Memoization Recursion C++ - c++

I was implementing a recursive function with memoization for speed ups. The point of the program is as follows:
I shuffle a deck of cards (with an equal number of red and black
cards) and start dealing them face up.
After any card you can say “stop”, at which point I pay you $1 for
every red card dealt and you pay me $1 for every black card dealt.
What is your optimal strategy, and how much would you pay to play
this game?
My recursive function is as follows:
double Game::Value_of_game(double number_of_red_cards, double number_of_black_cards)
double value, key;
if(number_of_red_cards == 0)
Card_values.insert(Card_values.begin(), pair<double, double> (Key_hash_table(number_of_red_cards, number_of_black_cards), number_of_black_cards));
return number_of_black_cards;
else if(number_of_black_cards == 0)
Card_values.insert(Card_values.begin(), pair<double, double> (Key_hash_table(number_of_red_cards, number_of_black_cards), 0));
return 0;
card_iter = Card_values.find(Key_hash_table(number_of_red_cards, number_of_black_cards));
if(card_iter != Card_values.end())
cout << endl << "Debug: [" << number_of_red_cards << ", " << number_of_black_cards << "] and value = " << card_iter->second << endl;
return card_iter->second;
number_of_total_cards = number_of_red_cards + number_of_black_cards;
prob_red_card = number_of_red_cards/number_of_total_cards;
prob_black_card = number_of_black_cards/number_of_total_cards;
value = max(((prob_red_card*Value_of_game(number_of_red_cards - 1, number_of_black_cards)) +
(prob_black_card*Value_of_game(number_of_red_cards, number_of_black_cards - 1))),
(number_of_black_cards - number_of_red_cards));
cout << "Check: value = " << value << endl;
Card_values.insert(Card_values.begin(), pair<double, double> (Key_hash_table(number_of_red_cards, number_of_black_cards), value));
card_iter = Card_values.find(Key_hash_table(number_of_red_cards , number_of_black_cards ));
if(card_iter != Card_values.end());
return card_iter->second;
double Game::Key_hash_table(double number_of_red_cards, double number_of_black_cards)
double key = number_of_red_cards + (number_of_black_cards*91);
return key;
The third if statement is the "memoization" part of the code, it stores all the necessary values. The values that are kept in the map can be thought of as a matrix, these values will correspond to a certain #red cards and #black cards. What is really werid is that when I execute the code for 8 cards in total (4 blacks and 4 reds), I get an incorrect answer. But when I execute the code for 10 cards, my answer is wrong, but now my answer for 4 blacks and 4 reds are correct (8 cards)! Same can be said for 12 cards, where I get the wrong answer for 12 cards, but the correct answer for 10 cards, so on and so forth. There is some bug in the code, however, I can't figure it out.

Nobody actually answered this question with an answer. So I will give it a try, though nneonneo actually put his or her finger on the likely source of your problem.
The first problem that's probably not actually a problem in this case, but sticks out like a sore thumb... you are using double to hold a value that you mostly treat as an integer. In this case, on most systems, this is probably OK. But as a general practice, it is very bad. In particular because you check if a double is exactly equal to 0. It probably will be as, on most systems, with most compilers, a double can hold integers values up to a fairly large size with perfect precision as long as you restrict yourself to adding, subtracting and multiplying by other integers or doubles masquerading as integers to get a new value.
But, that's likely not the source of the error you're seeing, it's just trips every good programmer's alarm bells for smelly code. It should be fixed. The only time you really need them to be doubles is when you're calculating the relative probability of red or black.
And that brings me to the thing that probably is your problem. You have these two statements in your code:
number_of_total_cards = number_of_red_cards + number_of_black_cards;
prob_red_card = number_of_red_cards/number_of_total_cards;
prob_black_card = number_of_black_cards/number_of_total_cards;
which, of course, should read:
number_of_total_cards = number_of_red_cards + number_of_black_cards;
prob_red_card = number_of_red_cards/double(number_of_total_cards);
prob_black_card = number_of_black_cards/double(number_of_total_cards);
because you've been a good programmer and declared those variables as integers.
Presumably prob_red_card and prob_black_card are variables of type double. But they are not declared anywhere in the code you show us. This means that no matter where they are declared, or what their types are, they must be effectively shared by all sub-calls in the recursive call tree for Game::Value_of_game.
The is almost certainly not what you want. It makes it extremely difficult to reason about what values those variables have and what those values represent during any given call in the recursive call tree for your function. They really have to be local variables in order for the algorithm to be tractable to analyze. Luckily, they seem to only be used within the else clause of a particular if statement. So they can be declared when they are initially assigned values. Here is probably what this code should read:
unsigned const int number_of_total_cards = number_of_red_cards + number_of_black_cards;
const double prob_red_card = number_of_red_cards/double(number_of_total_cards);
const double prob_black_card = number_of_black_cards/double(number_of_total_cards);
Note that I also declare them const. It is good practice to declare any variable who's value you don't expect to change during the lifetime of the variable as const. It helps you write code that is more correct by asking the compiler to tell you when you accidentally write code that is incorrect. It also can help the compiler generate better code, though in this case even a trivial analysis of the code reveals that they are not modified during their lifetimes and can be treated as const, so most decent optimizers will essentially put the const in for you for the purposes of code optimization, though that still will not give you the benefit of having the compiler tell you if you accidentally use them in a non-const way.


Comparing Values in a Single Vector

I'm working on a GA and seem to be having problems with the tournament selection. I think this is due to the fact that I'm not comparing what I want to compare (in terms of fitness values)
srand(static_cast <unsigned> (time(0)));
population Pop;
vector<population> popvector;
vector<population> survivors;
population *ptrP;
for (int i = 0; i <= 102; i++)
ptrP = new population;
//include finding the persons "overall". WIP
cout << "The fit values of the population are listed here: " << endl;
vector<population> ::iterator it; //iterator to print everything in the vector
for (it = popvector.begin(); it != popvector.end(); ++it)
unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count(); // generate a seed for the shuffle process of the vector.
cout << "Beggining selection process" << endl;
shuffle(popvector.begin(), popvector.end(), std::default_random_engine(seed));
//Shuffling done to randomize the parents I will be taking.
// I also want want to pick consecutive parents
for (int i = 0; i <= 102; i = i + 3)
if (popvector[i] >= popvector[i++]);
Now what I think my problem is, is that when im trying to compare the Overall values (Not found yet, working on how to properly model them to give me accurate Overall fitness values) I'm not comparing what I should be.
I'm thinking that once I find the persons "Overall" I should store it in a Float vector and proceed from there, but I'm unsure if this is the right way to proceed if I wish to create a new "parent" pool, since (I think) the "parent pool" has to be part of my population class.
Any feedback is appreciated.
srand(static_cast <unsigned> (time(0)));
This is useless: you're calling std::shuffle in a form not based on std::rand:
shuffle(popvector.begin(), popvector.end(), std::default_random_engine(seed));
If somewhere else in the program you need to generate random numbers, do it via functions / distributions / engines in random pseudo-random number generation library (do not use std::rand).
Also consider that, for debugging purpose, you should have a way to initialize the random engine with a fixed seed (debug needs repeatable results).
for (int i = 0; i <= 102; i++)
Do not use magic numbers.
Why 102? If it's the population size, store it in a constant / variable (populationSize?), document the variable use and "enjoy" the fact that when you need to change the value you haven't to remember the locations where it's used (just in this simple snippet there are two distinct use points).
Also consider that the population size is one of those parameters you need to change quite often in GA.
ptrP = new population;
Absolutely consider Sam Varshavchik's and paddy's remarks.
for (int i = 0; i <= 102; i = i + 3)
if (popvector[i] >= popvector[i++]);
// ...
Generally it's not a good practice to change the index variable inside the body of a for loop (in some languages, not C / C++, the loop variable is immutable within the scope of the loop body).
Here you also have an undefined behaviour:
popvector[i] >= popvector[i++]
is equivalent to
operator>=(popvector[i], popvector[i++])
The order that function parameters are evaluated is unspecified. So you may have:
auto a = popvector[i];
auto b = popvector[i++];
operator>=(a, b); // i.e. popvector[i] >= popvector[i]
auto b = popvector[i++];
auto a = popvector[i];
operator>=(a, b); // i.e. popvector[i + 1] >= popvector[i]
Both cases are wrong.
In the first case you're comparing the same elements and the expression is always true.
In the second case the comparison probably is the opposite of what you were thinking.
Take a look at:
Undefined behavior and sequence points
What are all the common undefined behaviours that a C++ programmer should know about?
and always compile source code with -Wall -Wextra (or their equivalent).
I'm not sure to correctly understand the role of the class population. It may be that the name is misleading.
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C++: "std::endl" vs "\n" (the section about premature pessimization)

Get the number of elements in a struct array c++

I need to find the number of elements in a struct array
I have this struct
struct Features {
int feature1;
string feature2;
string feature3;
string feature4;
bool feature5;
I have then turned it into an array
Features *feature = new Features[100];
I have then entered some values
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
feature[i].feature1 = 5;
feature[i].feature2 = "test";
feature[i].feature3 = "test2";
feature[i].feature4 = "test3";
feature[i].feature5 = true;
now I want to get the size of the array, which should be 3 (2)
How do I do this?
cout << (sizeof feature / sizeof *feature) << endl;
doesn't seem to work as it prints the incorrect value. (It keep printing 4)
Sorry if this is a stupid question, I am still learning c++
cout << (sizeof feature / sizeof *feature) << endl;
Should be
cout << (sizeof(feature) / sizeof(*feature)) << endl;
Note the brackets. Sadly it cannot tell you what you want for a couple of reasons.
feature is a pointer.
A pointer is a location in storage, an address, and all addresses on any system you're likely to encounter system will be the same size and probably 4 or 8 bytes. Let's assume 4 for now and sub it into the equation.
cout << (4 / sizeof(*feature)) << endl;
This will certainly print 0 because *feature is definitely larger than 4 and in integer math 4 / <anything greater than 4> will be truncated to 0.
If feature was defined
Features feature[100];
And unless the size of the data block being pointed to is required to change there is no reason why it shouldn't be. Anyway, now feature is more than just a pointer to some arbitrary block of memory. It is a block of exactly 100 Features. It has size of 100 * sizeof(feature[0]). This is a fundamental difference between an array and a pointer, so next time someone tells you "Arrays are pointers!" you can tell them to go expletive deleted themselves.
For example:
cout << (sizeof(feature) / sizeof(feature[0])) << endl;
will print 100, not the 0 we got back when feature was a pointer. 0 != 100. Array is not pointer. Array can be used like pointer in a lot of circumstances.
Feature feature2d[100][100];
Feature ** feature2dptr = feature2d;
is not one of them. Remember this when you have to pass a 2D array into a function.
An array knows its size but nothing about how much is being used.
From the size we can compute capacity as we did above, but to be frank this is a sucker bet. feature could be defined
constexpr int MAX_FEATURES = 100;
Features feature[MAX_FEATURES];
And then rather than this:
cout << (sizeof(feature) / sizeof(feature[0])) << endl;
we print the much less convoluted
cout << MAX_FEATURES << endl;
But this is still not what we want.
So how do we do this right?
The preferred C++ solution is to use std::vector. vector does all sorts of cool things for you like resize itself and keep a count on how much of it is actually used. Plus it is Rule of Three compliant unlike the typical pointer-and-dynamic-array approach. What is The Rule of Three? Well it's really important. I recommend reading the link.
To define a vector of Features
std::vector<Features> feature;
To store a Feature
Feature temp;
Often a better route is to define a constructor for Feature and
feature.emplace_back(feature1, feature2, feature3, feature4, feature5);
because this eliminates the need to create and copy a temporary Feature.
To get the number of Features in feature
Simple, huh?
OK. So some folk think you shouldn't use vector until you're older and more experienced. They want you to suffer through the pit falls of memory management while you are still learning to write a decent, well-structured program and figuring out how to debug the trivial mistakes that new programmers make. I'm not down with this, but it seems to be the educational paradigm that rules the land.
Let's start with the fixed array because it is simple and much less complicated.
constexpr int MAX_FEATURES = 100;
Features feature[MAX_FEATURES];
int num_features = 0;
Every time you need to add a Feature to the array, you first make sure you have room.
if(num_features < MAX_FEATURES)
Then add the Feature
feature[num_features] = new_feature;
and then increment, add one to, num_features.
How many Features do you have?
cout << num_features << endl;
If you absolutely must do this with pointers
int capacity = 100;
Features * feature = new Feature[capacity];
int num_features = 0;
Now you have to maintain capacity and num_features because the only reason you would do something this stupid is to be able to resize the memory block feature points to as required.
if(num_features >= MAX_FEATURES)
Make a bigger feature
capacity = capacity * 1.5; // why 1.5? Because I felt like it.
Features * bigger_feature = new Features[capacity];
Copy everything from feature to bigger_feature
for (int index = 0; index < num_features; index++
bigger_feature[index] = feature[index];
Free the memory used by feature
delete[] feature;
Replace feature with bigger_feature
feature = bigger_feature;
Now you can
feature[num_features] = new_feature;
Here's that blob again in a nice cut-and-pastable blob:
if(num_features == MAX_FEATURES)
capacity = capacity * 1.5; // why 1.5? Because I felt like it.
Features * bigger_feature = new Features[capacity];
for (int index = 0; index < num_features; index++
bigger_feature[index] = feature[index];
delete[] feature;
feature = bigger_feature;
feature[num_features] = new_feature;
Blah. And this pointer mishmash is most definitely not Rule of Three compliant so you likely have to write copy and move constructors, assignment and move operators, and a destructor.
At the end when you are done you must
delete[] feature;
How many Features do you have?
cout << num_features << endl;
No, actually the size of the array is 100, not 3, because you allocated a 100-element array with new. The fact that you initialized 3 elements in the array doesn't matter. It's still is a 100 element array.
But whether it's 3, or 100, it doesn't matter. It's up to you to keep track of the size of the allocated array. C++ doesn't do it for you.
But if you do want for C++ to keep track of the size of the array, use std::vector. That's what it's there for.
You need to keep track of it. When you allocated enough space for 100 Features and you got exactly that... enough space for 100 Features. Keeping track of how many of them you've subsequently initialized etc is something you need to do.
I'm sure it's printing the correct value as programmed. But sizeof only tells you how much space is allocated, not how many members contain meaningful values.
If you want a variable size array, use std::vector. Otherwise, keep the setup you have, but initialize a member (such as feature1) to a recognizable value (such as -999 or something else you won't expect to use meaningfully) and then see how far you can loop before finding that value;

Vector + for + if

OK, so the goal of this was to write some code for the Fibonacci numbers itself then take those numbers figure out which ones were even then add those specific numbers together. Everything works except I tried and tried to figure out a way to add the numbers up, but I always get errors and am stumped as of how to add them together. I looked elsewhere but they were all asking for all the elements in the vector. Not specific ones drawn out of an if statement.
P.S. I know system("pause") is bad but i tried a few other options but sometimes they work and sometimes they don't and I am not sure why. Such as cin.get().
P.S.S I am also new to programming my own stuff so I have limited resources as far as what I know already and will appreciate any ways of how I might "improve" my program to make it work more fluently. I also take criticism well so please do.
#include "../../std_lib_facilities.h"
int main(){
int one = 0;
int two = 1;
int three = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < 4000000){
i += three;
three = two + one; one = two; two = three;
cout << three << ", ";
//all of the above is to produce the Fibonacci number sequence which starts with 1, 2 and adds the previous one to the next so on and so forth.
//bellow is my attempt and taking those numbers and testing for evenness or oddness and then adding the even ones together for one single number.
cout << endl;
//go through all points in the vector Fibonacci and execute code for each point
for (i = 0; i <= 31; ++i)
if ( % 2 == 0)//is even?
cout << << endl;//how to get these numbers to add up to one single sum
Just do it by hand. That is loop over the whole array and and keep track of the cumulative sum.
int accumulator = 0; // Careful, this might Overflow if `int` is not big enough.
for (i = 0; i <= 31; i ++) {
int fib =;
if(fib % 2)
cout << fib << endl;//how to get these numbers to add up to one single sum
accumulator += fib;
// now do what you want with "accumulator".
Be careful about this big methematical series, they can explode really fast. In your case I think the calulation will just about work with 32-bit integers. Best to use 64-bit or even better, a propery BigNum class.
In addition to the answer by Adrian Ratnapala, I want to encourage you to use algorithms where possible. This expresses your intent clearly and avoids subtle bugs introduced by mis-using iterators, indexing variables and what have you.
const auto addIfEven = [](int a, int b){ return (b % 2) ? a : a + b; };
const auto result = accumulate(begin(Fibonacci), end(Fibonacci), 0, addIfEven);
Note that I used a lambda which is a C++11 feature. Not all compilers support this yet, but most modern ones do. You can always define a function instead of a lambda and you don't have to create a temporary function pointer like addIfEven, you can also pass the lambda directly to the algorithm.
If you have trouble understanding any of this, don't worry, I just want to point you into the "right" direction. The other answers are fine as well, it's just the kind of code which gets hard to maintain once you work in a team or have a large codebase.
Not sure what you're after...
int sum=0; // or long or double...
for (i = 0; i <= 31; ++i)
if ( % 2 == 0) {//is even?
cout << << endl;//how to get these numbers to add up to one single sum;
// whatever

make permutations of an array of numbers, then turn them into a single int

Basic idea: Given an array, find all the permutations of that array. Then, take each of those arrays and put it all together. Eg the array {6,5,3,4,1,2} gives you 653412. The permutations work, but I cannot get the integers.
int main ()
int myints[] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int k;
int dmartin=0;
int powof10=1;
std::cout << "The 8! possible permutations with 8 elements:\n";
do {
for(k=0; k<8; k++){
std::cout << myints[k] << ' ';
cout << "\n" << dmartin << "\n";
} while ( std::next_permutation(myints,myints+8) );
return 0;
I also have some code that works when you just have one array, but in this case there are thousands. I though I needed to reset dmartin=0 at the end of each while loop so that it didn't keep adding to the previous answer, however when I tried that I got "0" for each of my answers. Without trying to reset, I get answers that seem random (and are negative).
The problem is that you're not resetting your two variables inside your loop, so they'll continue from the values they had during the previous iteration, which will just be wrong, and will quickly overflow, giving seemingly rubbish output. Try putting this at the beginning or the end of the do-while loop:
dmartin = 0;
powof10 = 1;
But you're really overcomplicating it a lot. It would be way simpler to just build the number from the most significant digit instead of the least significant one instead. This would eliminate the need for a powof10 variable. This new for-loop would look like this:
for(k = 0; k < 8; k++){
std::cout << myints[k] << ' ';
dmartin = 10*dmartin + myints[k];
That won't work for long, since your integer will soon overflow.
That's probably what you are experiencing when you get negative numbers.
Using an integer to store the result does not seem the most appropriate choice to me. Why not use a string, for instance? That would save you the hassle of reinventing base10 conversion in 2014, and you could easily derive a number from the string when needed.
That won't solve the overflow problem, though.
First point: the code to take a vector of digits and turn them into a single number should almost certainly be written as a function, not just code inside the loop.
Second point: you can use std::string like a container of char, and apply normal algorithms to it.
Seem to me, the lazy way would look like this:
std::string input="23456789";
do {
} while (std::next_permutation(input.begin(), input.end()));

Optimize my code? C++ Compare arrays & calculate prize

I'm doing this slot machine game where a 3x3 2D-array is being generated with random letters.
I have successfully made the game work as I want but I wonder if you have any tips on how I can optimize or improve my code.
What I've gotten my code to do:
Generate an 2D-array (3x3) and randomly assign chars out of 3
An "if" that will compare and see what elements in the array belong
to each other (same char next to eachother for getting
An "if else" that will take total amount of columns/rows/diagonals
and make a prize out of it, depending on total amounts of row in the
slot machine and the bet.
So I'm now wondering if you have any suggestions on how I can improve the "if" code where the program checks if there are any rows/columns/diagonals? The game works as it should but I just wonder if there's any way of optimizing it - Perhaps with a "for-loop"?
I also wonder if you have any tips on the "prize" code where the code calculates total amout of rows/columns/diagonals and multiplies that with the bet.
I mean, there must be a way to optimize this. If I was to do a 100x100 array, the code where the elements are compared would be awfully long :)
I'm new to C++ (this is a course) so I'm looking forward to optimize this.
PS! I'm not asking for a solution but rather suggestions/tips of methods I can use to optimize it.
This is a homework so no solutions please, only suggestions/tips!
My code for the array comparison and prize calculation:
To optimize, running a profiler would give you a lot of information. If you're talking about general guidelines to optimizing your application, here are some:
1 - use threads to process in parallel
2 - reduce cache miss by keeping the data properly aligned depending on the processing done on it. For instance, if you need to use the speed to process the position, keeping them both near each other in memory will reduce cache-misses.
struct Particle
float position;
float speed;
Particle particles[NUM_PARTICLES];
float positions[NUM_PARTICLES];
float speeds[NUM_PARTICLES];
3- Don't process what you don't need to process or user can't see. For instance, some stuff may not affect the current states - no need to process it (in graphics, we use scene management like octtrees but the same applies to all - if you don't need it, don't process it).
4- Reduce the amount of floating point operations.
See this post as well - it provices with some good C++ references for optimizations: C++ Optimization Techniques.
About optimizing:
Don't optimize prematurely - it won't help anything. I'm too lazy to write about that, but search internet, read "Code Complete" and "C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices" books.
Don't waste - if optimization won't take more time and is at same readability level, than you can use it.
Optimize AFTER a speed problem arise.
About your problem:
You are absolutely right that there should be better ways to write a code. What you wrote is what workers do, but you need to be smart programmer to make it more easy.
But what you need is more knowledge about language.
Yes, there is a looping possibility for C++. For example following code checks whether a line contains same values:
const int rowCount = 3; // Number of rows
const int colCount = 3; // Number of columns
// Variable for counting same rows
int sameRowsCount = 0;
// Following line is loop: first it sets variable row to 0
// and for each pass it increments it until rowCount is reached
for(int row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row)
// This variable stores whether the row contains same values.
// At beginning we assume that it does.
bool isSame = true;
// Now we will check each column in current row. Note that
// we begin with 1 and not 0 - at 0 position is value which
// we check against all others.
for(int col = 1; (col < colCount) && isSame; ++col)
if(matrix[0] != matrix[col])
// We found different values
isSame = false;
// If row contains same values, isSame remained true and
// we increment same-rows counter.
cout << "Number of same rows: " << sameRowsCount << "." << endl;
Depends on the array size(s) as you mentioned. With small arrays the if statements may be more efficient than using a loop (or two nested) to iterate over all the elements (this is also called 'loop unrolling' and is considered a performance improvement).
To 'optimize' (I'd better say generalize) your code for any array sizes you should use for loops of course to iterate over the x/y indices.
Completed code:
//Check all horiztonal and vertical locations
for(int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
if(matris[i][0] == matris[i][1] && matris[i][1] == matris[i][2])
if(matris[0][i] == matris[1][i] && matris[1][i] == matris[2][i])
//Now check diagonals
if(matris[0][0] == matris[1][1] && matris[1][1] == matris[2][2])
if(matris[0][2] == matris[1][1] && matris[1][1] == matris[2][0])
//Calculate prize
prize = g_satsning*(1 << rows);
In terms of speed, what you have is not going to be inefficient. If you are looking to generalize the code and make it scalable (e.g. if you wanted to add 2 more rows/columns), there are several things you could do (e.g. looping and a more mathematical form of prize calculation).
The looping has already been discussed, but the prize calculation could be simplified a bit using something like the following:
if (rows > 0 && rows < SOMEMAXIMUMVALUE)
prize = g_satsning * (1 << rows);
prize = 0;
Since your multiplier is an exponent of 2, the math is fairly straight forward. SOMEMAXIMUMVALUE should be declared to be the maximum number of matching rows you expect. For a 3x3 setup, there would be 8 potential matches (3 rows, 3 columns, 2 diagonals), so SOMEMAXIMUMVALUE should be set to 8.