Django-celery task and django transaction - django

I have a question regarding transactions and celery tasks. So it's no mystery to me that of course if you have a transaction and a celery task accessing the same table/records we'll have a race condition.
However, consider the following piece of code:
def f(self):
# function of module that inherits from models.Model
self.field_a =
# depending on the configuration of this module
# this might return None or a datetime object.
eta = self.get_task_eta()
if eta:
celery_task_do_something.apply_async(args=(, self.__class__),
celery_task_do_something.delay(, self.__class__)
Here's the celery task:
def celery_task_do_something(pk, cls):
o = cls.objects.get(pk=pk)
if o.field_a:
# perform something
return True
return False
As you can see, before creating the task we call transaction.commit_unless_managed and it should commit, since django transaction is not currently managed.
However, when running celery task the field field_a is not set.
My question:
Since we do commit before creating the task, is it still possible that there's a race condition?
Additional info
We're using Postgres version 9.1
Every transaction is run with READ COMMITTED isolation level
On a different db with engine dowant.lib.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2_debugger field_a is already set and the task works as expected. With engine dowant.lib.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2_hstore_ready the described issue appears (not sure if it's related with the engine).
Celery version is 2.2
I tried different databases. Still the same behavior, except when the engines change. So that's why I mentioned this.
Thanks a lot.

Try to add self.__class__.objects.select_for_update().get( before save and see what happens.
It should block all reads to this row untill commit is done.

This is late but since django 1.9
transaction.on_commit(lambda: enqueue_atask()))


Django when looping over a queryset, when does the db read happen?

I am looping through my database and updating all my Company objects.
for company in Company.objects.filter(updated=False):
company.adress = driver.find_element_by_id("address").text
company.visited = True
My problem is that it's taking too long so I wanted to run another instance of this same code, but I'm curious when the actual db reads happen. If company.visited get's changed to True while this loop is running, will still be visited by this loop? What if I added a second check for visited? I don't want to start a second loop if the first instance isn't going to recognize the work of the second instance:
for company in Company.objects.filter(updated=False):
if company.visited:
company.adress = driver.find_element_by_id("address").text
company.visited = True
Company.objects.filter(updated=False) translates to an ordinary SQL query:
SELECT * FROM appName_company WHERE updated is false
This SQL query is executed when you start iterating through Company objects. It's executed only once. The second server will not recognize the work of the first one, because they both will go through the same Company objects.
Lock rows to avoid race conditions using atomic transactions and select_for_update():
from django.db import transaction
for company in Company.objects.filter(updated=False):
with transaction.atomic():
if company.visited:
company.adress = driver.find_element_by_id("address").text
company.visited = True
You can run this code on multiple servers. Each Company will be processed just once.
If you need to execute this code regularly, I highly recommend using Celery. Dispatch a task per each company, and let multiple workers do the work in parallel:
from celery import shared_task
def dispatch_tasks():
for company in Company.objects.filter(updated=False):
def process_company(company_id):
company = Company.objects.select_for_update().get(id=company_id)
if company.visited:
company.adress = driver.find_element_by_id("address").text
company.visited = True
Edit: oh, I see that you've tagged the question with the sqlite tag. I recommend switching to PostgreSQL, as SQLite is really bad at concurrency. My answer should work with SQlite, but locks may slow down the database.

Multi-DB Transactions

Django Version 1.10.5 with Postgres 9.6.1
For the last year I've been working in a multi-schema default database environment. However things are beginning to grow to the point I've decided to split the single database into 3 databases.
I've got things working with a master/slave router for all 3 databases.
I am not using the 'default' database key. Instead I have 'db1', 'db2', and 'db3'
The part I am confused about is with transactions in this multi-database environment.
In this example it fails as expected. Caused of course by not using #transaction.atomic(using='db1') which is clear to me.
def edit(self, context):
:param dict context: Context
:return: None
# Check if employee exists
result = Passport.objects.get(pk=self.user.employee_id)
except Passport.DoesNotExist:
return False = context.get('name')
However I have this strange example, simply because I'm trying to understand... I would have expected this to fail but it does not:
def edit(self, context):
:param dict context: Context
:return: None
# Check if employee exists
result = Passport.objects.get(pk=self.user.employee_id)
except Passport.DoesNotExist:
return False = context.get('name')
with transaction.atomic(using='db2'):
The model Passport does not exist in DB2 models at all.
My router is setup so that all writes go to each respected DB.
So what is the purpose of setting the using='db1' in the atomic transaction? I've looked at the source and I see it defaults to default when not "using".
In the above example I even made another transaction inside of the initial transaction but this time using='db2' where the model doesn't even exist. I figured that would have failed, but it didn't and the data was written to the proper database.
I bring this up because there will be situations where I need to interact with all 3 databases and if a single problem occurs when writing to all 3 databases, all 3 need to be rolled back or if on success of everything, then committed of course.
Perhaps someone can help break this down for me so I can understand?
You're interpreting transaction.atomic(using='X') to mean: run the following database commands on X, inside a transaction.
In fact, it just means: open a transaction on database X, and then either commit it or roll it back at the end of the block.
Or, as the documentation puts it:
Under the hood, Django’s transaction management code:
opens a transaction when entering the outermost atomic block;
commits or rolls back the transaction when exiting the outermost block.
The question of which database to use for a given command is determined by your router, not the using clause. So your transaction.atomic(using='db2') block is pointless (it will simply open a transaction on db2 and then close it), but not an error.

Does celery task id change after redistribution

I have a Django model which has a column called celery_task_id. I am using RabbitMQ as the broker. There's a celery function called test_celery which takes a model object as parameter. Now I have the following lines of code which creates a celery task.
def create_celery_task():
celery_task_id = test_celery.apply_async((model_obj,), eta='Future Datetime Object')
model_obj.celery_task_id = celery_task_id
Now inside the celery function I am verifying if the task id is same as of the one stored in the DB or not.
def test_celery(model_obj):
if model_obj.celery_task_id ==
## Do something
My problem is there are a lot of cases where I can see the task being received and succeeding in the log but not executing the code inside of if condition.
Is it possible that celery task id changes after redistribution. Or are there any other reasons.
One of the recommendations is not to pass Database/ORM objects into the Celery tasks because the may contain stale data. Try to rewrite the task as:
def test_celery(model_obj_id):
model_obj = YourModel.objects.get(id=model_obj_id)
if model_obj:
if model_obj.celery_task_id ==
## Do something

Commit manually in Django data migration

I'd like to write a data migration where I modify all rows in a big table in smaller batches in order to avoid locking issues. However, I can't figure out how to commit manually in a Django migration. Everytime I try to run commit I get:
TransactionManagementError: This is forbidden when an 'atomic' block is active.
AFAICT, the database schema editor always wraps Postgres migrations in an atomic block.
Is there a sane way to break out of the transaction from within the migration?
My migration looks like this:
def modify_data(apps, schema_editor):
counter = 0
BigData = apps.get_model("app", "BigData")
for row in BigData.objects.iterator():
# Modify row [...]
# Commit every 1000 rows
counter += 1
if counter % 1000 == 0:
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
operations = [
I'm using Django 1.7 and Postgres 9.3. This used to work with South and older versions of Django.
The best workaround I found is manually exiting the atomic scope before running the data migration:
def modify_data(apps, schema_editor):
schema_editor.atomic.__exit__(None, None, None)
# [...]
In contrast to resetting connection.in_atomic_block manually this allows using atomic context manager inside the migration. There doesn't seem to be a much saner way.
One can contain the (admittedly messy) transaction break out logic in a decorator to be used with the RunPython operation:
def non_atomic_migration(func):
Close a transaction from within code that is marked atomic. This is
required to break out of a transaction scope that is automatically wrapped
around each migration by the schema editor. This should only be used when
committing manually inside a data migration. Note that it doesn't re-enter
the atomic block afterwards.
def wrapper(apps, schema_editor):
if schema_editor.connection.in_atomic_block:
schema_editor.atomic.__exit__(None, None, None)
return func(apps, schema_editor)
return wrapper
Django 1.10 will support non-atomic migrations.
From the documentation about RunPython:
By default, RunPython will run its contents inside a transaction on databases that do not support DDL transactions (for example, MySQL and Oracle). This should be safe, but may cause a crash if you attempt to use the schema_editor provided on these backends; in this case, pass atomic=False to the RunPython operation.
So, instead of what you've got:
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
operations = [
migrations.RunPython(modify_data, atomic=False),
For others coming across this. You can have both data (RunPython), in the same migration. Just make sure all the alter tables goes first. You cannot do the RunPython before any ALTER TABLE.
First you need to set Migration.atomic = False
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
atomic = False
Then in your function you can wrap certain block of code inside of transaction.atomic() to make only that block atomic
from django.db import transaction
for row in rows:
with transaction.atomic():
# Changes made by `do_something` will be committed by this point
Here's the relevant documentation:
Gotcha: migrations.RunPython(forwards_func, atomic=False) does NOT do what you want. It prevents django from manually putting your migration code inside a transaction, which it doesn't do for Postgresql anyway. This atomic=False option is meant for DBs that don't support DDL transaction, as stated in their documentation:
By default, RunPython will run its contents inside a transaction on databases that do not support DDL transactions (for example, MySQL and Oracle). This should be safe, but may cause a crash if you attempt to use the schema_editor provided on these backends; in this case, pass atomic=False to the RunPython operation.
On databases that do support DDL transactions (SQLite and PostgreSQL), RunPython operations do not have any transactions automatically added besides the transactions created for each migration.

django-nose unit testing a celery task ... missing database data

I'm writing unit tests for a celery task using django-nose. It's fairly typical; a blank test database (REUSE_DB=0) that is pre-populated via a fixture at test time.
The problem I have is that even though the TestCase is loading the fixture and I can access the objects from the test method, the same query fails when executed within an async celery task.
I've checked that the settings.DATABASES["default"]["name"] are the same both in the test method and the task under test. I've also validated the that the task that's under test behaves correctly when invoked as a regular method call.
And that's about where I'm out of ideas.
Here's a sample:
class MyTest(TestCase):
fixtures = ['test_data.json']
def setUp(self):
settings.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = True # seems to be required; if not I get socket errors for Rabbit
settings.CELERY_EAGER_PROPAGATES_EXCEPTIONS = True # exposes errors in the code under test.
def test_city(self):
# The following works fine: myTask('brisbane')
from celery.task import task
def myTask(city_name):
c = City.objects.count() # gives 0
my_city = City.objects.get(name=city_name) # raises DoesNotExist exception
This sounds a lot like a bug in django-celery 2.5 which was fixed in 2.5.2:
The brief description of the bug is that the django-celery loader was closing the DB connection prior to executing the task even eager tasks. Since the tests run inside a transaction the new connection for the task execution can't see the data created in the setUp.