-version>\Postman.exe --disable-gpu:
More info on Github:
This issue happened for me when running a remote desktop session, it appears that postman is running but opening off screen. According to this thread
This can happen when you add or change a monitor.
There is a solution there - deleting some json files - but I found that I could see the Postman app in Task Manager -> Applications and then bring it up by selecting "Switch To"
I faced a similar issue and found that you need to navigate to AppData\Local\Postman and find the latest installed version folder now change the shortcut path on the desktop in my case it was AppData\Local\Postman\app-7.36.0\Postman.exe I did and it worked :)
postman folder
postman desktop shortcut
I had a similar issue on Windows 10. The application did not show up after opening it. This post helped me:
Hover the Postman icon in the taskbar. Then click the preview window that opens above it.
Press Alt + Space and then M or click "Move".
Move the Postman window with arrow keys, it probably was invisible on the right or left side of your screen.
This problem appeared after working with an external display. When I got Postman back visible, it showed an update dialogue.

MFC MDI - "Encountered an improper argument"

I have embedded VLC player into an MFC MDI application. Whenever I close the child frame which contains the embedded VLC platyer, a messagebox with the following message pops up "Encountered an improper argument". If I close the application after this messagebox pops up. It doesn't close. The application goes to background and then I have to go to Task Manager and kill the application.
This happens only in the Release build. I never encountered this error in the Debug build.
Please let me know how to solve this problem.
"Encountered an improper argument” will pop up when you try to access a control which is defined but is not part of the current scope. For example if you have several forms / views and you try to access a control from another form / view.
I would look at:
and so on, and check that each ID is within the scope of the current page / view / form / dialog.
Sorry, I solved this problem. I had written wrapper class around the libmysql in my application. The problem was due to some memory leak happening in my wrapper class.

ID mode problem in MFC

I am using Visual studio 2010 MFC c++..
facing this problem
I need actual menus that i naked, but i am in edit ID mode by mistake how can i leave edit mode.. and when i click on any edit ID mode menu.. i received the message provided in the above link
and when i run the project.. it shows no error but even then MFC is not running and displaying the result.Any one can help me to get rid of from thim problem
Expecting a good response..
I have no idea what you're trying to ask but...
maybe edit the resource file as text would help?
Apparently you are in ID edit mode and want to leave it. Right click somewhere on empty space and uncheck 'Edit IDs' in the context menu by clicking on it.