defmacro to generate another defmacro - clojure

I have run into this problem... I have two macros that look very similar
(defmacro with-thread-manager [tm & body]
{:pre [(and (vector? tm) (= 1 (count tm)))]}
`(let [~(first tm) (ManagementFactory/getThreadMXBean)]
(defmacro with-os-manager [tm & body]
{:pre [(and (vector? tm) (= 1 (count tm)))]}
`(let [~(first tm) (ManagementFactory/getOperatingSystemMXBean)]
they are used as follows:
(defn thread-count []
(with-thread-manager [tm] (.getThreadCount tm)))
;; => 12
(defn application-cpu-time []
(with-os-manager [osm] (.getProcessCpuTime osm)))
;; => 71260000000
I wish to generalise the two with-*-manager into another macro so that I can simpify them like this:
(defmanagementblock with-thread-manager (ManagementFactory/getThreadMXBean))
(defmanagementblock with-os-manager (ManagementFactory/getOperatingSystemMXBean))
so the easiest way I knew was to change the macro a little bit
(defmacro with-thread-manager [tm & body]
{:pre [(and (vector? tm) (= 1 (count tm)))]}
(apply list 'let [(first tm) '(ManagementFactory/getThreadMXBean)]
and to write the block:
(defmacro defmanageblock [name MANAGER]
(list 'defmacro name '[tm & body]
'{:pre [(and (vector? tm) (= 1 (count tm)))]}
(list 'apply 'list ''let (vector '(first tm) 'MANAGER)
everything goes well except the MANAGER does not quote properly. I've tried a bunch of quoting and unquoting option like ' , ` , ~' and many other variations of it. but it does not give the right value.

One reasonable solution, if you don't mind keeping track of a few scopes in your head:
(defmacro defmanagedblock [name mgr]
`(defmacro ~name [tm# & body#]
{:pre [(and (vector? tm#)) (= 1 (count tm#))]}
`(let [~(first tm#) ~'~mgr]

If you define defmanageblock to be a function that takes a symbol describing the factory to use which returns the s-expression as a list then you would have two macros that call functions instead of nested macros . In most cases doing the real code generation work in functions rather than macros makes the code easier to reason about and test


clojure.lang.LazySeq cannot be cast to java.lang.CharSequence

I am writing a function that, for any given string, replaces any digits within that String with the same number of '.' characters.
AT2X -> AT..X
QW3G45 -> QW...G.........
T3Z1 -> T...Z.
I've written the following Clojure function but I am getting an error I don't quite understand:
java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.LazySeq (in module: Unnamed Module) cannot be case to java.lang.Charsequence
I'm interpreting from the error that I need to force an evaluation of a lazy sequence back into a String (or CharSequence) but I can't figure out where to do so or if this is correct.
(defn dotify
;;Replaces digits with the same number of '.'s for use in traditional board formats
(let [values (doall (filter isDigit (seq FEN)))]
(fn [values]
(let [value (first values)]
(str/replace FEN value (fn dots [number]
(fn [s times]
(if (> times 0)
(recur (str s ".") (dec times)))) "" (Character/digit number 10)) value))
(recur (rest values))) values))
There is a standard clojure.string/replace function that may handle that case. Its last argument might be not just a string or a pattern but also a function that turns a found fragment into what you want.
Let's prepare such a function first:
(defn replacer [sum-str]
(let [num (read-string num-str)]
(apply str (repeat num \.))))
You may try it in this way:
user> (replacer "2")
user> (replacer "9")
user> (replacer "22")
Now pass it into replace as follows:
user> (clojure.string/replace "a2b3c11" #"\d+" replacer)
Here's a way to do this using reduce:
(defn dotify [s]
(->> s
(reduce (fn [acc elem]
(if (Character/isDigit elem)
(let [dots (Integer/parseInt (str elem))]
(apply conj acc (repeat dots \.)))
(conj acc elem)))
(apply str)))
(dotify "zx4g1z2h")
=> "zx....g.z..h"
And another version using mapcat:
(defn dotify-mapcat [s]
(apply str
(mapcat (fn [c]
(if (Character/isDigit c)
(repeat (Integer/parseInt (str c)) \.)
There are some issues in your example:
Many of the internal forms are themselves functions, but it looks like you just want their bodies or implementations instead of wrapping them in functions.
It's hard to tell by the indentation/whitespace, but the entire function is just recur-ing, the fn above it is not being used or returned.
One of the arguments to str/replace is a function that returns a function.
It helps to break the problem down into smaller pieces. For one, you know you'll need to examine each character in a string and decide whether to just return it or expand it into a sequence of dots. So you can start with a function:
(defn expand-char [^Character c]
(if (Character/isDigit c)
(repeat (Integer/parseInt (str c)) \.)
Then use that function that operates on one character at a time in a higher-order function that operates on the entire string:
(apply str (mapcat expand-char s))
=> "zx....g.z..h"
Note this is also ~5x faster than the examples above because of the ^Character type-hint in expand-char function.
You can do this with str/replace too:
(defn expand-char [s]
(if (Character/isDigit ^Character (first s))
(apply str (repeat (Integer/parseInt s) \.))
(str/replace "zx4g1z2h" #"." expand-char)
=> "zx....g.z..h"

Pass data to macro via variable in Clojure(Script)

Is there any trick to make this work without passing the data directly or using eval?
(defmacro pair-defs [data]
(cons 'do
(for [[k v] data]
`(def ~k ~v))))
(def data '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
(pair-defs data)
If your data var is defined in namespace before the macro call,you can use some namespace manipulating functions to resolve it's value by name:
(defmacro pair-defs [data]
`(do ~#(for [[k v] #(ns-resolve *ns* data)]
`(def ~k ~v))))
user> (def data [['a 10] ['b 20]])
user> (pair-defs data)
or to handle both literal data and data by var name:
(defmacro pair-defs [data]
(let [dt (if (symbol? data) #(ns-resolve *ns* data) data)]
`(do ~#(for [[k v] dt]
`(def ~k ~v)))))
the call is expanded to the desired form: (do (def a 10) (def b 20))
So resolving the namespace val without dirty tricks like eval is totally possible, but i find it to be quite an unneeded usage of macros. For example your task is easily replaceable by plain function call.
(defn pair-defs1 [data]
(doseq [[k v] data]
(intern *ns* k v)))
it would work on any data sequence, be it local or global, literal or generated

Clojure macros: quoting, unquoting and evaluation

I have the following code:
(ns macroo)
(def primitives #{::byte ::short ::int})
(defn primitive? [type]
(contains? primitives type))
(def pp clojure.pprint/pprint)
(defn foo [buffer data schema]
(println schema))
(defmacro write-fn [buffer schema schemas]
(let [data (gensym)]
`(fn [~data]
(primitive? schema) `(foo ~buffer ~data ~schema)
(vector? schema) (if (= ::some (first schema))
`(do (foo ~buffer (count ~data) ::short)
(map #((write-fn ~buffer ~(second schema) ~schemas) %)
`(do ~#(for [[i s] (map-indexed vector schema)]
((write-fn buffer s schemas) `(get ~data ~i)))))
:else [schema `(primitive? ~schema) (primitive? schema)])))) ; for debugging
(pp (clojure.walk/macroexpand-all '(write-fn 0 [::int ::int] 0)))
The problem is, upon evaluating the last expression, I get
[:macroo/int :macroo/int true false]
[:macroo/int :macroo/int true false])))
I'll explain the code if necessary, but for now i'll just state the problem (it might be just a newbie error I'm making):
`(primitive? ~schema)
(primitive? schema)
in the :else branch return true and false respectively, and since i'm using the second version in the cond expression, it fails where it shouldn't (I'd prefer the second version as it would be evaluated at compile time if i'm not mistaken).
I suspect it might have something to do with symbols being namespace qualified?
After some investigations (see edits), here is a working Clojure alternative. Basically, you rarely need recursive macros. If you
need to build forms recursively, delegate to auxiliary functions and call them from the macro (also, write-fn is not a good name).
(defmacro write-fn [buffer schemas fun]
;; we will evaluate "buffer" and "fun" only once
;; and we need gensym for intermediate variables.
(let [fsym (gensym)
bsym (gensym)]
;; define two mutually recursive function
;; to parse and build a map consisting of two keys
;; - args is the argument list of the generated function
;; - body is a list of generated forms
(letfn [(transformer [schema]
(primitive? schema)
(let [g (gensym)]
{:args g
:body `(~fsym ~schema ~bsym ~g)})
(sequential? schema)
(if (and(= (count schema) 2)
(= (first schema) ::some)
(primitive? (second schema)))
(let [g (gensym)]
{:args ['& g]
`(doseq [i# ~g]
(~fsym ~(second schema) ~bsym i#))})
(reduce reducer {:args [] :body []} schema))
:else (throw (Exception. "Bad input"))))
(reducer [{:keys [args body]} schema]
(let [{arg :args code :body} (transformer schema)]
{:args (conj args arg)
:body (conj body code)}))]
(let [{:keys [args body]} (transformer schemas)]
`(let [~fsym ~fun
~bsym ~buffer]
(fn [~args] ~#body))))))
The macro takes a buffer (whatever it is), a schema as defined by your language and a function to be called for each value being visited by the generated function.
(pp (macroexpand
'(write-fn 0
[::int [::some ::short] [::int ::short ::int]]
(fn [& more] (apply println more)))))
... produces the following:
[G__1178 (fn [& more] (apply println more)) G__1179 0]
[[G__1180 [& G__1181] [G__1182 G__1183 G__1184]]]
(G__1178 :macroo/int G__1179 G__1180)
[i__1110__auto__ G__1181]
(G__1178 :macroo/short G__1179 i__1110__auto__))
[(G__1178 :macroo/int G__1179 G__1182)
(G__1178 :macroo/short G__1179 G__1183)
(G__1178 :macroo/int G__1179 G__1184)]))
First, evaluate buffer and fun and bind them to local variables
Return a closure which accept one argument and destructures it according to the given schema, thanks to Clojure's destructuring capabilities.
For each value, call fun with the appropriate arguments.
When the schema is [::some x], accept zero or more values as a vector and call the function fun for each of those values. This needs to be done with a loop, since the size is only know when calling the function.
If we pass the vector [32 [1 3 4 5 6 7] [2 55 1]] to the function generated by the above macroexpansion, the following is printed:
:macroo/int 0 32
:macroo/short 0 1
:macroo/short 0 3
:macroo/short 0 4
:macroo/short 0 5
:macroo/short 0 6
:macroo/short 0 7
:macroo/int 0 2
:macroo/short 0 55
:macroo/int 0 1
In this line:
`(do ~#(for [[i s] (map-indexed vector schema)]
((write-fn buffer s schemas) `(get ~data ~i)))))
you are calling write-fn, the macro, in your current scope, where s is just a symbol, not one of the entries in schema. Instead, you want to emit code that will run in the caller's scope:
`(do ~#(for [[i s] (map-indexed vector schema)]
`((write-fn ~buffer ~s ~schemas) (get ~data ~i)))))
And make a similar change to the other branch of the if, as well.
As an aside, it looks to me at first glance like this doesn't really need to be a macro, but could be a higher-order function instead: take in a schema or whatever, and return a function of data. My guess is you're doing it as a macro for performance, in which case I would counsel you to try it out the slow, easy way first; once you have that working you can make it a macro if necessary. Or, maybe I'm wrong and there's something in here that fundamentally has to be a macro.

macro always throw "UnmatchedDelimiter" if given anon function

I wrote a macro to handle http response
(defmacro defhandler
[name & args]
(let [[docstring args] (if (string? (first args))
[(first args) (next args)]
[nil args])
args (apply hash-map :execute-if true (vec args))]
(def ~name
(with-meta (fn [scope# promise#]
(let [e# (:execute-if ~args)
ei# (if (fn? e#)
(e# scope#)
(boolean e#))]
(when ei#
(.then promise# (fn [result#]
(let [{:strs [http-status# value#]} result#
the-func# ((keyword http-status#) ~args)]
(the-func# scope# value#))))))) {:structure ~args}))
(alter-meta! (var ~name) assoc :doc ~docstring))))
So I can do
(defhandler my-handler
:200 (fn [$scope value] (set! (.-content $scope) value)))
But that throws "UnmatchedDelimiter" at line 1, but if I try with a named function:
(defn my-func [$scope value] (set! (.-content $scope) value))
(defhandler my-handler
:200 my-func)
It works ok. I'm just curious, is that a normal behaviour?
That is not the behavior I see when I try your example, nor does it seem very likely. I suggest checking that the forms you pasted here are exactly the ones that produce an error; I suspect your actual anonymous function included one too many )s.

How do you convert a expression into a predicate? (Clojure)

Given that I have a expression of the form
'(map? %)
How do I convert it into something like
'#(map? %)
So that I can ultimately expand it into something like
'(apply #(map? %) value)
I think I should use a macro in some way, but am not sure how.
The # invokes a reader macro and reader macros expansion happen before normal macros expansion happens. So to do what you have mentioned, you need to go through the reader in your macro using read-string as shown below.
(defmacro pred [p v]
(let [s# (str \# (last p))]
`(apply ~(read-string s#) ~v)))
user=> (pred '(map? %) [{}])
user=> (pred '(map? %) [[]])
In case the data i.e the predicate expression is available at runtime then you need to use a function (which is more flexible then macro).
(defn pred [p v]
(let [s (read-string (str \# p))]
(eval `(apply ~s ~v))))
user=> (map #(pred % [12]) ['(map? %)'(even? %)])
(false true)
#(...) is a reader macro. I don't think that you can generate expression with reader macro. For example '#(map? %) will automatically expand into (fn* [p1__352#] (map? p1__352#)) or something similar.
Here's a somewhat relevant discussion on other reader macro.
Would it be possible to change format of the predicate? If it looked something like:
'([arg1] (map? arg1))
Then it would be trivial to make a function form it:
(cons 'fn '([arg1] (map? arg1)))
(def pred (eval (cons 'fn '([p](map? p)))))
(pred {})
(pred 10)
Now please don't hate me for what I'm going to post next. I wrote an overly simplified version of the function reader macro:
(defn get-args [p]
(filter #(.matches (str %) "%\\d*")
(flatten p)))
(defn gen-args [p]
(into []
(into (sorted-set)
(get-args p))))
(defmacro simulate-reader [p]
(let [arglist (gen-args p)
p (if (= (str (first p)) "quote")
(second p)
(list 'fn (gen-args p) p)))
Using it is very straight-forward:
((simulate-reader '(map? %)) {}) ; -> true
; or without quote
((simulate-reader (map? %)) {})
; This also works:
((simulate-reader '(+ %1 %2)) 10 5) ; -> 15
The difference with the other solution given by #Ankur is:
I like mine less. I just thought it was a fun thing to do.
Does not require conversion to string and then applying reader macro to it.