What happens on buffer overflow? - c++

I read somewhere that every TCP connection has it's own 125kB output and input buffer. What happens if this buffer is full, and I still continue sending data on linux?
According to http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/online/pages/man2/send.2.html the packets are just silently dropped, without notifying me. What can I do to stop this from happening? Is there any way to find out if at least some of my data has been sent correctly, so that I can continue at a later point in time?

Short answer is this. "send" calls on a TCP socket will just block until the TCP sliding window (or internal queue buffers) opens up as a result of the remote endpoint receiving and consuming data. It's not much different than trying to write bytes to a file faster than the disk can save it.
If your socket is configured for non-blocking mode, send will return EWOULDBLOCK or EAGAIN, until data can be sent. Standard poll, select, and epoll calls will work as expected so you know when to "send" again.

I don't know that the "packets are dropped". I think that what is more likely is that the calls that the program makes to write() will either block or return a failure.


C++: How to measure real upload rate on non blocking sockets

I'm writing a program on linux C++ using non-blocking sockets with epoll, waiting for EPOLLOUT in order to do send() for some data.
My question is: I've read that on non-blocking mode the data is copied to the kernel's buffer, thus a send() call may return immediately indicating that all the data has been sent, where in reality it was only copied to the kernel's buffer.
How do I know when the data was actually sent and received by the remote peer, for knowing the real transfer rate?
Whether in non-blocking mode or not, send will return as soon as the data is copied into the kernel buffer. The difference between blocking and non-blocking mode is when the buffer is full. In the full buffer case, blocking mode will suspend the current thread until the the write takes place while non-blocking mode will return immediately with EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK.
In a TCP connection, the kernel buffer normally is equal to the window size, so as soon as too much data remains unacknowledged, the connection blocks. This means that the sender is aware of how fast the remote end is receiving data.
With UDP it is a bit more complex because there is no acknowledgements. Here only the receiving end is capable of measuring the true speed since sent data may be lost en-route.
In both the TCP and UDP cases, the kernel will not attempt to send data that the link layer is unable to process. The link layer can also flow off the data if the network is congested.
Getting back to your case, when using non-blocking sockets, you can measure the network speed provided you handle the EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK errors correctly. This is certainly true for TCP where you send more data than the current window size (probably 64K or so) and you can get an idea of the link layer speed with UDP sockets as well.
You can get the current amount of data in the kernels socket buffers using an IOCTL. This would allow you to check what's actually been sent. I'm not sure it matters that much though, unless you have MASSIVE buffers and a tiny amount of data to send it's probably not of interest.
Investigate the TIOCOUTQ/TIOCINQ ioctl on your socket fd.
My question is: I've read that on non-blocking mode the data is copied to the kernel's buffer
That happens in all modes, not just non-blocking mode. I suggest you review your reading matter.
thus a send() call may return immediately indicating that all the data has been sent, where in reality it was only copied to the kernel's buffer.
Again that is true in all modes.
How do I know when the data was actually sent and received by the remote peer, for knowing the real transfer rate?
When you've sent all the data, shutdown the socket for output, then either set blocking mode and read, or keep selecting for 'readable'; and then in either case read the EOS that should result. That functions as a peer acknowledgement of the close. Then stop the timer.
send() merely puts data into the kernel's buffer and then exits, letting the kernel perform the actual transmission in the background, so all you can really do is measure the speed in which the kernel is accepting your outgoing data. You can't really measure the actual transmission speed unless the peer sends an acknowledgement for every buffer received (and there is no way to detect when TCP's own acks are received). But using the fact that send() can block when too much data is still in flight can help you figure out how fact your code is passing outgoing data to send().
send() tells you how many bytes were accepted. So it is very easy to calculate an approximate acceptance speed - divide the number of bytes accepted by the amount of time elapsed since the previous call to send(). So when you call send() to send X bytes and get Y bytes returned, record the time as time1, call send() again to send X bytes and get Y bytes returned, record the time as time2, you will see that your code is sending data at roughly Y / ((time2-time1) in ms) bytes per millisecond, which you can then use to calculate B/KB/MB/GB per ms/sec/min/hr as needed. Over the lifetime of the data transfer, that gives you fairly good idea of your app's general transmission speed.

Receiving data from already closed socket?

Suppose I have a server application - the connection is over TCP, using UNIX sockets.
The connection is asynchronous - in other words, clients' and servers' sockets are non-blocking.
Suppose the following situation: in some conditions, the server may decide to send some data to a connected client and immediately close the connection: using shutdown with SHUT_RDWR.
So, my question is - is it guaranteed, that when the client call recv, it will receive the (sent by the server) data?
Or, to receive the data, recv must be called before the server's shutdown? If so, what should I do (or, to be more precise, how should I do this), to make sure, that the data is received by the client?
You can control this behavior with "setsockopt(SO_LINGER)":
man setsockopt
Waits to complete the close function if data is present. When this option is enabled and there is unsent data present when the close
function is called, the calling application is blocked during the
close function until the data is transmitted or the connection has
timed out. The close function returns without blocking the caller.
This option has meaning only for stream sockets.
See also:
man read
Beej's Guide to Network Programming
There's no guarantee you will receive any data, let alone this data, but the data pending when the socket is closed is subject to the same guarantees as all the other data: if it arrives it will arrive in order and undamaged and subject to TCP's best efforts.
NB 'Asynchronous' and 'non-blocking' are two different things, not two terms for the same thing.
Once you have successfully written the data to the socket, it is in the kernel's buffer, where it will stay until it has been sent and acknowledged. Shutdown doesn't cause the buffered data to get lost. Closing the socket doesn't cause the buffered data to get lost. Not even the death of the sending process would cause the buffered data to get lost.
You can observe the size of the buffer with netstat. The SendQ column is how much data the kernel still wants to transmit.
After the client has acknowledged everything, the port disappears from the server. This may happen before the client has read the data, in which case it will be in RecvQ on the client. Basically you have nothing to worry about. After a successful write to a TCP socket, every component is trying as hard as it can to make sure that your data gets to the destination unharmed regardless of what happens to the sending socket and/or process.
Well, maybe one thing to worry about: If the client tries to send anything after the server has done its shutdown, it could get a SIGPIPE and die before it has read all the available data from the socket.

File transfer C++

When my client sends a file to the server, should I Sleep(100) or so before sending the next chunk to ensure the server has enough time to download + write the data?
Does that just seem completely unnecessary?
Also I'm getting wouldblock errors (# 10035) when sending a chunk, so im just looping send until it succeeds, if send == SOCKET_ERROR goto SendAgain; , is that ok?
If you're sending your file via TCP, then it's the protocol that is ensuring that everything has been received, I wouldn't put a sleep between each chunk.
The wouldblock error is either that you're sending too much data for your output buffer, or you try to send it too quickly, and the remote buffer gets full. That seems ok to send it again because the receiver received it but didn't have enough space to store it and have juste drop it.
Here is a small article about your error: Winsock error 10035
In my opinion using sleepfunction to wait for something to be done is in 99% of the time the wrong way.
You ll never now the time you gonna need or you ve to expect for a process to be executed (can be interrupted by e.g spikes, other problems in i/o or whatever)
If you want to make sure something important is executed completely you should read about Semaphores or something like that, where you lock/free processes on start/end.
Taken from a man-page:
When the message does not fit into the send buffer of the socket,
send() normally blocks, unless the socket has been placed in
nonblocking I/O mode. In nonblocking mode it would fail with the error
EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK in this case. The select(2) call may be
used to determine when it is possible to send more data.

Zero Window when sending files through posix sockets

I have a problem - when I'm trying to send huge amounts of data through posix sockets ( doesn't matter if it's files or some data ) at some point I don't receive what I expect - I used wireshark to determine what's causing errors, and I found out, that exactly at the point my app breaks there are packets marked red saying "zero window" or "window full" sent in both directions.
The result is, that the application layer does not get a piece of data sent by send() function. It gets the next part though...
Am I doing something wrong?
Lets say I want to send 19232 pieces of data 1024 bytes each - at some random point ( or not at all ) instead of the 9344th packet I get the 9345th. And I didn't implement any retransmission protocol because I thought TCP does it for me.
Zero Window / Window Full is an indication that one end of the TCP connection cannot recieve any more data, until its client application reads some of the data is has already recieved. In other words, it is one side of the connection telling the other side "do not send any more data until I tell you otherwise".
TCP does handle retransmissions. Your problem is likely that:
The application on the recieving side is not reading data fast enough.
This causes the recieving TCP to report Window Full to the sending TCP.
This in turn causes send() on the sending TCP side to return either 0 (no bytes written), or -1 with errno set to EWOULDBLOCK.
Your sending application is NOT detecting this case, and is assuming that send() sent all the data you asked to send.
This causes the data to get lost. You need to fix the sending side so that it handles send() failing, including returning a value smaller than the number of bytes you asked it to send. If the socket is non-blocking, this means waiting until select() tells you that the socket is writeable before trying again.
First of all, TCP is a byte stream protocol, not a packet-based protocol. Just because you sent a 1024 byte chunk doesn't mean it will be received that way. If you're filling the pipe fast enough to get a zero window condition (i.e., that there is no more room in either a receive buffer or send buffer) then it's very likely that the receiver code will at some point be able to read far more at one time than the size of your "packet".
If you haven't specifically requested non-blocking sockets, then both send and recv will block with a zero window/window full condition rather than return an error.
If you want to paste in the receiver-side code we can take a look, but from what you've described it sounds very likely that your 9344th read is actually getting more bytes than your packet size. Do you check the value returned from recv?
Does in your network iperf also fails to send this number of packets of this size? If not check how they send this amount of data.
Hm, from what I read on Wikipedia this may be some kind of buffer overflow (receiver reports zero receive window). Just a guess though.

Facing an issue with recv() and send() winsock api. Recv() hangs while receving the last packet

I am facing an issue with recv() and send() winsock api. Recv() hangs while receving the last packet.
Problem Description:-
System A's app is writing data over a non-blocking socket and system B's app is receiving data over a blocking socket in chunks of 64k.
It seems that while reading probably the last packet of 64k, which may less than or equal to 64k, the receive freezes. I am not sure if the receive of the last packet or send of the last packet is an issue, but I am observing this issue intermittently in our legacy applications.
Has anyone faced a similar issue before? If yes, then can please provide your inputs.
If not, then can you please provide some trouble-shooting techniques to narrow down to the root cause.
Just for information I have win2k3 servers.
Wireshark is a great tool for troubleshooting networking code. It'll show you exactly what packets are entering and leaving your network interface in near real time.
As to your specific issue: are you saying that the last chunk of data might be shorter than 64k? If so, your protocol should include some message length information so the receiver
knows how much data to look for.
A couple of guesses...
If you are using UDP, perhaps one or more packets are being dropped en route (which UDP is permitted to do whenever it feels like). In that case, your receiver might end up waiting for data that is simply never going to arrive; to fix this you would need to either implement some way of automatically resending the lost data, or (if you don't strictly need all the data), some way for the sender to notify the receiver that he is done transmitting, so the receiver might as well stop waiting. (of course you would need to handle the case where this notification gets dropped, as well... it can get complicated if you want 100% robustness)
If you are using TCP, perhaps you are not carefully checking the values returned by send() on the sending side? If you are assuming that send() will always send the number of bytes you asked it to, you might end up thinking send() sent all the bytes when in fact it only sent some (or none) of them... so the sender would think the transmission was complete, while the receiver would be stuck waiting for data that isn't going to arrive.
You might have a problem with the server sending data down the wire faster than the receiver is able to read it. You could try increasing the receive buffer:
int nSocketBuffer = 131072; // 128k
if (setsockopt(m_sSocket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,(LPCSTR)&nSocketBuffer,sizeof(int)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
// socket error
return false;