Performance. Look for a substring. substr vs find - c++

Say we have a string var "sA" and I would like to check whether the string "123" is at the end of the sA.
What is better to do and why:
if(sA.length() > 2) sA.substr(sA.length()-3) == "123"
if(sA.length() > 2) sA.find("123", sA.length() -3) != string::npos
Thanks in advance

The second code fragment avoids creation of two temporary objects (one for the "123" converted to std::string, the other for the return value of substr), so in theory it should be faster. However, micro-optimizations of this sort rarely pay off: it is unlikely that you would see a substantial gain from using the second form over the first one if you apply this optimization randomly.
Of course the situation is different if your profiler tells you that your program spends a substantial percentage of its time checking the ending of the string like this; in this case, the optimization will likely help.

If performance is critical, I don't think you can get any faster than this (compared to the other methods, no allocations are necessary):
const char needle[] = "abc";
const char *haystack;
const int len = strlen(haystack);
if (len<sizeof(needle))
return false;
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(needle); i++)
if (needle[i] != haystack[len-sizeof(needle)+i])
return false;
return true;
Obviously various micro-optimizations are possible, but the approach is the fastest I can think of.
A more C++y version, using std::string for the haystack:
const char needle[] = "abc";
const std::string haystack;
const int len = haystack.length();
if (len<sizeof(needle))
return false;
for (int i=0; i<sizeof(needle); i++)
if (needle[i] != haystack[len-sizeof(needle)+i])
return false;
return true;
notice that, as long as std::string::operator[] is O(1), the two listings have the same performance characteristics

This code probably is faster than the ones you are testing.
But you will only know if you do some testing.
bool EndsWith(const string &strValue, const string &strEnd)
int iDiference = strValue.size() - strEnd.size();
if(iDiference >= 0)
return (memcmp(strValue.c_str() + iDiference, strEnd.c_str(), strEnd.size()) == 0);
return false;


Finding last word in a string

I'm trying to return the last word in a string but am having trouble with the for loops. When I try to test the function I am only getting empty strings. Not really sure what the problem is. Any help is much appreciated.
string getLastWord(string text)
string revLastWord = "";
string lastWord = "";
if(text == "")
return text;
for(size_t i = text.size()-1; i > -1; i--)
if(revLastWord.size()>=1 && !isalpha(text[i-1]))
for(size_t k = revLastWord.size()-1; k > -1; k--)
return lastWord;
I was coding up another solution until I checked back and read the comments; they are extremely helpful. Moreover, the suggestion from #JustinRandall was incredibly helpful. I find that find_last_of()
and substr() better state the intent of the function--easier to write and easier to read. Thanks! Hope this helps! It helped me.
std::string get_last_word(std::string s) {
auto index = s.find_last_of(' ');
std::string last_word = s.substr(++index);
return last_word;
* Here I have edited the above function IAW
* the recommendations.
* #param s is a const reference to a std::string
* #return the substring directly
std::string get_last_word(const std::string& s) {
auto index = s.find_last_of(' ');
return s.substr(++index);
The other answers tell you what's wrong, though you should also know why it's wrong.
In general, you should be very careful about using unsigned value types in loop conditions. Comparing an unsigned type like std::size_t and a signed type, like your constant -1, will cause the signed to get converted into an unsigned type, so -1 becomes the largest possible std::size_t value.
If you put some print statements throughout your code, you'll notice that your loops are never actually entered, because the conditional is always false. Use an int when performing arithmetic and especially when signed numbers are compared with.

C++ if statement order

A portion of a program needs to check if two c-strings are identical while searching though an ordered list (e.g.{"AAA", "AAB", "ABA", "CLL", "CLZ"}). It is feasible that the list could get quite large, so small improvements in speed are worth degradation of readability. Assume that you are restricted to C++ (please don't suggest switching to assembly). How can this be improved?
typedef char StringC[5];
void compare (const StringC stringX, const StringC stringY)
// use a variable so compareResult won't have to be computed twice
int compareResult = strcmp(stringX, stringY);
if (compareResult < 0) // roughly 50% chance of being true, so check this first
// no match. repeat with a 'lower' value string
compare(stringX, getLowerString() );
else if (compareResult > 0) // roughly 49% chance of being true, so check this next
// no match. repeat with a 'higher' value string
compare(stringX, getHigherString() );
else // roughly 1% chance of being true, so check this last
// match
You can assume that stringX and stringY are always the same length and you won't get any invalid data input.
From what I understand, a compiler will make the code so that the CPU will check the first if-statement and jump if it's false, so it would be best if that first statement is the most likely to be true, as jumps interfere with the pipeline. I have also heard that when doing a compare, a[n Intel] CPU will do a subtraction and look at the status of flags without saving the subtraction's result. Would there be a way to do the strcmp once, without saving the result into a variable, but still being able to check that result during the both of the first two if-statements?
std::binary_search may help:
bool cstring_less(const char (&lhs)[4], const char (&rhs)[4])
return std::lexicographical_compare(std::begin(lhs), std::end(lhs),
std::begin(rhs), std::end(rhs));
int main(int, char**)
const char cstrings[][4] = {"AAA", "AAB", "ABA", "CLL", "CLZ"};
const char lookFor[][4] = {"BBB", "ABA", "CLS"};
for (const auto& s : lookFor)
if (std::binary_search(std::begin(cstrings), std::end(cstrings),
s, cstring_less))
std::cout << s << " Found.\n";
I think using hash tables can improve the speed of comparison drastically. Also, if your program is multithreaded, you can find some useful hash tables in intel thread building blocks library. For example, tbb::concurrent_unordered_map has the same api as std::unordered_map
I hope it helps you.
If you try to compare all the strings to each other you'll get in a O(N*(N-1)) problem. The best thing, as you have stated the lists can grow large, is to sort them (qsort algorithm has O(N*log(N))) and then compare each element with the next one in the list, which adds a new O(N) giving up to O(N*log(N)) total complexity. As you have the list already ordered, you can just traverse it (making the thing O(N)), comparing each element with the next. An example, valid in C and C++ follows:
for(i = 0; i < N-1; i++) /* one comparison less than the number of elements */
if (strcmp(array[i], array[i+1]) == 0)
if (i < N-1) { /* this is a premature exit from the loop, so we found a match */
/* found a match, array[i] equals array[i+1] */
} else { /* we exhausted al comparisons and got out normally from the loop */
/* no match found */

return a char function with random options and local variables

I have created a unit test harness to test my program. I wanted it to be able to randomly test each run but I'm not sure how to go about doing this. Here is what I was think but I get stuck on what to do next, any guidance would be much appreciated.
int main (void)
int testNumber = 1; //for testing
char carName[] = "";
double carCost = 0;
carName = carChosen (testNumber);
carCost = assessCost (carName); //assessCost takes in the car name and checks what cost of the car will be (error checking so only certain cars can be chosen)
return 0;
"testNumber" would normally be seeded with time to create different number's from 1 - 15, but in this situation it's going to be "1" for testing.
This is next bit that I'm having trouble with. Within this function there would be 15 diffrent car options and it will return one depending on the randomly created number.
char carChosen (int randNum)
char carOne[] = "Honda";
char carTwo[] = "Ford";
if (randNum == 1)
return carOne; //local variables, not going to work...
else if (randNum == 2)
return carTwo; // Again, these return's are here to better represent what I'm trying to create but failing to do so..
I understand you cannot return local variables, what can I do instead?
void carChosen (int randNum, char * out)
char carOne[] = "Honda";
char carTwo[] = "Ford";
if (randNum == 1)
strcpy(out, carOne);
else if (randNum == 2)
strcpy(out, carTwo);
} //.. handle other cases
Call like
char carName[MAX_LEN];
carChosen (testNumber, carName);
Also maybe you are better of using switch instead of nested if..else if you have many conditions to test.
I thought it was C looking at the code, if you use C++, you can just return std::string objects from your function without any issues.
As others have pointed out, your code looks like C code. If you want to use C++, then read up on std::string and use that.
If you want to continue with your approach (which is very much a C-like approach), then you'll need to better understand how C strings work. Namely, how they are stored in memory and how a char is different from a char * is different from a char array[].
Putting most of that aside for now, my first guess based upon your example code is that you won't actually be modifying the contents of the string. You just want the string for its contents, but you won't be changing them. If this is accurate than you can just use regular char * variable to hold a pointer to a char string. You only need one copy of the string hanging around, so you can pass around a pointer to that one copy and everyone can read from that pointer. A quick way to do this is to just use the string literal directly.
const char* carChosen (int randNum)
if (randNum == 1)
return "Honda";
else if (randNum == 2)
return "Ford";
return "Audi";
Note that we are returning a const char *. The const is just indicating that we will not be modifying the string that is pointed to. We definitely do not want to do that because it points to a string literal (which you are not allowed to modify). Once you have the const char * returned by carChosen, you can pass that along to other functions, e.g. assessCost.

String compression (Interview prepare)

I need to compress a string. Can make an assumption that each character in the string doesn`t appear more than 255 times. I need return the compressed string and its length.
Last 2 years I worked with C# and forgot C++. I will be glad to hear your comments about code , algorithm and c++ programming practices
// StringCompressor.h
class StringCompressor
unsigned long Compress(string str, string* strCompressedPtr);
string DeCompress(string strCompressed);
string m_StrCompressed;
static const char c_MaxLen;
// StringCompressor.cpp
#include "StringCompressor.h"
const char StringCompressor::c_MaxLen = 255;
unsigned long StringCompressor::Compress(string str, string* strCompressedPtr)
if (str.empty())
return 0;
char currentChar = str[0];
char count = 1;
for (string::iterator it = str.begin() + 1; it != str.end(); ++it)
if (*it == currentChar)
if (count == c_MaxLen)
return -1;
currentChar = *it;
count = 1;
m_StrCompressed += currentChar;
m_StrCompressed += count;
*strCompressedPtr = m_StrCompressed;
return m_StrCompressed.length();
string StringCompressor::DeCompress(string strCompressed)
string res;
if (strCompressed.length() % 2 != 0)
return res;
for (string::iterator it = strCompressed.begin(); it != strCompressed.end(); it+=2)
char dup = *(it + 1);
res += string(dup, *it);
return res;
There can be many improvement:
Do not return -1 for a unsigned long function.
consider use size_t or ssize_t to represent size.
Learn const
m_StrCompressed has bogus state if Compress is called repeatedly. Since those member cannot be reused, you may as well make the function static.
Compressed stuff generally should not be considered string, but byte buffer. Redesign your interface.
Comments! Nobody knows you are doing RLE here.
Bonus: Fallback mechanism if your compression yield larger result. e.g. a flag to denote uncompressed buffer, or just return failure.
I assume efficiency is not major concern here.
A few things:
I'm all for using classes, and perhaps you could do that here in a way that makes more sense. But given the scope of what you are trying to do, this here would be better off as two functions. One for compression, one for decompression. For instance, why are you storing the string in the class as an object and never using it? How does grouping this as a class actually enhance the functionality or make it more reusable?
You should pass your compressed string return as a reference instead of a pointer.
It looks like you are trying to count the number of times characters are repeated in a row and save that. For most common strings this will make the size of your compressed string larger than uncompressed as it takes two bytes to store each non-repeated character.
There are a lot of characters, there are two kinds of bits. If you do this method trying to group repeated bits, you'd be more successful (and that's actually one simple method of lossless compression).
If you are allowed, just use a library like zlib to do compression of arbitrary data types.

Alternatives to standard functions of C++ to get speed optimization

Just to clarify that I also think the title is a bit silly. We all know that most built-in functions of the language are really well written and fast (there are ones even written by assembly). Though may be there still are some advices for my situation. I have a small project which demonstrates the work of a search engine. In the indexing phase, I have a filter method to filter out unnecessary things from the keywords. It's here:
bool Indexer::filter(string &keyword)
// Remove all characters defined in isGarbage method
keyword.resize(std::remove_if(keyword.begin(), keyword.end(), isGarbage) - keyword.begin());
// Transform all characters to lower case
std::transform(keyword.begin(), keyword.end(), keyword.begin(), ::tolower);
// After filtering, if the keyword is empty or it is contained in stop words list, mark as invalid keyword
if (keyword.size() == 0 || stopwords_.find(keyword) != stopwords_.end())
return false;
return true;
At first sign, these functions (alls are member functions of STL container or standard function) are supposed to be fast and not take many time in the indexing phase. But after profiling with Valgrind, the inclusive cost of this filter is ridiculous high: 33.4%. There are three standard functions of this filter take most of the time for that percentage: std::remove_if takes 6.53%, std::set::find takes 15.07% and std::transform takes 7.71%.
So if there are any thing I can do (or change) to reduce the instruction times cost by this filter (like using parallellizing or something like that), please give me your advice. Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: Thanks for all your suggestion. So in brief, I've summarize what I need to do is:
1) Merge tolower and remove_if into one by construct my own loop.
2) Use unordered_set instead of set for faster find method.
Thus I've chosen Mark_B's as the right answer.
First, are you certain that optimization and inlining are enabled when you compile?
Assuming that's the case, I would first try writing my own transformer that combines removing garbage and lower-casing into one step to prevent iterating over the keyword that second time.
There's not a lot you can do about the find without using a different container such as unordered_set as suggested in a comment.
Is it possible for your application that doing the filtering really just is a really CPU-intensive part of the operation?
If you use a boost filter iterator you can merge the remove_if and transform into one, something like (untested):
keyword.erase(std::transform(boost::make_filter_iterator(!boost::bind(isGarbage), keyword.begin(), keyword.end()),
boost::make_filter_iterator(!boost::bind(isGarbage), keyword.end(), keyword.end()),
::tolower), keyword.end());
This is assuming you want the side effect of modifying the string to still be visible externally, otherwise pass by const reference instead and just use count_if and a predicate to do all in one. You can build a hierarchical data structure (basically a tree) for the list of stop words that makes "in-place" matching possible, for example if your stop words are SELECT, SELECTION, SELECTED you might build a tree:
|- (other/empty accept)
\- S-E-L-E-C-T- (empty, fail)
|- (other, accept)
|- I-O-N (fail)
\- E-D (fail)
You can traverse a tree structure like that simultaneously whilst transforming and filtering without any modifications to the string itself. In reality you'd want to compact the multi-character runs into a single node in the tree (probably).
You can build such a data structure fairly trivially with something like:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
class keywords {
struct node {
node() : end(false) {}
std::map<char, std::unique_ptr<node>> children;
bool end;
} root;
void add(const std::string::const_iterator& stop, const std::string::const_iterator c, node& n) {
if (!n.children[*c])
n.children[*c] = std::unique_ptr<node>(new node);
if (stop == c+1) {
n.children[*c]->end = true;
add(stop, c+1, *n.children[*c]);
void add(const std::string& str) {
add(str.end(), str.begin(), root);
bool match(const std::string& str) const {
const node *current = &root;
std::string::size_type pos = 0;
while(current && pos < str.size()) {
const std::map<char,std::unique_ptr<node>>::const_iterator it = current->children.find(str[pos++]);
current = it != current->children.end() ? it->second.get() : nullptr;
if (!current) {
return false;
return current->end;
int main() {
keywords list;
std::cout << list.match("TEST") << std::endl;
std::cout << list.match("SELECT") << std::endl;
std::cout << list.match("SELECTOR") << std::endl;
std::cout << list.match("SELECTED") << std::endl;
std::cout << list.match("SELECTION") << std::endl;
This worked as you'd hope and gave:
Which then just needs to have match() modified to call the transformation and filtering functions appropriately e.g.:
const char c = str[pos++];
if (filter(c)) {
const std::map<char,std::unique_ptr<node>>::const_iterator it = current->children.find(transform(c));
You can optimise this a bit (compact long single string runs) and make it more generic, but it shows how doing everything in-place in one pass might be achieved and that's the most likely candidate for speeding up the function you showed.
(Benchmark changes of course)
If a call to isGarbage() does not require synchronization, then parallelization should be the first optimization to consider (given of course that filtering one keyword is a big enough task, otherwise parallelization should be done one level higher). Here's how it could be done - in one pass through the original data, multi-threaded using Threading Building Blocks:
bool isGarbage(char c) {
return c == 'a';
struct RemoveGarbageAndLowerCase {
std::string result;
const std::string& keyword;
RemoveGarbageAndLowerCase(const std::string& keyword_) : keyword(keyword_) {}
RemoveGarbageAndLowerCase(RemoveGarbageAndLowerCase& r, tbb::split) : keyword(r.keyword) {}
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &r) {
for(size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
if(!isGarbage(keyword[i])) {
void join(RemoveGarbageAndLowerCase &rhs) {
result.insert(result.end(), rhs.result.begin(), rhs.result.end());
void filter_garbage(std::string &keyword) {
RemoveGarbageAndLowerCase res(keyword);
tbb::parallel_reduce(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, keyword.size()), res);
keyword = res.result;
int main() {
std::string keyword = "ThIas_iS:saome-aTYpe_Ofa=MoDElaKEYwoRDastrang";
std::cout << keyword << std::endl;
return 0;
Of course, the final code could be improved further by avoiding data copying, but the goal of the sample is to demonstrate that it's an easily threadable problem.
You might make this faster by making a single pass through the string, ignoring the garbage characters. Something like this (pseudo-code):
std::string normalizedKeyword;
for (auto p = keyword.begin(); p != keyword.end(); ++p)
char ch = *p;
if (!isGarbage(ch))
// then search for normalizedKeyword in stopwords
This should eliminate the overhead of std::remove_if, although there is a memory allocation and some new overhead of copying characters to normalizedKeyword.
The problem here isn't the standard functions, it's your use of them. You are making multiple passes over your string when you obviously need to be doing only one.
What you need to do probably can't be done with the algorithms straight up, you'll need help from boost or rolling your own.
You should also carefully consider whether resizing the string is actually necessary. Yeah, you might save some space but it's going to cost you in speed. Removing this alone might account for quite a bit of your operation's expense.
Here's a way to combine the garbage removal and lower-casing into a single step. It won't work for multi-byte encoding such as UTF-8, but neither did your original code. I assume 0 and 1 are both garbage values.
bool Indexer::filter(string &keyword)
static char replacements[256] = {1}; // initialize with an invalid char
if (replacements[0] == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
replacements[i] = isGarbage(i) ? 0 : ::tolower(i);
string::iterator tail = keyword.begin();
for (string::iterator it = keyword.begin(); it != keyword.end(); ++it)
unsigned int index = (unsigned int) *it & 0xff;
if (replacements[index])
*tail++ = replacements[index];
keyword.resize(tail - keyword.begin());
    // After filtering, if the keyword is empty or it is contained in stop words list, mark as invalid keyword
    if (keyword.size() == 0 || stopwords_.find(keyword) != stopwords_.end())
        return false;
    return true;
The largest part of your timing is the std::set::find so I'd also try std::unordered_set to see if it improves things.
I would implement it with lower level C functions, something like this maybe (not checking this compiles), doing the replacement in place and not resizing the keyword.
Instead of using a set for garbage characters, I'd add a static table of all 256 characters (yeah, it will work for ascii only), with 0 for all characters that are ok, and 1 for those who should be filtered out. something like:
static const char GARBAGE[256] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...., 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, ... };
then for each character in offset pos in const char *str you can just check if (GARBAGE[str[pos]] == 1);
this is more or less what an unordered set does, but will have much less instructions. stopwords should be an unordered set if they're not.
now the filtering function (I'm assuming ascii/utf8 and null terminated strings here):
bool Indexer::filter(char *keyword)
char *head = pos;
char *tail = pos;
while (*head != '\0') {
//copy non garbage chars from head to tail, lowercasing them while at it
if (!GARBAGE[*head]) {
*tail = tolower(*head);
++tail; //we only advance tail if no garbag
//head always advances
*tail = '\0';
// After filtering, if the keyword is empty or it is contained in stop words list, mark as invalid keyword
if (tail == keyword || stopwords_.find(keyword) != stopwords_.end())
return false;
return true;