Serial asynchronous I/O in Windows 7/64 - c++

I have a multi-threaded Windows program which is doing serial port asynchronous I/O through "raw" Win API calls. It is working perfectly fine on any Windows version except Windows 7/64.
The problem is that the program can find and setup the COM port just fine, but it cannot send nor receive any data. No matter if I compile the binary in Win XP or 7, I cannot send/receive on Win 7/64. Compatibility mode, run as admin etc does not help.
I have managed to narrow down the problem to the FileIOCompletionRoutine callback. Every time it is called, dwErrorCode is always 0, dwNumberOfBytesTransfered is always 0. GetOverlappedResult() from inside the function always return TRUE (everything ok). It seems to set the lpNumberOfBytesTransferred correctly. But the lpOverlapped parameter is corrupt, it is a garbage pointer pointing at garbage values.
I can see that it is corrupt by either checking in the debugger what address the correct OVERLAPPED struct is allocated at, or by setting a temp. global variable to point at it.
My question is: why does this happen, and why does it only happen on Windows 7/64? Is there some issue with calling convention that I am not aware of? Or is the overlapped struct treated differently somehow?
Posting relevant parts of the code below:
class ThreadedComport : public Comport
typedef struct
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
ThreadedComport* caller; /* add user data to struct */
} OVERLAPPED_overlap;
OVERLAPPED_overlap _send_overlapped;
OVERLAPPED_overlap _rec_overlapped;
static void WINAPI _send_callback (DWORD dwErrorCode,
DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,
LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
static void WINAPI _receive_callback (DWORD dwErrorCode,
DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,
LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped);
Open/close is done in a base class that has no multi-threading nor asynchronous I/O implemented:
void Comport::open (void)
char port[20];
DCB dcbCommPort;
COMMTIMEOUTS ctmo_new = {0};
sprintf(port, "\\\\.\\COM%d", TEXT(_port_number));
_hcom = CreateFile(port,
// error handling
GetCommTimeouts(_hcom, &_ctmo_old);
ctmo_new.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 10;
ctmo_new.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
ctmo_new.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
ctmo_new.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
if(SetCommTimeouts(_hcom, &ctmo_new) == FALSE)
// error handling
dcbCommPort.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB);
if(GetCommState(_hcom, &(DCB)dcbCommPort) == FALSE)
// error handling
// setup DCB, this seems to work fine
dcbCommPort.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB);
dcbCommPort.BaudRate = baudrate_int;
if(_parity == PAR_NONE)
dcbCommPort.fParity = 0; /* disable parity */
dcbCommPort.fParity = 1; /* enable parity */
dcbCommPort.Parity = (uint8)_parity;
dcbCommPort.ByteSize = _databits;
dcbCommPort.StopBits = _stopbits;
SetCommState(_hcom, &(DCB)dcbCommPort);
void Comport::close (void)
if(_hcom != NULL)
SetCommTimeouts(_hcom, &_ctmo_old);
_hcom = NULL;
_is_open = false;
The whole multi-threading and event handling mechanism is rather complex, relevant parts are:
result = WriteFileEx (_hcom, // handle to output file
(void*)_write_data, // pointer to input buffer
send_buf_size, // number of bytes to write
(LPOVERLAPPED)&_send_overlapped, // pointer to async. i/o data
result = ReadFileEx (_hcom, // handle to output file
(void*)_read_data, // pointer to input buffer
_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, // number of bytes to read
(OVERLAPPED*)&_rec_overlapped, // pointer to async. i/o data
Callback functions
void WINAPI ThreadedComport::_send_callback (DWORD dwErrorCode,
DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,
LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)
ThreadedComport* _this = ((OVERLAPPED_overlap*)lpOverlapped)->caller;
if(dwErrorCode == 0) // no errors
if(dwNumberOfBytesTransfered > 0)
_this->_data_sent = dwNumberOfBytesTransfered;
void WINAPI ThreadedComport::_receive_callback (DWORD dwErrorCode,
DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered,
LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)
if(dwErrorCode == 0) // no errors
if(dwNumberOfBytesTransfered > 0)
ThreadedComport* _this = ((OVERLAPPED_overlap*)lpOverlapped)->caller;
_this->_bytes_read = dwNumberOfBytesTransfered;
Updated: I have spent most of the day on the theory that the OVERLAPPED variable went out of scope before the callback is executed. I have verified that this never happens and I have even tried to declare the OVERLAPPED struct as static, same problem remains. If the OVERLAPPED struct had gone out of scope, I would expect the callback to point at the memory location where the struct was previously allocated, but it doesn't, it points somewhere else, at an entirely unfamiliar memory location. Why it does that, I have no idea.
Maybe Windows 7/64 makes an internal hardcopy of the OVERLAPPED struct? I can see how that would cause this behavior, since I am relying on additional parameters sneaked in at the end of the struct (which seems like a hack to me, but apparently I got that "hack" from official MSDN examples).
I have also tried to change calling convention but this doesn't work at all, if I change it then the program crashes. (The standard calling convention causes it to crash, whatever standard is, cdecl? __fastcall also causes a crash.) The calling conventions that work are __stdcall, WINAPI and CALLBACK. I think these are all same names for __stdcall and I read somewhere that Win 64 ignores that calling convention anyhow.
It would seem that the callback is executed because of some "spurious disturbance" in Win 7/64 generating false callback calls with corrupt or irrelevant parameters.
Multi-thread race conditions is another theory, but in the scenario I am running to reproduce the bug, there is only one thread, and I can confirm that the thread calling ReadFileEx is the same one that is executing the callback.

I have found the problem, it turned out to be annoyingly simple.
In CreateFile(), I did not specify FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED. For reasons unknown, this was not necessary on 32-bit Windows. But if you forget it on 64-bit Windows, it will apparently still generate callbacks with the FileIOCompletionRoutine, but they have corrupted parameters.
I haven't found any documentation of this change of behavior anywhere; perhaps it was just an internal bug fix in Windows, since the older documentation also specifies that you must have FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED set.
As for my specific case, the bug appeared because I had a base class that assumed synchronous I/O, which has then been inherited by a class using asynchronous I/O.


AccessException: Attempted To Read Or Write Protected/Corrupted Memory -- Known Exception, Unknown Reason?

Yes, I know there's a million threads on this exception, I've probably looked at 20-25 of them, but none of the causes seem to correlate to this, sadly (hence the title, known exception, unknown reason).
I've recently been gaining interest in InfoSec. As my first learners-project, I'd create a basic DLL Injector. Seems to be going well so far, however, this exception is grinding me up, and after some relatively extensive research I'm quite puzzled. Oddly enough, the exception also rises after the function completely finishes.
I couldn't really figure this out myself since external debuggers wouldn't work with my target application, and that was a whole new unrelated issue.
Solutions suggested & attempted so far:
Fix/Remove thread status checking (it was wrong)
Ensure the value behind DllPath ptr is being allocated, not the ptr
Marshaling the C# interop parameters
Anyway, here is my hunk of code:
#pragma once
#include "pch.h"
#include "injection.h" // only specifies UserInject as an exportable proto.
DWORD __stdcall UserInject(DWORD ProcessId, PCSTR DllPath, BOOL UseExtended) {
DWORD length;
CHAR* buffer;
LPVOID memry;
SIZE_T write;
HANDLE thread;
length = GetFullPathName(
AssertNonNull(length, INVALID_PATH);
kr32 = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll");
buffer = new CHAR[length];
AssertNonNull(buffer, ERR_DEAD_BUFFER);
hProc = OpenProcess(
AssertNonNull(hProc, INVALID_PROCID);
memry = VirtualAllocEx(
sizeof buffer,
AssertNonNull(memry, INVALID_BUFSIZE);
sizeof DllPath,
AssertNonNull(write, ERR_SOLID_BUFFER);
auto decidePrototype = [](BOOL UseExtended, HMODULE kr32) -> decltype(auto) {
LPVOID procAddress;
if (!UseExtended) {
procAddress = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(kr32, LOADLIB_ORD);
else {
procAddress = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(kr32, LOADLIBX_ORD);
return (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)procAddress;
auto loadLibraryAddress = decidePrototype(UseExtended, kr32);
thread = CreateRemoteThread(
AssertNonNull(thread, INVALID_ROUTINE);
WaitForSingleObject(thread, INFINITE);
// The status stuff is quite weird; it was an attempt at debugging. The error occurs with or without this code.
// I left it because 50% of the comments below wouldn't make sense. Just be assured this code is positively *not* the problem (sadly).
// LPDWORD status = (LPDWORD)1;
// GetExitCodeThread(thread, status);
return TRUE // *status;
One obscure macro would be "ADMIN" which expands to "PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS", shortened to fit in better. Another is "AssertNonNull":
#define AssertNonNull(o, p) if (o == NULL) return p;
I've given a shot at debugging this code, but it doesn't halt at any specific point. I've thrown MessageBox tests past each operation (e.g allocation, writing) in addition to the integrity checks and didn't get any interesting responses.
I'm sorry I can't really add much extensive detail, but I'm really stone-walled here, not sure what to do, what information to get, or if there's anything to get. In short, I'm just not sure what to look for.
This is also being called from C#, 1% pseudocode.
[DllImport(path, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static extern int UserInject(uint ProcId, string DllPath, bool UseExtended);
uint validProcId; // integrity tested
string validDllPath; // integrity tested
UserInject(validProcId, validDllPath, true);
If you're interested in my testing application (for reproduction)
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
static const std::string toPrint = "Hello, World!\n";
int main()
while (true)
std::cout << toPrint;
To my surprise, this wasn't as much an issue with the code as much as it was with the testing application.
The basic injection technique I used is prevented by various exploit protections & security mitigations that Visual Studio 2010+ applies to any applications built in release mode.
If I build my testing application in debug mode, there is no exception. If I use a non-VS built application, there is no exception.
I still need to fix how I create my threads, because no thread is created, but I've figured this out, that should be easy enough.

How can i implement CreateThread - LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE type ThreadProc callback function inside a C++ Class

Happy new year!
This is my baby steps in C++ world.
I used an example from to create an example Win32 Console project which uses the WaitForMultipleObjects function to persist until all worker threads have terminated. All worked great!
Things get complicated (argument of type DWORD (Thread::*)(LPVOID lpParam) is incompatible with parameter of type "LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE")
when i start to try to port the functionality of the concept inside a class which is similar like this:
class Threads
HANDLE comThreads[1];
DWORD WINAPI closeThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam)
// lpParam not used in this example.
printf("Thread %d exiting\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
return 1;
BOOL CreateThreads(void)
DWORD dwThreadID;
comThreads[0] = CreateThread(
NULL, // default security
0, // default stack size
closeThreadProc, // Close thread function
NULL, // no thread parameters
0, // default startup flags
void Init()
I will try to use this class to create a Dynamic-link library(DLL).
While i am searching the answer to my own question.
I would like to ask you:
Is this even possible?
If it is possible. How can i achieve this, without loosing the underlying concept?
Thank you!
Sorry for forgetting to tell if is it possible to make this, without making DWORD WINAPI closeThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam) static!
I did try to make it static before i posted the Question and things became even more wild (I barely forced to make everything in the class static).
I think this is the C++'s way to punish a rookie.
The LPVOID argument is there for a reason. The trick is to make the callback a static member but pass this as the extra parameter. You can then cast the LPVOID argument back to your object and call the method you want to. Some code will make it clearer
static DWORD WINAPI closeThreadProcCallback(LPVOID lpParam)
return static_cast<Threads*>(lpParam)->closeThreadProc();
BOOL CreateThreads(void)
DWORD dwThreadID;
comThreads[0] = CreateThread(
NULL, // default security
0, // default stack size
closeThreadProcCallback, // Close thread callback function
this, // this object is the thread parameter
0, // default startup flags
EDIT added WINAPI as suggested by Tomer W.
a threadStartfunction cant be _thiscall, and have to be _stdcall,
therefore i'd declare a static private method to pass your call to your object, i use the lpParameter to pass the object to the static function.
class Threads
HANDLE comThreads[1];
static DWORD WINAPI staticThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam)
Threads& callingThread = *reinterpret_cast<Threads*>(lpParam);
return callingThread.closeThreadProc();
DWORD closeThreadProc()
printf("Thread %d exiting\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
return 1;
BOOL CreateThreads(void)
DWORD dwThreadID;
comThreads[0] = CreateThread(
NULL, // default security
0, // default stack size
staticThreadProc, // Close thread function
this, // no thread parameters
0, // default startup flags
void Init()

Multithreading with _beginthread and CreateThread

I try to write a Multithreading WIN32 Application in C++, but due to i get difficulties.
One of the Window Procedure creates a Thread, which manages the output of this window. If this Window Procedure receives a message (from the other Window Procedures), it should transmit it to their Thread. At the beginning i worked with the _beginthread(...) function, what doesn't work.
Then i tried it with the CreateThread(...) function, and it worked? What did i do wrong?
(My English isn't so good, i hope you understand my problem)
Code with CreateThread(...):
DWORD thHalloHandle; // global
HWND hwndHallo; // Hwnd of WndProc4
LRESULT APIENTRY WndProc4 (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
static PARAMS params ;
switch (message)
case WM_CREATE: {
params.hwnd = hwnd ;
params.cyChar = HIWORD (GetDialogBaseUnits ()) ;
CreateThread(NULL, 0, thHallo, &params, 0, &thHalloHandle);
return 0 ;
case WM_SPACE: {
PostThreadMessage(thHalloHandle, WM_SPACE, 0, 0);
return 0;
Code with _beginthread(...):
case WM_CREATE: {
params.hwnd = hwnd ;
params.cyChar = HIWORD (GetDialogBaseUnits ()) ;
thHalloHandle = (DWORD)_beginthread (thHallo, 0, &params) ;
return 0;
case WM_SPACE: {
PostThreadMessage(thHalloHandle, WM_SPACE, 0, 0);
return 0;
thHallo for CreateThread:
DWORD WINAPI thHallo(void *pvoid)
static TCHAR *szMessage[] = { TEXT(...), ...};
// Some Declaration
pparams = (PPARAMS) pvoid;
MsgReturn = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0);
hdc = GetDC(pparams->hwnd);
// case....
return 0;
thHallo for _beginthread(...):
void thHallo(void *pvoid)
// The Same like for CreateThread
The _beginthread/ex() function is proving to be radically difficult to eliminate. It was necessary back in the previous century, VS6 was the last Visual Studio version that required it. It was a band-aid to allow the CRT to allocate thread-local state for internal CRT variables. Like the ones used for strtok() and gmtime(), CRT functions that maintain internal state. That state must be stored separately for each thread so that the use of, say, strtok() in one thread doesn't screw up the use of strtok() in another thread. It must be stored in thread-local state. _beginthread/ex() ensures that this state is allocated and cleaned-up again.
That has been worked on, necessarily so when Windows 2000 introduced the thread-pool. There is no possible way to get that internal CRT state initialized when your code gets called by a thread-pool thread. Quite an effort btw, the hardest problem they had to solve was to ensure that the thread-local state is automatically getting cleaned-up again when the thread stops running. Many a program has died on that going wrong, Apple's QuickTime is a particularly nasty source of these crashes.
So forget that _beginthread() ever existed, using CreateThread() is fine.
There's a serious problem with your use of PostThreadMessage(). You are used the wrong argument in your _beginthread() code which is why it didn't work. But there are bigger problems with it. The message that is posted can only ever be retrieved in your message loop. Which works fine, until it is no longer your message loop that is dispatching messages. That happens in many cases in a GUI app. Simple examples are using MessageBox(), DialogBox() or the user resizing the window. Modal code that works by Windows itself pumping the message loop.
A big problem is the message loop in that code knows beans about the messages you posted. They just fall in the bit-bucket and disappear without trace. The DispatchMessage() call inside that modal loop fails, the message you posted has a NULL window handle.
You must fix this by using PostMessage() instead. Which requires a window handle. You can use any window handle, the handle of your main window is a decent choice. Better yet, you can create a dedicated window, one that just isn't visible, with its own WndProc() that just handles these inter-thread messages. A very common choice. DispatchMessage() can now no longer fail, solves your bug as well.
Your call to CreateThread puts the thread ID into thHalloHandle. The call to _beginthread puts the thread handle into thHalloHandle.
Now, the thread ID is not the same as the thread handle. When you call PostThreadMessage you do need to supply a thread ID. You only do that for the CreateThread variant which I believe explains the problem.
Your code lacks error checking. Had you checked for errors on the call to PostThreadMessage you would have found that PostThreadMessage returned FALSE. Had you then gone on to call GetLastError that would have returned ERROR_INVALID_THREAD_ID. I do urge you to include proper error checking.
In order to address this you must first be more clear on the difference between thread ID and thread handle. You should give thHalloHandle a different name: thHalloThreadId perhaps. If you wish to use _beginthread you will have to call GetThreadId, passing the thread handle, to obtain the thread ID. Alternatively, use _beginthreadex which yields the thread ID, or indeed CreateThread.
Your problem is that you need a TID (Thread Identifier) to use PostThreadMessage.
_beginthread doesn't return a TID, it return a Thread Handle.
Solution is to use the GetThreadId function.
HANDLE hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthread (thHallo, 0, &params) ;
thHalloHandle = GetThreadId( hThread );
Better Code (see the documentation here)
HANDLE hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, thHallo, &params, 0, &thHalloHandle ) ;

Handling of LPWSAOVERLAPPED after WSASend

I am currently writing a winsock server-side socket in managed C++. After creating the LPWSAOVERLAPPED object and passing it to the WSASend function, I do not see where to delete it when the operation completes nonblocking (WSASend returns SOCKET_ERROR and WSAGetLastError() returns WSA_IO_PENDING). My current solution was to create a System::Threading::WaitHandle, get the unsafe pointer to the wait handle and pass that onto hEvent under the LPWSAOVERLAPPED object. However, this is causing unnessecary object creation since I do not really care about when the send operation is completed. On the other hand, I need a LPWSAOVERLAPPED object in order to make the operation complete non-blocking. Does anyone have any better solution to solve this? Here is my current code:
void Connectivity::ConnectionInformation::SendData(unsigned char data[], const int length)
if (isClosed || sendError)
LPWSAOVERLAPPED overlapped = OverlappedObjectPool::GetOverlapped();
WaitHandle ^ handle = gcnew ManualResetEvent(false);
IntPtr handlePointer = handle->SafeWaitHandle->DangerousGetHandle();
sendInfo->buf = (char*)data;
sendInfo->len = length;
overlapped->Internal = 0;
overlapped->InternalHigh = 0;
overlapped->Offset = 0;
overlapped->OffsetHigh = 0;
overlapped->Pointer = 0;
overlapped->hEvent = (void*)handlePointer; //Set pointer
if (WSASend(connection, sendInfo, 1, NULL, 0, overlapped, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
if (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING)
ThreadPool::UnsafeRegisterWaitForSingleObject(handle, sentCallback, (IntPtr)((void*)overlapped), -1, true);
this->sendError = true;
//The send error bool makes sure that the close function doesn't get called
//during packet processing which could lead to a lot of null reffernce exceptions.
sentData((IntPtr)((void*)overlapped), false);
For async I/O, completion is notified either by the calling of a completion routine or by the queueing of an IOCP completion message to an IOCP completion queue. In both cases, it should be noted that the OVL struct should have the lifetime of at least the entire async operation, but can be longer if convenient:)
In the case of a completion routine, the unused hEvent parameter in the OVL can be used to transfer a pointer to an 'IOrequest' class instance that contains the data buffer/s, WSABUF array and the OVL struct as members, (and surely a pointer to the socket object for which the I/O has been issued). The OVL pointer is supplied as a parameter to the completion routine and so the hEvent can be retrieved and cast to the class type, so retrieving the complete class instance - OVL, data buffer etc. When the data has been processed, (or immediately in the completion routine the case of WSASend), and this IOrequest is eventually destroyed, (or repooled), the OVL will go with it. This sounds a bit incestuous, but works fine and does not need any nasty macro or other tricks.
A similar approach can be used with full IOCP or, alternatively, the OVL passed as the lpCompletionKey 'spare' parameter.
Oh - and you do care if the operation is completed - you need to at least check for errors.

Step execution of release code / post-mortem debugging (VS/C++)

Is there any sense to step-execute release code? I noticed that some lines of code are omitted, i.e. some method calls. Also variable preview doesn't show some variables and shows invalid (not real) values for some others, so it's all quite misleading.
I'm asking this question, because loading WinDbg crashdump file into Visual Studio brings the same stack and variables partial view as step-execution. Are there any way to improve crashdump analyze experience, except recompiling application without optimalizations?
Windows, Visual Studio 2005, unmanaged C++
Yes - if you have the .pdb for the build, and the .dmp file from the crash, then you can open the debugger on the exact point of failure, and examine the state of your app at that point.
As several have noted - some variables will be optimized away, but if you're mildly creative / inquisitive, you'll find ways to obtain those values.
You can build in a root crash handler for your code to generate a .dmp file automatically which works on all Windows flavors (assuming you are creating a Windows app) using something like the following:
// capture the unhandled exception hook - we will create a mini dump for ourselves
// NOTE: according to docs, if a debugger is present, this API won't succeed (ie. debug builds ignore this)
"Please send a copy of this file, along with a brief description of the problem, to [insert your email address here] so that we might fix this issue."
The above would require the MiniDumper class I wrote, below:
#pragma once
#include <dbghelp.h>
#include "DynamicLinkLibrary.h"
#include "FileName.h"
// MiniDumper
// Provides a mechanism whereby an application will generate its own mini dump file anytime
// it throws an unhandled exception (or at the client's request - see GenerateMiniDump, below).
// Warning: the C-runtime will NOT invoke our unhandled handler if you are running a debugger
// due to the way that the SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() API works (q.v.)
// To use this facility, simply call MiniDumper::Install - for example, during CWinApp initialization.
// Once this has been installed, all current and future threads in this process will be covered.
// This is unlike the StructuredException and CRTInvalidParameter classes, which must be installed for
// for each thread for which you wish to use their services.
class MiniDumper
// install the mini dumper (and optionally, hook the unhandled exception filter chain)
// #param filename is the mini dump filename to use (please include a path)
// #return success or failure
// NOTE: we can be called more than once to change our options (unhook unhandled, change the filename)
static bool Install(bool bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter, const CFilename & filenameMiniDump, const CString & strCustomizedMessage, DWORD dwMiniDumpType = MiniDumpNormal)
return GetSingleton().Initialize(bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter, filenameMiniDump, strCustomizedMessage, dwMiniDumpType);
// returns true if we've been initialized (but doesn't indicate if we have hooked the unhandled exception filter or not)
static bool IsInitialized() { return g_bInstalled; }
// returns true if we've been setup to intercept unhandled exceptions
static bool IsUnhandledExceptionHooked() { return g_bInstalled && GetSingleton().m_bHookedUnhandledExceptionFilter; }
// returns the filename we've been configured to write to if we're requested to generate a mini dump
static CFilename GetMiniDumpFilename() { return g_bInstalled ? GetSingleton().m_filenameMiniDump : ""; }
// you may use this wherever you have a valid EXCEPTION_POINTERS in order to generate a mini dump of whatever exception just occurred
// use the GetExceptionInformation() intrinsic to obtain the EXCEPTION_POINTERS in an __except(filter) context
// returns success or failure
// DO NOT hand the result of GenerateMiniDump to your __except(filter) - instead use a proper disposition value (q.v. __except)
// NOTE: you *must* have already installed MiniDumper or this will only error
static bool GenerateMiniDump(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers);
// based on dbghelp.h
HANDLE hProcess,
DWORD dwPid,
// data we need to pass to our mini dump thread
struct ExceptionThreadData
ExceptionThreadData(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * exceptionPointers, bool bUnhandled, DWORD threadID = ::GetCurrentThreadId())
: pExceptionPointers(exceptionPointers)
, dwThreadID(threadID)
, bUnhandledException(bUnhandled)
EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers;
DWORD dwThreadID;
bool bUnhandledException;
// our unhandled exception filter (called automatically by the run time if we've been installed to do so)
static LONG CALLBACK UnhandledExceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers);
// creates a new thread in which to generate our mini dump (so we don't run out of stack)
static bool ExecuteMiniDumpThread(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers, bool bUnhandledException);
// thread entry point for generating a mini dump file
static DWORD WINAPI MiniDumpThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam);
// obtains the one and only instance
static MiniDumper & GetSingleton();
// flag to indicate if we're installed or not
static bool g_bInstalled;
// create us
: m_pPreviousFilter(NULL)
, m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction(NULL)
, m_bHookedUnhandledExceptionFilter(false)
// install our unhandled exception filter
bool Initialize(bool bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter, const CFilename & filenameMiniDump, const CString & strCustomizedMessage, DWORD dwMiniDumpType);
// generates a mini dump file
bool GenerateMiniDumpFile(ExceptionThreadData * pData);
// handle an unhandled exception
bool HandleUnhandledException(ExceptionThreadData * pData);
bool m_bHookedUnhandledExceptionFilter;
CFilename m_filenameMiniDump;
CString m_strCustomizedMessage;
DWORD m_dwMiniDumpType;
And its implementation:
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "MiniDumper.h"
using namespace Toolbox;
// Static Members
bool MiniDumper::g_bInstalled = false;
// returns true if we were able to create a mini dump for this exception
bool MiniDumper::GenerateMiniDump(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers)
// obtain the mini dump in a new thread context (which will have its own stack)
return ExecuteMiniDumpThread(pExceptionPointers, false);
// this is called from the run time if we were installed to hook the unhandled exception filter
LONG CALLBACK MiniDumper::UnhandledExceptionFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers)
// attempt to generate the mini dump (use a separate thread to ensure this one is frozen & we have a fresh stack to work with)
ExecuteMiniDumpThread(pExceptionPointers, true);
// terminate this process, now
::TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 0xFFFFFFFF);
// carry on as normal (we should never get here due to TerminateProcess, above)
bool MiniDumper::ExecuteMiniDumpThread(EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionPointers, bool bUnhandledException)
// because this may have been created by a stack overflow
// we may be very very low on stack space
// so we'll create a new, temporary stack to work with until we fix this situation
ExceptionThreadData data(pExceptionPointers, bUnhandledException);
DWORD dwScratch;
HANDLE hMiniDumpThread = ::CreateThread(NULL, 0, MiniDumpThreadProc, &data, 0, &dwScratch);
if (hMiniDumpThread)
VERIFY(::WaitForSingleObject(hMiniDumpThread, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
VERIFY(::GetExitCodeThread(hMiniDumpThread, &dwScratch));
return AsBool(dwScratch);
return false;
DWORD WINAPI MiniDumper::MiniDumpThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam)
// retrieve our exception context from our creator
ExceptionThreadData * pData = (ExceptionThreadData *)lpParam;
// generate the actual mini dump file in this thread context - with our own stack
if (pData->bUnhandledException)
return GetSingleton().HandleUnhandledException(pData);
return GetSingleton().GenerateMiniDumpFile(pData);
bool MiniDumper::HandleUnhandledException(ExceptionThreadData * pData)
// generate the actual mini dump file first - hopefully we get this even if the following errors
const bool bMiniDumpSucceeded = GenerateMiniDumpFile(pData);
// try to inform the user of what's happened
CString strMessage = FString("An Unhandled Exception occurred in %s\n\nUnfortunately, this requires that the application be terminated.", CFilename::GetModuleFilename());
// create the mini dump file
if (bMiniDumpSucceeded)
// let user know about the mini dump
strMessage.AppendFormat("\n\nOn a higher note, we have saved some diagnostic information in %s", m_filenameMiniDump.c_str());
// append any custom message(s)
if (!IsEmpty(m_strCustomizedMessage))
strMessage.AppendFormat("\n\n%s", m_strCustomizedMessage);
// cap it off with an apology
strMessage.Append("\n\nThis application must be terminated now. All unsaved data will be lost. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience.");
// let the user know that things have gone terribly wrong
::MessageBox(GetAppWindow(), strMessage, "Internal Error - Unhandled Exception", MB_ICONERROR);
// indicate success or not
return bMiniDumpSucceeded;
// Instance Members
MiniDumper & MiniDumper::GetSingleton()
static std::auto_ptr<MiniDumper> g_pSingleton(new MiniDumper);
return *g_pSingleton.get();
bool MiniDumper::Initialize(bool bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter, const CFilename & filenameMiniDump, const CString & strCustomizedMessage, DWORD dwMiniDumpType)
// check if we need to link to the the mini dump function
if (!m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction)
// attempt to load the debug helper DLL
DynamicLinkLibrary dll("DBGHelp.dll", true);
// get the function address we need
m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction = (MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP_FUNC_PTR)dll.GetProcAddress("MiniDumpWriteDump", false);
catch (CCustomException &)
// we failed to load the dll, or the function didn't exist
// either way, m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction will be NULL
ASSERT(m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction == NULL);
// there is nothing functional about the mini dumper if we have no mini dump function pointer
return false;
// record the filename to write our mini dumps to (NOTE: we don't do error checking on the filename provided!)
if (!IsEmpty(filenameMiniDump))
m_filenameMiniDump = filenameMiniDump;
// record the custom message to tell the user on an unhandled exception
m_strCustomizedMessage = strCustomizedMessage;
// check if they're updating the unhandled filter chain
if (bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter && !m_bHookedUnhandledExceptionFilter)
// we need to hook the unhandled exception filter chain
m_pPreviousFilter = ::SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(&MiniDumper::UnhandledExceptionFilter);
else if (!bHookUnhandledExceptionFilter && m_bHookedUnhandledExceptionFilter)
// we need to un-hook the unhandled exception filter chain
VERIFY(&MiniDumper::UnhandledExceptionFilter == ::SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(m_pPreviousFilter));
// set type of mini dump to generate
m_dwMiniDumpType = dwMiniDumpType;
// record that we've been installed
g_bInstalled = true;
// if we got here, we must have been successful
return true;
bool MiniDumper::GenerateMiniDumpFile(ExceptionThreadData * pData)
// NOTE: we don't check this before now because this allows us to generate an exception in a different thread context (rather than an exception while processing an exception in the main thread)
if (!g_bInstalled)
return false;
// indicate failure
return false;
// NOTE: don't use exception_info - its a #define!!!
ex_info.ThreadId = pData->dwThreadID;
ex_info.ExceptionPointers = pData->pExceptionPointers;
// generate our mini dump
bool bStatus = FALSE != ((*m_pWriteMiniDumpFunction)(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hFile, (MINIDUMP_TYPE)m_dwMiniDumpType, &ex_info, NULL, NULL));
// close the mini dump file
return bStatus;
I apologize for the fact that this is not a drop-in solution. There are dependencies on other parts of my Toolbox library. But I think it would go a long way towards giving you the right idea as to how to build-in "capture a crash mini-dump" automatically from your code, which you can then combine with your .dsp files that you can make a normal part of your development cycle - so that when a .dmp comes in - you can fire up the debugger on it with your saved .pdb from your release build (which you don't distribute!) and you can debug the crash conditions quite easily.
The above code is an amalgam of many different sources - code snippets from debugging books, from MSDN documentation, etc., etc. If I have left out attribution I mean no harm. However, I do no believe that any of the above code is significantly created by anyone but myself.
Recompile just the file of interest without optimisations :)
In general:
Switch to interleaved disassembly mode. Single-stepping through the disassembly will enable you to step into function calls that would otherwise be skipped over, and make inlined code more evident.
Look for alternative ways of getting at values in variables the debugger is not able to directly show you. If they were passed in as arguments, look up the callstack - you will often find they are visible in the caller. If they were retrieved via getters from some object, examine that object; glance over the assembly generated by the code that calculates them to work out where they were stored; etc. If all else fails and disabling optimisations / adding a printf() distorts timings sufficiently to affect debugging, add a dummy global variable and set it to the value of interest on entry to the section of interest.
At least is not a IA64 dump...
There really isn't much you can do beyond having full dump and private symbols. Modern compilers have a field day with your code and is barely recognisable, specially if you add something like LTCG.
There are two things I found usefull:
Walk up the stack until you get a good anchor on what 'this' really points to. Most times when you are in an object method frame 'this' is unreliable because of registry optmizations. Usually several calls up the stack you get an object that has the correct address and you can navigate, member reference by member reference, until your crash point and have a correct value for 'this'
uf (Windbg's unassembly function command). This little helper can list a function dissasembly in a more manageable form than the normal dissasembly view. Because it follows jumps and code re-arranges, is easier to follow the logic of uf output.
The most important thing is to have the symbol files (*.pdb). You can generate them for release builds, by default they are not active.
Then you have to know that because of optimizations, code might get re-ordered, so debugging could look a bit jerky. Also some intermediate variables might have got optimized away. Generally speaking the behaviour and visibility of data might have some restrictions.
With Visual Studio C++ 2008 you can automatically debug the *.dmp files. I believe it also works for VS 2005. For older compilers I am afraid you´ll have to use WinDbg... (Also specify of course the *.pdb files for WinDbg, otherwise the info will be quite limited)