Is test driven development a form of unit testing - unit-testing

Our company is in the process of improving the code quality and processes to adopt when delivering a piece of code. My question is concerned to unit testing and I wanted to gather information on the processes you adopt when you are asked to implement a functionality.
Is TDD a form of unit test. From what i understand in TDD, you write your test first (which fails), write your code and then run your test which should pass. It may be that the code will make external method call. But how are we suppose to know about the stubbing required when we are writing our test first?
When you are building your application prior release, what kind of test do you include in the build? Does the build run your integration test or does it run only your unit test?
Apart from TDD, do you write any other kind of test. Sorry if the question are slightly distorted. Your experience on how you undertake development is highly appreciated. Thanks

TDD can be a whole lot more than Unit Testing - so I'd say that Unit Testing is just a part of TDD. The methodology as a whole I think can include creating tests (expressing expectation/requirement of correct behaviour) on the result of any process in the software development. Be that writing code, build scripts, deployment scripts, database scripts, data import/export/transformation... whatever you need to do you should ask yourself, "How can I prove this has worked? Can I automate a test for that?"
As an example: something that is often overlooked because it falls out of scope of Unit Testing but is a very valid test, and one that is important to front-load in the development process is deployment.
If a software development cannot be easily deployed to the production environment without significant effort and change (to the software or environment architecture) it is important to know this up front, rather than a week before it has to go live. Once you have that process nailed, wouldn't it be nice to have a way of testing to make sure that it was correctly deployed?
When you understand that process - why not script and automate it? If you know the requirement is that it must be deployed, why not write a test for that before even doing it?
I've said it before but I'll say it again - the best resource I've found on the subject is Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests - which is part of the Kent Beck Signature Series.

TDD is not about testing. TDD uses tests to drive the design of your code. TDD produces tests as a happy side-effect of designing your code by writing the tests first, but it's not about testing: it isn't a testing methodology and the purpose is not to produce tests.
Is test driven development a form of unit testing?
No. It is a design methodology.
From what I understand in TDD, you write your test first (which
fails), write your code and then run your test which should pass.
You're missing a very important step. You write your test first, you write your code until your test passes - and then you refactor. The tests permit you to refactor safely, ensuring that the desired behavior continues to work while you adjust your design. The tests also guide you to testable code, promoting smaller methods, shorter parameter lists, and overall much simpler design than other methodologies lead you to.
Apart from TDD, do you write any other kind of test?
When I do, it's usually a sign that I've failed to do TDD properly (but it certainly happens). We have both unit tests and user acceptance tests; both can be written prior to code, but sometimes our user acceptance tests are written later in the development cycle. They shouldn't be, but sometimes they are.

TDD is about design during the 5 minutes or so of your original Red-Green-Refactor loop. But it's arguably about testing forever after since there is nothing left to design - your TDD tests then become part of a perfect test harness to detect regressions caused by further developments. So yes, I guess you could say test driven development is a form of unit testing :)
But how are we suppose to know about the stubbing required when we are
writing our test first?
TDD often requires a (quick) prior modelling session where you flesh out the big picture classes your SUT will collaborate with.
However you need not go into the details of how these collaborators work. With mocks you basically apply wishful thinking that their implementations will behave correctly when you have TDD'd them at some point later, so for now you can just concentrate on the SUT.
When you are building your application prior release, what kind of
test do you include in the build? Does the build run your integration
test or does it run only your unit test?
When you practice Continuous Integration, your unit tests are supposed to be run each time so you can theoretically take any (non-failed) build and use it as a release build.
However, you may want to run automated or manual integration/acceptance tests as well before releasing your version. GUIs for instance, are usually not easily unit testable so acceptance/integration testing is a good way to track bugs in them.

You have several questions here, ill try to address them in a logical order
Is TDD a form of unit testing?
Id say "yes", in the sense it creates unit tests, even if it isnt the only benefit of using TDD. On the topic stressed by commentators, but not mentioned in your question: TDD not only ensures test coverage and documentiation (good tests are one of the best form of low level code documentation). Using TDD forces you to make certain design decisions, usually improving the overall app design.
Do You write other tests?
Well, I don't write any other unit tests. The point of TDD is the development of the code parallel to the development of the tests. By writing software in a cycle - single test, only enough code to pass it, you're sure that your tests document all the functionality and behaviour you require from your code and you make sure that the code is testable (you have to write it that way doing TDD). There should be no need for additional unit tests
There are other kinds of tests that you should use tho. Integration tests come to mind first, but there are other, like acceptance tests. If you have those automated, you will have it easier on you. Its not you who should be writing acceptance tests - it should be your customer/stakeholder, and You should be helping him on the technical part of writing them. You may be interested in Fitnesse - its a tool that helps non-technical people build acceptance tests.
About the stubbing?
Its kind of difficult to discuss this without concrete examples. All i can say right now is - just write the code one test at a time. If you do so, there are chances you wont encounter a situation where you have a complicated class and think about how to stub around its complex dependencies.
What tests should be included in the build?
Id say - all of them, if it is possible!


Creating easy to maintain tests

During a proposal about implementing unit tests for our projects, my manager argued that it could be more expensive to create unit tests since you will be maintaining two sets of code. His argument is whenever there is a change in requirement/functionality, the unit tests can be obsolete, hence the developers should update the tests in order to pass the automated build. He said that it can be inconvenient for the developers since their coding time might be reduced and spent fixing the tests.
The reason I wanted to implement unit tests is to minimize bug occurence especially the critical ones before the codes are turned to validation team for functional test. I also believe that the cost of creating unit tests can be recovered by having better quality systems.
Right now, his challenge to me is to create easy to maintain tests that would be easy to modify or if possible tests that will not break easily. I am using xUnit testing frameworks like JUnit and mocking frameworks like mockito and powermock to help in testing.
I'm looking for tips and techniques on how to write easy to maintain tests or how to avoid brittle test. Are there other tools which can come handy in creating such tests. I'm writing codes in Java and C++. Thanks.
I think you're facing a difference in culture - your manager fears the potential time sink that testing provides. It is a known fact that a TDD/BDD process is more expensive up-front - but as time goes on you start to reap the rewards as "changing just this one isolated thing..." - no longer throws up painful/embarrassing/costly bugs.
My suggestion is that you do some research and put together a document that tries to sell the process to your manager, putting forwards a business case based on what has happened in your business already that could/would have been solved with a solid test suite.
There is one book that goes into TDD better than any website, article etc I've ever seen. I'd highly recommend it as reading for anyone wanting to practise TDD/BDD/OOP: (I don't earn any money from linking this! - but it is a superb addition to my desk!).
From my experience, it is almost impossible to truly convince a "Unit Testing Skeptic".
My advice: Start adding tests and increase coverage on a selection of the most important and frequently changing parts of your product. Do this on your own time, and possibly with an "accomplice", and time your work.
After that, show the skeptics examples of regression bugs caught by these tests, and how your time spent was actually worth it. If you succeed in doing so, management will see value in devoting resources for unit tests.
As per the technical challenge, I agree with other answers here that practice makes perfect, but there are some guidelines that could help you:
Test only one thing per test. If you have 100 tests that assert the same condition, when this condition changes, you'll have to update 100 tests.
If your "Class Under Test" is huge, with a ton of logic in it, it will be very hard to test it. Try to refactor your classes into small, coherent units of logic. When one of these units will change, the number of broken tests will be relatively small.
Test your public interface, not implementation details. This will allow developers to fix bugs, improve performance, and refactor, with minimal effect on tests.
There are many more guidelines on the first page of Google's "unit testing guidelines", and you can read The Art Of Unit Testing for an extensive coverage on writing good unit tests.
Good luck!
Whether you write unit tests or not should not concern your management. What usually matters is that functionality is implemented fast and with no bugs. How you achieve it is up to you, developers; unit testing is just one method. It works best for loosely coupled code where you can easily mock out dependencies.
But writing good unit tests is not just about decision to write them, or tools you use, it is mostly about experience which you can gain only by practicing. There are no simple recipes that will let you write good unit tests, as there are no for code. If you just force people with no experience to write unit tests, surely productivity will slump, and there will be no apparent benefits. Ultimately, you should be writing unit tests because you believe it helps you, not because someone else thinks it should help you.
The answer is that the unit tests should test implementation and not functionality. So if the developers refactor the code, nothing should change with the unit tests because they aren't testing the internals, just the results.
Of course, if you change the interface or the behavior drastically, of course the tests will change, but then you will want to be testing the new code ANYWAY, so you'd still be writing tests.
Long story short, there is a lot of research out there that a good test suite saves time in the long run by a huge margin.
Having unified test-datafactories may reduce maintanance cost if system-under-test changes.
tests offten have similar test-setups with only small variations.
when i started unittesting i used copy&paste to create a new test from an existing.
every test had a long test-setup.
after changes in the system-under-test i had to update many tests.
today i use test-datafactories where only the difference to the standard is assigned.
void customerUnder18ShouldNotbeGrantedAccess() {
// Arrange
Customer customer = TestdataFactory.CreateStandardCustomer();
// Act...
// Assert ..
Here are more usefull tips.

TDD: Unit testing focus

Could TDD be oriented to another kind of testing different from unit testing?
While that might be possible under some interpretation of TDD, I think the main point of TDD is to write the tests before any production code. Given that, you won't have a large system to write integration or functional tests for, so the testing is necessarily going to be on the unit level.
Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) applies the ideas of TDD at the integration testing and functional testing level.
The red-green-refactor cycle of TDD is supposed to be quick, really quick. Fast feedback keeps you in the groove. I've seen approaches to TDD that take a full story, express it as a test, then drive development to pass that (large-ish) test. It's nominally TDD (or maybe BDD), but it doesn't feel right to me. Tiny steps, unit tests, is how I learned TDD, how I think of it, and how it works best for me.
Technically TDD is a way of doing things, not just about unit testing, in theory it should drive all the development process.
In theory the philosophy is that testing drives development, for a more complex scenario, like integration between systems, you should define the integration test, then code to pass those integration tests (even if the test are not automated)...
Of course YES. TDD relies on automated tests which is an orthogonal concern to the 'type' of tests.
If you concentrate on idea, not technical realization, than yes. What I'm saying is if,just for a moment, you forget about unit testing, and focus on idea of writing tests first, before writing implementation in order to achieve clearer design than it can be done even on system level.
Imagine this, you have some requirements. Based on that you write User Acceptance Testing tests - tests on high level that capture functionality. Next you start development - you already have use cases in form of UAT test. You know exactly what is expected, so it is easier to implement desired functionality.
Other example is project based on scrum. In planning meeting you discuss/create/have user stories that are later developed during sprint. Those user stories can actually be UAT tests.
Anyway way I see TDD as way of specifying design upfront, not application testing cycle/phase/methodology. Reason why TDD is perceived as synonym for unit testing is that unit tests are as close to developer as possible. They seem natural way for developer to express functional design of a class/method.
Certainly! TDD does not require unit tests, not at all. Unfortunately, this seems to be a common misunderstanding.
For a concrete example, I drive the development of an open source mocking library of mine (for Java) entirely with integration tests. I don't write separate unit tests for internal classes. Instead, for every new feature or enhancement I first add a failing acceptance (integration) test, and then change or add to existing production code until the test passes. With the eventual refactoring step, this is pure TDD, even if no unit tests get written.

Why using Integration tests instead of unit tests is a bad idea?

Let me start from definition:
Unit Test is a software verification and validation method in which a programmer tests if individual units of source code are fit for use
Integration testing is the activity of software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group.
Although they serve different purposes very often these terms are mixed up. Developers refer to automated integration tests as unit tests. Also some argue which one is better which seems to me as a wrong question at all.
I would like to ask development community to share their opinions on why automated integration tests cannot replace classic unit tests.
Here are my own observations:
Integration tests can not be used with TDD approach
Integration tests are slow and can not be executed very often
In most cases integration tests do not indicate the source of the problem
it's more difficult to create test environment with integration tests
it's more difficult to ensure high coverage (e.g. simulating special cases, unexpected failures etc)
Integration tests can not be used with Interaction based testing
Integration tests move moment of discovering defect further (from paxdiablo)
EDIT: Just to clarify once again: the question is not about whether to use integration or unit testing and not about which one is more useful. Basically I want to collect arguments to the development teams which write ONLY integration tests and consider them as unit tests.
Any test which involve components from different layers is considered as integration test. This is to compare to unit test where isolation is the main goal.
Thank you,
Integration tests tell you whether it's working. Unit tests tell you what isn't working. So long as everything is working, you "don't need" the unit tests - but once something is wrong, it's very nice to have the unit test point you directly to the problem. As you say, they serve different purposes; it's good to have both.
To directly address your subject: integration tests aren't a problem, aren't the problem. Using them instead of unit tests is.
There have been studies(a) that show that the cost of fixing a bug becomes higher as you move away from the point where the bug was introduced.
For example, it will generally cost you relatively little to fix a bug in software you haven't even pushed up to source control yet. It's your time and not much of it, I'd warrant (assuming you're any good at your job).
Contrast that with how much it costs to fix when the customer (or all your customers) find that problem. Many level of people get involved and new software has to be built in a hurry and pushed out to the field.
That's the extreme comparison. But even the difference between unit and integration tests can be apparent. Code that fails unit testing mostly affects only the single developer (unless other developers/testers/etc are waiting on it, of course). However, once your code becomes involved in integration testing, a defect can begin holding up other people on your team.
We wouldn't dream of replacing our unit tests with integration tests since:
Our unit tests are automated as well so, other than initial set-up, the cost of running them is small.
They form the beginning of the integration tests. All unit tests are rerun in the integration phase to check that the integration itself hasn't broken anything, and then there are the extra tests that have been added by the integration team.
(a) See, for example,, slide # 5, or search the net for Defect prevention : Reducing costs and enhancing quality. Th graph from the chart is duplicated below in case it ever becomes hard to find on the net:
I find integration tests markedly superior to unit tests. If I unit test my code, I'm only testing what it does versus my understanding of what it should do. That only catches implementation errors. But often a much bigger problem is errors of understanding. Integration tests catch both.
In addition, there is a dramatic cost difference; if you're making intensive use of unit tests, it's not uncommon for them to outweigh all the rest of your code put together. And they need to be maintained, just like the rest of the code does. Integration tests are vastly cheaper -- and in most cases, you already need them anyway.
There are rare cases where it might be necessary to use unit tests, e.g. for internal error handling paths that can't be triggered if the rest of the system is working correctly, but most of the time, integration tests alone give better results for far lower cost.
Integration tests are slow.
Integration tests may break different
reasons (it is not focused and
isolated). Therefore you need more
debugging on failures.
Combination of
scenarios are to big for integration
test when it is not unit tested.
Mostly I do unit tests and 10 times less integration tests (configuration, queries).
In many cases you need both. Your observations are right on track as far as I'm concerned with respect to using integration tests as unit tests, but they don't mean that integration tests are not valuable or needed, just that they serve a different purpose. One could equally argue that unit tests can't replace integration tests, precisely because they remove the dependencies between objects and they don't exercise the real environment. Both are correct.
It's all about reducing the iteration time.
With unit tests, you can write a line of code and verify it in a minute or so. With integration tests, it usually takes significantly longer (and the cost increases as the project grows).
Both are clearly useful, as both will detect issues that the other fails to detect.
OTOH, from a "pure" TDD approach, unit tests aren't tests, they're specifications of functionality. Integration tests, OTOH, really do "test" in the more traditional sense of the word.
Integration testing generally happens after unit testing. I'm not sure what value there is in testing interactions between units that have not themselves been tested.
There's no sense in testing how the gears of a machine turn together if the gears might be broken.
The two types of tests are different. Unit tests, in my opinion are not a alternative to integration tests. Mainly because integration tests are usually context specific. You may well have a scenario where a unit test fails and your integration doesn't and vice versa. If you implement incorrect business logic in a class that utilizes many other components, you would want your integration tests to highlight these, your unit tests are oblivious to this.I understand that integration testing is quick and easy. I would argue you rely on your unit tests each time you make a change to your code-base and having a list of greens would give you more confidence that you have not broken any expected behavior at the individual class level. Unit tests give you a test against a single class is doing what it was designed to do. Integration tests test that a number of classes working together do what you expect them to do for that particular collaboration instance. That is the whole idea of OO development: individual classes that encapsulate particular logic, which allows for reuse.
I think coverage is the main issue.
A unit test of a specific small component such as a method or at most a class is supposed to test that component in every legal scenario (of course, one abstracts equivalence classes but every major one should be covered). As a result, a change that breaks the established specification should be caught at this point.
In most cases, an integration uses only a subset of the possible scenarios for each subunit, so it is possible for malfunctioning units to still produce a program that initially integrates well.
It is typically difficult to achieve maximal coverage on the integration testing for all the reasons you specified below. Without unit tests, it is more likely that a change to a unit that essentially operates it in a new scenario would not be caught and might be missed in the integration testing. Even if it is not missed, pinpointing the problem may be extremely difficult.
I am not sure that most developers refer to unit tests as integration tests. My impression is that most developers understand the differences, which does not mean they practice either.
A unit test is written to test a method on a class. If that class depends on any kind of external resource or behavior, you should mock them, to ensure you test just your single class. There should be no external resources in a unit test.
An integration test is a higher level of granularity, and as you stated, you should test multiple components to check if they work together as expected. You need both integration tests and unit tests for most projects. But it is important they are kept separate and the difference is understood.
Unit tests, in my opinion, are more difficult for people to grasp. It requires a good knowledge of OO principles (fundamentally based on one class one responsibility). If you are able to test all your classes in isolation, chances are you have a well design solution which is maintainable, flexible and extendable.
When you check-in, your build server should only run unit tests and
they should be done in a few seconds, not minutes or hours.
Integration tests should be ran overnight or manually as needed.
Unit tests focus on testing an individual component and do not rely on external dependencies. They are commonly used with mocks or stubs.
Integration tests involve multiple components and may rely on external dependencies.
I think both are valuable and neither one can replace the other in the job they do. I do see a lot of integration tests masquerading as unit tests though having dependencies and taking a long time to run. They should function separately and as part of a continuous integration system.
Integration tests do often find things that unit tests do not though...
Integration tests let you check that whole use cases of your application work.
Unit tests check that low-level logic in your application is correct.
Integration tests are more useful for managers to feel safer about the state of the project (but useful for developers too!).
Unit tests are more useful for developers writing and changing application logic.
And of course, use them both to achieve best results.
It is a bad idea to "use integration tests instead of unit tests" because it means you aren't appreciating that they are testing different things, and of course passing and failing tests will give you different information. They make up sort of a ying and yang of testing as they approach it from either side.
Integration tests take an approach that simulates how a user would interact with the application. These will cut down on the need for as much manual testing, and passing tests will can tell you that you app is good to go on multiple platforms. A failing test will tell you that something is broken but often doesn't give you a whole lot of information about what's wrong with the underlying code.
Unit tests should be focusing on making sure the inputs and outputs of your function are what you expect them to be in all cases. Passing units tests can mean that your functions are working according to spec (assuming you have tests for all situations). However, all your functions working properly in isolation doesn't necessarily mean that everything will work perfectly when it's deployed. A failing unit test will give you detailed, specific information about why it's failing which should in theory make it easier to debug.
In the end I believe a combination of both unit and integration tests will yield the quickest a most bug-free software. You could choose to use one and not the other, but I avoid using the phrase "instead of".
How I see integration testing & unit testing:
Unit Testing: Test small things in isolation with low level details including but not limited to 'method conditions', checks, loops, defaulting, calculations etc.
Integration testing: Test wider scope which involves number of components, which can impact the behaviour of other things when married together. Integration tests should cover end to end integration & behaviours. The purpose of integration tests should be to prove systems/components work fine when integrated together.
(I think) What is referred here by OP as integration tests are leaning more to scenario level tests.
But where do we draw the line between unit -> integration -> scenario?
What I often see is developers writing a feature and then when unit testing it mocking away every other piece of code this feature uses/consumes and only test their own feature-code because they think someone else tested that so it should be fine. This helps code coverage but can harm the application in general.
In theory the small isolation of Unit Test should cover a lot since everything is tested in its own scope. But such tests are flawed and do not see the complete picture.
A good Unit test should try to mock as least as possible. Mocking API and persistency would be something for example. Even if the application itself does not use IOC (Inversion Of Control) it should be easy to spin up some objects for a test without mocking if every developer working on the project does it as well it gets even easier. Then the test are useful. These kind of tests have an integration character to them aren't as easy to write but help you find design flaws of your code. If it is not easy to test then adapt your code to make it easy to test. (TDD)
Fast issue identification
Helps even before a PR merge
Simple to implement and maintain
Providing a lot of data for code quality checking (e.g. coverage etc.)
Allows TDD (Test Driven Development)
Misses scenario integration errors
Succumbs to developer blindness in their own code(happens to all of us)
A good integration test would be executed for complete end to end scenarios and even check persistency and APIs which the unit test could not cover so you might know where to look first when those fail.
Test close to real world e2e scenario
Finds Issues that developers did not think about
Very helpful in microservices architectures
Most of the time slow
Need often a rather complex setup
Environment (persistency and api) pollution issues (needs cleanup steps)
Mostly not feasible to be used on PR's (Pull Requests)
TLDR: You need both you cant replace one with the other! The question is how to design such tests to get the best from both. And not just have them to show good statistics to the management.

What are the pros and cons of automated Unit Tests vs automated Integration tests?

Recently we have been adding automated tests to our existing java applications.
What we have
The majority of these tests are integration tests, which may cover a stack of calls like:-
HTTP post into a servlet
The servlet validates the request and calls the business layer
The business layer does a bunch of stuff via hibernate etc and updates some database tables
The servlet generates some XML, runs this through XSLT to produce response HTML.
We then verify that the servlet responded with the correct XML and that the correct rows exist in the database (our development Oracle instance). These rows are then deleted.
We also have a few smaller unit tests which check single method calls.
These tests are all run as part of our nightly (or adhoc) builds.
The Question
This seems good because we are checking the boundaries of our system: servlet request/response on one end and database on the other. If these work, then we are free to refactor or mess with anything inbetween and have some confidence that the servlet under test continues to work.
What problems are we likely to run into with this approach?
I can't see how adding a bunch more unit tests on individual classes would help. Wouldn't that make it harder to refactor as it's much more likely we will need to throw away and re-write tests?
Unit tests localize failures more tightly. Integration-level tests more closely correspond to user requirements and so are better predictor of delivery success. Neither of them is much good unless built and maintained, but both of them are very valuable if properly used.
The thing with units tests is that no integration level test can exercise all the code as much as a good set of unit tests can. Yes, that can mean that you have to refactor the tests somewhat, but in general your tests shouldn't depend on the internals so much. So, lets say for example that you have a single function to get a power of two. You describe it (as a formal methods guy, I'd claim you specify it)
long pow2(int p); // returns 2^p for 0 <= p <= 30
Your test and your spec look essentially the same (this is sort of pseudo-xUnit for illustration):
assertEqual(1, pow2(0));
assertException(domainError, pow2(-1));
assertException(domainError, pow2(31));
Now your implementation can be a for loop with a multiple, and you can come along later and change that to a shift.
If you change the implementation so that, say, it's returning 16 bits (remember that sizeof(long) is only guaranteed to be no less than sizeof(short)) then this tests will fail quickly. An integration-level test should probably fail, but not certainly, and it's just as likely as not to fail somewhere far downstream of the computation of pow2(28).
The point is that they really test for diferent situations. If you could build sufficiently details and extensive integration tests, you might be able to get the same level of coverage and degree of fine-grained testing, but it's probably hard to do at best, and the exponential state-space explosion will defeat you. By partitioning the state space using unit tests, the number of tests you need grows much less than exponentially.
You are asking pros and cons of two different things (what are the pros and cons of riding a horse vs riding a motorcycle?)
Of course both are "automated tests" (~riding) but that doesn't mean that they are alternative (you don't ride a horse for hundreds of miles, and you don't ride a motorcycle in closed-to-vehicle muddy places)
Unit Tests test the smallest unit of the code, usually a method. Each unit test is closely tied to the method it is testing, and if it's well written it's tied (almost) only with that.
They are great to guide the design of new code and the refactoring of existing code. They are great to spot problems long before the system is ready for integration tests. Note that I wrote guide and all the Test Driven Development is about this word.
It does not make any sense to have manual Unit Tests.
What about refactoring, which seems to be your main concern? If you are refactoring just the implementation (content) of a method, but not its existence or "external behavior", the Unit Test is still valid and incredibly useful (you cannot imagine how much useful until you try).
If you are refactoring more aggressively, changing methods existence or behavior, then yes, you need to write a new Unit Test for each new method, and possibly throw away the old one. But writing the Unit Test, especially if you write it before the code itself, will help to clarify the design (i.e. what the method should do, and what it shouldn't) without being confused by the implementation details (i.e. how the method should do the thing that it needs to do).
Automated Integration Tests test the biggest unit of the code, usually the entire application.
They are great to test use cases which you don't want to test by hand. But you can also have manual Integration Tests, and they are as effective (only less convenient).
Starting a new project today, it does not make any sense not to have Unit Tests, but I'd say that for an existing project like yours it does not make too much sense to write them for everything you already have and it's working.
In your case, I'd rather use a "middle ground" approach writing:
smaller Integration Tests which only test the sections you are going to refactor. If you are refactoring the whole thing, then you can use your current Integration Tests, but if you are refactoring only -say- the XML generation, it does not make any sense to require the presence of the database, so I'd write a simple and small XML Integration Test.
a bunch of Unit Tests for the new code you are going to write. As I already wrote above, Unit Tests will be ready as soon as you "mess with anything in between", making sure that your "mess" is going somewhere.
In fact your Integration Test will only make sure that your "mess" is not working (because at the beginning it will not work, right?) but it will not give you any clue on
why it is not working
if your debugging of the "mess" is really fixing something
if your debugging of the "mess" is breaking something else
Integration Tests will only give the confirmation at the end if the whole change was successful (and the answer will be "no" for a long time). The Integration Tests will not give you any help during the refactoring itself, which will make it harder and possibly frustrating. You need Unit Tests for that.
I agree with Charlie about Integration-level tests corresponding more to user actions and the correctness of the system as a whole. I do think there is alot more value to Unit Tests than just localizing failures more tightly though. Unit tests provide two main values over integration tests:
1) Writing unit tests is as much an act of design as testing. If you practice Test Driven Development/Behavior Driven Development the act of writing the unit tests helps you design exactly what you code should do. It helps you write higher quality code (since being loosely coupled helps with testing) and it helps you write just enough code to make your tests pass (since your tests are in effect your specification).
2) The second value of unit tests is that if they are properly written they are very very fast. If I make a change to a class in your project can I run all the corresponding tests to see if I broke anything? How do I know which tests to run? And how long will they take? I can guarantee it will be longer than well written unit tests. You should be able to run all of you unit tests in a couple of minutes at the most.
Just a few examples from personal experience:
Unit Tests:
(+) Keeps testing close to the relevant code
(+) Relatively easy to test all code paths
(+) Easy to see if someone inadvertently changes the behavior of a method
(-) Much harder to write for UI components than for non-GUI
Integration Tests:
(+) It's nice to have nuts and bolts in a project, but integration testing makes sure they fit each other
(-) Harder to localize source of errors
(-) Harder to tests all (or even all critical) code paths
Ideally both are necessary.
Unit test: Make sure that input index >= 0 and < length of array. What happens when outside bounds? Should method throw exception or return null?
Integration test: What does the user see when a negative inventory value is input?
The second affects both the UI and the back end. Both sides could work perfectly, and you could still get the wrong answer, because the error condition between the two isn't well-defined.
The best part about Unit testing we've found is that it makes devs go from code->test->think to think->test->code. If a dev has to write the test first, [s]he tends to think more about what could go wrong up front.
To answer your last question, since unit tests live so close to the code and force the dev to think more up front, in practice we've found that we don't tend to refactor the code as much, so less code gets moved around - so tossing and writing new tests constantly doesn't appear to be an issue.
The question has a philisophical part for sure, but also points to pragmatic considerations.
Test driven design used as the means to become a better developer has its merits, but it is not required for that. Many a good programmer exists who never wrote a unit test. The best reason for unit tests is the power they give you when refactoring, especially when many people are changing the source at the same time. Spotting bugs on checkin is also a huge time-saver for a project (consider moving to a CI model and build on checkin instead of nightly). So if you write a unit test, either before or after you written the code it tests, you are sure at that moment about the new code you've written. It is what can happen to that code later that the unit test ensures against - and that can be significant. Unit tests can stop bugs before tehy get to QA, thereby speeding up your projects.
Integration tests stress the interfaces between elements in your stack, if done correctly. In my experience, integration is the most unpredictable part of a project. Getting individual pieces to work tends not to be that hard, but putting everything together can be very difficult because of the types of bugs that can emerge at this step. In many cases, projects are late because of what happens in integration. Some of the errors encountered in this step are found in interfaces that have been broken by some change made on one side that was not communicated to the other side. Another source of integration errors are in configurations discovered in dev but forgotten by the time the app goes to QA. Integration tests can help reduce both types dramatically.
The importance of each test type can be debated, but what will be of most importance to you is the application of either type to your particular situation. Is the app in question being developed by a small group of people or many different groups? Do you have one repository for everything, or many repos each for a particular component of the app? If you have the latter, then you will have challenges with inter compatability of different versions of different components.
Each test type is designed to expose the problems of different levels of integration in the development phase to save time. Unit tests drive the integration of the output many developers operating on one repository. Integration tests (poorly named) drive the integration of components in the stack - components often written by separate teams. The class of problems exposed by integration tests are typically more time-consuming to fix.
So pragmatically, it really boils down to where you most need speed in your own org/process.
The thing that distinguishes Unit tests and Integration tests is the number of parts required for the test to run.
Unit tests (theoretically) require very (or no) other parts to run.
Integration tests (theoretically) require lots (or all) other parts to run.
Integration tests test behaviour AND the infrastructure. Unit tests generally only test behaviour.
So, unit tests are good for testing some stuff, integration tests for other stuff.
So, why unit test?
For instance, it is very hard to test boundary conditions when integration testing. Example: a back end function expects a positive integer or 0, the front end does not allow entry of a negative integer, how do you ensure that the back end function behaves correctly when you pass a negative integer to it? Maybe the correct behaviour is to throw an exception. This is very hard to do with an integration test.
So, for this, you need a unit test (of the function).
Also, unit tests help eliminate problems found during integration tests. In your example above, there are a lot of points of failure for a single HTTP call:
the call from the HTTP client
the servlet validation
the call from the servlet to the business layer
the business layer validation
the database read (hibernate)
the data transformation by the business layer
the database write (hibernate)
the data transformation -> XML
the XSLT transformation -> HTML
the transmission of the HTML -> client
For your integration tests to work, you need ALL of these processes to work correctly. For a Unit test of the servlet validation, you need only one. The servlet validation (which can be independent of everything else). A problem in one layer becomes easier to track down.
You need both Unit tests AND integration tests.
Unit tests execute methods in a class to verify proper input/output without testing the class in the larger context of your application. You might use mocks to simulate dependent classes -- you're doing black box testing of the class as a stand alone entity. Unit tests should be runnable from a developer workstation without any external service or software requirements.
Integration tests will include other components of your application and third party software (your Oracle dev database, for example, or Selenium tests for a webapp). These tests might still be very fast and run as part of a continuous build, but because they inject additional dependencies they also risk injecting new bugs that cause problems for your code but are not caused by your code. Preferably, integration tests are also where you inject real/recorded data and assert that the application stack as a whole is behaving as expected given those inputs.
The question comes down to what kind of bugs you're looking to find and how quickly you hope to find them. Unit tests help to reduce the number of "simple" mistakes while integration tests help you ferret out architectural and integration issues, hopefully simulating the effects of Murphy's Law on your application as a whole.
Joel Spolsky has written very interesting article about unit-testing (it was dialog between Joel and some other guy).
The main idea was that unit tests is very good thing but only if you use them in "limited" quantity. Joel doesn't recommend to achive state when 100% of your code is under testcases.
The problem with unit tests is that when you want to change architecture of your application you'll have to change all corresponding unit tests. And it'll take very much time (maybe even more time than the refactoring itself). And after all that work only few tests will fail.
So, write tests only for code that really can make some troubles.
How I use unit tests: I don't like TDD so I first write code then I test it (using console or browser) just to be sure that this code do nessecary work. And only after that I add "tricky" tests - 50% of them fail after first testing.
It works and it doesn't take much time.
We have 4 different types of tests in our project:
Unit tests with mocking where necessary
DB tests that act similar to unit tests but touch db & clean up afterwards
Our logic is exposed through REST, so we have tests that do HTTP
Webapp tests using WatiN that actually use IE instance and go over major functionality
I like unit tests. They run really fast (100-1000x faster than #4 tests). They are type safe, so refactoring is quite easy (with good IDE).
Main problem is how much work is required to do them properly. You have to mock everything: Db access, network access, other components. You have to decorate unmockable classes, getting a zillion mostly useless classes. You have to use DI so that your components are not tightly coupled and therefore not testable (note that using DI is not actually a downside :)
I like tests #2. They do use the database and will report database errors, constraint violations and invalid columns. I think we get valuable testing using this.
#3 and especially #4 are more problematic. They require some subset of production environment on build server. You have to build, deploy and have the app running. You have to have a clean DB every time. But in the end, it pays off. Watin tests require constant work, but you also get constant testing. We run tests on every commit and it is very easy to see when we break something.
So, back to your question. Unit tests are fast (which is very important, build time should be less than, say, 10 minutes) and the are easy to refactor. Much easier than rewriting whole watin thing if your design changes. If you use a nice editor with good find usages command (e.g. IDEA or VS.NET + Resharper), you can always find where your code is being tested.
With REST/HTTP tests, you get a good a good validation that your system actually works. But tests are slow to run, so it is hard to have a complete validation at this level. I assume your methods accept multiple parametres or possibly XML input. To check each node in XML or each parameter, it would take tens or hundreds of calls. You can do that with unit tests, but you cannot do that with REST calls, when each can take a big fraction of a second.
Our unit tests check special boundary conditions far more often than #3 tests. They (#3) check that main functionality is working and that's it. This seems to work pretty well for us.
As many have mentioned, integration tests will tell you whether your system works, and unit tests will tell you where it doesn't. Strictly from a testing perspective, these two kinds of tests complement each other.
I can't see how adding a bunch more
unit tests on individual classes would
help. Wouldn't that make it harder to
refactor as it's much more likely we
will need to throw away and re-write
No. It will make refactoring easier and better, and make it clearer to see what refactorings are appropriate and relevant. This is why we say that TDD is about design, not about testing. It's quite common for me to write a test for one method and in figuring out how to express what that method's result should be to come up with a very simple implementation in terms of some other method of the class under test. That implementation frequently finds its way into the class under test. Simpler, more solid implementations, cleaner boundaries, smaller methods: TDD - unit tests, specifically - lead you in this direction, and integration tests do not. They're both important, both useful, but they serve different purposes.
Yes, you may find yourself modifying and deleting unit tests on occasion to accommodate refactorings; that's fine, but it's not hard. And having those unit tests - and going through the experience of writing them - gives you better insight into your code, and better design.
Although the setup you described sounds good, unit testing also offers something important. Unit testing offers fine levels of granularity. With loose coupling and dependency injection, you can pretty much test every important case. You can be sure that the units are robust; you can scrutinise individual methods with scores of inputs or interesting things that don't necessarily occur during your integration tests.
E.g. if you want to deterministically see how a class will handle some sort of failure that would require a tricky setup (e.g. network exception when retrieving something from a server) you can easily write your own test double network connection class, inject it and tell it to throw an exception whenever you feel like it. You can then make sure that the class under test gracefully handles the exception and carries on in a valid state.
You might be interested in this question and the related answers too. There you can find my addition to the answers that were already given here.

Why are functional tests not enough? What do unit tests offer?

I just had a conversation with my lead developer who disagreed that unit tests are all that necessary or important. In his view, functional tests with a high enough code coverage should be enough since any inner refactorings (interface changes, etc.) will not lead to the tests being needed to be rewritten or looked over again.
I tried explaining but didn't get very far, and thought you guys could do better. ;-) So...
What are some good reasons to unit test code that functional tests don't offer? What dangers are there if all you have are functional tests?
Edit #1 Thanks for all the great answers. I wanted to add that by functional tests I don't mean only tests on the entire product, but rather also tests on modules within the product, just not on the low level of a unit test with mocking if necessary, etc. Note also that our functional tests are automatic, and are continuously running, but they just take longer than unit tests (which is one of the big advantages of unit tests).
I like the brick vs. house example. I guess what my lead developer is saying is testing the walls of the house is enough, you don't need to test the individual bricks... :-)
Off the top of my head
Unit tests are repeatable without effort. Write once, run thousands of times, no human effort required, and much faster feedback than you get from a functional test
Unit tests test small units, so immediately point to the correct "sector" in which the error occurs. Functional tests point out errors, but they can be caused by plenty of modules, even in co-operation.
I'd hardly call an interface change "an inner refactoring". Interface changes tend to break a lot of code, and (in my opinion) force a new test loop rather than none.
unit tests are for devs to see where the code failed
functional tests are for the business to see if the code does what they asked for
unit tests are for devs to see where the code failed
functional tests are for the business to see if the code does what they asked for
unit tests are checking that you've manufactured your bricks correctly
functional tests are checking that the house meets the customer's needs.
They're different things, but the latter will be much easier, if the former has been carried out.
It can be a lot more difficult to find the source of problems if a functional test fails, because you're effectively testing the entire codebase every time. By contrast, unit tests compartmentalize the potential problem areas. If all the other unit tests succeed but this one, you have an assurance that the problem is in the code you're testing and not elsewhere.
Bugs should be caught as soon as possible in the development cycle - having bugs move from design to code, or code to test, or (hopefully not) test to production increases the cost and time required to fix it.
Our shop enforces unit testing for that reason alone (I'm sure there are other reasons but that's enough for us).
If you use a pure Extreme Programing / Agile Development methodology the Unit tests are always required as they are the requirements for development.
In pure XP/Agile one makes all requirements based on the tests which are going to be performed to the application
Functional tests - Generate functional requirements.
Unit tests - Generate functions or object requirements.
Other than that Unit testing can be used to keep a persistent track of function requirements.
i.e. If you need to change the working way of a function but the input fields and output keep untouched. Then unit testing is the best way to keep tracking of possible problems as you only need to run the tests.
In TDD/BDD, unit tests are necessary to write the program. The process goes
failing test -> code -> passing test -> refactor -> repeat
The article linked also mentions the benefits of TDD/BDD. In summary:
Comes very close to eliminating the use of a debugger (I only use it in tests now and very rarely for those)
Code can't stay messy for longer than a few minutes
Documentation examples for an API built-in
Forces loose coupling
The link also has a (silly) walk-through example of TDD/BDD, but it's in PowerPoint (ew), so here's an html version.
Assume for a second that you already have a thorough set of functional tests that check every possible use case available and you are considering adding unit tests. Since the functional tests will catch all possible bugs, the unit tests will not help catch bugs. There are however, some tradeoffs to using functional tests exclusively compared to a combination of unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests.
Unit tests run faster. If you've ever worked on a big project where the test suite takes hours to run, you can understand why fast tests are important.
In my experience, practically speaking, functional tests are more likely to be flaky. For example, sometimes the headless capybara-webkit browser just can't reach your test server for some reason, but you re-run it and it works fine.
Unit tests are easier to debug. Assuming that the unit test has caught a bug, it's easier and faster to pinpoint exactly where the problem is.
On the other hand, assuming you decide to just keep your functional tests and not add any unit tests
If you ever need to re-architect the entire system, you may not have to rewrite any tests. If you had unit tests, a lot of them will probably be deleted or rewritten.
If you ever need to re-architect the entire system, you won't have to worry about regressions. If you had relied on unit tests to cover corner cases, but you were forced to delete or rewrite those unit tests, your new unit tests are more likely to have mistakes in them than the old unit tests.
Once you already have the functional test environment set up and you have gotten over the learning curve, writing additional functional tests is often easier to write and often easier to write correctly than a combination of unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests.