Bash script - mass modify files sed regular expression - regex

I have a set of .csv files (all in one folder) with the format shown below:
... (a lot more rows) ...
The thing is I screwed up a bit and it should look like this
In case the difference is too subtle to notice:
I need to write a script that changes every third and fifth semicolon into a period in every row in efery file in that folder.
My research indicate that I have to devise some clever sed s/ command in my script. The problem is I'm not very good with regular expressions. From reading the tutorial it's probably gonna involve something with /3 and /5.

Here's a really short way to do it:
sed 's/;/./3;s/;/./4' -iBAK *
It replaces the 3rd and then the 5th (which is now the 4th) instances of the ; with ..
I tested it on your sample (saved as sample.txt):
$ sed 's/;/./3;s/;/./4' <sample.txt
For safety, I have made my example back up your originals as <WHATEVER>.BAK. To prevent this, change -iBAK to -i.
This script may not be totally portable but I've tested it on Mac 10.8 with BSD sed (no idea what version) and Linux with sed (gsed) 4.1.4 (2003). #JonathanLeffler notes that it's standard POSIX sed as of 2008. I also just found it and like it a lot.
Golf tip: If you run the command from bash, you can use brace expansion to achieve a supremely short version:
sed -es/\;/./{3,4} -i *

Here's one way:
sed -i 's/^\([^;]*;[^;]*;[^;]*\);\([^;]*;[^;]*\);/\1.\2./' foldername/*
(Disclaimer: I did test this, but some details of sed are not fully portable. I don't think there's anything non-portable in the above, so it should be fine, but please make a backup copy of your folder first, before running the above. Just in case.)


How to run list of perl regex from file in terminal

I'm fairly new to the whole coding game, and am very grateful for every answer!
I am working on a directory with many .txt files in them and have a file with looong list of regex like "perl -p -i -e 's/\n\n/\n/g' *.xml" they all work if I copy them to terminal. But is there a possibility to run them straight from the file?
I tried ./ but that resulted in:
No such file or directory.
Any ideas?
Thank you so much!
Here's a (mostly) equivalent Perl script to the oneliner perl -p -i -e 's/\n\n/\n/g' *.xml (one main difference being that this has strict and warnings enabled, which is strongly recommended), which you could expand upon by putting more code to modify the current line in the body of the while loop.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
if (!#ARGV) { # if no files on command line
#ARGV = glob('*.xml'); # get a default list of files
local $^I = ''; # enable inplace editing (like perl -i)
while (<>) { # read each line of each file into $_
s/\n\n/\n/g; # modify $_ with a regex
# more regexes here...
print; # write the line $_ back out
You can save this script in a file such as, and then run it with perl, or do chmod u+x and then run it via ./
On the other hand, you really shouldn't modify XML files with regular expressions, there are lots of Perl modules to do XML processing - I wrote about that some more here. Also, in the example you showed, s/\n\n/\n/g actually won't have any effect, since when reading files line-by-line, no string will contain two \n's (you can change how Perl reads files, but I don't see any mention of that in the question).
Edit: You've named the script in your example - if you're processing Unicode files, then Perl has very powerful features to help with that, although the code won't necessarily end up as nice and short as I've showed above. You'll have to tell us some more about what you're doing, and show some example input and output, to get suggestions about that. See also e.g. perlunitut.
It's likely if you got no such file or directory, your problem was you forgot to make executable, as in chmod +x, assuming that's a script that you wrote.
Of course the normal way to run multiple perl commands is this thing that looks like which you write, i.e., a perl script.
That said, yes, everything will work from the terminal, you just need to be careful about escaping that bash performs.

Mass replace deprecated functions in entire projects

I have a bunch of PHP coded websites that have been recently moved to a PHP 5.4 server and they're throwing deprecation warnings and errors.
Is there a way to mass find & replace function names with the proper ones? For example, I would like to be able to replace all instances of session_unregister('someVar') with unset($_SESSION['someVar'])...
Should i use regex or is there an other way?
For this particular example you could use sed like this:
echo "session_unregister('someVar')" | sed 's/session_unregister(/unset\($_SESSION[/;s/)/])/'
A bit more flexible would be to use the C preprocessor. Assume your php source file name is my.php. Add extension .h so it becomes my.php.h. At the beginning of the file, insert:
#define session_unregister(X) unset($_SESSION[X])
Assume the file contains lines like in your example: session_unregister('someVar')
Run the preprocessor like this:
cc -E my.php.h
Now you should instead see unset($_SESSION['someVar'])
(plus some extra garbage you don't want).
Note that this just answers your particular question, but I wouldn't recommend it without more detailed testing.

Complex changes to a URL with sed

I am trying to parse an RSS feed on the Linux command line which involves formatting the raw output from the feed with sed.
I currently use this command:
feedstail -u -r -i 60 -f "{published}> {title} {link}" | sed 's/^\(.\{3\}\)\(.\{13\}\)\(.\{6\}\)\(.\{3\}\)\(.*\)/\1\3\5/'
This gives me a number of feed items per line that look like this:
Sat 20:33 GMT> WhatsApp-Ausfall: Server-Probleme blockieren Messaging-Dienst
Notice the long URL at the end. I want to shorten this to better fit on the command line. Therefore, I want to change my sed command to produce the following:
Sat 20:33 GMT> WhatsApp-Ausfall: Server-Probleme blockieren Messaging-Dienst
That means cutting everything out of the URL except a dash and that seven digit number preceeding the ".html/blablabla" bit.
Currently my sed command only changes stuff in the date bit. It would have to leave the title and start or the URL alone and then cut stuff out of it until it reaches the seven digit number. It needs to preserve that and then cut everything after it out. Oh yeah, and we need to leave a dash right in front of that number too.
I have no idea how to do that and can't find the answer after hours of googling. Help?
This is the raw output of a line of feedstail -u -r -i 60 -f "{published}> {title} {link}", in case it helps:
Sat, 22 Feb 2014 20:33:00 GMT> WhatsApp-Ausfall: Server-Probleme blockieren Messaging-Dienst
It seems I can only pipe that output into one command. Piping it through multiple ones seems to break things. I don't understand why ATM.
Unfortunately (for me), I could only think of solving this with extended regexp syntax (either -E or -r flag on different systems):
... | sed -E 's|(://[^/]+/).*(-[0-9]+)\.html/.*|\1\2|'
UPDATE: In basic regexp syntax, the best I can do is
... | sed 's|\(://[^/]*/\).*\(-[0-9][0-9]*\)\.html/.*|\1\2|'
The key to writing this sort of regular expression is to be very careful about what the boundaries of what you expect are, so as to avoid the random gunk that you want to get rid of causing you problems. Also, you should bear in mind that you can use characters other than / as part of a s operation's delimiters.
sed 's!\(http://www\.heise\.de/\)newsticker/meldung/[^./]*\(-[0-9]+\)\.html[^ ]*!\1\2!'
Be aware that getting the RE right can be quite tricky; assume you'll need to test it! (This is a key part of the “now you have two problems” quote; REs very easily become horrendous.)
Something like this maybe?
... | awk -F'[^0-9]*' '{print ""$2}'
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's|\(//[^/]*/\).*\(-[0-9]\{7\}\).*|\1\2|' file
You can place the first sed command so:
feedstail -u -r -i 60 -f "{published}> {title} {link}" |
sed 's/^\(.\{3\}\)\(.\{13\}\)\(.\{6\}\)\(.\{3\}\)\(.*\)/\1\3\5/;s|\(//[^/]*/\).*\(-[0-9]\{7\}\).*|\1\2|'

SED / AWK multi-file replacement?

I've been trying to figure out a command that will search through 13+ files and replace
all matches and variances of forms data and replace them with form data enhancements.
The trick is that there could be [whitespace] - or _ as a separator that I would like
to preserve. I'm running form command line so I believe I could run this script multiple
times and just point it at the file, or if there's a way to capture all files in a directory
(even including directory names) it might just be easier.
I believe its something to the tune of
sed "s/forms_data/form-data-enhancements/g ; s/forms-data/form-data-enhancements/g ; s/forms data/form data enhancements/g" oldfile > newfile
nut I'm not sure.....
variances might be
forms data
etcetra. Would someone mind sharing a bit of sed awk wisdom? The best I can find is something called an arrary replace but was unable to get any information on how to use it.
Thanks greatly.
Will this work for you -
sed -i 's/\<forms[ -_]data\>/form data enhancements/g' /path/to/files*
-i will do in-file substitution. So first pick a file and run the command without the -i option. If everything looks ok then you can go ahead and use the -i.
If you would like to retain the separators then you can do something like this -
sed -i 's/\<forms\([ -_]\)data\>/form\1data\1enhancements/' /path/to/files*

Compounding switch regexes in Vim

I'm working on refactoring a bunch of PHP code for an instructor. The first thing I've decided to do is to update all the SQL files to be written in Drupal SQL coding conventions, i.e., to have all-uppercase keywords. I've written a few regular expressions:
:%s/create table/CREATE TABLE/gi
:%s/create database/CREATE DATABASE/gi
:%s/primary key/PRIMARY KEY/gi
:%s/not null/NOT NULL/gi
Okay, that's a start. Now I just open every SQL file in Vim, run all five regular expressions, and save. This feels like five times the work it should be. Can they be compounded in to one obnoxiously long but easily copy-pastable regex?
why do you have to do it in vim? how about sed/awk?
e.g. with sed
sed -e 's/create table/\U&/g' -e's/not null/\U&/g' -e 's/.../\U&/' *.sql
btw, in vi you may do
:%s/create table/\U&/g
to change case, well save some typing.
if you really want a long command to execute in vi, maybe you could try:
:%s/create table\|create database\|foo\|bar\|blah/\U&/g
Open the file containing that substitution commands.
Copy its contents (to the unnamed register, by default):
If there is only one file where the substitutions should be
performed, open it as usual and run the contents of that register
as a Normal mode command:
If there are several files to edit automatically, open those
files as arguments:
:args *.sql
Execute the yanked substitutions for each file in the argument list:
:argdo #"|up
(The :update command running after the substitutions, writes
the buffer to file if it has been changed.)
While sed can handle what you want (hovewer it can be interactive as you requestred by flag 'i'), vim still much powerfull. Once I needed to change last argument in some function call in 1M SLOC code base. The arguments could be in one line or in several lines. In vim I achieved it pretty easy.
You can open all php files in vim at once:
vim *.php
After that run in ex mode:
:bufdo! %s/create table/CREATE TABLE/gi
Repeat the rest of commands. At the end save all the files and exit vim: