how to avoid clutch billiard balls? - c++

I'm working on the simple behaviour of billiard balls in a collision with each other. All works normal, but there was a problem when facing a few easy balls is the effect of coupling balls and they're cool with each other. Tell me how to prevent this.
bool MGBilliard::CollisingBall(CCPoint curr_point, CCPoint next_point)
float dx = next_point.x - (curr_point.x + dvdt.x);
float dy = next_point.y - (curr_point.y - dvdt.y);
float d = dx*dx+dy*dy;
double MGBilliard::angleCollisionBalls(Ball* current, Ball* next)
double na;
double dx = fabs(next->location.x - current->location.x);
double dy = fabs(next->location.y - current->location.y);
na = atan(fabs(dy/dx));
if(atan(fabs(current->location.y/current->location.x)) < atan(fabs(next->location.y/next->location.x)))
na = current->angle - na;
else if(atan(fabs(current->location.y/current->location.x)) > atan(fabs(next->location.y/next->location.x)))
na = current->angle + na;
return na;
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<BALL_COUNT;++i)
if(vBalls[i]->speed > 0){
vBalls[i]->speed += vBalls[i]->acceleration;
float dsdt = vBalls[i]->speed*dt;
dvdt.x = dsdt*cos(vBalls[i]->angle);
dvdt.y = dsdt*sin(vBalls[i]->angle);
vBalls[i]->location.x += dvdt.x;
vBalls[i]->location.y += dvdt.y;
for(unsigned int j = 1; j < BALL_COUNT; ++j)
if(i == j) continue;
vBalls[j]->speed = 600;
double angle;
angle = angleCollisionBalls(vBalls[i],vBalls[j]);
vBalls[i]->angle = (float)-angle;
vBalls[j]->angle = (float)angle;

There are two straightforward bugs that spring to my attention with a quick look at your code.
Firstly, this:
vBalls[i]->angle = (float)-angle;
vBalls[j]->angle = (float)angle;
is not the correct way to calculate opposing angles. For example, it will not do what you want it to do when angle is zero (or 180 degrees, for that matter).
Secondly, you iterate over your whole vBalls array multiple times, once with the index i and an inner loop with the index j. This means collisions will be calculated twice, and the speed of both balls would be set to 600! Changing your inner loop to be this:
for(unsigned int j = i + 1; j < BALL_COUNT; ++j)
should prevent this occurring.
There's also a more subtle bug. Your collision detection does not take into account time. Each ball moves a particular distance each iteration of your game loop. This means that if a collision does not occur in one 'tick', a ball could pass straight through another ball and then trigger the collision code on the far side of the ball. You cannot do a simple radius-based collision test in this situation, as if a ball moves more than (BALL_RADIUS * BALL_RADIUS) in a single step, your system will behave strangely or not work at all.
I personally would use vectors to describe speed and direction for each ball rather than angles and speeds, but refactoring your code to do this is a bit outside the scope of this question.


C++ / SDL2 - Ball bouncing/glitching together

I was trying to write some ball bouncing program in C++ using SDL2. I had a hard time getting the velocity exchange correct, but it works pretty neat so far. The only problem I have right now is that the balls are sometimes glitching/stucking together and after some seconds they release themself again.
That is my update() function which gets called every frame:
void Game::update() {
int newtime = SDL_GetTicks();
int diff = newtime - lasttime;
if (diff > 10)
diff = 10;
for (Ball *ball : balls) {
ball->x = ball->x + ball->velocity->x * (float) diff / 100;
ball->y = ball->y + ball->velocity->y * (float) diff / 100;
lasttime = newtime;
I guess that the balls are getting to close and don't bounce at the border of the balls. Therefore I tried to give every ball a boolean canCollide which is always true except a ball is colliding. Then it stays false until the two balls aren't overlapping anymore.
Here are my checkBallCollision() and updateCanCollide() functions:`
void Game::updateCanCollide() {
Ball **ballArr = &balls[0];
int length = balls.size();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (ballArr[i]->canCollide)
bool updatedCollide = true;
for (int k = i + 1; k < length; k++) {
Ball *ball1 = ballArr[i];
Ball *ball2 = ballArr[k];
int xdiff = abs(ball1->x - ball2->x);
int ydiff = abs(ball1->y - ball2->y);
float distance = sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff);
if (distance <= ball1->radius + ball2->radius) {
updatedCollide = false;
ballArr[i]->canCollide = updatedCollide;
// do all collision checks and update the velocity
void Game::checkBallCollision() {
Ball **ballArr = &balls[0];
int length = balls.size();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!ballArr[i]->canCollide)
for (int k = i + 1; k < length; k++) {
if (!ballArr[k]->canCollide)
Ball *ball1 = ballArr[i];
Ball *ball2 = ballArr[k];
int xdiff = abs(ball1->x - ball2->x);
int ydiff = abs(ball1->y - ball2->y);
float distance = sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff);
if (distance <= ball1->radius + ball2->radius) {
// ball1 and ball2 are colliding
// update the velocity of both balls
float m1 = ball1->radius * ball1->radius * 3.14159;
float m2 = ball2->radius * ball2->radius * 3.14159;
Vector2D *v1 = new Vector2D(ball1->velocity->x, ball1->velocity->x);
Vector2D *v2 = new Vector2D(ball2->velocity->x, ball2->velocity->x);
ball1->velocity->x = ((v1->x * (m1 - m2) + 2 * m2 * v2->x) / (m1 + m2));
ball1->velocity->y = ((v1->y * (m1 - m2) + 2 * m2 * v2->y) / (m1 + m2));
ball2->velocity->x = ((v2->x * (m2 - m1) + 2 * m1 * v1->x) / (m1 + m2));
ball2->velocity->y = ((v2->y * (m2 - m1) + 2 * m1 * v1->y) / (m1 + m2));
ball1->canCollide = false;
ball2->canCollide = false;
The proper fix
The main problem is that you are letting the balls overlap each other, then update their velocities. However, if the next time step is shorter than the previous one, it can be that after updating their positions, they are still overlapping. Then you think they are colliding again, and update their velocities, but this will most likely cause then to move closer together again. This explains why they get stuck.
The proper wait to solve this is to calculate the exact point in time that two moving balls collide. This can be done analytically, for example by treating time as a third dimension, and then calculating a line-sphere intersection. If this happens during the time step, you advance the time up to the point that the collision happens, then update the velocities, and then perform the rest of the step. If you have more than two balls, then be aware that you can have more than two balls colliding all with each other in the same timestep. This is also solvable, just calculate all the time points that collisions happen, select the earliest one, update velocities at that point, and then recalculate the collision times, and so on until there are no collisions in the time step.
The workaround
Your workaround might fix two balls sticking to each other, but the result is not physically accurate. It breaks down when you start increasing the density of balls, since at some point the chance will be very high that at least one ball of a pair that should collide was in a collision in the previous timestep, and then they will all just start passing through each other all the time.
Another issue is that you have to check every possible pair of balls in updateCanCollide(), which is not efficient. There is a simpler and more common workaround to this problem: when two balls collide, after updating their velocities, immediately update their positions as well such that the balls are no longer colliding. You can try to calculate exactly how much to move them so they no longer overlap, or if you don't want to involve mathematics, you can just have a while loop to do a small step until they no longer overlap.
Other issues in your code
Note that there are also some other thing in your code that you could improve:
Don't new a temporary Vector2D, just declare it on the stack. If for some reason this is not possible, at least delete v1 and v2 afterwards.
You don't need to call abs() if you are going to square the result anyway.
Use std::hypot() to calculate the distance.
Did you write Vector2D yourself or is it from a library? If the latter, maybe it already has functions to reflect two 2D vectors? If the former, consider using a library like GLM, even if you are not using OpenGL.
Use a proper value of π. A simple, portable solution is to declare static constexpr pi = std::atan(1) * 4.

How to aim the camera at the z-index of the cell in front of my character?

I've got a 3D terrain environment like so:
I'm trying to get the character (camera) to look up when climbing hills, and look down when descending, like climbing in real life.
This is what it's currently doing:
Right now the camera moves up and down the hills just fine, but I can't get the camera angle to work correctly. The only way I can think of aiming up or down depending on the terrain is getting the z-index of the cell my character is currently facing, and set that as the focus, but I really have no idea how to do that.
This is admittedly for an assignment, and we're intentionally not using objects so things are organized a little strangely.
Here's how I'm currently doing things:
const int M = 100; // width
const int N = 100; // height
double zHeights[M+1][N+1]; // 2D array containing the z-indexes of terrain cells
double gRX = 1.5; // x position of character
double gRY = 2.5; // y position of character
double gDirection = 45; // direction of character
double gRSpeed = 0.05; // move speed of character
double getZ(double x, double y) // returns the height of the current cell
double z = .5*sin(x*.25) + .4*sin(y*.15-.43);
z += sin(x*.45-.7) * cos(y*.315-.31)+.5;
z += sin(x*.15-.97) * sin(y*.35-8.31);
double amplitute = 5;
z *= amplitute;
return z;
void generateTerrain()
for (int i = 0; i <= M; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= N; j++)
zHeights[i][j] = getZ(i,j);
void drawTerrain()
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
glColor3ub( (i*34525+j*5245)%256, (i*3456345+j*6757)%256, (i*98776+j*6554544)%256);
glVertex3d(i, j, getZ(i,j));
glVertex3d(i, j+1, getZ(i,j+1));
glVertex3d(i+1, j+1, getZ(i+1,j+1));
glVertex3d(i+1, j, getZ(i+1,j));
void display() // callback to glutDisplayFunc
double radians = gDirection /180.*3.141592654; // converts direction to radians
double z = getZ((int)gRX, (int)gRY); // casts as int to find z-index in zHeights[][]
double dx = cos(radians)*gRSpeed;
double dy = sin(radians)*gRSpeed;
double at_x = gRX + dx;
double at_y = gRY + dy;
double at_z = z; // source of problem, no idea what to do
gluLookAt(gRX, gRY, z + 2, // eye position
at_x, at_y, at_z + 2, // point to look at, also wrong
0, 0, 1); // up vector
void init()
Firstly, I don't see any reason to cast to int here:
double z = getZ((int)gRX, (int)gRY);
Just use the double values to get a smooth behavior.
Your basic approach is already pretty good. You take the current position (gRX, gRY), walk a bit in the viewing direction (dx, dy) and use that as the point to look at. There are just two small things that need adaptation:
double dx = cos(radians)*gRSpeed;
double dy = sin(radians)*gRSpeed;
Although multiplying by gRSpeed might be a good idea, in my opinion, this factor should not be related to the character's kinematics. Instead, this represents the smoothness of your view direction. Small values make the direction stick very closely to the terrain geometry, larger values smooth it out.
And finally, you need to evaluate the height at your look-at point:
double at_z = getZ(at_x, at_y);

Particle Deposition Terrain Generation

I'm using Particle Deposition to try and create some volcano-like mountains procedurally but all I'm getting out of it is pyramid-like structures. Is anyone familiar with the algorithm that might be able to shed some light on what I might be doing wrong. I'm dropping each particle in the same place at the moment. If I don't they spread out in a very thin layer rather than any sort of mountain.
void TerrainClass::ParticalDeposition(int loops){
float height = 0.0;
//for(int k= 0; k <10; k++){
int dropX = mCurrentX = rand()%(m_terrainWidth-80) + 40;
int dropY = mCurrentZ = rand()%(m_terrainHeight-80) + 40;
int radius = 15;
float angle = 0;
int tempthing = 0;
loops = 360;
for(int i = 0; i < loops; i++){
mCurrentX = dropX + radius * cos(angle);
mCurrentZ = dropY + radius * sin(angle);
/*f(i%loops/5 == 0){
dropX -= radius * cos(angle);
dropY += radius * sin(angle);
angle+= 0.005;
mCurrentX = dropX;
mCurrentZ = dropY;
angle += 360/loops;
//dropX += rand()%5;
//dropY += rand()%5;
//for(int j = 0; j < loops; j++){
float newY = 0;
newY = (1 - (2.0f/loops)*i);
if(newY < 0.0f){
newY = 0.0f;
void TerrainClass::DepositParticle(float heightIncrease){
bool posFound = false;
while(posFound == false){
int offset = 10;
int jitter;
m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX].y += heightIncrease;
posFound = true;
int element = rand()%m_lowerList.size();
int lowerIndex =;
bool TerrainClass::Stable(float deltaHeight){
int index[9];
float height[9];
index[0] = ((m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX); //the current index
index[1] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX+1) ? (m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX+1 : -1; // if the index to the right is valid index set index[] to index else set index[] to -1
index[2] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX-1) ? (m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX-1 : -1; //to the left
index[3] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX : -1; // above
index[4] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX : -1; // bellow
index[5] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX+1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX+1: -1; // above to the right
index[6] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX+1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX+1: -1; // below to the right
index[7] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX-1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX-1: -1; // above to the left
index[8] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX-1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX-1: -1; // above to the right
for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
height[i] = (index[i] != -1) ? m_heightMap[index[i]].y : -1;
for(int i = 1; i < 9; i++){
if(height[i] != -1){
if(height[i] < height[0] - deltaHeight){
return m_lowerList.empty();
bool TerrainClass::ValidIndex(int index){
return (index > 0 && index < m_terrainWidth*m_terrainHeight) ? true : false;
void TerrainClass::MoveTo(int index){
mCurrentX = index%m_terrainWidth;
mCurrentZ = index/m_terrainHeight;
Thats all the code thats used.
You should have a look at these two papers:
Fast Hydraulic Erosion Simulation and Visualization on GPU
Fast Hydraulic and Thermal Erosion on the GPU (read the first one first, the second one expands on it)
Don't get scared by the "on GPU", the algorithms work just fine on CPU (albeit slower). The algorithms don't do particle sedimentation per se (but you don't either ;) ) - they instead aggregate the particles into several layers of vector fields.
One important thing about this algorithm is that it erodes already existing heightmaps - for example generated with perlin noise. It fails miserably if the initial height field is completely flat (or even if it has insufficient height variation).
I had implemented this algorithm myself and had mostly success with it (still have more work to do, the algorithms are very hard to balance to give universally great results) - see the image below.
Note that perlin noise with the Thermal weathering component from the second paper may be well enough for you (and might save you a lot of trouble).
You can also find C++ CPU-based implementation of this algorithm in my project (specifically this file, mind the GPL license!) and its simplified description on pages 24-29 of my thesis.
Your particles will need to have some surface friction and/or stickiness (or similar) in their physics model if you want them to not spread out into a single-layer. This is performed in the collision detection and collision response parts of your code when updating your particle simulation.
A simple approach is to make the particles stick (attract each-other). Particles need to have a size too so that they don't simply converge to perfectly overlapping. If you want to make them attract each other, then you need to test the distance between particles.
You might benefit from looking through some of the DirectX SDK examples that use particles, and in particular (pun arf!) there is a great demo (by Simon Green?) in the NVidia GPU Computing SDK that implements sticky particles in CUDA. It includes a ReadMe document describing what they've done. You can see how the particles interact and ignore all the CUDA/GPU stuff if you aren't going for massive particle counts.
Also note that as soon as you use inter-particle forces, then you are checking approximately 0.5*n^2 combinations (pairs) of you may need to use a simple spatial partitioning scheme or similar to limit forces to nearby groups of particles only.
Good luck!

Optimization method for finding floating status of an object

The problem to solve is finding the floating status of a floating body, given its weight and the center of gravity.
The function i use calculates the displaced volume and center of bouyance of the body given sinkage, heel and trim.
Where sinkage is a length unit and heel/trim is an angle limited to a value from -90 to 90.
The floating status is found when displaced volum is equal to weight and the center of gravity is in a vertical line with center of bouancy.
I have this implemeted as a non-linear Newton-Raphson root finding problem with 3 variables (sinkage, trim, heel) and 3 equations.
This method works, but needs good initial guesses. So I am hoping to find either a better approach for this, or a good method to find the initial values.
Below is the code for the newton and jacobian algorithm used for the Newton-Raphson iteration. The function volume takes the parameters sinkage, heel and trim. And returns volume, and the coordinates for center of bouyancy.
I also included the maxabs and GSolve2 algorithms, I belive these are taken from Numerical Recipies.
void jacobian(float x[], float weight, float vcg, float tcg, float lcg, float jac[][3], float f0[]) {
float h = 0.0001f;
float temp;
float j_volume, j_vcb, j_lcb, j_tcb;
float f1[3];
volume(x[0], x[1], x[2], j_volume, j_lcb, j_vcb, j_tcb);
f0[0] = j_volume-weight;
f0[1] = j_tcb-tcg;
f0[2] = j_lcb-lcg;
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
temp = x[i];
x[i] = temp + h;
volume(x[0], x[1], x[2], j_volume, j_lcb, j_vcb, j_tcb);
f1[0] = j_volume-weight;
f1[1] = j_tcb-tcg;
f1[2] = j_lcb-lcg;
x[i] = temp;
jac[0][i] = (f1[0]-f0[0])/h;
jac[1][i] = (f1[1]-f0[1])/h;
jac[2][i] = (f1[2]-f0[2])/h;
void newton(float weight, float vcg, float tcg, float lcg, float &sinkage, float &heel, float &trim) {
float x[3] = {10,1,1};
float accuracy = 0.000001f;
int ntryes = 30;
int i = 0;
float jac[3][3];
float max;
float f0[3];
float gauss_f0[3];
while (i < ntryes) {
jacobian(x, weight, vcg, tcg, lcg, jac, f0);
if (sqrt((f0[0]*f0[0]+f0[1]*f0[1]+f0[2]*f0[2])/2) < accuracy) {
gauss_f0[0] = -f0[0];
gauss_f0[1] = -f0[1];
gauss_f0[2] = -f0[2];
GSolve2(jac, 3, gauss_f0);
x[0] = x[0]+gauss_f0[0];
x[1] = x[1]+gauss_f0[1];
x[2] = x[2]+gauss_f0[2];
// absmax(x) - Return absolute max value from an array
max = absmax(x);
if (max < 1) max = 1;
if (sqrt((gauss_f0[0]*gauss_f0[0]+gauss_f0[1]*gauss_f0[1]+gauss_f0[2]*gauss_f0[2])) < accuracy*max) {
sinkage = x[0];
heel = x[1];
trim = x[2];
int GSolve2(float a[][3],int n,float b[]) {
float x,sum,max,temp;
int i,j,k,p,m,pos;
int nn = n-1;
for (k=0;k<=n-1;k++)
/* pivot*/
for (p=k;p<n;p++){
if (max < fabs(a[p][k])){
if (ABS(a[k][pos]) < EPS) {
writeLog("Matrix is singular");
if (pos != k) {
/* convert to upper triangular form */
if ( fabs(a[k][k])>=1.e-6)
for (i=k+1;i<n;i++)
x = a[i][k]/a[k][k];
for (j=k+1;j<n;j++) a[i][j] = a[i][j] -a[k][j]*x;
b[i] = b[i] - b[k]*x;
writeLog("zero pivot found in line:%d",k);
return 0;
/* back substitution */
b[nn] = b[nn] / a[nn][nn];
for (i=n-2;i>=0;i--)
sum = b[i];
for (j=i+1;j<n;j++)
sum = sum - a[i][j]*b[j];
b[i] = sum/a[i][i];
return 0;
float absmax(float x[]) {
int i = 1;
int n = sizeof(x);
float max = x[0];
while (i < n) {
if (max < x[i]) {
max = x[i];
return max;
Have you considered some stochastic search methods to find the initial value and then fine-tuning with Newton Raphson? One possibility is evolutionary computation, you can use the Inspyred package. For a physical problem similar in many ways to the one you describe, look at this example:
What about using a damped version of Newton's method? You could quite easily modify your implementation to make it. Think about Newton's method as finding a direction
d_k = f(x_k) / f'(x_k)
and updating the variable
x_k+1 = x_k - L_k d_k
In the usual Newton's method, L_k is always 1, but this might create overshoots or undershoots. So, let your method chose L_k. Suppose that your method usually overshoots. A possible strategy consists in taking the largest L_k in the set {1,1/2,1/4,1/8,... L_min} such that the condition
|f(x_k+1)| <= (1-L_k/2) |f(x_k)|
is satisfied (or L_min if none of the values satisfies this criteria).
With the same criteria, another possible strategy is to start with L_0=1 and if the criteria is not met, try with L_0/2 until it works (or until L_0 = L_min). Then for L_1, start with min(1, 2L_0) and do the same. Then start with L_2=min(1, 2L_1) and so on.
By the way: are you sure that your problem has a unique solution? I guess that the answer to this question depends on the shape of your object. If you have a rugby ball, there's one angle that you cannot fix. So if your shape is close to such an object, I would not be surprised that the problem is difficult to solve for that angle.

Sporadic Collision Detection

I've been working on detecting collision between to object in my game. Right now everything tavels vertically, but would like to keep the option for other movement open. It's classic 2d vertical space shooter.
Right now I loop through every object, checking for collisions:
for(std::list<Object*>::iterator iter = mObjectList.begin(); iter != mObjectList.end();) {
Object *m = (*iter);
for(std::list<Object*>::iterator innerIter = ++iter; innerIter != mObjectList.end(); innerIter++ ) {
Object *s = (*innerIter);
if(m->getType() == s->getType()) {
if(m->checkCollision(s)) {
Here is how I check for a collision:
bool checkCollision(Object *other) {
float radius = mDiameter / 2.f;
float theirRadius = other->getDiameter() / 2.f;
Vector<float> ourMidPoint = getAbsoluteMidPoint();
Vector<float> theirMidPoint = other->getAbsoluteMidPoint();
// If the other object is in between our path on the y axis
if(std::min(getAbsoluteMidPoint().y - radius, getPreviousAbsoluteMidPoint().y - radius) <= theirMidPoint.y &&
theirMidPoint.y <= std::max(getAbsoluteMidPoint().y + radius, getPreviousAbsoluteMidPoint().y + radius)) {
// Get the distance between the midpoints on the x axis
float xd = abs(ourMidPoint.x - theirMidPoint.x);
// If the distance between the two midpoints
// is greater than both of their radii together
// then they are too far away to collide
if(xd > radius+theirRadius) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
return false;
The problem is it will randomly detect collisions correctly, but other times does not detect it at all. It's not the if statement breaking away from the object loop because the objects do have different types. The closer the object is to the top of the screen, the better chance it has of collision getting detected correctly. Closer to the bottom of the screen, the less chance it has of getting detected correctly or even at all. However, these situations don't always occur. The diameter for the objects are massive (10 and 20) to see if that was the problem, but it doesn't help much at all.
EDIT - Updated Code
bool checkCollision(Object *other) {
float radius = mDiameter / 2.f;
float theirRadius = other->getDiameter() / 2.f;
Vector<float> ourMidPoint = getAbsoluteMidPoint();
Vector<float> theirMidPoint = other->getAbsoluteMidPoint();
// Find the distance between the two points from the center of the object
float a = theirMidPoint.x - ourMidPoint.x;
float b = theirMidPoint.y - ourMidPoint.y;
// Find the hypotenues
double c = (a*a)+(b*b);
double radii = pow(radius+theirRadius, 2.f);
// If the distance between the points is less than or equal to the radius
// then the circles intersect
if(c <= radii*radii) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Two circular objects collide when the distance between their centers is small enough. You can use the following code to check this:
double distanceSquared =
pow(ourMidPoint.x - theirMidPoint.x, 2.0) +
pow(ourMidPoint.x - theirMidPoint.x, 2.0);
bool haveCollided = (distanceSquared <= pow(radius + theirRadius, 2.0));
In order to check whether there was a collision between two points in time, you can check for collision at the start of the time interval and at the end of it; however, if the objects move very fast, the collision detection can fail (i guess you have encountered this problem for falling objects that have the fastest speed at the bottom of the screen).
The following might make the collision detection more reliable (though still not perfect). Suppose the objects move with constant speed; then, their position is a linear function of time:
our_x(t) = our_x0 + our_vx * t;
our_y(t) = our_y0 + our_vy * t;
their_x(t) = their_x0 + their_vx * t;
their_y(t) = their_y0 + their_vy * t;
Now you can define the (squared) distance between them as a quadratic function of time. Find at which time it assumes its minimum value (i.e. its derivative is 0); if this time belongs to current time interval, calculate the minimum value and check it for collision.
This must be enough to detect collisions almost perfectly; if your application works heavily with free-falling objects, you might want to refine the movement functions to be quadratic:
our_x(t) = our_x0 + our_v0x * t;
our_y(t) = our_y0 + our_v0y * t + g/2 * t^2;
This logic is wrong:
if(std::min(getAbsoluteMidPoint().y - radius, getPreviousAbsoluteMidPoint().y - radius) <= theirMidPoint.y &&
theirMidPoint.y <= std::max(getAbsoluteMidPoint().y + radius, getPreviousAbsoluteMidPoint().y + radius))
// then a collision is possible, check x
(The logic inside the braces is wrong too, but that should produce false positives, not false negatives.) Checking whether a collision has occurred during a time interval can be tricky; I'd suggest checking for a collision at the present time, and getting that to work first. When you check for a collision (now) you can't check x and y independently, you must look at the distance between the object centers.
The edited code is still not quite right.
// Find the hypotenues
double c = (a*a)+(b*b); // actual hypotenuse squared
double radii = pow(radius+theirRadius, 2.f); // critical hypotenuse squared
if(c <= radii*radii) { // now you compare a distance^2 to a distance^4
return true; // collision
It should be either this:
double c2 = (a*a)+(b*b); // actual hypotenuse squared
double r2 = pow(radius+theirRadius, 2.f); // critical hypotenuse squared
if(c2 <= r2) {
return true; // collision
or this:
double c2 = (a*a)+(b*b); // actual hypotenuse squared
double c = pow(c2, 0.5); // actual hypotenuse
double r = radius + theirRadius; // critical hypotenuse
if(c <= r) {
return true; // collision
Your inner loop needs to start at mObjectList.begin() instead of iter.
The inner loop needs to iterate over the entire list otherwise you miss collision candidates the further you progress in the outer loop.