How do I create one specific directory with Automake? - build

I just want to know what do I need to write in the to create a directory called build in the same directory where is.

Think about your question carefully: Do you really want to create build in the same directory as, or in the current working directory when configure is called? These are not always the same thing: the GNU build system is meant to support out-of-tree builds (with a potentially read-only $srcdir), so the end user should expect the following to work:
$ tar xf autofoo-1.2.tar.gz
$ mkdir autofoo-build
$ cd autofoo-build
$ ../autofoo-1.2/configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
Now, the easiest way I have found to create a directory is not to use at all, but instead to make config.status do it (which is the shell script that does all of the template substitutions at the end of configure, turning into Makefile, into config.h and so on). In, put the following:
AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([mkdir], [$MKDIR_P build])

You would need to write:
test -d ${srcdir}/build || mkdir ${srcdir}/build
but you really do not want to do that. The source directory should be considered read-only. If you simply want to create a directory named build in the build directory, just do
test -d build || mkdir build


Merging make and cmake's make into build system

I have to merge cmake's makes and makes in our build systems. The build systems are supposed to be able to work with both options make and cmake. The problem is that cmake's make exports do not contain all variables and settings, which need to be set as make in our build systems. Basically, we use three complicated build systems for cross platform development and I do not like setting everything on many places, because then it is hard to maintain the system like that.
E g. makefiles from many coders in all build system contains include common file like:
include $(PROJECT_CONF_DIR)/common/
How to solute it by cmake? I do not like modifying coders' CMakeLists.txt (max. one row solution for them) and I also do not like modifying cmake exports into make files.
Basically, I need to put somewhere in cmake command or cmake's export (the best) some link which will lead to include all 'garbage' expecting by our build tool chains.
Make sure that CMakeLists.txt can contain many cmake subprojects and libraries.
e.g. Our build system from makefiles contains something like:
mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
I need to implement it somehow in cmake include.
To be able to run make directories-default after configuration, you have to create a target. You can make a target that will call a custom command, which would run the shell commands you need.
add_custom_target(directories-default COMMAND mkdir -p "dir1" COMMAND mkdir -p "dir2")
The syntax above will result in a target that is always considered out of date, ie every time you run make directories-default (or make all), the commands will be executed. If you don't want to re-run the command every time you can use a custom command:
add_custom_command(OUTPUT "dir3" "dir4" COMMAND mkdir -p "dir3" COMMAND mkdir -p "dir4")
add_custom_target(directories-default2 DEPENDS "dir3" "dir4")
Here make directories-default2 will only run the commands the first time you run it. You can also create a dependency chain of commands using the DEPENDS argument in add_custom_command.

How do I build a C++ project using Eclipse CDT?

I cloned a git repository from github (a project called plumed) and in order to install it I used to execute the following commands from the terminal:
> ./configure --enable-debug
> make -j 4
> make install
After that checking that everything was ok I used to execute the command
> which plumed
> /usr/local/plumed
How can I do the same from Eclipse?
Building from eclipse looks like to execute the command "make all" that returns errors.
Here is what I do, hope it helps.
I make a build directory, cd into that and run configure from there. That will produce a Makefile in the build directory. Then I create a Makefile project in eclipse. Open the Makefile. Then, on the right hand side, in the Outline window you can select the make targets you want to use (all, clean, install, uninstall ...).
You can make several build directories for different configurations (build-debug, build-release etc...).
In fact I have a script for each build type that sets various build flags and calls configure with the relevant flags:
WITH="$WITH --with-mysql=yes"
WITH="$WITH --with-speller=yes"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$LIBDIR/pkgconfig"
export CXXFLAGS="-g3 -O0 -D DEBUG"
rm -fr $top_dir/build-debug
mkdir -p $top_dir/build-debug
cd $top_dir/build-debug
$top_dir/configure $WITH --prefix=$PREFIX
In eclipse I always make the --prefix point to install within the $HOME folders so you don't need root privilege to install everything.

Cmake generate independent makefiles

We are moving from MPC to CMake.
We provide a lib with some samples. The samples are coming with makefiles.
The problem is that the makefiles, generated by cmake contains absolute paths but not relative ones:
# The main all target
all: cmake_check_build_system
cd /.../Projects/cpp_trunk && $(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /.../Projects/cpp_trunk/CMakeFiles /.../Projects/cpp_trunk/samples/CMakeFiles/progress.make
cd /.../Projects/cpp_trunk && $(MAKE) -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 samples/all
$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_progress_start /.../cpp_trunk/CMakeFiles 0
So, when it is copied it's become broken.
It there any way to work it around?
UPD: I have read the FAQ, but my question is still taking place, perhaps somebody managed to get around?
What I've done to get around this sort of thing is write a small wrapper Makefile around cmake. I put the Makefile at the project root, with contents like this:
all: cmake
[ -f build/CMakeCache.txt ] && [ "$$(pwd)" != "$$(grep 'CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY:INTERNAL' build/CMakeCache.txt | cut -d '=' -f 2)" ] \
&& rm -rf build || true
mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake ..
make -C build
rm -rf build
There's probably a cleaner way to do it, but it works for me:
make # build in one directory
cd ..
olddir=$(basename $OLDPWD) && rsync -ravz $olddir ${olddir}-test && cd ${olddir}-test # copy to another directory
make # running make in the new dir triggers a full rebuild
make # running make a second time in the new dir does not rebuild
The makefiles created by CMake are not part of your source code base. The CMakeLists.txt files that you use as input to CMake are part of your source code base. When you copy your source code to a different place and want to build it there, build from your source code. That means re-running CMake. (And that's your workaround.)
I've been using CMake for over ten years continuously on one project. One of the handy tricks my team has learned is that you can have multiple copies of one part of your source code base on one development host that all share the same copy of the rest of your source code base. Try doing that with relative paths! We rely on the fact that every time we build source code in a new build directory, CMake will figure out the correct paths to all the source files, which are not necessarily the same relative to the new build directory as they were in the previous build.
The build files that are generated by cmake (makefiles, ninja files, etc), are going to have hardcoded paths and other not-portable stuff in them. That's ok. Treat them as temporary files that are part of the build process. You will only version the CMakeLists.txt files, and then generate new makefiles (or whatever) on other machines or in other directories when you check it out. You can even have different people on the team using different build files - one person using makefiles, one person using eclipse+ninja, etc, all generated by cmake.

Makefile: copy perl/python files from source directory into build directory

I have the following source directory structure
dir1: c++ files, Makefile
dir2: perl/python scripts, Makefile
bin-subdir: I want my perl/python files to be copied during the build process.
Also, When I do a make install, will the bin-subdir be copied into install/bin by default or I have to specify that as well?
Basically, when you run make X, you are telling Make to find target X in your Makefile. So if you have no install: target, nothing will happen. All of this really depends what is in your Makefiles. If you want to copy your perl/python files into the build directory, one way to do so is to write a Makefile target that runs a *sh command like mv dir2/*.pyc build; mv dir2/*.pl build, and require that target somewhere else in your Makefile. If you need a good Makefile tutorial, here's one that I started with.

Eclipse c++ How to work with existing makefile

I'm a newbie and I've a problem!
I've to work with a c++ code and I don't know how to import it and how to compile it on eclips ( I compiled it by command line).
The code has a particular structure and it is organized in this way:
repos____lib____configure (execute the configure file inside the libraries folders)
I I___makefile (execute the make file inside the libraries folders,
requires make/make.def)
I I___ib1____.cpp
I I I____.h
I ... I____configure (it requires make/configure_lib and
I ... I____makefile (generated by configure)
I I___lib2___....
i I___.......
I I___libn____.cpp
i I____.h
i I____configure
i I____makefile (generated by configure)
I___make(folder)__bashrc (are set the some environment variables)
I I__configure_bin
I I__configure_includes
I I__configure_lib
I I__make.def (are set all the include path and library path used
I in the configure file)
I__makefile(generated by the configure file)
to be sure that you understand my problem...(sure... :) )
the first configure file is:
cd lib1; ./configure
cd ../lib2; ./configure
cd ../libn; ./configure
and the first makefile is
include /media/Dati/WORKHOME/repos/make/make.def
this is the makefile for the whole library
make -C lib1
make -C lib2
make -C libn
an example of configure file (the one inside lib1):
$INC = '$(OPENCVINC) $(FLTKINC) $(DC1394V2INC)'; ##<-DEFINED IN /make.def
$LIB = '$(OPENCVLIB) $(FLTKLIB) $(DC1394V2LIB)'; #####################
require '/media/Dati/WORKHOME/repos/make/configure_lib';
print "Created Makefile.\n";
# this will create a include file for the whole directory,
# using the template <dirname>.h.templ
require '/media/Dati/WORKHOME/repos/make/configure_includes';
print "Created $libname.h\n";
compile it without eclipse is simple
type /.configure in the lib folder
type make
go into the application folder
type ./configure
type make
run the program
my question eclipse???
I imported the three with import/ import existing code as makefile project but now I don't know how compile it.
could you please help me? it's important!
thank you very much
You have done the right thing by using "import existing code as makefile project".
Now eclipse know that it needs to call make and use your makefile. But Your build process is not only driven by make.
One solution is to write a makefile that call all your build steps. Something Like :
cd dir1 && ./configure && make
cd dir2 && ./configure && make
I currently have no eclipse installed, so I can not send you detailled steps ... sorry