Seg fault with iterators and vectors - c++

I seem to be having a problem displaying an item in a vector with an iterator. Possibly, I just need another set of eyes to look at it.
vector<string> tempVector;
vector<string>::iterator it;
it = tempVector.begin();
cout << *it;
I know this isn't the full code, but it's the only portion running. The output is a segfault. doesn't the iterator point to the beginning of the vector? I was expecting to get "1" to cout.

The call to vector::reserve() invalidates all existing iterators if it happens to require reallocation.
To quote the C++ standard,[vector.capacity]
Reallocation happens at this point if and only if the current capacity is less than the argument of reserve().
Reallocation invalidates all the references, pointers, and iterators referring to the elements in the sequence.
EDIT: After the edit, you have a call to vector::push_back(), which also invalidates all iterators if it requires reallocation. Iterator invalidation rules may be helpful.


Are iterators still valid when the underlying elements have been moved?

If I have an iterator pointing to an element in an STL container, and I moved the element with the iterator, does the standard guarantee that the iterator is still valid? Can I use it with container's method, e.g. container::erase?
Also does it matter, if the container is a continuous one, e.g. vector, or non-continuous one, e.g. list?
std::list<std::string> l{"a", "b", "c"};
auto iter = l.begin();
auto s = std::move(*iter);
l.erase(iter); // <----- is it valid to erase it, whose underlying element has been removed?
Yes, you've modified the object in the container. You've not modified the container itself so the iterator is still valid
"Moving" an underlying element may not be the best name to use in this context. The name of this operation express the intention behind it but not how it really works.
In fact, the move operation is a form of copy operation with one difference: it is allowed to change the state of the "copied" object if it speeds up the execution. In case of the std::string this means that the internal buffer containing characters may be not deep-copied but just copied by address. The original object has to be then set to an empty state, to tell it to not use this buffer anymore. (Emptying the source string is not guaranteed. Optimizations of std::string are more complicated than I described.)
The important thing is that after the move operation, the original object is still there. It's just not guaranteed to have any specific state.
In this particular case you've done nothing to the iterator, but much rather to the object within it, so yes: The iterator remains valid.
But if you look at std::list::erase, it sports a line such as "References and iterators to the erased elements are invalidated. Other references and iterators are not affected."
So if you tried to do *iter after erase, it would cause your program to fail.
This may seem obvious for erase, but there are other operations where it is not as obvious.
For std::list for example, the reference page says:
Adding, removing and moving the elements within the list or across several lists does not invalidate the iterators or references. An iterator is invalidated only when the corresponding element is deleted.
For std::vector on the other hand, the reference for the push_back method says:
If the new size() is greater than capacity() then all iterators and references (including the past-the-end iterator) are invalidated. Otherwise only the past-the-end iterator is invalidated.
That means, unlike with std::list, it is not generally safe to keep an iterator to an element around, if the vector grows (because the underlying storage location of the item changes).

Memory reallocation in vectors

I'm new to C++ and want to avoid newbie performance pitfalls.
Can erasing elements from a vector possibly cause a memory reallocation?
I'm working on a function that will add elements to a vector, and possibly erase some elements in the same frame.
No, it does not. If it did, it would invalidate all iterators, but, as cppreference states, it only Invalidates iterators and references at or after the point of the erase, including the end() iterator.

C++ erasing part of the end of a vector without reallocation

Looking through the C++ vector documents, pop_back() is a function that will not cause a reallocation of the vector's data. However, this only works for removing one member of the vector. I am trying to find a way to erase multiple members from the end of a vector. Originally I thought I would call pop_back() in a small for loop but I was wandering if there was a more convenient function that would do this for me?
The Cplusplus vector erase() reference is not as clear as it should be as pointed out by juanchopanza. It is why I originally discarded using erase(). Erase afterall, works well.
Use vector::erase. It will not reallocate memory.
If your erased range does not extend to the end of the container, it WILL re-locate the end elements. That means the ending elements will be moved to their proper spot in memory which likely incurs a data copy. That is not the same as a re-allocation of the backing store. If your ending element is myVector.end(), no relocation will need to occur.
You can use member functions erase. The vector will not be reallocated because according to the C++ Standard, e.g. C++17 n4659 standard draft [vector.modifiers] "vector modifiers":
iterator erase(const_iterator position);
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
3 Effects: Invalidates iterators and references at or after the point of the erase.
The bold part of the quote means that the vector will not be reallocated.

C++ and iterator invalidation

So I'm going through Accelerated C++ and am somewhat unsure about iterator invalidation in C++. Maybe it's the fact that it is never explained how these iterators are constructed is the problem.
Here is one example:
Vector with {1,2,3}
If my iterator is on {2} and I call an erase on {2} my iterator is invalid. Why? In my head, {3} is shifted down so the memory location of where {2} was so the iterator is still pointing to a valid element. The only way I would see this as being not true is if iterators were made before hand for each element and each iterator had some type of field containing the address of the following element in that container.
My other question has to do with the statement such as "invalidates all other iterators". Erm, when I loop through my vector container, I am using one iterator. Do all those elements in the vector implicitly have their own iterator associated with them or am I missing something?
In my head, {3} is shifted down so the memory location of where {2} was so the iterator is still pointing to a valid element.
That may be the case. But it’s equally valid that the whole vector is relocated in memory, thus making all iterators point to now-defunct memory locations. C++ simply makes no guarantees either way. (See comments for discussion.)
Do all those elements in the vector implicitly have their own iterator associated with them or am I missing something?
You’re merely missing the fact that you may have other iterators referencing the same vector besides your loop variable. For example, the following loop is an idiomatic style that caches the end iterator of the vector to avoid redundant calls:
vector<int> vec;
// …
for (vector<int>::iterator i(vec.begin()), end(vec.end()); i != end; ++i) {
if (some_condition)
vec.erase(i); // invalidates `i` and `end`.
(Nevermind the fact that this copy of the end iterator is in fact unnecessary with the STL on modern compilers.)
The following C++ defect report (fixed in C++0x) contains a brief discussion of the meaning of "invalidate":
int A[8] = { 1,3,5,7,9,8,4,2 };
std::vector<int> v(A, A+8);
std::vector<int>::iterator i1 = v.begin() + 3;
std::vector<int>::iterator i2 = v.begin() + 4;
Which iterators are invalidated by
v.erase(i1): i1, i2, both, or neither?
On all existing implementations that I
know of, the status of i1 and i2 is
the same: both of them will be
iterators that point to some elements
of the vector (albeit not the same
elements they did before). You won't
get a crash if you use them. Depending
on exactly what you mean by
"invalidate", you might say that
neither one has been invalidated
because they still point to something,
or you might say that both have been
invalidated because in both cases the
elements they point to have been
changed out from under the iterator.
It seems that the specification is "playing safe" regarding iterator and reference invalidation. It says that they're invalidated even though, as you and Matt Austern both noted, there's still a vector element at the same address. It just has a different value.
So, those of us following the standard must program as if that iterator can't be used any more, even though no implementation is likely to do anything that would actually stop them working, except perhaps a debugging iterator that could do extra work to let us know we're off-road.
In fact that defect report relates to exactly the case you're talking about. As far as the C++03 standard actually says, at least in that clause, your iterator isn't invalidated. But that was considered an error.
An iterator basically wraps a pointer. Some operations on containers have the effect of reallocating some or all of the data behind the scenes. In that case, all current pointers/iterators are left pointing to the wrong memory locations.
The image "in your mind" is an implementation detail, and it could be that your iterator isn't implemented that way. Likely it is, but it could be that it isn't.
The "ivalidates all other iterators" language is their way of saying that the implemenation is allowed the freedom to do anything its coders' skeevie hearts feel like to the contaier when you perform that operation, including things that require internal changes to iterators. Since the only iterator it has access to is the one you passed in, that's the only one that it can fix up if need be.
If you want the behavior in your head for a vector, it is easy to get. Just use an index into the vector instead of an iterator. Then it works just like you think.
Chances are that your iterator is actually pointing at the 3 -- but it's not certain.
The general idea is to allow vector to allocate new storage and move your data from one block of storage to another when/if it sees fit to do so. As such, when you insert or delete data, the data might move to some other part of memory entirely.
At least that was sort of the intent. It turns out that other rules probably prevent it from moving the data when you delete -- but the iterator is invalidated anyway, probably because somebody didn't quite understand all the implications of those other rules when this one was made.
From SGI
[5] A vector's iterators are invalidated when its memory is reallocated. Additionally, inserting or deleting an element in the middle of a vector invalidates all iterators that point to elements following the insertion or deletion point. It follows that you can prevent a vector's iterators from being invalidated if you use reserve() to preallocate as much memory as the vector will ever use, and if all insertions and deletions are at the vector's end.
So you can erase starting from end
int i;
vector v;
for ( i = v.size(), i >=0, i--)
if (v[i])
v.erase(v.begin() + i);
OR use iterator returned from vector erase()
std::vector<int> v;
for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); )
it = v.erase(it);

Not using iterators into a resized vectors

I read in The C++ Programming Language : Special Edition
Don't use iterators into a resized vector
Consider this example.
vector< int >::iterator it = foo.begin();
while ( it != foo.end() ) {
if ( // something ) {
foo.push_back( // some num );
Is there a problem with this? After the vector was resized, would the foo.end() in the loop condition be pushed forward 1?
P.S. In addition, what if vector had reserved space for x number of ints. If push_back didn't violate this space, would it still be an issue ( I would assume so if it.end() points to one past the last element in the vector that contains something ).
Yes, there is a problem with it.
Any call to push_back has the potential to invalidate all iterators into a vector.
foo.end() will always retrieve the valid end iterator (which may be different to the value last returned by foo.end()), but it may have been invalidated. This means that incrementing it or comparing it may caused undefined behaviour.
Yes, there's a problem. Regardless of foo.end(), it may be invalidated by the push_back(). Edit: (i.e. it's not just that the end could change; it's possible that the whole buffer for the vector may be reallocated, so all iterators become invalid).
Yes, there's a problem with that. push_back invalidates any iterators for the vector you called it on. So after calling push_back, it is not even legal to execute ++it. This is a case of undefined behavior, so it may sometimes work and it may sometimes fail but you should never rely on it working.
As others have said, the push_back() may invalidate all iterators to the vector. The reason for this is that the data in a vector is stored in a region of contiguous memory. If the push_back() or any other operation that resizes the vector causes the size of the vector to go over the capacity of the allocated region that region will be reallocated and end up at a different place in memory, while all the iterators will still be referencing the old memory region.