Presenting several times the same ViewController in a TabBar inside a storyboard - uitabbarcontroller

I would like to use the same view controller to present various information from within a tabbarcontroller. The number of view controllers will be established programmatically. I found a way to do it by initiating the other viewControllers with their nib, but by using StoryBoarding I have no cue about how to get the nib identifier of a viewController.
Is it possible to use this technique, or Segues give an alternative?
Thanks, Fabrizio


Cosmicmind/Material: difference between NavigationController and ToolbarController

I'm working on a app that is written with swift3 in Xcode8.
My app implements the Cosmicmind-material-framework.
While the working i tried to understand what the difference between NavigationController and ToolbarController is. (maybe someone can additionaly explain the difference to PageTabBarController, too)
I don't really get it because it seems that the navigationController contains a toolbarController.
So why should i use both if i can only use the navigationController and prepare all "toolbar-items" there.
Shortly to the app:
Site 1
Site 2
Site Red
Site Blue
Site Yellow
good question.
The main difference between a NavigationController and ToolbarController is that a NavigationController is a subclass of UINavigationController and gives you all the benefits of that class while allowing you to customize the look and feel as if you would a ToolbarController.
The ToolbarController provides a different type of flow, one that transitions the rootViewController using the transition method between view controllers. It also provides a floating view controller that can effectively be used in many ways.
Like the ToolbarController, the PageTabBarController inherits from the RootController, which provides the same rootViewController transitioning, but by default offers a UIPageViewController as the initial rootViewController.
So what is the point of all these different controllers? The main design reason is to allow you to stack view controllers that have these special controls in order to create more complex navigational architectures without the fuss of maintaining their organization. Each is accessible within the hierarchy while managing their own code complexities. The user has the perception that they are all working together seamlessly.
A good example of this is the CardTableView sample project, which also shows how to layout Cards within the PageTabBarController using TableViews that have dynamic heights based on content. For the most part, the entire UI is driven using persisted data powered by Graph.
Hope that helps :)

How Can i put more of 5 tabs in a Tab Bar Controller?

i'm have a storyboard with a TabBarController but when i do the relationship with my others seven view controllers in mi tab bar appears a "more" Tab, How can i put this seven tabs in one tabbar?
I´ll have to do manually? with a tabbarcontroller class? or implementing Tabbar Delegate in a uiviewcontroller, But i dont have any idea how to do this.
Thank You Soo much!
Please Help Me.
Thanks Again.
I believe Apple actively discourages people from doing this in their apps, and so do I. It is never done in the iOS itself, and I have never seen it in any third-party apps either, so users will probably be confused.
If you add more than five items to the viewControllers property, the
tab bar controller automatically inserts a special view controller
(called the More view controller) to handle the display of the
additional items. The More view controller provides a custom interface
that lists the additional view controllers in a table, which can
expand to accommodate any number of view controllers. The More view
controller cannot be customized or selected and does not appear in any
of the view controller lists managed by the tab bar controller. For
the most part, it appears automatically when it is needed and is
separate from your custom content. You can get a reference to it
though by accessing the moreNavigationController property of
Also refer this link for a possible workaround!
You can use any open source custom UITabbarControler or can create your own.
As created in this open source code. JFTabBarController a custom tabbar controller on Cocoa Controls

UITabBarController containing UISplitViewController doesn't handle rotation on iPad correctly

I’m experiencing unusual behavior on an iPad in iOS 6.1.2 when using a UITabBarController with a UISplitViewController (which has a UITableViewController for the master view controller). If I have multiple tabs, of which at least one tab contains a split view controller, and I am in landscape mode while viewing the tab that contains the split view controller, then I switch to another tab, then move to portrait mode, then press the tab that contains the split view controller, what happens next is that the master view controller (a table view controller) will display the table view over top of the detail view, when it is clearly not supposed to be there. This behavior happens only the first time the app is loaded, but is consistent behavior.
This scenario is easy to recreate by simply creating a project that is a split view application that uses an iPad device and Core Data (didn’t try it without using Core Data). After the project is created, use the storyboard and add a tab bar controller and make it the initial view controller, then add a view controller seque from the tab bar controller to the split view controller. After that, only one change is necessary in code which is to change the one line in application:didfinishLaunchingWithOptions in the AppDelegate.m:
Change the following template code:
UISplitViewController *splitViewController = (UISplitViewController *)self.window.rootViewController;
UITabBarController *tbc = (UITabBarController *)self.window.rootViewController;
UISplitViewController *splitViewController = [tbc.viewControllers lastObject];
Perhaps I’m breaking some iOS rules, and trying to do something I’m not supposed to? All I want to do is to be able to tab between a few different split view controllers. Suggestions?
Take a look at this Git.
From what I understand the problem stems from the split view controller not updating it's orientation when it's not visible.
Here a subclassed tab view controller and split view controller are used which pass the message along.
Thanks to Dylan at for this solution! I just found it.

TabBar inside detail view of SplitViewController.

I am trying to embed a Tabbar in the Detail side of a Split View Controller. The way I have done is that in the Storyboard I have the TabBarController as the DetailViewController and from there I have a couple of Navigation Controllers hooked to views ( separate tabs which are of type DetailViewController).
The problem I am facing is that out of two tabs which I have added, only one tab shows the button for showing the Master view in the Portrait mode.
I am new to iOS development, and would deeply appreciate any help towards solving this.
Thank you for your time.
From the documentation for the UITabBarController: "When deploying a tab bar interface, you must install this view as the root of your window. Unlike other view controllers, a tab bar interface should never be installed as a child of another view controller."

How to include UITabBarController in UISplitViewController?

Hello every one,
I found this universal app in github.Is their any sample iPad app related to link which have tab bar controller. I want to make a UISplitViewController in portrait mode just like in the Settings app with the UITabBarController. How can I do it? Please help me to overcome this problem. thanks in advance.
First of all, according to iOS guidelines a SplitViewController should be the root view controller of application. So legally you cannot add split View Controller on tabBarController. At least the view controller containing splitView controller must be on window OR must be root view controller
You will have to make tabBarController your root view controller and add a split view controller as one of the view controllers of tabBar. I have tried this successfully