After upcasting a derived class's pointer, a virtual method of the derived class is still called, which seems to me wrong, as slicing should have happened.
Could you please comment what's wrong with this code?
class Base
virtual void Hello() { cout << "Hello Base" << endl; }
class Derived: public Base
void Hello() { cout << "Hello Derived" << endl; }
int main()
Derived* der = new Derived;
Base* base = dynamic_cast<Base*> (der);
if (base) base->Hello();
output: Hello Derived
Slicing did not happen because you didn't work with any values of Base, just pointers to it.
This would cause slicing:
Base base = *der;
But if you want to call a function and suppress dynamic dispatch, you can just do this:
The function to call is specified statically. This works with der too, of course, avoiding the middle-man.
Your dynamic_cast is not needed here. You can implicitly upcast, because this is trivially verifiable at compile-time. You can use static_cast to downcast, but it's up to you to make sure this is actually correct; dynamic_cast is just a checked version of that.
Pointer casting is about the static type system, which is safety at compile time. E.g. casting is telling the compiler "trust me". It has no bearing at runtime. The nicer cast operations, like dynamic_cast provide some runtime checks (don't do this unless it makes sense), but that still does not affect the polymorphism, it just is a more qualified "trust me" me unless I do something insane.
Polymorphism is about doing the right thing at runtime. When you call a virtual method through a pointer, it will run do the correct operation for the object instance.
In C++, you can ask for a specific resolution using the :: operator, but that is typically reserved for implementation details.
In this code, I have defined three structs, base, derived and MoreDerived each inheriting from the previous member in the list.
However, I have defined the function f() to be virtual in the derived
struct, NOT in the base struct.
#include <iostream>
struct base {
void f() {
std::cout << "base\n";
struct derived : base {
virtual void f() {
std::cout << "derived\n";
struct morederived : derived {
void f() {
std::cout << "more derived\n";
int main()
derived d;
morederived md;
base* dp = &d;
base* mdp = &md;
The code above prints base \n base as expected. And if I declare dp and mdp to be pointers of type derived*, the code prints derived \n more derived as expected again, since f is defined to be virtual in the derived.
Of course, this code is small and so the results are predictable. But in large code bases, is doing the above ever a good idea?
Note: I have not seen this in any codes yet, in my limited c++ experience, nor do I have any plans to use such a pattern (or anti-pattern :-D). I am asking this purely out of curiosity.
EDIT: I don't feel this question is not a duplicate to the one pointed out. I am not asking if the virtual keyword is necessary in a derived class. I am asking the effects/plusses/minuses of placing the virtual keyword on a function f() that has an implementation in the base class, but is declared virtual only in the derived class, and then is inherited by other classes.
Specifically I am asking if this thing is a patter or anti-pattern.
Yes, this breaks the Is-a contract. Your derived is not playing by the same rules as base.
This is never a good idea. You might want to consider composition for derived. I.e.
struct derived {
base b; // for whatever use you might have for base.
virtual void f() {
std::cout << "derived\n";
In my book, it qualifies as a code smell.
derived::f() actually hides base::f() rather than overriding it.
This means that base_ptr->f() always calls base::f(), even if base_ptr points at an instance of a derived class, whereas derived_ptr->f() will use virtual function dispatch.
The fact of making derived::f() virtual and documenting that it can be overridden, encourages implementers of classes like morederived to expect that a call of the form pointer->f(), if pointer points at an instance of morederived, to believe their version will be called. In reality, which version will be called depends on the type of pointer (e.g. different version called if it is base * or derived *).
That can result in quite an unpleasant surprise for anyone who uses the classes, and doesn't closely inspect all classes in the hierarchy. In large class hierarchies, particularly if provided by someone else, developers will not typically inspect a complete class hierarchy provided by someone else that closely. The will assume it works as advertised, if they care at all about their productivity.
If this sort of thing was present in a commercial class library, the vendor could expect to receive bug reports from customers bitten by such a bug, to lose customers of their library (on the premise that they introduced a bug through bad development technique), or both.
I know that when use a base class pointer which point to a derived class object to call a virtual function, the compiler will use dynamic binding to call the derived version.
But when use a base class pointer which point to a base class object to call a virtual function, does the compiler use dynamic binding or static binding to call the virtual
For example:
class Base
virtual void show()
cout << "base class";
int main()
Base *pb; //Base class pointer
Base b; //Base class object
pb = &b;
pb->show(); //Is static binding or dynamic binding?
Because My English is very bad, so I want to make my question as simple as possible, but I will describle my question in more detail in follow:
Actually the problem stems from that I am summarizing how to trigger dynamic binding.
At first I summary the trigger condition are:
the function must a virtual function.
must use pointer or reference to call the function.
The two trigger condition cause the problem that I asked:
"when a base class pointer point to a base class object whether the compiler will use dynamic binding?"
I have google for search answer, and I find a fragment (the demo is here):
struct A {
virtual void f() { cout << "Class A" << endl; }
struct B: A {
//Note that it not overrides A::f.
void f(int) { cout << "Class B" << endl; }
struct C: B {
void f() { cout << "Class C" << endl; }
int main() {
B b; C c;
A* pa1 = &b;
A* pa2 = &c;
// b.f();
The following is the output of the above example:
"Class A"
"Class C"
According to pa1->f() will output Class A, I summary third trigger condition:
3.function in base class must be overridden in the derived class.
Now according to the three trigger condition, when use a base class pointer which point to a base class object to call a virtual function, the compiler will use static binding to call the virtual function, because the virtual is not overridden.
But when use a derived class pointer which point to a derived class object to call a virtual function, it will use dynamic binding, because the virtual is overridden.
It made me very confused.
It can choose whichever, or neither, depending on how smart it is and how well it can detect. The rule is polymorphism must work. How this is achieved is an implementation detail.
If the same end-result can be achieved with both dynamic or static binding, as is the case here, both are valid options for the compiler.
In your case, the function doesn't have to be called at all - the generated code could be just as well identical to code generated by
int main()
cout << "base class";
I guess it depends on compiler optimization. Compiler might be clever enough to figure out that Base::show is always the one called or it might not. You can look at the disassembly to find out. You can force static-binding with b->Base::show()
Short answer: No. At least in theory not. Because in theory, the compiler does not know wether the pointer points to a Base, a Derived or to YetAnotherDerived object. Therefore it has to apply the same mechanism regardless of the dynamic type of the object.
But: In practise, compilers have optimizers, capable of identifying some use cases where the dynamic type is known. I your case it can detect the aliasing, meaning it knows that pb points to b and that it is a local variable and cannot be changed concurrently, so it knows that in fact you are calling and will abbreviate the output to reflect that fact and get rid of the virtual dispatch. Similar optimizations are possible e.g. in this code:
auto pb = make_unique<Base>();
But as any optimization it is up to the compiler if it applies them - the standard says virtual dispatch happens even if the pointer points to a Base object, and that's it.
I find when writing functions (that use function overloading) that accept either a main class or subclass argument, that often implicit upcasting will occur (the subclass is upcasted as the main class and the main class function called). I don't want this implicit upcasting to occur as it means subtle bugs sneak in and cause problems later on down the line.
I have searched on google for information on this, but there is little coherent information I can make use of and only indirect references to it.
How do I disable, stop or prevent implicit upcasting (and even downcasting) from occurring?
(I can't supply any example code as this is a general problem that occurs from time to time).
No, this isn't to do with methods (I would have specified methods) but functions.
No example code, but pseudo idea:
void Function(BaseClass &A);
void Function(SubclassClass &B);
Function(ASubclass); //Implicit upcasting occurs, calls BaseClass instead
The above situation won't happen conventionally (say that the SubclassClass function gets knocked out/erased), but Subclass will be upcast to the BaseClass for use with the BaseClass function, instead of, say, reporting an error or generating a warning - either would be helpful as I don't want implicit upcasting to occur.
Please don't confuse upcasting with non-virtual method calls.
class Base
class Derived1:public Base
class Derived2:private Base
void doSomething(Base *ptr)
int main()
Derived1 *ptr1 = new Derived1;
Derived2 *ptr2 = new Derived2;
doSomething(ptr1); //works fine
doSomething(ptr2); //Gives error
return 0;
A Base class pointer can always point to a derived class object as long as the derived class is publically derived from the Base class. Eg: First Function Call.
This upcasting happens implicitly.
If the derivation is private this upcasting does not happen implicitly and compiler will issue an error.
Though, using private inheritance is not the way to achieve this behavior. You should use private inheritance if it suits your design and it will implicitly gaurantee you that upcasting never happens implicitly.
The "up-casting" you are talking about is normal. The symptoms you are describing sound like you are overloading a non-virtual parents member function.
For example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct A
void sayHello() {cout << "hello from A" << endl;}
struct B : public A
void sayHello() {cout << "hello from B" << endl;}
void hello(A& a)
int main()
A a;
B b;
will produce
hello from A
hello from A
but if you add the virual to A::sayHello everything works as you would expect
struct A
virtual void sayHello() {cout << "hello from A" << endl;}
I'm not 100% sure what's going on, but if base class methods are being called when you supply a derived-class object to a method with a base-class parameter type, then either a) you didn't override the base-class method in your derived class, or more likely b) you forget the 'virtual' keyword in your base-class declaration. Otherwise the derived-class method will be called as expected.
#Als your example wont work if derivation is in protected mode.Implicit upcasting is allowed within the derived class only (within methods of the derived class) because protected members can only be accessed inside the class that derives or base class.
Given the following class structure:
class Base
virtual void outputMessage() { cout << "Base message!"; }
class Derived : public Base
virtual void outputMessage() { cout << "Derived message!"; }
.. and this code snippet:
Base baseObj;
Derived* convertedObj = (Derived*) &baseObj;
.. the output will be "Base message!".
Is there any way to cast or manipulate the object to make Derived's version of the outputMessage method to be called polymorphically?
Edit: I will attempt to show the reason why I'm after this:
I am writing migration tools that hook into our main system. For this reason, I need to get access to protected member methods, or customise existing virtual methods. The former I can do by defining a derived class and casting objects to it, to call methods statically. What I can't do is change the behaviour for methods which I do not call statically (ie methods that are called elsewhere in the codebase).
I have also tried creating objects of the derived class directly, but this causes issues in other parts of the system due to the manipulation of the objects passed through the constructor.
No, virtual functions operate on the actual types of the object being pointed to, which in your case is just a simple Base.
Actually, with the down-casting, you're entering undefined-behaviour land here. This can blow off like a bomb with multiple inheritance, where the vtable in the derived class isn't at the same offset as the vtable in the base class.
No Standard-compliant solution
What you're trying to do isn't possible using behaviours guaranteed by the C++ Standard.
If you really MUST do this as a short-term measure to assist your migration, don't depend on it in production, and can adequately verify the behaviour, you could experiment as illustrated below.
Discussion of your attempt
What I'm showing is that you're taking the wrong approach: simply casting a pointer-to-base to a pointer-to-derived doesn't alter the object's vtable pointer.
Deriving a plausible hack
Addressing that, the naive approach is to reconstruct the object in place as a derived object ("placement" new), but this doesn't work either - it will reinitialise the base class members.
What you can possibly do is create a non-derived object that has no data members but the same virtual dispatch table entries (i.e. same virtual functions, same accessibility private/protected/public, same order).
More warnings and caveats
It may work (as it does on my Linux box), but use it at your own risk (I suggest not on production systems).
Further warning: this can only intercept virtual dispatch, and virtual functions can sometimes be dispatched statically when the compiler knows the types at compile time.
~/dev cat
// change vtable of existing object to intercept virtual dispatch...
#include <iostream>
struct B
virtual void f() { std::cout << "B::f()\n"; }
std::string s_;
struct D : B
virtual void f() { std::cout << "D::f()\n"; }
struct E
virtual void f() { std::cout << "E::f()\n"; }
int main()
B* p = new B();
p->s_ = "hello";
new (p) D(); // WARNING: reconstructs B members
std::cout << '\'' << p->s_ << "'\n"; // no longer "hello"
p->s_ = "world";
new (p) E();
p->f(); // correctly calls E::f()
std::cout << '\'' << p->s_ << "'\n"; // still "world"
~/dev try hack_vtable
make: `hack_vtable' is up to date.
Well, even if you're casting your Base object as a Derived one, internally, it's still a Base object: the vftable of your object (the actual map of functions to RAM pointers) is not updated.
I don't think there is any way to do what you want to do and I don't understand why you'd like to do it.
In this question downcast problem in c++ Robs answer should also be the answer to your problem.
Not at least in legal way. To call Derived class function, you need to have Derived object being referred.
Just what the topic asks. Also want to know why non of the usual examples of CRTP do not mention a virtual dtor.
Guys, Please post about the CRTP prob as well, thanks.
Only virtual functions require dynamic dispatch (and hence vtable lookups) and not even in all cases. If the compiler is able to determine at compile time what is the final overrider for a method call, it can elide performing the dispatch at runtime. User code can also disable the dynamic dispatch if it so desires:
struct base {
virtual void foo() const { std::cout << "base" << std::endl; }
void bar() const { std::cout << "bar" << std::endl; }
struct derived : base {
virtual void foo() const { std::cout << "derived" << std::endl; }
void test( base const & b ) {; // requires runtime dispatch, the type of the referred
// object is unknown at compile time.
b.base::foo();// runtime dispatch manually disabled: output will be "base"; // non-virtual, no runtime dispatch
int main() {
derived d;; // the type of the object is known, the compiler can substitute
// the call with d.derived::foo()
test( d );
On whether you should provide virtual destructors in all cases of inheritance, the answer is no, not necessarily. The virtual destructor is required only if code deletes objects of the derived type held through pointers to the base type. The common rule is that you should
provide a public virtual destructor or a protected non-virtual destructor
The second part of the rule ensures that user code cannot delete your object through a pointer to the base, and this implies that the destructor need not be virtual. The advantage is that if your class does not contain any virtual method, this will not change any of the properties of your class --the memory layout of the class changes when the first virtual method is added-- and you will save the vtable pointer in each instance. From the two reasons, the first being the important one.
struct base1 {};
struct base2 {
virtual ~base2() {}
struct base3 {
~base3() {}
typedef base1 base;
struct derived : base { int x; };
struct other { int y; };
int main() {
std::auto_ptr<derived> d( new derived() ); // ok: deleting at the right level
std::auto_ptr<base> b( new derived() ); // error: deleting through a base
// pointer with non-virtual destructor
The problem in the last line of main can be resolved in two different ways. If the typedef is changed to base1 then the destructor will correctly be dispatched to the derived object and the code will not cause undefined behavior. The cost is that derived now requires a virtual table and each instance requires a pointer. More importantly, derived is no longer layout compatible with other. The other solution is changing the typedef to base3, in which case the problem is solved by having the compiler yell at that line. The shortcoming is that you cannot delete through pointers to base, the advantage is that the compiler can statically ensure that there will be no undefined behavior.
In the particular case of the CRTP pattern (excuse the redundant pattern), most authors do not even care to make the destructor protected, as the intention is not to hold objects of the derived type by references to the base (templated) type. To be in the safe side, they should mark the destructor as protected, but that is rarely an issue.
Very unlikely indeed. There's nothing in the standard to stop compilers doing whole classes of stupidly inefficient things, but a non-virtual call is still a non-virtual call, regardless of whether the class has virtual functions too. It has to call the version of the function corresponding to the static type, not the dynamic type:
struct Foo {
void foo() { std::cout << "Foo\n"; }
virtual void virtfoo() { std::cout << "Foo\n"; }
struct Bar : public Foo {
void foo() { std::cout << "Bar\n"; }
void virtfoo() { std::cout << "Bar\n"; }
int main() {
Bar b;
Foo *pf = &b; // static type of *pf is Foo, dynamic type is Bar
pf->foo(); // MUST print "Foo"
pf->virtfoo(); // MUST print "Bar"
So there's absolutely no need for the implementation to put non-virtual functions in the vtable, and indeed in the vtable for Bar you'd need two different slots in this example for Foo::foo() and Bar::foo(). That means it would be a special-case use of the vtable even if the implementation wanted to do it. In practice it doesn't want to do it, it wouldn't make sense to do it, don't worry about it.
CRTP base classes really ought to have destructors that are non-virtual and protected.
A virtual destructor is required if the user of the class might take a pointer to the object, cast it to the base class pointer type, then delete it. A virtual destructor means this will work. A protected destructor in the base class stops them trying it (the delete won't compile since there's no accessible destructor). So either one of virtual or protected solves the problem of the user accidentally provoking undefined behavior.
See guideline #4 here, and note that "recently" in this article means nearly 10 years ago:
No user will create a Base<Derived> object of their own, that isn't a Derived object, since that's not what the CRTP base class is for. They just don't need to be able to access the destructor - so you can leave it out of the public interface, or to save a line of code you can leave it public and rely on the user not doing something silly.
The reason it's undesirable for it to be virtual, given that it doesn't need to be, is just that there's no point giving a class virtual functions if it doesn't need them. Some day it might cost something, in terms of object size, code complexity or even (unlikely) speed, so it's a premature pessimization to make things virtual always. The preferred approach among the kind of C++ programmer who uses CRTP, is to be absolutely clear what classes are for, whether they are designed to be base classes at all, and if so whether they are designed to be used as polymorphic bases. CRTP base classes aren't.
The reason that the user has no business casting to the CRTP base class, even if it's public, is that it doesn't really provide a "better" interface. The CRTP base class depends on the derived class, so it's not as if you're switching to a more general interface if you cast Derived* to Base<Derived>*. No other class will ever have Base<Derived> as a base class, unless it also has Derived as a base class. It's just not useful as a polymorphic base, so don't make it one.
The answer to your first question: No. Only calls to virtual functions will cause an indirection via the virtual table at runtime.
The answer to your second question: The Curiously recurring template pattern is commonly implemented using private inheritance. You don't model an 'IS-A' relationship and hence you don't pass around pointers to the base class.
For instance, in
template <class Derived> class Base
class Derived : Base<Derived>
You don't have code which takes a Base<Derived>* and then goes on to call delete on it. So you never attempt to delete an object of a derived class through a pointer to the base class. Hence, the destructor doesn't need to be virtual.
Firstly, I think the answer to the OP's question has been answered quite well - that's a solid NO.
But, is it just me going insane or is something going seriously wrong in the community? I felt a bit scared to see so many people suggesting that it's useless/rare to hold a pointer/reference to Base. Some of the popular answers above suggest that we don't model IS-A relationship with CRTP, and I completely disagree with those opinions.
It's widely known that there's no such thing as interface in C++. So to write testable/mockable code, a lot of people use ABC as an "interface". For example, you have a function void MyFunc(Base* ptr) and you can use it this way: MyFunc(ptr_derived). This is the conventional way to model IS-A relationship which requires vtable lookups when you call any virtual functions in MyFunc. So this is pattern one to model IS-A relationship.
In some domain where performance is critical, there exists another way(pattern two) to model IS-A relationship in a testable/mockable manner - via CRTP. And really, performance boost can be impressive(600% in the article) in some cases, see this link. So MyFunc will look like this template<typename Derived> void MyFunc(Base<Derived> *ptr). When you use MyFunc, you do MyFunc(ptr_derived); The compiler is going to generate a copy of code for MyFunc() that matches best with the parameter type ptr_derived - MyFunc(Base<Derived> *ptr). Inside MyFunc, we may well assume some function defined by the interface is called, and pointers are statically cast-ed at compile time(check out the impl() function in the link), there's no overheads for vtable lookups.
Now, can someone please tell me either I am talking insane nonsense or the answers above simply did not consider the second pattern to model IS-A relationship with CRTP?