esb solution, servicemix or wso2? [closed] - wso2

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We are trying to decide which ESB choose between ServiceMix or WSO2?
We are looking an esb to:
Support different protocols (REST, SOAP, JMS, HTTPS,..)
Generate statistics or some console to see "what's happening, how many request are arriving, how many of them are failing,..."
Develop proxy services
Support for JMS
An important point is the price, ServiceMix an WSO2 is free, but ServiceMix also has free support,... I don't know if WSO2 so.

We have been using WSO2 for projects and to be honest as Java developer I do not like WSO2.
- WSO2 documentation is very bad. Basically all their examples are copy paste from Apache synapse.
- The consulting architect sold us WSO2 by showing how easy it was to develop proxy services on the GUI, but if you try to go beyond the basic and look for samples that would tell you what a particular option does in GUI, then you will be sorry. If a company promotes the video that it also offers a GUI based solution because many Java developers do not like to work with XMLs then it should have samples and document showing how to do stuff using their GUI and not just copy pasting Xml solutions from Apache Synapse.
When I was using wso2 ESB 4.XX version(A newer version is out there), I discovered several bugs in the GUI. P.S. I hear that those bugs have been fixed in the latest version of WSO2 ESB.
I have since moved to using serviceMix and I could not be happier. Service mix is very intuitive and documentation is excellent. As far as the argument goes that WSO2 has eclipse plugin then so does ServiceMix(check out Fuse ESB IDE).
My manager was sold when he read on the WSO2 landing page that EBAY uses WSO2 so it must be very good. Now that was wrong approach. Ebay may have had a different problem than ours so as someone mentioned above put your problem ahead of the product that you intent to use.
Learning curve is very steep with WSO2 and good luck with finding solution on google.
In Servicemix you can use DSL / XML or pure java to do your thing.
Update: With the latest release of WSO2 ESB, WSO2 has created samples/examples which shows how to do things in GUI and via plain old XML.

I have been leaning strongly towards WSO2 and barring anything completely out of the blue that’s my current direction within Q1.
Oracle Service Bus 11g
Oracle SOA Suite 10g and 11g (used as "service bus")
"Roadmaped" Addition Candidates:
WSO2 ESB (Apache Synapse+)
Apache ServiceMix
Strong challenger:
Fuse ESB (Apache ServiceMix+)
Out of contention:
Mule ESB
Tibco, WebMethods, anything else that’s big money
Defining ESB as stateless transformation, routing and mediation I’ve got the following systems either in play or in research (we’re pushing hard on rolling out OAGiS and your question is topical to me). In no order my experience and impressions of items from the above lists:
1) Oracle SOA Suite 10g and 11g (horribly used as a “poor-man’s” ESB)
My heartache here has been the Oracle SOA Suite. It's a product I really like, but my organization cannot -- will not -- purchase RAC. And SOA Suite does not "fly" without RAC. Also SOA Suite is architected to "do everything" including the non-stateful adapters I'd prefer to use Camel for (e.g., JMS-, File-, DB-adapters, etc.). So it's a blended stateful and non-stateful, instant and long-running, persistent and ephemeral, orchestration and choreography mess. It’s good for making piles of wrong long-lasting decisions faster.
2) OpenESB
My first “SOA” love… cut my teeth in retail on it. Then Oracle bought Sun. And that’s sort of the end of that.
3) Oracle Service Bus 11g (BEA AquaLogic Service Bus)
I'm actively looking to replace Oracle products; and though I like the OSB product -- very much in fact -- it's long in the tooth security-standards wise and it feels almost out of support now as Oracle figures out how to get it out of BEA (Eclipse) and move it into Oracle's infrastructure (read: JDeveloper). I've grown to appreciate JDeveloper btw, but that's another topic. The WS-* standards are aged. There’s no built-in pub/sub mechanism; but JMS is well supported. However if I wanted to managed JMS-as-MOM I could just do that and use Camel most successfully. All that said, the OSB is an extremely good product and we've got room for more than one ESB. We run multiple busses based on canonicals: OAGiS, NIEM, etc. I've got one cluster running with nearly forever uptime.
4) Fuse ESB
Looked into this and one of my largest integration partners uses it. Using a set of basic enterprise integration pattern to test, and for some reason this was not trivial to get going with Fuse. I’ve got a couple of developers who do not come from the Maven mentality and the IDE took the wheels off the wagons. This is the same for all of the ServiceMix console-driven ESB of course, so the differentiator comes from the IDE and the console. I also consider “pretty is a feature” and our developers and support staff use the consoles to help troubleshoot customer problems. Thus Fuse didn’t wow me, but it didn’t tick me off either.
5) Mule ESB
I remember Mule from the “good-old-days” (really before I started using Apache Camel) where I used it to move info from anyplace to anyplace. Very point-to-point, very old-school, but the gold-standard of effectiveness. But that was Mule without the “ESB”. The Mule EBS is lightweight (they say so) and I was told emphatically that Major League Baseball uses it so I must be sort of nuts to not purchase it immediately. The ability to use LDAP is an enterprise feature. I can almost even accept SAML2 or OpenID or OAuth as enterprise features, but LDAP? Trivial I know, but it telegraphed what I consider a lack of “developer heart”. I consider the community edition to be hobbled.
6) Apache ServiceMix
If I use servicemix I'd like to find one that added value to the consoles and reporting. But if I decide that’s not so important I might as well use ServiceMix itself if my intent is to create an extremely streamlined “programmer” experience. We’re pretty good at Ant, Maven, and Gradle. You might ask, if we’re going to jump the hoops why not jump the Fuse ESB hoops? No good answer for that except I expect Fuse to have already removed the hoops.
We’ve used the G-Reg product for a little bit and my experience with it has been good. Their security standards are recent and very good; the interfaces are good and decent enough to give to an associate developer to help troubleshoot; as #ivo mentioned above the WSO2 staff use stackoverflow extensively. We have used their Stratos-live product in the “cloud” but could never quite get ourselves “there” (entirely our side of the equation security-wise and all). I have a soft rule here that any open-source software must be locally buildable by a developer of reasonable skill. That has never gone smoothly using WSO2 software. So that’s a risk. But if you’re happy running on the binaries as provided I think you could be successful with WSO2.
As #user9591 mentioned WSO2 is used by ebay and that’s either a thing for you or not. I think it has had a strong effect on “selling” it here.
8) Tibco, WebMethods, and any other non-opensource systems
Added this for completeness though I haven’t used Tibco in a few years. Not open-source, so there it is.

WSO2 ESB has supports all the things you need and is pretty easy user-friendly. There are a lot of useful blogs, online documentation and some webinars.
The wso2 esb free support is mainly here in stackoverflow, they have also payed support though for the price you'll have to contact them (I think prices vary depending on the type of support you need).
I haven't evaluated servicemix, but WSO2 ESB seems nice.

Depends a bit on what you need to do.
ServiceMix (Fuse ESB) is essentially an OSGi container/console around Apache Camel,Apache ActiveMQ and Apache CXF (+ a few other Apache integration projects like ODE). The bundled ActiveMQ gives a JMS platform out of the box, which is not the case with, for instance Mule ESB (although it is trivial to bundle Mule with ActiveMQ).
ServiceMix major components, Camel and ActiveMQ, has really strong community support through mail-lists and bug trackers.
Mule is indeed very powerful with it's Studio and data mapper, although the Community Edition that is free feels rather limited compared to the EE version, specially when it comes to supervisioning/monitoring which you request.
I don't know about WSO2, but there is very limited, if any, out-of-the support to actually follow the messages flowing through the ESB in both service mix and Mule ESB CE. It is not very hard to implement some statistics via logging, but it's a manual thing to do.

I would suggest this link as a beginner's reference page.
I have not used wso2 but can definitely speak about fuse. I have been using different integration capabilities of fuse. Foremost thing is, it is osgi based, it is definitely a thing to consider if you are architecting a new solution. I find fuse community very active. Best thing about fuse is it is provides integration capabilities for aws, hdfs and hbase besides jms, rest, http(s) proxy end points, load balancers etc
Fuse does provide an ide.
And about logging, you can definitely log every message that reaches the esb.
Finally, i would say the good ol words, dont consider the capabilities of the esb first, instead keep your problem in the front and see which of them solves it better for you.

WSO2 also offers free support through its community. WSO2 ESB has the support for different transport and also able to generate statistics (mediation, service etc.) . Just have a look at the product page. You can integrate ESB with WSO2 BAM 2.0 which gives you analytics and monitoring. Further it provides a complete platform which can be connected easily.

WSO2 ESB has extensive support for statistics. As I see, it has support for all the things user asked for, and more. There, while you can get detailed analytic and stats by integrating BAM, WSO2 ESB itself provide stats to suite the user. See the sections in WSO2 ESB documentation titled Monitoring WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus, and Statistics.
Yes, WSO2 ESB supports REST, SOAP, JMS, HTTPS among other supported Transports. Supported protocols and transports are available in the WSO2 ESB product home page.
WSO2 provides UI support to develop proxy services which makes developing proxy services little more easier.
I'm not familiar with ServiceMix, but I think you can get some applicable facts from other answers.

I was evaluating various ESB part of my current job and I have done bit of research on WSO2 and Apache synapse till date
WSO2 is created based on Apache synapse and it has excellent admin console. I would say It could be their selling point. when it comes support, the only viable solution is you have to pay for your support. even though there is community support through stackoverflow exist, but there is no response for my queries.
regarding Synapse, I would say it is not active. there is only 6 version released over the period of 6 years and last release was done around 18months ago. I am still evaluating JBoss Fuse, ServiceMix and Mule


How to implement backward compatible soap webservice (java based)?

One of our product publishes a webservice using contract-last approach. This has becoming a real problem as all of our clients (ws clients) have to rebuild their client apps as soon as we release a new version of our product. This is due to all namespace changes that comes as a cost with auto-generated wsdls. We use Axis1 for javatowsdl. I've been seeking for a good methodology/ tool to develop backward compatible webservice for this.
i.e. version 9.3 clients can still hit the 10.0 service, of cause they will miss some of the functionality, that is fine. But they should be able to function without breaking.
I do understand the whole problem is due to our contract last approach (Pls. correct me if I'm wrong). Therefore, if the solution is to go for contract-first webservice what are the tools and technologies I could use? Also what are the best practises around contract-first?
Thanks in advance.
As you already realized, the recommendation is to use a Contract-First (or Top-Down) approach to develop Web Services. That implies a manual definition of your WSDL interface and generate a Java Skeleton of the Web Service based on this document using automatic tools.
Is important that your WSDL complies to the WS-I standart to assure interoperability between clients on different platforms. You can use SOAP-UI to test whether your WSDL is compatible with the standard or not.
For the Skeleton generation, there are several Web Service Runtime API's that you can use: Like Apache Axis and JAX-WS. I personally prefer JAX-WS because is a Java Standard and is supported by all Java EE Containers. Each container provides tools for the Skeleton generation, Weblogic has some nice Ant Task for that but there's also WS-Import that is Container neutral.

Web Service using Axis2 or Java Web Service (JAX-WS)

I am working on a Java EE project where there is a need to incorporate Web Services to transmit and receive data to/from external sources. I am not sure which way to go, Axis2 or JAX-WS.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
The choice of a web services stack depends on what standards you actually need. Here are some stacks currently available:
The JAX-WS reference implementation is part of Java and provides basic support, including WS-Addressing, but not WS-ReliableMessaging or WS-Security. The big advantage is that you do not get additional dependencies by using the RI.
Another option is Axis2, which also provides support for these standards. As far as I know, the use of Axis2 is declining and personally, I found it rather hard to use (That's basically an opinion, I do not want to start a flame war).
I would suggest to consider a third option: CXF. It is another implementation of a web service stack and supports roughly the same as Axis2. I found it rather easy to set up and use and personally prefer it to Axis2.
One more option is Metro. Metro bundles the JAX-WS reference implementation and the Web Services Interoperability Technologies (WSIT). WSIT provides an implementation for several more standards and is tuned to provide interoperability with WCF.
Here is an article that compares these stacks with a little more detail. My suggestion would be: If you only need basic stuff (no reliable messaging, security, etc.) use the reference implementation. If you need support for additional standards, go for CXF or Metro.
Metro is the way to go! At lest for me :)
please see my comment in a similar question.
It depends on your requirement. What type of implementation you require.Java from its 1.6 version provides API for JAX-WS type of web service creation. But, really it's just for the basic requirement. If you want ws-Security,ws-policy etc. then please go for Axis2. Actually in Axis2 they have made lot of improvement from it's Axis 1.x version. The new STAX implementation is one of them. Apart from that Axis2 has made service creation part lot easier. Even, they support RESTful web services also.

Are there potential issues with using Apache CXF for mobile applications?

We'll be developing mobile applications (for both iOS and Android platforms) that will be using web services. I'll be the one implementing the web services part and I plan on using Apache CXF.
It would be the first time I'm using CXF but I'm highly considering it because of its integration with Spring.
What are the potential issues (if any) with using CXF for mobile apps? If there are, is there supposed to be a better alternative to CXF? If there are none, any best practices I should also be considering?
I've been through the mobile ringer... WAP, J2ME, Brew, embedded languages, etc. Mobile development is exciting and also a bit scary...
Spring Integration: There is a big difference between * and **... be careful when setting up filters. It's easy to get out of hand securing end-points.
Authentication: How will your mobile devices authenticate and what is their role in Authentication, Authorization, and Access? Session management on occasionally connected devices - can get interesting. If a session goes stale how are you going to handle challenge / response?
App Security: Does your solution require SSL? Managing self-signed certificates is painful and time consuming. Do yourself and your mobile devs a favor and get a CA certificate in place up-front. You will save time (money) and a great deal of headache.
Proxy Power: Ideally, the people writing the front-end should be using an IDE that supports some kind of tethering for realtime debugging. Being able to add a breakpoint and introspect what's going on in the code... is mint. However, I haven't seen an IDE yet that gives front-end mobile devs the same experience as back-end devs. My guess is that your mobile devs are going all goo-goo eyes over jQuery. Understandably so! WebStorm and Aptana are good in the JS arena - but they're still evolving.
This is a problem front-end mobile devs need to work out... right? Yes... and no. Without proper tools everyone in the dev-chain will have to cook-up their own ways of answering questions like:
What did the mobile app send?
Was the request formed correctly?
What was the response?
Again, save yourself some time and finger-pointing and just sit down together (front and back-end devs) and work out a tech-stack that provides everyone optimal access to all app communications. Configurable logging on the server is a good idea to have in place from inception. Are you familiar with Firebug or Charles Proxy? A proxy can greatly simplify the debugging equation - just sayin'
Exceptions: Oh... and beware HTTP response codes. Exceptions on the server-side should be gracefully handled to prevent mobile consumers from choking on responses. Yikes - that's all I can say is YIKES!
Service / Life Cycle: Have you calculated the duration of the service and / or life cycle of your application? Knowing this can greatly impact architectural decisions.
Web Services: My knee-jerk reaction - is this the best technology for your product? Why Web Services? Can you come up with three concrete reasons why WS is the best option? From my experience, the most compact protocol will usually lead to the best user experience.
Food for thought... ASP.NET and JSon make a good pair.
SOAP-XML is cumbersome. :-(
Have you considered RESTful Web Services? If you're using CXF... there are three different ways to build RESTful Web Services.
JAX-RS (CXF has an implementation of JSR-311 baked-in)
JAX-WS (more complicated - meh)
HTTP Binding (deprecated... may be removed from CXF in the future - fair warning)
More at:
Alternatives: There are so many great projects out there... Axis2 and Shiro come to mind. Without knowing more about your solution - it's difficult to recommend anything.
Final Thoughts: As a back-end dev, I would recommend getting familiar with the entire app tech stack and kick-off development with a series of small but functional samples that light the way through the obstacles mentioned above. Hold-on to the samples! They may prove useful in zeroing in on regression.
Mobile devices are getting faster and faster every day... it's true, but any dev worth their salt will know that they need to code to a common denominator if they want a mobile product to be widely consumed, adopted, and embraced.

Is there any documentation on TFS Web Services?

I am looking for any information on the Microsoft TFS Web Services. First I know accessing the Microsoft TFS Web Services directly is not supported and Microsoft provides no documentation for doing this. Therefore I am not expecting any Microsoft support or assistance here.
I know all about the .Net API available for TFS which only works on Microsoft Operating Systems. I have used these many times on Windows, however I need to do non-Windows work to access TFS, I cannot use .Net and I cannot use a Proxy (or "shim") to be installed on a Windows computer to provide Web Services for the .Net API.
I know Teamprise reversed engineered the web services and they successfully used this knowledge to make a very good cross platform Team Explorer and command line implementation in Java to access TFS. So good in fact they were purchased by Microsoft and the product rebranded and rereleased as Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer Everywhere.
I have also tested the .Net API against Mono on several non-windows platforms and they are not compatible. The initial NTLMv2 authentication is using calls not supported by Mono. They appear to be, understandably, making Win32 specific calls for NTLMv2 support.
Therefore before I go to the trouble of reverse engineering them for myself, and dealing with NTLMv2 to do it. I am hoping that there is some hidden or buried information on the web that someone may have documented some portion of the web services for TFS from 2005, 2008 and/or 2010.
Please no comments or posts about how this is not recommended or supported by Microsoft, that I should find a way to use the .Net API, or suggesting the Proxy/Shim is the best solution. I am fully aware of the Microsoft's official stance on this, and what the supported workarounds would be.
I'm not aware of any documentation for the TFS web services, but I can share some tips on calling them.
The NTLM authentication you mention is really a separate layer: you must authenticate to IIS before it lets you call TFS web services. I'm not aware of any Open Source software that will do NTLM auth for you, but TFS 2010 makes it easy to enable "Negotiate" authentication (SPNEGO on Wikipedia, Authentication by using Kerberos Ticket on MSDN). Negotiate supports both NTLM and Kerberos subsystems, and there may be some existing software you can use to drive it using the system's Kerberos libraries (I think curl does it). If you had to build it yourself, it would probably be easier to go the Negotiate-with-Kerberos route.
Once you're authenticated, you can start calling services. Start by pulling down the WSDL for each service (stick a "?wsdl" suffix on each endpoint URI). Hop over to where TFS is installed and explore the web application directory for endpoints. There are several versions of some endpoints for back compat with TFS 2005 and 2008, but usually new versions are not redundant (they add new stuff). You might have a favorite SOAP client library already (there are many for Java), but I can't really recommend any because we wrote our own at Teamprise.
Services like version control, build, and common structure are easy to discover via WSDL. Most the operations have obvious names, but the complex type fields are often super-abbreviated. The best way to figure which methods to call when is to watch the VS TFS client or TEE with Fiddler or Wireshark or some other HTTP inspection program. TFS VC does do things like file uploads/downloads outside the web services (watch a network trace to see the multi-part MIME upload process and be sure you're sending the right values if you implement this).
A note of caution on the work item tracking web service: this one is going to be extremely hard to master. The WIT design involves the client pre-querying the server for large amounts of schema-less metadata, which is saved on the client (but refreshed incrementally as more web service calls are made). This metadata drives all the client side behavior about work items (what fields are in a work item type, the type of a field, which values are allowed in fields, the rules that run when they change, etc.) and it will take a long time and serious study to build the client behavior to bring a work item to life. Once you have a work item, sending it to the server for update via web services is easy.
It's a lot of work, but it's possible to do incrementally, for example, if you only need some VC features. The TEE team is working on making access from other platforms easier. Please contact Martin Woodward ( if you have any questions or suggestions in this area.
There is a Java version of the TFS SDK that will run on Linux, Mac, and Windows. It is the SDK that Teamprise uses.
Coding directly against the TFS webservices is not supported (even though people have done it). MSFT could break the interface without letting you know in a service pack or other hotfix. Sometimes there aren't other options, but if the Java SDK works for you, I'd try to use that first.
There is good documentation now:

Ideal Web Service Framework for Security and Interoperability

I'm beginning a project right now that will require a pretty extensive web back end. Of the different calling conventions, we have found that the easier and more cost effective approach is to build a standard SOAP web service.
So now, we are in the process of looking at the different web service frameworks in order to determine which will meet the business needs:
I've only worked with WCF, which I was fairly content with, but I would like to explore all other options before I make a definite decision. In your experience, what do you feel is the best web service framework?
Web Services Interoperability Technology (Java)?
ActionWebService (Ruby)?
On a side note, we need a framework that can securely be accessed via iPhones, Windows Mobile Devices, and Blackberries.
Thanks in advance for your help.
WCF can be used to make both SOAP and RESTful Web Services. Interoperability is guaranteed as long as you stick to standards. But the more standards you put on it, less platform can catch up. In that sense REST on Basic Auth over https would be very light weight. Also see WS-I Basic Profile. Java vs .NET would be matter of taste, I think. WCF is not perfect, but it mostly seems to do the job.
One thing to consider about WCF is that it has a very rich extensibility model. Anything it doesn't do out of the box, you can teach it to do, with little or no change to your basic service.