span inside .addthis_button_facebook_like gets width of 450px after like, breaks addThis layout - facebook-like

So yeah, I have this on the page:
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style " id="divAddThis" runat="server">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" style="opacity:1;" <%="fb:like:layout='button_count'"%>></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
But after clicking the like button (and closing the bubble), a <span> just inside the <fb:like ...> element dynamically gets a width of 450px, breaking the layout of AddThis (the buttons are all inline).

Seems like it might be a bug on Facebook's side of things. I've seen a few reports pop up this week and I'm experiencing it myself as well.
Here is a link to one of the bug reports for it that says that Facebook is looking into it:
Facebook Bug Report
Hopefully we'll have an answer soon.


Load django template dynamically

I've 2 section in my screen. Left section is for showing tabs and right is for displaying that tab template(as shown in screenshot). I'm not able to understand how to load different templates when I click these tabs
For example, when I click change password, I should be able to load change_password.html template
This is by far I've tried with code.
<div class="nav">
<li class="active"></i><span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Home</span></li>
<li></i><span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Change Password</span></li>
<li></i><span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Settings</span></li>
I've tried to use with but no luck.
I've just started with django, so if anything is missed let me know. Thanks for your help!
I think what you're attempting is not possible. If you don't want a page reload upon clicking on a tab, you need to use Javascript to dynamically show/hide elements. If page reload is acceptable, you can create different views for each tab, each view rendering a different html file.
You can use the Django include tag to render another template with the current context. E.g. {% include "foo/bar.html" %} (see documentation here). But this will not solve your problem of displaying different content upon clicking on a tab.

Changes to the code - I do not see on the site

Got a question. For example, I change the code on the page
, or rather add a handler to the button:
<i class = "fa fa-heart" onclick = "window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
dataLayer.push ({'event': 'heart'}); "> </i> </button>
But when you click on this element, there are no changes. If you look at the page code, then it is also not updated. Although I write the cache and update the Disable cache inside the browser too, and still no changes ... I would be grateful if you help. thank
The problem was that the template editor had a history of this page. And there was no code. Apparently, he referred to her. I did not know that opencart prioritizes history compared to server files.

Regex to match only the first occurrence of an html element

Yes yes, I know, "don't parse HTML with Regex". I'm doing this in notepad++ and it's a one-time thing so please bear with me for a moment.
I'm trying to simplify some HTML code by using some more advanced techniques. Notably, I have "inserts" or "callouts" or whatever you call them, in my documentation, indicating "note", "warning" and "technical" short phrases to grab the attention of the reader on important information:
<div class="note">
<p><strong>Notes</strong>: This icon shows you something that complements
the information around it. Understanding notes is not critical but
may be helpful when using the product.</p>
<div class="warning">
<p><strong>Warnings</strong>: This icon shows information that may
be critical when using the product.
It is important to pay attention to these warnings.</p>
<div class="technical">
<p><strong>Technical</strong>: This icon shows technical information
that may require some technical knowledge to understand. </p>
I want to simplify this HTML into the following:
<div class="box note"><strong>Notes</strong>: This icon shows you something that complements
the information around it. Understanding notes is not critical but
may be helpful when using the product.</div>
<div class="box warning"><strong>Warnings</strong>: This icon shows information that may
be critical when using the product.
It is important to pay attention to these warnings.</div>
<div class="box technical"><strong>Technical</strong>: This icon shows technical information
that may require some technical knowledge to understand.</div>
I almost have the regex necessary to do a nice global search & replace in my project from notepad++, but it's not picking up "only" the first div, it's picking up all of them - if my cursor is at the beginning of my file, the "select" when I click Find is from the first <div class="something"> up until the last </div>, essentially.
Here's my expression: <div class="(.*[^"])">[^<]*<p>(.*?)<\/p>[^<]*<\/div> (notepad++ "automatically" adds the / / around it, kinda).
What am I doing wrong, here?
You have a greedy dot-quantifier while matching the class attribute — that's the evil guy who's causing your problems.
Make it non-greedy: <div class="(.*?[^"])"> or change it to a character class: <div class="([^"]*)">.
Compare: greedy class vs. non-greedy class.

Unit test collapse behaviour of a div element in Angular-JS

I have a simple form that I want to be shown on a button click. i.e a button says "Add new User", then a the page expands and a form is shown, after the user finishes work with the form the form collapse back and a message is shown to the user.
The first problem i am facing is:
using this code
function AngularUI($scope, $window) {
$scope.collapse = function (selector) {
<div class="ang-ui-test">
<button ng-click="collapse('#collapsible')">
using angular.element
<div id="collapsible" class="collapse">
some thing in here ...... !
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#demo">
simple collapsible
<div id="demo" class="collapse in">This one work properly</div>
the second one that does not uses angular.element.collapse works properly.
The second problem is : how do I test the behavior mentioned above.
on the first button press, the one that uses angular.element if the div is hidden it is shown but, it does not hide the collapsible after it is shown.
( i.e a button says "Add new User", then a the page expands and a form is shown, after the user finishes work with the form the form collapse back and a message is shown to the user.
thanks in advance.
You're doing it wrong. It's bad juju to do DOM manipulations in the controller because you are trying to look for / manipulate the DOM before it had a chance to render/refresh/update. Think of all the JS in the controller being executed in it's own phase, and THEN all the HTML is updated to reflect the final model state.
Try using ng-class="{collapse:someBoolExpression}"
You could also take a look at ui-hide, ui-show and ui-toggle (from AngularUI, but I think we should probably add a ticket to let you customize the class used.
Try to get the mindset of doing DOM manipulation manually out of your head. It takes a while, but once you get used to it your development speed picks up exponentially. When you finally hit a wall where Angular can't already do the job for you, start reading up on directives and checkout AngularUI's source code for some good, commented examples.

can't add a link to an entire div section

I have a problem with TinyMCE in Joomla 2.5.4. I have tried for a few days now to add a link to a div section (like <div> something< </div> ) but failed, the anchor is stripped from the HTML section because TinyMCE sees that as being wrong in HTML4. After a 3 days research I gave up and instead of a div i used a unordered list.
Now when i try to add a link to a list item (like <li> <p> something </p> </li> ) TinyMCE rearranges everything and moves the anchor inside of the list item (like <li> <a href="#"> <p> something </p> &=lt;/a> </li>).
I have tried pretty much everything from valid_elements : "[]" to text filter: No Filtering but i ran low on ideas.
Can anyone please help me?
Try playing around with TinyMCE's html5 options:
Hit "view source" to see how they're doing it. It's mainly this option inside tinyMCE.init:
schema: "html5",