Proper way to handle removing a member from a group in REST - web-services

I'm designing a REST service which organizes groups and users.
For example:
GET /groups - gets all the groups
GET /groups/1 - gets a specific group
GET /groups/1/users - gets the users in the group
GET /users/1 - the actual user, which may be in multiple groups
POST /groups/1/users - with the post parameters of user_id=1 to add a user to a group
What would be the appropriate way to handle this?
DELETE /groups/1/users/1 seems to be a valid way to do it but then the GET to the same url would return the user record which is a duplicate of the resource /user/1?
or should it be DELETE /groups/1/users?user_id=1?
Wondering which is the most RESTful way to do this.

I think that a good design would make explicit the membership of a user within a particular group - as a separate resource. So, there are groups, users, and the membership of a user within a group.
Therefore, GET /groups/1/users would return a list of membership resource identifiers: /groups/1/users/{member_id} on which you could do a DELETE. Each of these "memberships" is of course associated with a particular user, so you would have to somehow know which member_id is associated with which user_id. The easiest way to do this is to make member_id have the same semantics as user_id, as you suggest in the question (so /groups/1/users/1 means "user 1's membership in group 1"). Following that, if you do a GET on /groups/1/users/{member_id} you could just redirect to /users/{user_id}. Or in a more complex example, this resource would no redirect to a user but link to it and also include some other information, for example the date when the user joined the group, her status in the group, etc.
The other option I can think of would utilize the PATCH method to modify the collection resources (/groups/1/users): see But using a DELETE seems more natural.


How to retrieve groups for a specific user using the AWS SSO SCIM API?

I am trying to use the AWS SSO SCIM API in order to retrieve the AWS SSO groups for a particular user.
Looking at the documentation
It mentions the following
To see group info for a certain member, call ListGroup with a member filter
If you're using the member filter, you have to use the id filter (refer to supported filter combinations).
It appears that the id filter, is the group ID, because of this note: Note that the use of id as an individual filter, while valid, should be avoided as there is already a getGroup endpoint available.
Also, at next to the members attribute it mentions that it is supported, but cannot be read in a response.
I have been playing with the API but could not get any group info for a user regardless of the combination of the parameters.
Based on the above, I conclude that the API does not support retrieving group data for a user. Would you agree?
I don't have access to an AWS SSO SCIM endpoint, but from looking at the documentation I suspect one of the two approaches may be possible:
GET /users/id and look at the value for "groups" - this one seems questionable as the limitations page says they support the user resource's "groups" attribute, but there's also a note about not supporting multi-valued user attributes. You may need to explicitly add the ?attributes=groups parameter to your GET to ask for that attribute to be returned, if it is in fact supported.
GET /groups?filter=members[value eq "userId"] or some variation of that depending on what syntax they allow. This isn't listed as supported, but if it works, I expect that you would get a list of groups in response that did not contain the "members" attribute - but that each group returned would match the query.
There's some amount of uncertainty with both of these, but with the information available those seem like the two most likely paths to successfully accomplish what you are aiming for. If neither of those work, it may not be possible - but a support case with AWS would probably be helpful to confirm there.
As #ZollnerdMSFT recommended, I raised an AWS support request. AWS support responded that the AWS SSO SCIM API does not support retrieving the groups associated with a user. They have submitted this as a feature request internally, however, cannot provide an estimate as to when it will be implemented.

AWS Amplify (AppSync + Cognito) Authorization using dynamic groups per organitzation/tenant

I have an AWS Amplify application that has a structure with multi-organizations:
Organization A -> Content of Organization A
Organization B -> Content of Organization B
Let's say we have the user Alice, Alice belongs to both organizations, however, she has different roles in each one, on organization A Alice is an administrator and has more privileges (i.e: can delete content or modify other's content), while on Organization B she is a regular user.
For this reason I cannot simply set regular groups on Amplify (Cognito), because some users, like Alice, can belong to different groups on different organizations.
One solution that I thought was having a group for each combination of organization and role.
i.e: OrganizationA__ADMIN, OrganizationB__USER, etc
So I could restrict the access on the schema using a group auth directive on the Content model:
{allow: group, groupsField: "group", operations: [update]},
The content would have a group field with a value: OrganizationA__ADMIN
Then I could add the user to the group using the Admin Queries API
However, it doesn't seem to be possible to add a user to a group dynamically, I'd have to manually create each group every time a new organization is created, which pretty much kills my idea.
Any other idea on how I can achieve the result I'm aiming for?
I know that I can add the restriction on code, but this is less safe, and I'd rather to have this constraint on the database layer.
Look into generating additional claims in you pre-token-generation handler
Basically you can create an attribute that includes organization role mapping
// ...
"custom:orgmapping": "OrgA:User,OrgB:Admin"
then transform them in your pre-token-generation handler into "pseudo" groups that don't actually exist in the pool.

Google Directory API : manage invitation and request to join

Is there an API that lets an application send invitations and requests to join a group?
I have checked the Google Directory API at, but all I can find is the members API that lets an application directly add members.
What I am looking for is :
- to send a request to join a group,
- to list, accept or reject such requests,
- to send an invitation to join a group,
- to list, accept or reject such invitation.
I had no luck checking the reference, a google search and a search on stack overflow also turned out nothing. Does anyone know if such an API even exist, and if so, where can I find the documentation?
Currently there seems to be no ad-hoc API method for that. The currently supported group operations can be found in Directory API: Group Members namely: add member, update group membership, retrieve a group member, retrieve all group member and delete member. You'd have to implement the other functionalities you mentioned.

Denying user permission in Django

I have a short question - is there a way to DENY already given permission ?
I have a 2 cases where i'll want to use that feature:
1, i have a user that is in particular group, which has some regular permissions, but i want to (temporary) remove some permissions from that group - like "add" but keep rest of them untouched (edit, delete,.. )
2, same group as above, has permissions to my 4 custom apps, but i want to "ban" user from one of them, and leave those 3 untouched
So no i think that simple denying feature could be a proper way to do this and keep it easy to maintain in future (no need to have multiple groups etc)
Or maybe someone can guide me to a different and smarter way to solve my problem?
Thanks in advance for any reply.

Determining Cross Domain Active Directory Group Membership

I am currently working on a project where I need to query Active Directory to determine group membership of a user. I initially was locating the user and retrieving the memberOf attribute. The problem with this is that there is a domain and a child domain. The groups are universal groups so they can be used in both domains and they don't show up in the memberOf attribute. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much info around for Active Directory access with C++. Is there anyway to determine group membership in this case in C++?
If you are using managed C++, you can use UserPrincipal.GetAuthorizationGroups.
If you are not using managed C++, to solve this particular problem, you should bind to Global Catalog and do a LDAP search on the member attribute of the group object to find out which Universal Group containing the user. You should limit your search by specifing the groupType, objectCategory and objectClass.
However, like I mentioned in another post , group enumeration in general is very hard to do it right. If you just need to find out all the groups a user belongs to, your best bet is to use S4USelf