Switch statement with huge number of cases - c++

What happens if the switch has more than 5000 case. What are the drawbacks and how we can replace it with something faster?
Note: I am not expecting to use array to store cases as it's the same.

There's no specific reason to think you'd want anything other than a switch/case statement (and indeed I'd actively expect it to be unhelpful). The compiler should create efficient dispatching code, which might involve some combination of static [sparse] table(s) and direct indexing, binary branching etc.; it's got insights into the static values of the cases and should do an excellent job (retuning it on the fly each time you change the cases, whereas new values that don't fit well with a hand-crafted approach - such as wildly differing values when you'd had a pretty packed array lookup - could require reworking of code or silently cause memory bloat or a performance drop).
People really cared about this kind of thing back when C was trying to win over hard-core assembly programmers... the compilers were held accountable for generating good code. Put another way - if it's not (measurably) broken, don't fix it.
More generally, it's great to be curious about this kind of thing and get people's ideas on alternatives and their performance implications, but if you really care and the performance difference could make a useful difference to your program (especially if profiling suggests it) then always benchmark with your program doing real work.

As food for thought... in case one might be stuck with an old/buggy/inefficient compiler or just love hacking.
Inner work of switch statement consist of two parts. Finding address to jump, and well jumping there. For the first part you need to use a table to find the address. If the number of cases increases, table gets bigger - searching address to jump takes time. This is the point compilers tries to optimize, combining several techniques but one easy approach is to use table directly which depends on case value space.
In a back of the napkin example;
switch (n) {
case 1: foo(); break;
case 2: bar(); break;
case 3: baz(); break;
with such piece of code compiler can create an array of jump_addresses and directly get the address by array[n]. Now search just took O(1). But if you had a switch like below:
switch (n) {
case 10: foo(); break;
case 17: bar(); break;
case 23: baz(); break;
// and a lot other
compiler needs to generate a table containing case_id, jump_address pairs and code to search through that structure which with worst implementation can take O(n). (Decent compilers optimize the hell out of such scenario when they are fully unleashed by enabling their optimization flags to a degree that when you need to debug such optimized code your brain starts to fry.)
Then question is can you do this all yourself at C level to beat the compiler? and funny thing is while creating tables and searching through them seems easy, jumping to a variable point using goto is not possible in standard C. So there is a chance that if you are not going to use function pointers due to overhead or code structure, you are stuck... well if you are not using GCC. GCC has a non-standard feature called Labels as Values which helps you to get pointers to labels.
To complete the example you can write the second switch statement with "labels as values" feature like this:
const void *cases[] = {&&case_foo, &&case_bar, &&case_baz, ....};
goto *labels[n];
goto switch_end;
goto switch_end;
goto switch_end;
// and a lot other
Of course if you are talking about 5000 cases, it is much better if you write a piece of code to create this code for you - and it is probably only way to maintain such software.
As closing notes; will this improve your daily work? No. Will this improve your skills? Yes and talking from experience, I once found myself improved a security algorithm in a smart card just by optimizing case values. It is a strange world.

Try to use Dictionary class with Delegate values. At least it makes code a little bit more readable.

Big switch statement, generally auto-generated one, may take long time to compile. But I like the idea that compiler optimizes the switch statement.
One way to break apart the switch statement is to use bucketing,
int getIt(int input)
int bucket = input%16;
case 1:
return getItBucket1(input);
case 2:
return getItBucket2(input);
return -1;
So in the code above, we broke apart our switch statement into 16 parts. It is easy to change the number of buckets in auto-generated code.
This code has added run-time cost of one layer of indirection or function-call. . But considering the buckets defined in different files, it is faster to compile them in parallel.


Is there significant performance difference between break and return in a loop at the end of a C function?

Consider the following (Obj-)C(++) code segment as an example:
// don't blame me for the 2-space indents. It's insane to type 12 spaces.
int whatever(int *foo) {
for (int k = 0; k < bar; k++) { // I know it's a boring loop
if (that(k))
break; // or return
A friend told me that using break is not only more logical (and using return causes troubles when someone wants to add something to the function afterwards), but also yields faster code. It's said that the processor gives better predictions in this case for jmp-ly instructions than for ret.
Or course I agree with him on the first point, but if there is actually some significant difference, why doesn't the compiler optimize it?
If it's insane to type 2 spaces, use a decent text editor with auto-indent. 4 space indentation is much more readable than 2 spaces.
Readability should be a cardinal value when you write C code.
Using break or return should be chosen based on context to make your code easier to follow and understand. If not to others, you will be doing a favor to yourself, when a few years from now you will be reading your own code, hunting for a spurious bug and trying to make sense of it.
No matter which option you choose, the compiler will optimize your code its own way and different compilers, versions or configurations will do it differently. No noticeable difference should arise from this choice, and even in the unlikely chance that it would, not a lasting one.
Focus on the choice of algorithm, data structures, memory allocation strategies, possibly memory layout cache implications... These are far more important for speed and overall efficiency than local micro-optimizations.
Any compiler is capable of optimizing jumps to jumps. In practice, though, there will probably be some cleanup to do before exiting anyway. When in doubt, profile. I don’t see how this could make any significant difference.
Stylistically, and especially in C where the compiler does not clean stuff up for me when it goes out of scope, I prefer to have a single point of return, although I don’t go so far as to goto one.

Use of Literals, yay/nay in C++

I've recently heard that in some cases, programmers believe that you should never use literals in your code. I understand that in some cases, assigning a variable name to a given number can be helpful (especially in terms of maintenance if that number is used elsewhere). However, consider the following case studies:
Case Study 1: Use of Literals for "special" byte codes.
Say you have an if statement that checks for a specific value stored in (for the sake of argument) a uint16_t. Here are the two code samples:
Version 1:
// Descriptive comment as to why I'm using 0xBEEF goes here
if (my_var == 0xBEEF) {
//do something
Version 2:
const uint16_t kSuperDescriptiveVarName = 0xBEEF;
if (my_var == kSuperDescriptiveVarName) {
// do something
Which is the "preferred" method in terms of good coding practice? I can fully understand why you would prefer version 2 if kSuperDescriptiveVarName is used more than once. Also, does the compiler do any optimizations to make both versions effectively the same executable code? That is, are there any performance implications here?
Case Study 2: Use of sizeof
I fully understand that using sizeof versus a raw literal is preferred for portability and also readability concerns. Take the two code examples into account. The scenario is that you are computing the offset into a packet buffer (an array of uint8_t) where the first part of the packet is stored as my_packet_header, which let's say is a uint32_t.
Version 1:
const int offset = sizeof(my_packet_header);
Version 2:
const int offset = 4; // good comment telling reader where 4 came from
Clearly, version 1 is preferred, but what about for cases where you have multiple data fields to skip over? What if you have the following instead:
Version 1:
const int offset = sizeof(my_packet_header) + sizeof(data_field1) + sizeof(data_field2) + ... + sizeof(data_fieldn);
Version 2:
const int offset = 47;
Which is preferred in this case? Does is still make sense to show all the steps involved with computing the offset or does the literal usage make sense here?
Thanks for the help in advance as I attempt to better my code practices.
Which is the "preferred" method in terms of good coding practice? I can fully understand why you would prefer version 2 if kSuperDescriptiveVarName is used more than once.
Sounds like you understand the main point... factoring values (and their comments) that are used in multiple places. Further, it can sometimes help to have a group of constants in one place - so their values can be inspected, verified, modified etc. without concern for where they're used in the code. Other times, there are many constants used in proximity and the comments needed to properly explain them would obfuscate the code in which they're used.
Countering that, having a const variable means all the programmers studying the code will be wondering whether it's used anywhere else, keeping it in mind as they inspect the rest of the scope in which it's declared etc. - the less unnecessary things to remember the surer the understanding of important parts of the code will be.
Like so many things in programming, it's "an art" balancing the pros and cons of each approach, and best guided by experience and knowledge of the way the code's likely to be studied, maintained, and evolved.
Also, does the compiler do any optimizations to make both versions effectively the same executable code? That is, are there any performance implications here?
There's no performance implications in optimised code.
I fully understand that using sizeof versus a raw literal is preferred for portability and also readability concerns.
And other reasons too. A big factor in good programming is reducing the points of maintenance when changes are done. If you can modify the type of a variable and know that all the places using that variable will adjust accordingly, that's great - saves time and potential errors. Using sizeof helps with that.
Which is preferred [for calculating offsets in a struct]? Does is still make sense to show all the steps involved with computing the offset or does the literal usage make sense here?
The offsetof macro (#include <cstddef>) is better for this... again reducing maintenance burden. With the this + that approach you illustrate, if the compiler decides to use any padding your offset will be wrong, and further you have to fix it every time you add or remove a field.
Ignoring the offsetof issues and just considering your this + that example as an illustration of a more complex value to assign, again it's a balancing act. You'd definitely want some explanation/comment/documentation re intent here (are you working out the binary size of earlier fields? calculating the offset of the next field?, deliberately missing some fields that might not be needed for the intended use or was that accidental?...). Still, a named constant might be enough documentation, so it's likely unimportant which way you lean....
In every example you list, I would go with the name.
In your first example, you almost certainly used that special 0xBEEF number at least twice - once to write it and once to do your comparison. If you didn't write it, that number is still part of a contract with someone else (perhaps a file format definition).
In the last example, it is especially useful to show the computation that yielded the value. That way, if you encounter trouble down the line, you can easily see either that the number is trustworthy, or what you missed and fix it.
There are some cases where I prefer literals over named constants though. These are always cases where a name is no more meaningful than the number. For example, you have a game program that plays a dice game (perhaps Yahtzee), where there are specific rules for specific die rolls. You could define constants for One = 1, Two = 2, etc. But why bother?
Generally it is better to use a name instead of a value. After all, if you need to change it later, you can find it more easily. Also it is not always clear why this particular number is used, when you read the code, so having a meaningful name assigned to it, makes this immediately clear to a programmer.
Performance-wise there is no difference, because the optimizers should take care of it. And it is rather unlikely, even if there would be an extra instruction generated, that this would cause you troubles. If your code would be that tight, you probably shouldn't rely on an optimizer effect anyway.
I can fully understand why you would prefer version 2 if kSuperDescriptiveVarName is used more than once.
I think kSuperDescriptiveVarName will definitely be used more than once. One for check and at least one for assignment, maybe in different part of your program.
There will be no difference in performance, since an optimization called Constant Propagation exists in almost all compilers. Just enable optimization for your compiler.

How do jump-tables work?

In the following document, pages 4-5:
typedef int (* jumpfnct)(void * param);
static int CaseError(void * param)
return -1;
static jumpfnct const jumptable[] =
CaseError, CaseError, ...
Case44, CaseError, ...
CaseError, Case255
result = index <= 0xFF ? jumptable[index](param) : -1;
it is comparing IF-ELSE vs SWITCH and then introduces this "Jump table". Apparently it is the fastest implementation of the three. What exactly is it? I cannot see how it could work??
The jumptable is a method of mapping some input integer to an action. It stems from the fact that you can use the input integer as the index of an array.
The code sets up an array of pointers to functions. Your input integer is then used to select on of these function-pointers. Generally, it looks like it's going to be a pointer to the function CaseError. However, every now and again, it will be a different function that is being pointed to.
It's designed so that
jumptable[62] = Case62;
jumptable[95] = Case95;
jumptable[35] = Case35;
jumptable[34] = CaseError; /* For example... and so it goes on */
Thus, selecting the right function to call is constant time... with the if-elses and selects, the time taken to select the correct function is dependent on the input integer... assuming the compiler doesn't optimize the select to a jumptable itself... if it's for embedded code, then there's a chance that optimizations of this kind have been disabled... you'd have to check.
Once the correct function-pointer is found, the last line simply calls it:
result = index <= 0xFF ? jumptable[index](param) : -1;
result = index <= 0xFF /* Check that the index is within
the range of the jump table */
? jumptable[index](param) /* jumptable[index] selects a function
then it gets called with (param) */
: -1; /* If the index is out of range, set result to be -1
Personally, I think a better choice would be to call
CaseError(param) here */
Jumpfnct is a pointer to a function. Jumptable is an array that consists of a number of jumpfncts. The functions can be called just by referencing their position in the array.
For example, jumptable0 will execute the first function, passing along param. jumptable1 will execute the second function, etc.
If you don't know about function pointers, you shouldn't use this trick. They're very handy, in a narrow domain.
It's very fast and space efficient, when what you're doing is switching between a large number of similar function calls. You are adding a function call overhead that a switch statement doesn't necessarily have, so it might not be appropriate in all circumstances. If your code is something like this:
switch(x) {
case 1:
case 2:
A jump table might be a good substitution. If, though, your switch is something like this:
switch(x) {
case 1:
case 1023:
It probably wouldn't be worth doing.
I've used them in a toy FORTH language interpreter, where they were invaluable, but in most cases you're not going to see a speed benefit that makes them worth using. Use them if it makes the logic of your program clearer, not for optimization.
This jumptable returns a pointer-to-function by its index. You define this table in a way that invalid indexes point to the function that returns some invalid code (like -1 in the example) and valid indexes point to the functions you need to call.
returns pointer-to-function and this function gets called
where param is some custom parameter.
A Jump-Table is an obvious, but rarely used optimization, that for some reason seems to have fallen out of favor.
Briefly, instead of testing a value and exiting out of a switch/case or if-else block to branch to function or code path, you create an array which is filled with the addresses of the functions the program can branch to.
Once completed, this arrangement eliminates the relentless if testing attendant with if-else and switch/case blocks. The code uses the variable that would otherwise be tested with if as a subscript into the function-pointer array, and proceeds directly the the appropriate code - sans ANY if testing. A perfectly efficient branch. The assembly code should literally be a jump.
If you profile code, and find a hot-spot where the program is spending a large % of it's time, look to this kind of optimization to improve performance. A little bit of this can go a long way if it's part of a code's hot-spot.
Thanks for the link. Nice find!
As mentioned in the comment above, whether this solution is more or less effiicent than, for example, a switch statement depends on the amount of work needed to be done for each case.
Writing a regular switch statement for the values you want to process will definitely be a clearer way to see what the code does. So unless either space or speed requirements dictate that a more sophisticated solution, I would suggest that this is not a "better" solution.
Tables of function pointers is however an efficient and good way to solve certain problems. I use function pointers in a table quite regularly to do things like "Benchmark 11 different solutions to a problem", where I have a struct wiht the name of the function and the function, and some parameters perhaps. Then I have one function to time and loop over the code a few million times (or whatever it takes to get a long enough measurement to make sense)

Optimal virtual machine/byte-code interpreter loop

My project has a VM that executes a byte-code compiled from a domain-specific-language. I'm looking at ways that I can improve the execution time of the byte-code. As a first step I'd like to see if there is a way to simply improve the byte-code interpreter before I venture into machine code compilation.
The main loop of the interpreter looks like this:
uint8_t cmd = *code++;
switch( cmd )
case op_1: ...; break;
QUESTION: Is there a faster way to implement this loop without resorting to assembler?
The one option I see is GCC specific to use dynamic goto with label addresses. Rather than a break at the end of each case I could jump directly to the next instruction. I had hoped the optimizer would do this for me, but looking at the disassembly it apparently doesn't: there is a repeated constant jump at the end of most op_codes.
If relevant the VM is a simple register based machine with floating point and integer registers (8 of each). There is no stack, only a global heap (that language is not that complicated).
One very easy optimisation is that instead of
switch /case/case/case/case/case,
just define an array with function pointers (where each function would process a specified command, or a couple of commands in which case you could set several entries in the array to the same function, and the function itself could check the exact code), and instead of
just do a
This is given that you dont have too many commands. Also, do some checking if you will not define all the possible commands (maybe you only have 300 commands, but you have to use 2 bytes for representing them, so instead of definining an array with 65536 items, just check if the command is less than 301 and if its not, dont do the lookup)
If you won't do that, at least sort the commands that the most used ones are in the beginning of the switch statement.
Otherwise it would be to look into hashtables, but I assume you don't have that many commands, and in that case overhead of doing a hash function would probably cost you more than not having to do a switch. (Or have a VERY simple hash function)
What's the architecture? You may get a speed-up with word-aligned opcodes, but it'll blow out your code size, which means you'll have to balance it against the cost of a cache miss.
Few obvious optimization I see are,
If you don't use cmd anywhere than switch() then, directly use the pointer indirection, switch( *code++ ). For longer while(true) loop, this can be little helpful.
In switch(), you can use continue instead of break. Because when continue is used inside if/else or switch, compiler knows that execution has to jump to the outer loop; the same is not true for break (with respect to switch).
Hope this helps.

Why the switch statement and not if-else?

I've been wondering this for some time now. I'm by far not a hardcore programmer, mainly small Python scripts and I've written a couple molecular dynamics simulations. For the real question: What is the point of the switch statement? Why can't you just use the if-else statement?
Thanks for your answer and if this has been asked before please point me to the link.
S.Lott has pointed out that this may be a duplicate of questions If/Else vs. Switch. If you want to close then do so. I'll leave it open for further discussion.
A switch construct is more easily translated into a jump (or branch) table. This can make switch statements much more efficient than if-else when the case labels are close together. The idea is to place a bunch of jump instructions sequentially in memory and then add the value to the program counter. This replaces a sequence of comparison instructions with an add operation.
Below are some extremely simplified psuedo-assembly examples. First, the if-else version:
// C version
if (1 == value)
else if (2 == value)
else if (3 == value)
// assembly version
compare value, 1
jump if zero label1
compare value, 2
jump if zero label2
compare value, 3
jump if zero label3
call function1
call function2
call function3
Next is the switch version:
// C version
switch (value) {
case 1: function1(); break;
case 2: function2(); break;
case 3: function3(); break;
// assembly version
add program_counter, value
call function1
call function2
call function3
You can see that the resulting assembly code is much more compact. Note that the value would need to be transformed in some way to handle other values than 1, 2 and 3. However, this should illustrate the concept.
Switch can be optimized by compiler - you will get faster code.
Also I find it to be more elegant when dealing with enumerable types.
To sum up switch statement gives you performance + code elegance :)
Here are some useful links:
speed comparison of switch vs if/else in C#
Feedback-Guided Switch Statement
Optimization (pdf describing switch statement optimization)
I'm ignoring this type of low level optimization as usually unimportant, and probably different from compiler to compiler.
I'd say the main difference is readability. if/else is very flexible, but when you see a switch you know right away that all of the tests are against the same expression.
For expressiveness, the switch/case statement allows you to group multiple cases together, for example:
case 1,2,3: do(this); break;
case 4,5,6: do(that); break;
For performance, compilers can sometimes optimize switch statements into jump tables.
Besides the other mentioned Code readability and optimisation in .NET you also get the ability to switch on enums etc
enum Color { Red, Green, Blue };
Color c = Color.Red;
switch (c) // Switch on the enum
// no casting and no need to understand what int value it is
case Color.Red: break;
case Color.Green: break;
case Color.Blue: break;
The ability to fall through several cases (intentionally leaving out the break statement) can be useful, and as a few people have already said it's faster as well. Perhaps the most important and least important consideration though, is that it just makes for prettier code than if/else. :)
Switch can be optimized "Better" by some compilers. There are pitfalls with using the switch statement in certain languages. In Java, the switch cannot handle strings and in VB2005 the switch statement will not work with radio buttons.
Switch can be faster and easier to read, If-Then is more generic and will work in more places.
The only time switches can be faster are when your case values are constants, not dynamic or otherwise derived, and when the number of cases is significantly larger than the time to calculate a hash into a lookup table.
Case in point for Javascript, which compiles to assembly for execution on most engines, including Chrome's V8 engine, is that switch statements are 30%-60% slower to execute in the common case: http://jsperf.com/switch-if-else/20