WiX Installer with Visual C++ Redistributable install per user - c++

I'm using Wix to generate an msi installer file for a project. I'm using wix to also install the Visual C++ Redistributable files (Following this guide: http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix3/install_vcredist.htm )
Although I specify InstallScope="perUser", my installer is still trying to install for all users. This wasn't happening until I added the redistributable file.
I have also added
<Property Id="ALLUSERS" Secure="yes"/>
with no luck.
It seems the merge of VCRedist is causing the need for privilege escalation.
Is there any way to generate an installer that installs with Visual C++ Redistributable per user (ie not for all users)?

No, the Visual C++ runtime DLLs are installed under the Windows directory, so administrator privileges are required to install them. You can install the DLLs locally and not require administrator privileges ; for example, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd293565.aspx.


Visual Studio - Error: Unable to download installation files

I'm following a nice tutorial on hosting Django on Apache, for that I need to install mod_wsgi using pip. This needs c++ 14.0 or higher .. I've been trying to install visual studio community edition and it's tools using the microsoft installer. However, a bugging error keeps chacing me:
"Unable to download installation files. Check your internet connection and try again"
Now my internet connection is fine, I also did many attempts to restart, and re-download - cmd commands for offline installation and many many attempts.
I need help here as It is driving me crazy!:D can anybody please help?
all the best
Visual Studio - Error: Unable to download installation files
You can try these steps:
First, make sure that you use administrator account to log on to the PC and your Internet can access any websites.
1) delete the Installer folder under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\
2) Right-click on the vs_xxxxx_xxxx.exe(installer program)-->Properties-->Digital Signatures-->you can see "signature list"-->Select signature and then Click on Details button-->Click on View certificate button--> Click on Install certificate and follows installation wizard.
3) Fire up Run, type gpedit.msc
Brows to the following location: Computer Configuration-->Administrative Templates-->System-->Internet Communication Management-->Internet Communication settings then find the entry Turn off Automatic Root Certificates Update and open her up and set it to Disabled.
4) Get Windows to check for updates and if so, update it.
5) Then run the installer as administrator to install it.
In addition, if you create an offline installation, please use like this:(remember to add --lang en-us)
vs_community.exe --layout C:\vs2019offline --lang en-us
Besides, when you finish it, please install the three certificates as administrator which are in the certificates folder of the offline package and after that, install the installer.
Also, make sure that these certificates are in the trusted folder.

CSX output directory does not exist error

Today I suddenly started getting errors when I try to run/debug my Azure cloud project from Visual Studio. I'm running Visual Studio version 15.7.3 and Azure SDK version 2.9.6. The error message says:
Failed to debug the Microsoft Azure Cloud Service project. The output
directory '\csx\Debug' does not exist.
Yesterday it worked fine, but during the night Windows Update installed some updates and rebooted my machine.
I have tried the following things without success:
Created the folder myself
Set full permissions for everyone on the csx folder
Set full permissions for everyone on the parent folder to the csx folder
Uninstalled one of the updates which was installed during the night
The strange thing is that if msbuild creates the csx folder without problems, using this command:
C:\src\services2>msbuild <cloudproject>.ccproj /p:configuration=debug /maxcpucount /p:outdir="c:\OutDir" /p:overwritereadonlyfiles=true /p:targetprofile="Cloud" /target:Clean;Publish
Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
After struggling with this problem for a long time, I concluded that it was a problem with Visual Studio, since msbuild worked without problems.
After running a "Repair" on Visual Studio, it now works again :-)
You run the repair by selecting Visual Studio from Settings/Apps & features and clicking "Modify":
In the Visual Studio installer, you then select "Repair":

Building Visual Studio project on Windows Server 2012

I have set up a CI server for our .NET projects. To build those projects I want to use the Visual Studio executable devenv.exe.
This worked out perfectly during the "evaluation period". Now these 30 days are over, to keep using Visual Studio on my Desktop computer, I just updated my license with one mouseclick. Doing this on the server allows me to build using the GUI, but when running devenv.exe programatically with the required parameters, I am receiving an error that the evaluation license expired, even though I renewed it.
I have already tried a clean reinstall, which did not fix the issue for me. Visual Studio on the server is connected to the same account I am successfully using on my Desktop PC.
Is there a known fix for this issue?
Figured it out. The license is somehow related to the user that launches Visual Studio. So to to automatically build projects with devenv.exe, the building agent has to run under the same user account, that installed an launched Visual Studio.

vs 2008 deployment project not working

I have a C++ console application that I want to deploy using a vs2008 setup project. When I create the setup project and add the output from my console app, the setup project detects that it needs MSVCP90.dll and MSVCR90.dll. When I build the project, those two dlls are included in the .msi file as expected.
When I download and launch the installer, everything goes as expected and the console app and the dlls are unpacked into the proper directory on the local machine.
When I try and run the app, I get the following error:
Error 1721. There is a problem with
this Windows Installer package. A
program required for this install to
complete could not be run. Contact
your support personnel or package
I've tried compiling the app with /MT and /MD neither one works.
When I run a dependency walker against the app, it reports that it needs MSVCP90.dll and MSVCR90.dll as expected.
Finally, if I set the installer to require the Visual C++ runtime libraries, it downloads them and everything works fine.
Obviously, I would like to avoid downloading the CRT libraries.
Thanks for any help,
Check out this example on how to add the appropriate merge modules and deploy them to your target machine along with your setup.

InstallShield Runtime?

We have InstallShield 2009 Premier installed on one system on which it is used to create and compile setups (one seat license).
However, we are trying to create a one-click-build-experience by using Team Foundation Build Server to do nightly builds. We would like to integrate the generation of the setup files as well.
I know that there is an open source package available on CodePlex that contains a custom build task for automating the generation of an installshield based setup (by submitting the .ism file and other stuff).
Is there something like an installshield runtime that can be installed on our build server which does nothing else then creating the setup from an ism file without UI or anything else so that we dont have to buy another license?
InstallShield Premier includes a Standalone Builder command line tool which you can install on your build server and use as part of an automated process.
I can't remember if this come on the CD or if you need to download it through the InstallShield updates.
Note that this is not included in the Professional edition anymore.
For TFS integration, you need InstallShield 2011 as it will now work with TFS2010 and will build properly as long as the machine you are using to build on has the TFS build agent and the installshield Standalone build or InstallShield Pro/Premier edition. The generated installation will also be copied to the TFS drop folder.