Obtain Rotation Axis from Rotation Matrix and translation vector in OpenCV - opengl

I have a chessboard in two images with some angle of rotation. Lets find the rotation angle of second image with reference of first image.
For that I found the Rotation Matrix (3x3) and translation matrix (3x1) of those objects.
How can I find the Rotation Angle and Rotation Axis of object using those matrices?

For every type of conversion between rotation representations you have this website euclidean space.
You will find theory and code samples of:
Rotation matrix to quaternion: link
Quaternion to axis angle: link
Rotations in general and all representations: link
And in relation to your question you have Axis Angle. If you have the rotation matrix R (3x3), you can obtain the angle and axis this way (see Matrix to Axis Angle):
angle = acos(( R00 + R11 + R22 - 1)/2);
Axis x,y,x:
x = (R21 - R12)/sqrt((R21 - R12)^2+(R02 - R20)^2+(R10 - R01)^2);
y = (R02 - R20)/sqrt((R21 - R12)^2+(R02 - R20)^2+(R10 - R01)^2);
z = (R10 - R01)/sqrt((R21 - R12)^2+(R02 - R20)^2+(R10 - R01)^2);

Already working wih openCV I would rcommend using the Rodrigues method:
cv::Rodrigues(src, dst, jacobian), that computes the rotation vector if you have a rotation matrix for an argument and vice versa.


How to use quaternions to describe a rotation angle which is more than 360 degrees?

I'm trying to use quaternions to do rotation animation.
My algorithm creates Quaternions, and slerps every frame.
Here is my code to construct a quaternion by the axis and the rotation angle.
template <typename U>
Quaternion(Vector3<U> vec, const float& angle)
float cosa = cos(angle/2);
float sina = sin(angle/2);
w = cosa;
x = sina * vec.x;
y = sina * vec.y;
z = sina * vec.z;
Then I found that when I tried to rotate 4π radians, the animation does not work because the quaternion I created is equivalent to 0 degrees.
I wonder if quaternions can represent rotations over 360 degrees? Or is my animation algorithm in need of improvement?
I wonder if quaternions can represent rotations over 360 degrees?
No, it can not.
Quaternions between the range [360;720] will treated as rotations at the other direction: [-360;0].
And quaternions between the range [720*k; 720*(k+1)] will be treated as rotations [0;720].
If you use slerp for this kind of animation, quaternions are not good for them.
Quaternions can only slerp between angles which are smaller than 360.
If you still want to do this, use a different representation, like axis-angle.
Rotating be 360 degrees is the same as rotating by 0 degrees. To rotate by an angle alpha bigger than 360 simply rotate by alpha-360 or more general by alpha % 360.
(360 used as synonym for 2pi, you need to take care about degree vs radians of course. And not sure if thats a typo, but 360 degree is 2pi not 4pi)
PS: Actually I think there is nothing wrong with your code, and maybe you dont have to change anything. It's just your expectations that were wrong: You should get the same for a rotation by 4pi as for a rotation by 0.
Think of quaternions as instant rotations - rotating by 4π radians instantly is the same as doing nothing.
This is not what you want when you animate rotation of 4π radians over 20 seconds. You can solve it by creating an Euler Vector (a 3D vector whose direction represents the axis of rotation, same as in quaternion, while its length represents the speed/angle of the rotation), see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis%E2%80%93angle_representation. Later, multiply it by time passed and convert it into quaternion or 3D matrix depending on what your graphics wants.

OpenCV Equirectangular Rotation

I'm currently stuck on achieving an equirectangular rotation on a 360° image with OpenCV because of my mathematical understanding (nearly zero) of projections and rotations matrixes.
The result of a such rotation would be exactly what you can see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1N0lEKIeLA
I found some code here: https://github.com/FoxelSA/libgnomonic/wiki/Equirectangular-rotation_v0.1 but I didn't succeed to apply it to opencv
If someone has any idea how to apply it for an OpenCV Mat and Pitch, Yaw, Roll angles it would be highly appreciated!
Instead of talking about yaw, pitch and roll, I'll talk here about Euler angles x, y and z.
To perform a rotation of your equirectangular mapping, you can follow this procedure:
Consider coordinates (i2, j2) in your result image. We'll try to find which color to put here. These coordinates correspond to a point on the sphere with latitude lat2 = 180 * i2 / image.height and longitude lon2 = 360 * j2 / image.width. Compute the corresponding 3D vector v2.
Compute the rotation matrix R with angles x, y and z (look at the formulas here). Take the transpose of this matrix to get the inverse rotation from the new image to the old one. We'll name this inverse rotation matrix Rt.
Compute v1 = Rt * v2. Then compute the latitude lat1 and longitude lon1 of v1.
Find the color in the original image at coordinates i1 = image.height * lat1 / 180 and j1 = image.width * lon1 / 360. This might not be integer coordinates. You might have to interpolate between several pixels to get your value. This is the color of the pixel at position (i2, j2) in your new image.
You'll need to look at how to convert between 3D vectors on a sphere and their latitude and longitude angles but this shouldn't be too hard to find. The algorithm described here should be rather straightforward to implement.
Let me know if I made any mistake as I haven't tested it myself.

How to rotate 3D camera with glm

So, I have a Camera class, witch has vectors forward, up and position. I can move camera by changing position, and I'm calculating its matrix with this:
glm::mat4 view = glm::lookAt(camera->getPos(),
camera->getTarget(), //Caclates forwards end point, starting from pos
Mu question is, how can I rotate the camera without getting gimbal lock. I haven't found any good info about glm quaternion, or even quaternion in 3d programming
glm makes quaternions relatively easy. You can initiate a quaternion with a glm::vec3 containing your Euler Angles, e.g glm::fquat(glm::vec3(x,y,z)). You can rotate a quaternion by another quaternion by multiplication, ( r = r1 * r2 ), and this does so without a gimbal lock. To use a quaternion to generate your matrix, use glm::mat_cast(yourQuat) which turns it into a rotational matrix.
So, assuming you are making a 3D app, store your orientation in a quaternion and your position in a vec4, then, to generate your View matrix, you could use a vec4(0,0,1,1) and multiply that against the matrix generated by your quaternion, then adding it to the position, which will give you the target. The up vector can be obtained by multiplying the quaternion's matrix to vec4(0,1,0,1). Tell me if you have anymore questions.
For your two other questions Assuming you are using opengl and your Z axis is the forward axis. (Positive X moves away from the user. )
1). To transform your forward vector, you can rotate about your Y and X axis on your quaternion. E.g glm::fquat(glm::vec3(rotationUpandDown, rotationLeftAndRight, 0)). and multiply that into your orientation quaternion.
2).If you want to roll, find which component your forward axis is on. Since you appear to be using openGL, this axis is most likely your positive Z axis. So if you want to roll, glm::quat(glm::vec3(0,0,rollAmt)). And multiply that into your orientation quaternion. oriention = rollquat * orientation.
Note::Here is a function that might help you, I used to use this for my Cameras.
To make a quat that transform 1 vector to another, e.g one forward vector to another.
//Creates a quat that turns U to V
glm::quat CreateQuatFromTwoVectors(cvec3 U, cvec3 V)
cvec3 w = glm::cross(U,V);
glm::quat q = glm::quat(glm::dot(U,V), w.x, w.y, w.z);
q.w += sqrt(q.x*q.x + q.w*q.w + q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z);
return glm::normalize(q);

Calculate the absolute position of the point having the position before rotation and rotation angles

How can I rotate the point (x, y, z) by angles (rx, ry, rz) about their respective axes?
That is, how do I determine the point (x1, y1, z1) resulting from the rotation of (x, y, z) by rotation angles (rx, ry, rz)?
Are there any DirectX routines which accomplish this?
What you are asking about is how to use Euler Angles for performing rotations. There are several conventions you can choose from, but it looks to me like you are interested in applying rotation about the Z axis, followed by rotation about Y and then rotation about X. For this you would post multiply by the matrix
c1 = cos(rx) s1 = sin(rx)
c2 = cos(ry) s2 = sin(ry)
cs = cos(rz) s3 = sin(rz)
There are several problems with this approach, one of the more common being gimbal lock. The preferred approach is to use one of the angle-axis formulations. The two most common of those are Unit Quaternion Rotations and Euler-Rodreigues Rotation Matrices. These can be composed to generate any of the 12 Euler Rotation matrices by explicitly defining three rotation axes and their associated rotation angles and then multiplying the resulting rotation representation in the reverse order they are to be applied to the vectors to be rotated.
DirectX uses Quaternions for performing rotations.
During my electronics(EM) classes I learnt converting cartesian to polar cordinates using the formula
x = r sinq cosf, y = r sinq sinf, z = r cosq
More Info Here
q is theta, f is phi.

c++ opengl converting model coordinates to world coordinates for collision detection

(This is all in ortho mode, origin is in the top left corner, x is positive to the right, y is positive down the y axis)
I have a rectangle in world space, which can have a rotation m_rotation (in degrees).
I can work with the rectangle fine, it rotates, scales, everything you could want it to do.
The part that I am getting really confused on is calculating the rectangles world coordinates from its local coordinates.
I've been trying to use the formula:
x' = x*cos(t) - y*sin(t)
y' = x*sin(t) + y*cos(t)
where (x, y) are the original points,
(x', y') are the rotated coordinates,
and t is the angle measured in radians
from the x-axis. The rotation is
counter-clockwise as written.
-credits duffymo
I tried implementing the formula like this:
//GLfloat Ax = getLocalVertices()[BOTTOM_LEFT].x * cosf(DEG_TO_RAD( m_orientation )) - getLocalVertices()[BOTTOM_LEFT].y * sinf(DEG_TO_RAD( m_orientation ));
//GLfloat Ay = getLocalVertices()[BOTTOM_LEFT].x * sinf(DEG_TO_RAD( m_orientation )) + getLocalVertices()[BOTTOM_LEFT].y * cosf(DEG_TO_RAD( m_orientation ));
//Vector3D BL = Vector3D(Ax,Ay,0);
I create a vector to the translated point, store it in the rectangles world_vertice member variable. That's fine. However, in my main draw loop, I draw a line from (0,0,0) to the vector BL, and it seems as if the line is going in a circle from the point on the rectangle (the rectangles bottom left corner) around the origin of the world coordinates.
Basically, as m_orientation gets bigger it draws a huge circle around the (0,0,0) world coordinate system origin. edit: when m_orientation = 360, it gets set back to 0.
I feel like I am doing this part wrong:
and t is the angle measured in radians
from the x-axis.
Possibly I am not supposed to use m_orientation (the rectangles rotation angle) in this formula?
edit: the reason I am doing this is for collision detection. I need to know where the coordinates of the rectangles (soon to be rigid bodies) lie in the world coordinate place for collision detection.
What you do is rotation [ special linear transformation] of a vector with angle Q on 2d.It keeps vector length and change its direction around the origin.
[linear transformation : additive L(m + n) = L(m) + L(n) where {m, n} € vector , homogeneous L(k.m) = k.L(m) where m € vector and k € scalar ] So:
You divide your vector into two pieces. Like m[1, 0] + n[0, 1] = your vector.
Then as you see in the image, rotation is made on these two pieces, after that your vector take
the form:
m[cosQ, sinQ] + n[-sinQ, cosQ] = [mcosQ - nsinQ, msinQ + ncosQ]
you can also look at Wiki Rotation
If you try to obtain eye coordinates corresponding to your object coordinates, you should multiply your object coordinates by model-view matrix in opengl.
For M => model view matrix and transpose of [x y z w] is your object coordinates you do:
M[x y z w]T = Eye Coordinate of [x y z w]T
This seems to be overcomplicating things somewhat: typically you would store an object's world position and orientation separately from its set of own local coordinates. Rotating the object is done in model space and therefore the position is unchanged. The world position of each coordinate is the same whether you do a rotation or not - add the world position to the local position to translate the local coordinates to world space.
Any rotation occurs around a specific origin, and the typical sin/cos formula presumes (0,0) is your origin. If the coordinate system in use doesn't currently have (0,0) as the origin, you must translate it to one that does, perform the rotation, then transform back. Usually model space is defined so that (0,0) is the origin for the model, making this step trivial.