function overloading vs function templates - C++ - c++

In books on C++, why are we taught to use function overloading when we have templates at our disposal in C++?
Wouldn't it be better to show the effective (and correct) use of templates? As opposed to where function overloading is taught in most books on C++?
Or, are there good reasons to use one instead of the other?

Templates provide an advantage when you want to perform the same action on types that can be different. A simple example:
template <typename T>
T foo(const T& a, const T& b) { return a + b; }
You can use overloading when you want to apply different operations depending on the type:
struct Foo{ void foo() const {} };
void foo(int i) { std::cout << "i = " << i << "\n"; }
void foo(const Foo& f) {; }
You could achieve the above using templates and template specializations, but such specializations should represent a few exceptions to the general case.

Templates cannot take varying numbers of arguments. Overloads can. In addition, a template indicates that you can operate on any data type, but it's pointless to represent this when in fact, the vast, vast majority of templates would be specializations only (in your system). Also, overloads can be virtual and template specializations cannot. Nor can specializations differ in their signatures from the base.
template<typename T> void foo(T& t);
template<> void foo<std::string>(std::string* ptr); // Illegal
void foo(std::string* ptr); // Legal
This would severely constrain what kinds of overload you could produce compared to the current system.

You generally use templates when you want to do the same set of operations on many different data types.
You generally would use function overloading when you want to do different operations on certain sets of data.
the advantage of templates in a situation where you want to do the same set of operations on many different data types, is that the compiler will handle for you at compile time any possible new type you may create in the future that uses the templated function. if you were to use function overloading, you'd have to create a new function overload every time you created a new type that you wanted to pass to the specific function.

Just an addition to juanchopanza's answer:
With function overloads you can also vary the number of arguments, which can be handy.
A simple example, if you have some function with the following declaration:
void foo(int i, int j);
But you often call foo with first argument 0, you could write the following function which saves you some typing.
void foo(int j) {
foo(0, j);

Templates (normally) require that you use identical syntax to carry out the operations on all (supported) types.
Function overloading is (or should be) used similarly, but allows you to use different syntax to carry out the operations for different types. That is to say that (although you don't have to) you can represent the values in different ways. One obvious example would be what are called atan and atan2 in the C library. With atan, we pass the ratio of the "rise to the "run", and we get back the angle that ratio represents. With atan2 we pass the values for the rise and run separately (which computes roughly the same result, but since it's given slightly more input data, can produce a more complete result as well).
Although these are implemented as entirely separate functions in C, if they were written in C++ from the beginning it would be entirely appropriate to use a single name (e.g., atan) overloaded for both a one and two parameters:
double atan(double); // equivalent to current atan
double atan(double, double); // equivalent to current atan2
Templates (short of specialization, which is pretty much just overriding what templates themselves provide) doesn't provide for differences in calling syntax like this.
Overloading is also more constrained -- you provide one overload for each specific type you want to support (though if you take a pointer or reference those can also support derived types). With templates, a single template can (at least potentially) apply to any type.

So both overloading and template have their equal use .
one line difference to about them is:
overloading is used when we have various functions , doing SIMILAR operations .
template is used when we have various functions , doing IDENTICAL
operations .
There is very big differnce between "SIMILAR" and "IDENTICAL".


is there a GCC -W* option that would alert me when I'm providing wrong argument for va_list? [duplicate]

I'm currently writing a function which will take a variable number of arguments. I pass the number of arguments into the function and then will iterate through the arguments list.
Each of the passed arguments should be an integer. I will be adding this integer to a vector of integers which will be used later.
I would like to make sure that some joker doesn't attempt to pass this function something other then an integer in the future. I recognize that I can check the current argument from va_arg to ensure it is not NULL and I can use something like isanum(va_arg()) to determine if it is a valid integer. I suppose I could even check the sizeof(va_arg) and compare it against the sizeof(int) and ensure they are equal.
Are there any other checks which I can run to verify I have been passed a valid integer?
Thanks in advance for assistance
There is no sensible way you can do this. Variable-argument functions work by concatenating all the raw binary representations of the arguments into one big chunk of data on the stack. So it relies on both the caller and the callee agreeing on what the number and type of arguments are (otherwise you'll end up reading e.g. an int as if it were a float).
As to your specific ideas:
va_arg() is a macro that simply interprets some number of bytes of the raw stack data as whatever type you specify. So invoking sizeof() on it will simply tell you the size of the data type you asked for.
In general, there are no patterns of raw binary data that form an invalid integer. So the hypothetical isanum() could not work.
Each of the passed arguments should be an integer.
If you have a C++0x compiler, I suggest an initializer_list<int> instead of varargs:
#include <initializer_list>
void foo(std::initializer_list<int> numbers)
my_vector.insert(my_vector.end(), numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
int main()
foo( {2, 3, 5, 7} );
This is straight-forward and completely type-safe.
Each of the passed arguments should be
an integer. I will be adding this
integer to a vector of integers which
will be used later.
Then why not just accept a vector of integers?
void AddIntegers(const std::vector<int>& vec);
You can then always concatenate vectors together using iterators.
Or make an interface like this:
void AddInteger(int newInt);
Or even this:
void AddIntegers(const int* integers, unsigned int numIntegers);
template <unsigned int Size>
void AddIntegers(int (&integers)[Size])
AddIntegers(integers, Size);
int main()
int i[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
These will work if you need to work with a C++03 compiler. If you have a C++0x compiler, there are far superior solutions available.
Variable arguments are unsafe by design. You cannot check that the user passed correct type in any way. C++0x comes to the rescue with variadic templates but not many compilers support it nowadays (only GCC afaik).
Unfortunately, there really isn't a way to do this. Functions like printf() can easily be fowled up by passing invalid or the wrong number of arguments.
In C++, this is an advanced feature that requires the programming using such code to ensure the correct arguments are passed.
You can't do any sort of type checking with varargs. I'd suggest using an iterator range instead (like standard library functions) or possibly a std::vector<int>. This way the types can't be subverted.
Since you are using C++, how about overloading some operator and pass the arguments one-by-one? For example
class MyFunction {
std::vector<int> param;
MyFunction() { /* some initialisation? */ }
MyFunction &operator,(int eatMe) {
return *this;
~MyFunction() {
//the implementation of your function goes here
Then you can call it like this:
Note, the use of comma operator may look scary, but it is actually very helpful in this case. It is the lowest possible, left-associative operator.
If your function takes some extra parameters, not only the unknown-length of int-s, you can pass them in the constructor.
If someone uses something else than int, the default comma operator will be used (evaluate left side, discard, evaluate right side). If you don't like that - pick a different operator, e.g. stream-like << or boost-like %.
If you are restricted to C++03 and all your arguments should be integers, one solution would be to simply hide the variable argument function (in a 'detail' namespace for example) and make a series of overloaded functions for 1 to N amount of arguments. Those functions would be simple inline functions that forward the call to the vararg version of the real function. This way, you have one real implementation, no run-time overhead, and you expose a type-safe interface to the caller (and the caller can always use the vararg version if he needs more than N arguments).
Boost.PP can also help to generate these types of repetitive patterns.
Of course, if you have some level of C++0x support, than the problem can be solved in many ways, including initializer_list or variadic templates.
Just to illustrate my comment on CygnusX1's answer, you could do it like:
class MyFunction {
std::vector<int> params;
MyFunction() { (*this)(); }
MyFunction(int eatMe) { (*this)(eatMe); }
MyFunction& operator()(int eatMe) {
return *this;
void operator()() {
// use params to do something interesting

Overload an Operator C++ in given class being the operators from a Different Class

I have a function multiply and a function sum, with special characteristics, implemented on a given class i.e. (EngineManager). These functions add and multiply integers in a special fashion and they give away as a result a different class i.e. (StandardShare). When I try to implement the overload directly, the compiler promts:
Overloaded 'operator+' must be a unary or binary operator (has 3 parameters)
I understand that the third parameter it is referring to is the this pointer. But as I cannot implement them as free methods, given that they use functions from the hos class i.e. (EngineManager), what alternative do i have.
The code should look like this:
class EngineManager {
public function Shares::StandardShare* addShares(int a, int b){
//Does Something......
inline Shares::StandardShare* operator +(int a, int b){
return this->addShares(a,b);
Thanks in advance
This is neither possible, nor a good idea.
It's not possible not only because overloading the + operator that takes two arguments must be a free function, but also because the type of both arguments cannot be a simple built-in type (like int). At least of them must be a class or enumerator type.
It's not a good idea because, even if it were possible, the effect of this would not be confined to the class. The overloaded operator would be called everywhere where you include the header file of your class. So suddenly all integer additions across your program would break. But most importantly, it's not a good idea because it breaks the intuitive meaning of using the + operators with two integers. If you change that meaning, you're only creating confusion for no good reason.

What can C++ offer as far as functional programming?

Are the following things, considered intrinsic to FP, possible in C++?
higher order functions
lambdas (closures/anonymous functions)
function signatures as types
type polymorphism (generics)
immutable data structures
algebraic data types (variants)
adhock data structures (tuples)
partial function applications
type inference
tail recursion
pattern matching
garbage collection
Let me start by noting that most of these are not "intrinsic", or shall we say, "required"; many of these are absent from notable functional languages, and in theory, many of these features can be used to implement the others (such as higher order functions in untyped lambda calculus).
However, let's go through these:
Closures are not necessary, and are syntactical sugar: by the process of Lambda Lifting, you can convert any closure into a function object (or even just a free function).
Named Functors (C++03)
Just to show that this isn't a problem to begin with, here's a simple way to do this without lambdas in C++03:
Isn't A Problem:
struct named_functor
void operator()( int val ) { std::cout << val; }
vector<int> v;
for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), named_functor());
Anonymous functions (C++11)
However, anonymous functions in C++11 (also called lambda functions, as they derive from the LISP history), which are implemented as non-aliasingly named function objects, can provide the same usability (and are in fact referred to as closures, so yes, C++11 does have closures):
No problem:
vector<int> v;
for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), [] (int val)
std::cout << val;
} );
Polymorphic anonymous functions (C++14)
Even less of a problem, we don't need to care about the parameter types anymore in C++14:
Even Less Problem:
auto lammy = [] (auto val) { std::cout << val; };
vector<int> v;
for_each( v.begin(), v.end(), lammy);
forward_list<double> w;
for_each( w.begin(), w.end(), lammy);
I should note this fully support closure semantics, such as grabbing variables from scope, both by reference and by value, as well as being able to grab ALL variables, not merely specified ones. Lambda's are implicitly defined as function objects, providing the necessary context for these to work; usually this is done via lambda lifting.
Higher Order Functions
No problem:
std::function foo_returns_fun( void );
Is that not sufficient for you? Here's a lambda factory:
std::function foo_lambda( int foo ) { [=] () { std::cout << foo; } };
You can't create functions, but you can function objects, which can be passed around as std::function same as normal functions. So all the functionality is there, it's just up to you to put it together. I might add that much of the STL is designed around giving you reusable components with which to form ad-hoc function objects, approximating creating functions out of whole cloth.
Partial Function Applications
No problem
std::bind fully supports this feature, and is quite adept at transformations of functions into arbitrarily different ones as well:
void f(int n1, int n2, int n3, const int& n4, int n5)
std::cout << n1 << ' ' << n2 << ' ' << n3 << ' ' << n4 << ' ' << n5 << '\n';
int n = 7;
// (_1 and _2 are from std::placeholders, and represent future
// arguments that will be passed to f1)
auto f1 = std::bind(f, _2, _1, 42, std::cref(n), n);
For memoization and other partial function specialization techniques, you have to code it yourself using a wrapper:
template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
std::function<ReturnType (Args...)>
memoize(ReturnType (*func) (Args...))
auto cache = std::make_shared<std::map<std::tuple<Args...>, ReturnType>>();
return ([=](Args... args) mutable
std::tuple<Args...> t(args...);
if (cache->find(t) == cache->end())
(*cache)[t] = func(args...);
return (*cache)[t];
It can be done, and in fact it can be done relatively automatically, but no one has yet done it for you.
No problem:
Let's start with the classics: map, filter, fold.
vector<int> startvec(100,5);
vector<int> endvec(100,1);
// map startvec through negate
std::transform(startvec.begin(), startvec.end(), endvec.begin(), std::negate<int>())
// fold startvec through add
int sum = std::accumulate(startvec.begin(), startvec.end(), 0, std::plus<int>());
// fold startvec through a filter to remove 0's
std::copy_if (startvec.begin(), startvec.end(), endvec.begin(), [](int i){return !(i==0);} );
These are quite simple, but the headers <functional>, <algorithm>, and <numerical> provide dozens of functors (objects callable as functions) which can be placed into these generic algorithms, as well as other generic algorithms. Together, these form a powerful ability to compose features and behavior.
Let's try something more functional though: SKI can easily be implemented, and is very functional, deriving from untyped lambda calculus:
template < typename T >
T I(T arg)
return arg;
template < typename T >
std::function<T(void*)> K(T arg)
return [=](void*) -> T { return arg; };
template < typename T >
T S(T arg1, T arg2, T arg3)
return arg1(arg3)(arg2(arg1));
These are very fragile; in effect, these must be of a type which returns it's own type and takes a single argument of their own type; such constraints would then allow for all the functional reasoning of the SKI system to be applied safely to the composition of these. With a little work, and some template metaprogramming, much of this could even be done at compile time through the magic of expression templates to form highly optimized code.
Expression templates, as an aside, are a technique in which an expression, usually in the form of a series of operations or sequential order of code, is based as an argument to a template. Expression templates therefore are compile time combinators; they are highly efficient, type safe, and effectively allow for domain specific languages to be embedded directly into C++. While these are high level topics, they are put to good use in the standard library and in boost::spirit, as shown below.
Spirit Parser Combinators
template <typename Iterator>
bool parse_numbers(Iterator first, Iterator last)
using qi::double_;
using qi::phrase_parse;
using ascii::space;
bool r = phrase_parse(
double_ >> (char_(',') >> double_),
if (first != last) // fail if we did not get a full match
return false;
return r;
This identifies a comma deliminated list of numbers. double_ and char_ are individual parsers that identify a single double or a single char, respectively. Using the >> operator, each one passes themselves to the next, forming a single large combined parser. They pass themselves via templates, the "expression" of their combined action building up. This is exactly analogous to traditional combinators, and is fully compile time checked.
valarray, a part of the C++11 standard, is allowed to use expression templates (but not required, for some odd reason) in order to facilitate efficiency of transforms. In theory, any number of operations could be strung together, which would form quite a large messy expression which can then be aggressively inlined for speed. This is another form of combinator.
I suggest this resource if you wish to know more about expression templates; they are absolutely fantastic at getting all the compile time checks you wish done, as well as improving the re-usability of code. They are hard to program, however, which is why I would advise you find a library that contains the idioms you want instead of rolling your own.
Function Signatures As Types
No problem
void my_int_func(int x)
printf( "%d\n", x );
void (*foo)(int) = &my_int_func;
or, in C++, we'd use std::function:
std::function<void(int)> func_ptr = &my_int_func;
Type Inference
No problem
Simple variables typed by inference:
// var is int, inferred via constant
auto var = 10;
// y is int, inferred via var
decltype(var) y = var;
Generic type inference in templates:
template < typename T, typename S >
auto multiply (const T, const S) -> decltype( T * S )
return T * S;
Furthermore, this can be used in lambdas, function objects, basically any compile time expression can make use of decltype for compile time type inference.
But that's not what you are really after here, are you? You want type deduction as well as type restriction, you want type reconstruction and type derivations. All of this can be done with concepts, but they are not part of the language yet.
So, why don't we just implement them? boost::concepts, boost::typeerasure, and type traits (descendant from boost::tti and boost::typetraits) can do all of this.
Want to restrict a function based on some type? std::enable_if to the rescue!
Ah, but that's ad hoc right? That would mean for any new type you'd want to construct, you'd need to do boilerplate, etc etc. Well, no, but here's a better way!
template<typename RanIter>
((LessThanComparable<typename Mutable_RandomAccessIterator<RanIter>::value_type>)),
(void)) // return type
Now your stable_sort can only work on types that match your stringent requirements. boost::concept has tons of prebuilt ones, you just need to put them in the right place.
If you want to call different functions or do different things off types, or disallow types, use type traits, it's now standard. Need to select based on parts of the type, rather than the full type? Or allow many different types, which have a common interface, to be only a single type with that same interface? Well then you need type erasure, illustrated below:
Type Polymorphism
No problem
Templates, for compile time type polymorphism:
std::vector<int> intvector;
std::vector<float> floatvector;
Type erasure, for run time and adaptor based type polymorphism:
boost::any can_contain_any_type;
std::function can_call_any_function;
any_iterator can_iterator_any_container;
Type erasure is possible in any OO language, and involves setting up small function objects which derive from a common interface, and translate internal objects to it. With a little boost MPL boilerplate, this is fast, easy, and effective. Expect to see this become real popular soon.
Immutable Datastructures
Not syntax for explicit constructions, but possible:
Can be done via not using mutators or template metaprogramming. As this is a lot of code (a full ADT can be quite large), I will link you here, to show how to make an immutable singly linked list.
To do this at compile time would require a good amount of template magic, but can be done more easily with constexpr. This is an exercise for the reader; I don't know of any compile time libraries for this off the top of my head.
However, making an immutable datastructure from the STL is quite easy:
const vector<int> myvector;
There you are; a data structure that cannot be changed! In all seriousness, finger tree implementations do exist and are probably your best bet for associative array functionality. It's just not done for you by default.
Algebraic data types
No problem:
The amazing boost::mpl allows you to constrain uses of types, which along with boost::fusion and boost::functional to do anything at compile time that you would want in regards to ADT. In fact, most of it is done for you:
#include <boost/mpl/void.hpp>
//A := 1
typedef boost::mpl::void_ A;
As stated earlier, a lot of the work isn't done for you in a single place; for example, you'd need to use boost::optional to get optional types, and mpl to get unit type, as seen above. But using relatively simple compile time template mechanics, you can do recursive ADT types, which means you can implement generalized ADT's. As the template system is turing complete, you have a turing complete type checker and ADT generator at your disposal.
It's just waiting for you to bring the pieces together.
Variant based ADT's
boost::variant provides type checked unions, in addition to the original unions in the language. These can be used with no fuss, drop in:
boost::variant< int, std::string > v;
This variant, which can be int or string, can be assigned either way with checking, and you can even do run time variant based visitation:
class times_two_visitor
: public boost::static_visitor<>
void operator()(int & i) const
i *= 2;
void operator()(std::string & str) const
str += str;
Anonymous/Ad-hoc data structures
No problem:
Of course we have tuples! You could use structs if you like, or:
std::tuple<int,char> foo (10,'x');
You can also perform a good deal of operations on tuples:
// Make them
auto mytuple = std::make_tuple(3.14,"pi");
std::pair<int,char> mypair (10,'a');
// Concatenate them
auto mycat = std::tuple_cat ( mytuple, std::tuple<int,char>(mypair) );
// Unpack them
int a, b;
std::tie (a, std::ignore, b, std::ignore) = mycat;
Tail Recursion
No explicit support, iteration is sufficient
This is not supported or mandated in Common LISP, though it is in Scheme, and therefore I don't know if you can say it's required. However, you can easily do tail recursion in C++:
std::size_t get_a_zero(vector<int>& myints, std::size_t a ) {
if ( == 0 ) {
return a;
if(a == 0) return myints.size() + 1;
return f(myints, a - 1 ); // tail recursion
Oh, and GCC will compile this into an iterative loop, no harm no foul. While this behavior is not mandated, it is allowable and is done in at least one case I know of (possibly Clang as well).
But we don't need tail recursion: C++ totally is fine with mutations:
std::size_t get_a_zero(vector<int>& myints, std::size_t a ) {
for(std::size_t i = 0; i <= myints.size(); ++i){
if( == 0) return i;
return myints.size() + 1;
Tail recursion is optimized into iteration, so you have exactly as much power.
Furthermore, through the usage of boost::coroutine, one can easily provide usage for user defined stacks and allow for unbounded recursion, making tail recursion unnecessary. The language is not actively hostile to recursion nor to tail recursion; it merely demands you provide the safety yourself.
Pattern Matching
No problem:
This can easily be done via boost::variant, as detailed elsewhere in this, via the visitor pattern:
class Match : public boost::static_visitor<> {
Match();//I'm leaving this part out for brevity!
void operator()(const int& _value) const {
std::map<int,boost::function<void(void)>::const_iterator operand
= m_IntMatch.find(_value);
if(operand != m_IntMatch.end()){
void defaultCause() const { std::cout << "Hey, what the..." << std::endl; }
boost::unordered_map<int,boost::function<void(void)> > m_IntMatch;
This example, from this very charming website shows how to gain all the power of Scala pattern matching, merely using boost::variant. There is more boilerplate, but with a nice template and macro library, much of that would go away.
In fact, here is a library that has done all that for you:
#include <utility>
#include "match.hpp" // Support for Match statement
typedef std::pair<double,double> loc;
// An Algebraic Data Type implemented through inheritance
struct Shape
virtual ~Shape() {}
struct Circle : Shape
Circle(const loc& c, const double& r) : center(c), radius(r) {}
loc center;
double radius;
struct Square : Shape
Square(const loc& c, const double& s) : upper_left(c), side(s) {}
loc upper_left;
double side;
struct Triangle : Shape
Triangle(const loc& a, const loc& b, const loc& c) : first(a), second(b), third(c) {}
loc first;
loc second;
loc third;
loc point_within(const Shape* shape)
Case(Circle) return matched->center;
Case(Square) return matched->upper_left;
Case(Triangle) return matched->first;
Otherwise() return loc(0,0);
int main()
point_within(new Triangle(loc(0,0),loc(1,0),loc(0,1)));
point_within(new Square(loc(1,0),1));
point_within(new Circle(loc(0,0),1));
As provided by this lovely stackoverflow answer
As you can see, it is not merely possible but also pretty.
Garbage Collection
Future standard, allocators, RAII, and shared_ptr are sufficient
While C++ does not have a GC, there is a proposal for one that was voted down in C++11, but may be included in C++1y. There are a wide variety of user defined ones you can use, but the C++ does not need garbage collection.
C++ has an idiom know as RAII to deal with resources and memory; for this reason, C++ has no need for a GC as it does not produce garbage; everything is cleaned up promptly and in the correct order by default. This does introduce the problem of who owns what, but this is largely solved in C++11 via shared pointers, weak pointers, and unique pointers:
// One shared pointer to some shared resource
std::shared_ptr<int> my_int (new int);
// Now we both own it!
std::shared_ptr<int> shared_int(my_int);
// I can use this int, but I cannot prevent it's destruction
std::weak_ptr<int> weak_int (shared_int);
// Only I can ever own this int
std::unique_ptr<int> unique_int (new int);
These allow you to provide a much more deterministic and user controlled form of garbage collection, that does not invoke any stop the world behavior.
That not easy enough for you? Use a custom allocator, such as boost::pool or roll your own; it's relatively easy to use a pool or arena based allocator to get the best of both worlds: you can easily allocate as freely as you like, then simply delete the pool or arena when you are done. No fuss, no muss, and no stopping the world.
However, in modern C++11 design, you would almost never use new anyway except when allocating into a *_ptr, so the wish for a GC is not necessary anyway.
In Summary
C++ has plenty of functional language features, and all of the ones you listed can be done, with the same power and expression ability of Haskell or Lisp. However, most of these features are not built in by default; this is changing, with the introduction of lambda's (which fill in the functional parts of the STL), and with the absorption of boost into the standard language.
Not all of these idioms are the most palatable, but none of them are particularly onerous to me, or unamendable to a few macros to make them easier to swallow. But anyone who says they are not possible has not done their research, and would seem to me to have limited experience with actual C++ programming.
From your list, C++ can do:
function signatures as types
type polymorphism (but not first-class like in many functional languages)
immutable data structures (but they require more work)
It can do only very limited forms of:
higher order functions / closures (basically, without GC most of the more interesting higher-order functional idioms are unusable)
adhoc data structures (if you mean in the form of light-weight structural types)
You can essentially forget about:
algebraic data types & pattern matching
partial function applications (requires implicit closures in general)
type inference (despite what people call "type inference" in C++ land it's a far shot from what you get with Hindley/Milner a la ML or Haskell)
tail calls (some compilers can optimise some limited cases of tail self-recursion, but there is no guarantee, and the language is actively hostile to the general case (pointers to the stack, destructors, and all that))
garbage collection (you can use Boehm's conservative collector, but it's no real substitute and rather unlikely to coexist peacefully with third-party code)
Overall, trying to do anything functional that goes beyond trivialities will be either a major pain in C++ or outright unusable. And even the things that are easy enough often require so much boilerplate and heavy notation that they are not very attractive. (Some C++ aficionados like to claim the opposite, but frankly, most of them seem to have rather limited experience with actual functional programming.)
(Just to add a little to Alice's answer, which is excellent.)
I'm far from a functional programming expert, but the compile-time template metaprogramming language in C++ is often seen as being "functional", albeit with a very arcane syntax. In this language, "functions" become (often recursive) class template instantiations. Partial specialisation serves the purpose of pattern matching, to terminate recursion and so on. So a compile-time factorial might look something like so:
template <int I>
struct fact
static const int value = I * fact<I-1>::value;
template <>
struct fact<1>
static const int value = 1;
Of course, this is pretty hideous, but many people (particularly the Boost developers) have done incredibly clever and complex things with just these tools.
It's possibly also worth mentioning the C++11 keyword constexpr, which denotes functions which may be evaluated at compile time. In C++11, constexpr functions are restricted to (basically) just a bare return statement; but the ternary operator and recursion are allowed, so the above compile-time factorial can be restated much more succinctly (and understandably) as:
constexpr int fact(int i)
return i == 1 ? 1 : i * fact(i-1);
with the added benefit that fact() can now be called at run-time too. Whether this constitutes programming in a functional style is left for the reader to decide :-)
(C++14 looks likely to remove many of the restrictions from constexpr functions, allowing a very large subset of C++ to be called at compile-time)
On a funny note, if there's a <functional> standard header, that means that there's at least some substantial support for functional programming.
Indeed, a great and important part of the C++ language is, in fact, template meta-programming, which is a powerful tool when one needs to write generic code. But TMP is compile-time and, most importantly, is about type computation. And types can't be changed, so once you "declare a variable holding a type", it will not hold any other type (more on the matter here); it's immutable, so you have to think in terms of functional programming principles to work with and to understand TMP. To cite Louis Dionne (from the intro to his Boost.Hana's documentation),
Programming with heterogeneous objects is inherently functional – since it is impossible to modify the type of an object, a new object must be introduced instead, which rules out mutation. Unlike previous metaprogramming libraries whose design was modeled on the STL, Hana uses a functional style of programming which is the source for a good portion of its expressiveness. However, as a result, many concepts presented in the reference will be unfamiliar to C++ programmers without a knowledge of functional programming. The reference attempts to make these concepts approachable by using intuition whenever possible, but bear in mind that the highest rewards are usually the fruit of some effort.
With reference to the list in the question, I would suggest reading Why Functional Programming Matters, which highlights that the truly fundamental features of such a programming paradigm are mainly 2:
higher order functions,
lazy evaluation.
And C++ gives you both. At least today:
That C++ has higher-order functions is not been a secret for a long time. Most if not all <algorithm>s accept a function or function object to customize their behavior, so algorithms are higher-order function. Some "standard" function objects you might want to pass to higher-order functions are defined in <functional> and with the help of lambdas you can write as many and as varied as you want.
As stated in a comment, you can do all you want with a Turing-complete language, and C++ offers tools to make lazy evaluation possible with human-level efforts (no, I'm not saying I'd been able to do it). A library which leverages a lot of C++ power to enable lazy evaluation is Range-v3 (which C++20's <ranges> is just a small part of). To give a silly example, if you were to execute
somelist = join $ map (take 1) $ chunk 2 $ drop 10 $ [0..] in Haskell
you'd have in somelist a proxy for an infinite list that would materialize to [10,12,14,16,…] if you were to try traversing it. Similarly with Range-v3 you could do the same think by writing something very similar, such as auto somelist = iota(0) | drop(10) | chunk(2) | transform(take(1)) | join; (working code for a similar example is here), where the differences are minimal, if you think about it.
Furthermore, I would suggest to refer to Ivan Čukić' Functional Programming in C++ for some practical examples of how you can write functional programming in C++.
And since I mentioned it, I would strongly suggest to read QuickStart of Louis Dionne's Boost.Hana (I'll make some reference to specific bits of the doc in the rest of the answer).
Now, some comments on some of the points in the list.
higher order functions
I'd say C++ has this since… the '90s? Having higher-order functions in a language simply means that functions are first class or, in other words, that they can be passed to and returned by other functions calls. Now, strictly speaking, properly said C++ functions are not like that: you can't a pass a function to anther one, but just a pointer to it, which in many scenarii works the same, but it's still a different thing. On the other hand C++ has operator overloading, which allows you to write a struct+operator(), and an object of that class *can be passed around and behaves just like a function. So yes, C++ has had higher-order functions for a long time; at least since operator overloading was introduced (1985, apparently).
lambdas (closures/anonymous functions)
Lambdas were introduced in C++11, but they have become more powerful with each standard. To give some examples, C++14 introduced generic lambdas, C++17 made stateless lambdas constexprable, and C++20 allowed an explicit list of template parameters. They obviously are more restricted than hand-written struct+operator()s, but as far as functional programming is concerned, they are just good. Personally, I only see them come short pre-C++20 because you can't make them accept all types satisfying a concept: you either have [](the type){} or [](auto){}. With C++20 you can have []<SomeConcept T>(T){}, so I don't know why I'd ever want to write a struct+operator().
immutable data structures
Well, I would say that mutating data structures is a choice, more than a tool. I'm happy I can mutate things if I want to, but I can still write code by adhering to functional programming principles.
partial function applications
As soon as you can pass functions around, you can write higher-order functions to curry or partially apply functions. I think there's an example in the book I mentioned above, but more practically, you can just make use of Boost.Hana's abstractions. It offers boost::hana::partial to partially apply a function, satisfying partial(f, x...)(y...) == f(x..., y...); but also reverse_partial, which satisfies reverse_partial(f, x...)(y...) == f(y..., x...). But in reality, it offers quite a bit combinators which are common to the functional programming language par excellence, Haskell, and which I list below¹.
tail recursion
I suspect this is more about how good compilers can be at understanding your code and producing the most appropriate binary.
pattern matching
Not there yet, but this talk by Herb Sutter is a "must watch"!
garbage collection
C++11 introduced std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, std::weak_ptr, which have (all?) improved over time. They all together provide what you need to have a deterministic garbage collector in C++.
(¹) Here are some of the combinators offered by Boost.Hana.
filp, satisfying flip(f)(x, y, z...) == f(y, x, z...) and, if you are familiar with Haskell, corresponding to Haskell's namesake,
id, which corresponds to C++20 std::identity and to Haskell's namesake
on, which satisfies on(f, g)(x...) == f(g(x)...) and corresponds to Haskell's Data.Function.on, but is actually more general!
compose, which corresponds to Haskell's namesake
always, which corresponds to Haskell's const
demux, which I don't dare explaining in words, but which obeys demux(f)(g...)(x...) == f(g(x...)...)

Pass an object as parameters to a function in C++

In Javascript or ActionScript it's possible to pass an object to a function or a constructor.
myfunction({myParam:1, myOtherParam:"hello"});
It is very useful when you have a lot of parameters to pass, IMO it makes using functions easier than using the classic approach.
Is there something similar in C++?
boost parameter do exactly what you want.
From its abstract:
Use this library to write functions and class templates that can
accept arguments by name
Small example:
// include boost parameter
#include <boost/parameter/keyword.hpp>
namespace parameter = boost::parameter;
// first declare named parameters
BOOST_PARAMETER_NAME(a) // Note: no semicolon
// then declare your function
(int), // 1. parenthesized return type
my_function, // 2. name of the function
tag, // 3. namespace of tag types (don't change!)
(required (a, int) ) // 4. one required parameter of type int
(optional // and an optional parameters, with default value
(b, int, 0)
return a + b;
// then you can call it with no named parameters
int result = my_function(1, 2);
// or with named parameters
int result = my_function(_a=1, _b=2);
// also with optional parameters omitted
int result = my_function(_a=3);
You can use the "named parameter idiom":
Which would make your call look like:
See here for a comparison with Boost parameter.
One could use structures:
struct foo {
int a,b,c;
float f;
Sadly, you need to define them somewhere and the receiving function needs to accept them, you can't just make them up in-place.
At the end of the day, there's no language tool in C++ that could mimic the JavaScript 'idiom'. Such stuff lies in the nature of a dynamic language, which C++ is not.
In C++, an object is an instance of a class. You could create a class holding all the possible arguments, instantiate it and fill it with your particular values, and then pass that instance to the function.
You cannot just pass an arbitrary object instead of the function's arguments, because C++ doesn't have named arguments - only the position matters, and the position within some kind of hash structure is lost. So you can't say foo(y=3) when you have a function foo(int x, int y) because the names x and y only have meaning within the function - not to its callers.
No, not really. There is a map class in the standard library, and of course you could write a function that accepted a map full of named values as input, but there's nothing that exists directly as a language feature equivalent to what you've shown.
As several other posters have pointed out, of course you can define a class to hold all the data values, but this just pushes the ordered parameter list from the function to the constructor of that object, so it buys you nothing at all.
Use structs or classes to group your data.
If you're looking for a way to pass key value pairs, use STL maps
Not at the language level, but:
It is very useful when you have a lot of parameters to pass, IMO it makes using functions easier than using the classic approach.
You should really consider cutting down on your parameters if you can. Often this can be achieved by using aggregates:
draw_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b, a)
Could be reduced to:
draw_rectangle(p1, p2, color)
Or even further:
draw_rectangle(rect, color)
The temptation for named parameters should be mitigated considerably if you do this.
You can also use alternative approaches like Boost Parameter which, through a lot of template magic, accomplishes something like this. However, it requires you turn all your functions using this technique into templates written in a very precise way, and it's a very bulky and heavy-handed attempt to force the language to do something it wasn't designed to do if you ask me.
You can do the following, which supports default values to a limited amount (limited by the template system of C++). You will need to compile this with the newest standard (C++11)
// used to skip arguments and default to the previously specified value
struct UseDefault {
// empty intentionally!
// using this is optional, and only required if you want to provide default values by the CALLED function
template <typename T, T def> struct Default {
T value;
operator T() {
return value;
Default(T value) : value(value) {}
Default(UseDefault ignore) : value(def) {(void)ignore;}
// using tuple, you can bundle any number of parameters to one
int myFunc(std::tuple<Default<int,7>,Default<char,'x'>,std::string> parameters) {
std::cout << std::get<0>(parameters) << ", " << std::get<1>(parameters) << std::endl;
return 0;
You can then invoke myFunc like this:
Note however, that there are some limitation to the template parameter types, for instance, you cannot pass strings (or char*s for that matter) as template parameters. However, if you only need reasonable basic default values, this could work.
Of course if you drop your requirement to specify default values, you can simply use the std::tuple without my Default type.

Verifying variable arguments are of expected type

I'm currently writing a function which will take a variable number of arguments. I pass the number of arguments into the function and then will iterate through the arguments list.
Each of the passed arguments should be an integer. I will be adding this integer to a vector of integers which will be used later.
I would like to make sure that some joker doesn't attempt to pass this function something other then an integer in the future. I recognize that I can check the current argument from va_arg to ensure it is not NULL and I can use something like isanum(va_arg()) to determine if it is a valid integer. I suppose I could even check the sizeof(va_arg) and compare it against the sizeof(int) and ensure they are equal.
Are there any other checks which I can run to verify I have been passed a valid integer?
Thanks in advance for assistance
There is no sensible way you can do this. Variable-argument functions work by concatenating all the raw binary representations of the arguments into one big chunk of data on the stack. So it relies on both the caller and the callee agreeing on what the number and type of arguments are (otherwise you'll end up reading e.g. an int as if it were a float).
As to your specific ideas:
va_arg() is a macro that simply interprets some number of bytes of the raw stack data as whatever type you specify. So invoking sizeof() on it will simply tell you the size of the data type you asked for.
In general, there are no patterns of raw binary data that form an invalid integer. So the hypothetical isanum() could not work.
Each of the passed arguments should be an integer.
If you have a C++0x compiler, I suggest an initializer_list<int> instead of varargs:
#include <initializer_list>
void foo(std::initializer_list<int> numbers)
my_vector.insert(my_vector.end(), numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
int main()
foo( {2, 3, 5, 7} );
This is straight-forward and completely type-safe.
Each of the passed arguments should be
an integer. I will be adding this
integer to a vector of integers which
will be used later.
Then why not just accept a vector of integers?
void AddIntegers(const std::vector<int>& vec);
You can then always concatenate vectors together using iterators.
Or make an interface like this:
void AddInteger(int newInt);
Or even this:
void AddIntegers(const int* integers, unsigned int numIntegers);
template <unsigned int Size>
void AddIntegers(int (&integers)[Size])
AddIntegers(integers, Size);
int main()
int i[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
These will work if you need to work with a C++03 compiler. If you have a C++0x compiler, there are far superior solutions available.
Variable arguments are unsafe by design. You cannot check that the user passed correct type in any way. C++0x comes to the rescue with variadic templates but not many compilers support it nowadays (only GCC afaik).
Unfortunately, there really isn't a way to do this. Functions like printf() can easily be fowled up by passing invalid or the wrong number of arguments.
In C++, this is an advanced feature that requires the programming using such code to ensure the correct arguments are passed.
You can't do any sort of type checking with varargs. I'd suggest using an iterator range instead (like standard library functions) or possibly a std::vector<int>. This way the types can't be subverted.
Since you are using C++, how about overloading some operator and pass the arguments one-by-one? For example
class MyFunction {
std::vector<int> param;
MyFunction() { /* some initialisation? */ }
MyFunction &operator,(int eatMe) {
return *this;
~MyFunction() {
//the implementation of your function goes here
Then you can call it like this:
Note, the use of comma operator may look scary, but it is actually very helpful in this case. It is the lowest possible, left-associative operator.
If your function takes some extra parameters, not only the unknown-length of int-s, you can pass them in the constructor.
If someone uses something else than int, the default comma operator will be used (evaluate left side, discard, evaluate right side). If you don't like that - pick a different operator, e.g. stream-like << or boost-like %.
If you are restricted to C++03 and all your arguments should be integers, one solution would be to simply hide the variable argument function (in a 'detail' namespace for example) and make a series of overloaded functions for 1 to N amount of arguments. Those functions would be simple inline functions that forward the call to the vararg version of the real function. This way, you have one real implementation, no run-time overhead, and you expose a type-safe interface to the caller (and the caller can always use the vararg version if he needs more than N arguments).
Boost.PP can also help to generate these types of repetitive patterns.
Of course, if you have some level of C++0x support, than the problem can be solved in many ways, including initializer_list or variadic templates.
Just to illustrate my comment on CygnusX1's answer, you could do it like:
class MyFunction {
std::vector<int> params;
MyFunction() { (*this)(); }
MyFunction(int eatMe) { (*this)(eatMe); }
MyFunction& operator()(int eatMe) {
return *this;
void operator()() {
// use params to do something interesting