Qt Widget Painting from slideshow demo - c++

I am trying to run slightly modified code from the Qt fluidLauncher demo that shows a slideshow. The code is pasted in below. When the paintEvent is handled a black rectangle is shown on the screen because the imported image size is 0.
Single stepping through the code in Qt creator, the currentImagePath is '"/home/tim/Pictures/HPIM0406.JPG"' in the watch window. The path is correct including the case and / dividers. The 'slide' variable always shows <not accessible>.
At the point in the code where slideSize = slide.size() the slide size changes from (8481696,0) to (0,0). It appears that although no error is thrown, the QPixmap slide (currentImagePath); is not retrieving the image.
void SlideShow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
QPainter painter(this);
QString currentImagePath;
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
if (d->imagePaths.size() > 0) {
currentImagePath = d->imagePaths[d->currentSlide];
QPixmap slide( currentImagePath );
QSize slideSize = slide.size();
QSize scaledSize = QSize(qMin(slideSize.width(), size().width()),
qMin(slideSize.height(), size().height()));
if (slideSize != scaledSize)
slide = slide.scaled(scaledSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
QRect pixmapRect(qMax( (size().width() - slide.width())/2, 0),
qMax( (size().height() - slide.height())/2, 0),
if (pixmapRect.top() > 0) {
// Fill in top & bottom rectangles:
painter.fillRect(0, 0, size().width(), pixmapRect.top(), Qt::black);
painter.fillRect(0, pixmapRect.bottom(), size().width(), size().height(), Qt::black);
if (pixmapRect.left() > 0) {
// Fill in left & right rectangles:
painter.fillRect(0, 0, pixmapRect.left(), size().height(), Qt::black);
painter.fillRect(pixmapRect.right(), 0, size().width(), size().height(), Qt::black);
painter.drawPixmap(pixmapRect, slide);
} else
painter.fillRect(event->rect(), Qt::black);
I've struggled with the problem for most of the evening. Can anyone suggest additional code that I could add for debugging or let me know what may be wrong with this code?

I've some idea for solving your problem:
You should add resource file (.qrc) and paste your image to it. Use syntax loads pixmap from resource file.
Try paste dividers how home/tim/Pictures/HPIM0406.JPG or /home/tim/Pictures/HPIM0406.JPG or home\\tim\\Pictures\\HPIM0406.JPG. Some remark: you wrote '"/home/tim/Pictures/HPIM0406.JPG"', '' - use not single quotes into QPixmap constructor. I don't understand, you wrote just in here or into your code.
I hope it helps you :)


Qt, Unable to get QLabel dimmensions to correctly scale a QPixmap to its fully fit QLabel

So I'm trying to scale an Image to fully fit a label from top to bottom. The problem is the outputs from the labels width, and height is not pixel values so I'm not sure how to correctly go about this. Here's my code.
void MainWindow::drawPixmap()
int labelWidth = ui->picLabel->width();
int labelHeight = ui->picLabel->height();
if(labelWidth <= labelHeight){
pixMap = this->pixMap.scaledToWidth(labelWidth);
pixMap = this->pixMap.scaledToHeight(labelHeight);
Here's a visual of my problem, the black box is a border around the label box. I'm trying to get the image in the center to have its top and bottom touch the black box on respective sides.
Thanks for any help!
The problem could be when you calling this function. If you have called this function prior to making the label visible, then the size of the label could be incorrect after the label becomes visible.
Also, think about what happens when the label resize (if ever). You will still have to update the size of pixmap.
If your label is never going to change size, try calling it after the label has become visible.
Alternatively, try setting QLabel::setScaledContents(true)
If both the above doesn't work, try installing an eventFilter on the label to get the label's size change event, in there, you could do your above code
bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject* object, QEvent* event)
bool res = Base::eventFilter(object, event);
if (object == ui->picLabel && event->type() == QEvent::Resize)
int labelWidth = ui->picLabel->width();
int labelHeight = ui->picLabel->height();
if(labelWidth <= labelHeight){
pixMap = this->pixMap.scaledToWidth(labelWidth);
pixMap = this->pixMap.scaledToHeight(labelHeight);
return res;

QtChart - C++ - Saving a chart which wasn't displayed

I'm trying to save a chart to a file, in a QTextDocument in this example :
QTextDocument doc("Frame rate test\n");
QTextCursor cursor(&doc);
if (getTestFinishedStatus())
QPixmap pix = _pFrameRateChart->grab(); //_pFrameRateChart is QChartView
QTextDocumentWriter docWriter;
The problem is the result isn't same if I'm displaying the chart in an ui.
Here is the result when not displayed :
Here is the result when displayed :
Obviously I would like to have the second result even when I don't add the ChartView to a widget to display it on an ui.
I've tried resizing the QChartView, resizing the QChart, adding the Chart to a temporarly widget and QVBoxLayout then saving it, showing temporarly the QChartView before saving it etc... but didn't managed to get a good result.
I use the following code to render a QGraphivsView on a Pixmap, since QtCharts is based on QGraphivsView, I think this will also work.
Try to render the image instead of trying to grab the pixmap.
void Printer::putProfileImage(QRect profilePlaceholder, QRect viewPort, QPainter *painter, QGraphivsView* profile)
int x = profilePlaceholder.x() - viewPort.x();
int y = profilePlaceholder.y() - viewPort.y();
QRect pos(x, y, profilePlaceholder.width(), profilePlaceholder.height());
profile->render(painter, pos);
I didn't find any easy way to this, so here's my solution, which is more like a workaround though :
QPixmap ChartView::getChartPixmap()
QWidget* w = new QWidget; //creating a temporary widget, which will enable to display the chart
QVBoxLayout *vl;
vl = new QVBoxLayout(w);
vl->addWidget(this); //'this' being the QChartView
w->show(); //showing the widget so it is resized and can be grabbed with the correct dimensions
QTest::qWait(500); //we need to wait for a little for the graph to be drawn otherwise you'll still have the same size problem
QPixmap pixmap = w->grab(); //retrieve the pixmap
w->hide(); //hiding the widget
return pixmap;
It's working but you'll have a small window opened with the graph for 500 ms.

Qt Code editor display the line number in an area to the RIGHT

I am just learning Qt. I want to show line number of QPlainTextEdit. I found this link
and it worked. But now I want the editor displays the line numbers in an area to the RIGHTof the area for editing. I have been searching google very much, but I can't solve. How to solve?
In addition to GPPK's answer, you also need to change the viewport margins:
void CodeEditor::updateLineNumberAreaWidth(int /* newBlockCount */)
setViewportMargins(0, 0, lineNumberAreaWidth(), 0);
GPPK's code assigns the correct drawing rectangle to the sub-widget, my code makes sure, that the scrollview does not paint into that area.
In your link it shows you how it draws the line number area on the left:
void CodeEditor::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e)
QRect cr = contentsRect();
lineNumberArea->setGeometry(QRect(cr.left(), cr.top(), lineNumberAreaWidth(), cr.height()));
In order to draw the line numbers from the right you will (this is untested) do something like this:
void CodeEditor::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e)
QRect cr = contentsRect();
lineNumberArea->setGeometry(QRect(cr.right() - lineNumberArea->width() , cr.top(), lineNumberAreaWidth(), cr.height()));

Fastest way to draw QGraphicItems on an "equivalent" QPixmap

I want to draw colored tiles as background for a QGraphicsscene and provide pan and zoom functionality for the scene using a QGraphicsView. First I used QGraphicItems to draw each tile. Since I have many tiles this was quite a performance problem when panning or zooming but since I do not need to modify any part of the tiles afterwards I switched to generating a QPixmap using the following code:
void plotGrid(){
Plotable::GraphicItems items;
QGraphicsScene scene;
QRectF boundingRect = scene.itemsBoundingRect();
double cScale = ceil(1920.0/boundingRect.size().width());
QSize size(boundingRect.size().toSize()*cScale);
QPixmap pixmap(size);
QPainter p(&pixmap);
QGraphicsPixmapItem* item = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(pixmap);
While this solves the zoom and pan problem, the time to generate the pixmap introduces some significant delay, probably because I first create a scene and then render it. Is there a faster way of producing a QPixmap on the fly starting from QGraphicItems ?
Just for completeness an image of the tiles:
So I finally got at least past using an intermediary scene. The following code only relies on a QPainter for rendering the pixmap. My main problem was to get all transformations right. Otherwise it is quite straight forward....
This version halves the processing time to 500ms in my scenario. 450ms are spent on painting the items. If someone has more suggestions for more improvement it would be most welcome (cahnging the resolution does not help much by the way)
void SceneWidget::showAsPixmap(Plotable::GraphicItems const& items){
QRectF boundingRect;
boostForeach(QGraphicsItem* pItem,items) {
boundingRect = boundingRect.united(pItem->boundingRect());
QSize size(boundingRect.size().toSize());
double const cMaxRes =1920;
double const scale = cMaxRes/boundingRect.size().width();
QPixmap pixmap(size*scale);
QPainter p(&pixmap);
//p.setCompositionMode( QPainter::CompositionMode_Source );
QStyleOptionGraphicsItem opt;
boostForeach(QGraphicsItem* item,items) {
item->paint(&p, &opt, 0);
QGraphicsPixmapItem* item = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(pixmap);

Qt round rectangle, why corners are different?

I try to draw a round rectangle with drawRoundedRect method directly in a QPixmap (no render engine involve here exept pure Qt one ...), I double check the size of the rectangle versus the size of my pixmap :
Pixmap : QSize(50, 73)
Rectangle: QRect(0,0 48x11)
See plenty of space ...
EDIT: some code
pixmap = QPixmap(50,73); //example size that match my case
QRectF rect(0,0,48,11);
QPainter painter(&pixmap);
painter.setPen(QPen()); //no pen
painter.drawRoundedRect(rect, 2.0, 2.0);
I disabled world transformation ...
I set set transformation to unity ...
I tried several radius (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0) ...
I change pen width, brush color ...
But it always ends with a rectamgle with 4 diferent corners ! Like that :
I directly ouptut the pixmap to a file to be sure I wasn't scraping it during the display ... same shape.
Anyone know about Qt round rectangle with small radius ? I saw somthing about it a long time ago but I don't remenber how to deal with it !
It looks like you're not using anti-aliasing (i.e. the QPainter::Antialiasing render hint). This is a Qt quirk that occurs without it. From what I've seen/heard, the Qt devs aren't terribly concerned with fixing this (most people want anti-aliasing anyway).
The work-around (besides just using anti-aliasing) is to draw the rect yourself with QPainter::drawLine() and QPainter::drawArc(). You might have to play with numbers until it looks right -- straight calculations tend to come out a pixel or two off. Also, you might find that even with this method the lower right corner is never exactly the same as the other corners.
If you're feeling mildly ambitious, you could try fixing this and submitting a patch to Qt.
Update: Arc drawing results changed in Qt 5. In my experience, it's a big improvement.
I know this is an old problem but for Qt5 users calling setRenderHint(QPainter::Qt4CompatiblePainting); on the QPainter seems to solve the problem.
I found a solution for generating a perfect rounded rectangle together with border color and it looks the same as the rounded rectangles used by QPushButton's border for example. This is how I implemented the paintEvent to achieve this:
void MyButtonGroup::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * e)
int borderSize = 5;
QColor borderColor = Qt::red;
QColor backgroundColor = Qt::blue;
int borderRadius = 3;
QPen pen;
QPainter painter(this);
QRectF rect(rect().x() + borderSize / 2,
rect().y() + borderSize / 2,
rect().width() - borderSize,
rect().height() - borderSize);
if(borderSize % 2 == 0)
painter.drawRoundedRect(rect.translated(0.5, 0.5),
QBrush brush(backgroundColor);
if(borderSize % 2 == 0)
painter.drawRoundedRect(rect.translated(0.5, 0.5),
I'm posting this because I found it a bit hard to achieve this result:
Try adding half a pixel offset (e.g.: rect.translated(0.5,0.5) ):
QRectF rect(0,0,48,11);
painter.drawRoundedRect( rect.translated(0.5,0.5), 2.0, 2.0 );
I suppose this has to do with the coordinate system placing an integer value between two pixels.
If you draw with antialiasing and use a pen of 1 pixel width then drawing at exact integer coordinates results in lines of 2 pixel width instead.
Only with this 0.5 pixel offset you'll get lines that are exactly 1 pixel wide.
QRectF rect(0,0,48,11);
painter.setPen( Qt::white );
painter.drawRoundedRect( rect.translated(0.5,0.5), 2.0,2.0 );
Best way do draw RoundRect is Path.
void fillRoundRect(QPainter& painter, QRect r, int radius)
QPainterPath rounded_rect;
rounded_rect.addRoundRect(r, radius, radius);
try to play with render hints
1) disable antiAliasing;
2) enable SmoothPixmapTransform
but still no guarantee that it will help.
I have tried all tips from answers here but nothing works for me. But based on these code snippets I have found following solution:
As default set m_pPainter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Qt4CompatiblePainting, true) and only for rounded rectangles with width%2==0 disable it.
QRect rect = ConvertRectangle(rectangle);
int nPenWidth = m_pPainter->pen().width();
if ( nPenWidth % 2 == 0 )
m_pPainter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Qt4CompatiblePainting, false);
m_pPainter->drawRoundedRect(rect, dbRadiusX, dbRadiusY);
if ( nPenWidth % 2 == 0 )
m_pPainter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Qt4CompatiblePainting, true);