fast on-demand c++ compilation [closed] - c++

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking at the possibility of building a system where when a query hits the server, we turn the query into c++ code, compile it as shared object and the run the code.
The time for compilation itself needs to be small for it to be worthwhile. My code can generate the corresponding c++ code but if I have to write it out on disk and then invoke gcc to get a .so file and then run it, it does not seem to be worth it.
Are there ways in which I can get a small snippet of code to compile and be ready as a share object fast (can have a significant start up time before the queries arrive). If such a tool has a permissive license thats a further plus.
Edit: I have a very restrictive query language that the users can use so the security threat is not relevant. My own code translates the query into c++ code. The answer mentioning clang is perfect.

Running Clang in JIT mode should provide the speed you need, and example can be found here, safety on the other hand is something else...
Ch also had a JIT added, and seeing as its an interpreter, it might provided an easier sandboxed/controlled environment.

In addition to Necrolis answer, there's also specialized C++ parser Cling. Might come in handy.


How to read and write "Excel" with c/c++ (in smartphone app develop) [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm a smartphone app developer.
I want to make a app running in iOS,android,winphone.
I use cocos2d-x platform tool to make this app. it base of c/c++ language.
Dose anyone can tell me How to read and write excel with c/c++
For what purpose? Just reading the file can be done by treating it as an opaque stream of bytes, just like any other file.
I doubt that's what you really mean, though.
If you want to interpret the file's contents, and present/update the calculations, then surely you must realize that the answer to "how" that is done must be gigantic? Excel is a huge, huge, and very old application, probably the result of many millions of lines of code.
Nobody can tell you "how" to interpret that in a simple answer here.
The closest thing you can probably get here is a recommendation on a library to use. I had a quick look, and LibXL was the first one I found for C++. It is a commercial library, and I have no experience with it.

What is Bison and why is it useful? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have been programming for a few years now and have seen the name Bison in passing, but never bothered to ask why it is or why it might be needed. How can Bison effect how I program, can it make my C/C++ code faster?
Bison is a parser generator. It takes it's input in something similar to Backus-Naur notation and outputs code to parse input according to that grammar. It lets you write a parser more easily than you would otherwise. Instead of having to do everything manually, you only have to specify the rules of your grammar and what you want to happen when it matches one of the rules.
GNU Bison is the only Bison related to programming I know of. It won't make your code faster, and it's possible that you won't ever need it in your life. However, learning some compiler theory, or even writing a simple compiler yourself, is a terrific learning experience that does affect the way you program, the way you think about computer programming, and a lot of things like that. If you enjoy formal languages and automata, you'll enjoy compiler theory; if you dislike theory in general, it's probably not for you. If you're interested, there are lots of questions about starting books on Stackoverflow.
Oh and, once in a while a programmer does need some more complicated parsing work and suchlike, and it's a huge boon to know about parser generators, instead of writing everything by hand, following a naive approach.

Compiling time is high c++ [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am writing a code in c++. Compared to my friends the compiling time high. what could be the reason for this? Its taking around 4 seconds. But for my friends its getting compiled immediately.
This is an impossible question there are so many factors, but some thing to look out for:
heavy use of template meta programming - are you using something like boost spirit
are the header file including other header when it could be a forwatd declaration
are there uneeded headers.
Is there just a lot of code
Is your build system correct? Is it recompiling code that hasn't changed. Look at make file if you haven't already.
Is their system better than yours.
Finally I would love my code to compile in 4 seconds.
Do you have optimizations turned on? That will slow things down.
Do you have a Temp directory mapped to a network drive? That will slow things down.
Are you linking from a network drive? That will slow things down.
Talk about an open ended question, but here are some quick reasons;
Slow computer (CPU/Disk etc)
Too little memory.
Different compiler (they vary greatly in speed).
Precompiled headers vs. non precompiled headers.
Different options (RTTI/optimization/...)
Esp. in Visual Studio, plugins slowing your IDE down.
Code structure (are you including un-necessary headers)
Compiling everything every time vs. using Makefiles or a smart IDE.

can command line utilities be faster than C++? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have a project where I want to manipulate certain output files.
This can be accomplished using a combination of grep and sed and piping with |
Alternatively, I can also write a C++ program to do the same thing.
Is there a conclusive answer on which method will be faster since grep and sed should already be fairly well optimised?
From a technical standpoint, a well-written self-contained C++ program that does everything you need will be faster than using two (or more) shell commands interconnected with a pipe, simply because there will be no IPC overhead, and they can be tailor-made and optimized for your exact needs.
But unless you're writing a program that will be run 24/7 for years, you'll never notice enough gain to be worth the effort.
And the standard rules for pre-optimization apply...
If I were you, use what is already out there as these have likely been around a long time and have been tested and tried. Writing a new program yourself to do the same thing seems like a reinventing the wheel type action and is prone to error.
If you really need faster performance than you'll get with piping, you can download the source for grep and sed and tailor it to your needs in one application (be wary of licenses if you plan on distributing your code). I'd be highly surprised if you'd even notice the overhead of piping (like Flimzy mentioned), so if things are really that slow I'd start profiling your app.
It is likely that if you are a very good C/C++ programmer and spend a lot of time, that you will be able to write a program that's faster than the pipeline you're thinking of. But unless performance is so critical in this case that you absolutely must do it this way you should use the pipeline.

Finding a totally nasty, complex, Schröding-Bohr-Bug [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have a really nasty bug in my program, which grew quite complex over time. It's probably the worst bug I've ever had.
I think that it might be related to a static variable initialization fiasco, but how can I ensure myself of that?
When the bug strikes, the program crashes due to heap corruption at a random point after startup, but far inside the main() function.
To be honest, I don't know what to do.
I'm on Windows 7 using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
my program, which grew quite complex
over time
Do you keep backups of previous versions?
Find an older version that worked and continue working based on that version...
There is a famous quote out there:
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." --Brian Kernighan
If this program has become more complicated than you can handle then it may be time to think about refactoring.
(This is in no way intended to be demeaning or to be taken as a personal attack...)
Run your program in the debugger, and step through the code until you see what's wrong. Place breakpoints liberally anywhere you think the bug might be caused.
Try debugging your program with gdb.