For an assignment we are given an equation in reverse polish notation. For this example I will use: 2 3 8 * + $ The $ is for denoting the end of the expression. Using a stack, we output the answer.
I have been using:
getline(cin, input, '&');
to read in the equation and then turn it into a c_string so I can look at the individual elements in the input.
After, I need to check for a few things. If the element is a digit I need to push it onto the stack. If it is white space I need to skip over it.
if (isdigit(input[i]))
else if (isspace(input[i]))
Now is what has me stuck. If I hit an operator (in this case *) I need to pop the top two elements off the stack and 'operate them' and push the result back to the stack. However, I don't know of anything that would allow me to recognize that they are operators. It is probably a silly question, but help would be greatly appreciated.
You could create a functions map, and match the operators
std::map<char, void (*)(char *)> operators;
operators['*'] = &mult;
operators['+'] = &add;
and in your conditionnal statement
if (isdigit(input[i]))
else if (isspace(input[i]))
else if (operators.find(input[i]) != operators.end())
This way, you will be able to easily add new operators to your calculator.
there are only about 4 or 5 operators. check them with something like:
if (input[i] == '*') {...}
Well, there's no "built-in" way. I would just write an IsOperator(char ch) function. And then do something like:
int IsOperator(char ch)
// either add more operators or use a table, etc. here
if (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '/' || ch == '*')
return 1;
return 0;
If you have multi-char operators, like '==', it gets a little more complicated because you have to peek ahead, but the idea is the same.
If you are writing reverse polish notation calculator then on stack you have only numbers, or digits like in your example. BTW don't you accept multi-digits numbers?
Consider two cases, in both you need only std::stack<int> numbers;:
You have digit character c - just put number on stack:
numbers,push(c - '0');
You have operator, let say '+', you replaces top two numbers by their sum:
if (numbers.size() < 2) {
throw std::runtime_error("Too little numbers for +");
int a =;
numbers.pop(); += a;
You have '$', check if there is only one number on stack, it is the result:
if (numbers.size() != 1) {
throw std::runtime_error("There should be only one!");
int result =;
Does anybody know of a convenient means of determining if a string value "qualifies" as a floating-point number?
bool IsFloat( string MyString )
... etc ...
return ... // true if float; false otherwise
If you can't use a Boost library function, you can write your own isFloat function like this.
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
bool isFloat( string myString ) {
std::istringstream iss(myString);
float f;
iss >> noskipws >> f; // noskipws considers leading whitespace invalid
// Check the entire string was consumed and if either failbit or badbit is set
return iss.eof() && !;
You may like Boost's lexical_cast (see
bool isFloat(const std::string &someString)
using boost::lexical_cast;
using boost::bad_lexical_cast;
catch (bad_lexical_cast &)
return false;
return true;
You can use istream to avoid needing Boost, but frankly, Boost is just too good to leave out.
Inspired by this answer I modified the function to check if a string is a floating point number. It won't require boost & doesn't relies on stringstreams failbit - it's just plain parsing.
static bool isFloatNumber(const std::string& string){
std::string::const_iterator it = string.begin();
bool decimalPoint = false;
int minSize = 0;
if(string.size()>0 && (string[0] == '-' || string[0] == '+')){
while(it != string.end()){
if(*it == '.'){
if(!decimalPoint) decimalPoint = true;
else break;
}else if(!std::isdigit(*it) && ((*it!='f') || it+1 != string.end() || !decimalPoint)){
return string.size()>minSize && it == string.end();
is recognized by this function correctly as float.
Are examples for not-valid floats. If you don't want to recognize floating point numbers in the format X.XXf, just remove the condition:
&& ((*it!='f') || it+1 != string.end() || !decimalPoint)
from line 9.
And if you don't want to recognize numbers without '.' as float (i.e. not '1', only '1.', '1.0', '1.0f'...) then you can change the last line to:
return string.size()>minSize && it == string.end() && decimalPoint;
However: There are plenty good reasons to use either boost's lexical_cast or the solution using stringstreams rather than this 'ugly function'. But It gives me more control over what kind of formats exactly I want to recognize as floating point numbers (i.e. maximum digits after decimal point...).
I recently wrote a function to check whether a string is a number or not. This number can be an Integer or Float.
You can twist my code and add some unit tests.
bool isNumber(string s)
std::size_t char_pos(0);
// skip the whilespaces
char_pos = s.find_first_not_of(' ');
if (char_pos == s.size()) return false;
// check the significand
if (s[char_pos] == '+' || s[char_pos] == '-') ++char_pos; // skip the sign if exist
int n_nm, n_pt;
for (n_nm = 0, n_pt = 0; std::isdigit(s[char_pos]) || s[char_pos] == '.'; ++char_pos) {
s[char_pos] == '.' ? ++n_pt : ++n_nm;
if (n_pt>1 || n_nm<1) // no more than one point, at least one digit
return false;
// skip the trailing whitespaces
while (s[char_pos] == ' ') {
++ char_pos;
return char_pos == s.size(); // must reach the ending 0 of the string
void UnitTest() {
double num = std::stod("825FB7FC8CAF4342");
string num_str = std::to_string(num);
// Not number
assert(!isNumber(" + 23.24"));
assert(!isNumber(" - 23.24"));
// Is number
assert(isNumber(" -423.789"));
assert(isNumber(" -423.789 "));
Quick and dirty solution using std::stof:
bool isFloat(const std::string& s) {
try {
return true;
} catch(...) {
return false;
I'd imagine you'd want to run a regex match on the input string. I'd think it may be fairly complicated to test all the edge cases.
This site has some good info on it. If you just want to skip to the end it says:
Which basically makes sense if you understand regex syntax.
[EDIT: Fixed to forbid initial whitespace and trailing nonsense.]
#include <sstream>
bool isFloat(string s) {
istringstream iss(s);
float dummy;
iss >> noskipws >> dummy;
return iss && iss.eof(); // Result converted to bool
You could easily turn this into a function templated on a type T instead of float. This is essentially what Boost's lexical_cast does.
I always liked strtof since it lets you specify an end pointer.
bool isFloat(const std::string& str)
char* ptr;
strtof(str.c_str(), &ptr);
return (*ptr) == '\0';
This works because the end pointer points to the character where the parse started to fail, therefore if it points to a nul-terminator, then the whole string was parsed as a float.
I'm surprised no one mentioned this method in the 10 years this question has been around, I suppose because it is more of a C-Style way of doing it. However, it is still perfectly valid in C++, and more elegant than any stream solutions. Also, it works with "+inf" "-inf" and so on, and ignores leading whitespace.
Don't be caught out by empty strings, otherwise the end pointer will be on the nul-termination (and therefore return true). The above code should be:
bool isFloat(const std::string& str)
if (str.empty())
return false;
char* ptr;
strtof(str.c_str(), &ptr);
return (*ptr) == '\0';
With C++17:
bool isNumeric(std::string_view s)
double val;
auto [p, ec] = std::from_chars(, + s.size(), val);
return ec == std::errc() && p == + s.size();
Both checks on return are necessary. The first checks that there are no overflow or other errors. The second checks that the entire string was read.
You can use the methods described in How can I convert string to double in C++?, and instead of throwing a conversion_error, return false (indicating the string does not represent a float), and true otherwise.
The main issue with other responses is performance
Often you don't need every corner case, for example maybe nan and -/+ inf, are not as important to cover as having speed. Maybe you don't need to handle 1.0E+03 notation. You just want a fast way to parse strings to numbers.
Here is a simple, pure std::string way, that's not very fast:
size_t npos = word.find_first_not_of ( ".+-0123456789" );
if ( npos == std::string::npos ) {
val = atof ( word.c_str() );
This is slow because it is O(k*13), checking each char against 0 thur 9
Here is a faster way:
bool isNum = true;
int st = 0;
while ( st++; // leading spaces
ch =;
if (ch == 43 || ch==45 ) st++; // check +, -
for (int n = st; n < word.length(); n++) {
char ch =;
if ( ch < 48 || ch > 57 || ch != 46 ) {
isNum = false;
break; // not a num, early terminate
This has the benefit of terminating early if any non-numerical character is found, and it checks by range rather than every number digit (0-9). So the average compares is 3x per char, O(k*3), with early termination.
Notice this technique is very similar to the actual one used in the stdlib 'atof' function:
You could use atof and then have special handling for 0.0, but I don't think that counts as a particularly good solution.
This is a common question on SO. Look at this question for suggestions (that question discusses string->int, but the approaches are the same).
Note: to know if the string can be converted, you basically have to do the conversion to check for things like over/underflow.
What you could do is use an istringstream and return true/false based on the result of the stream operation. Something like this (warning - I haven't even compiled the code, it's a guideline only):
float potential_float_value;
std::istringstream could_be_a_float(MyString)
could_be_a_float >> potential_float_value;
return ? false : true;
it depends on the level of trust, you need and where the input data comes from.
If the data comes from a user, you have to be more careful, as compared to imported table data, where you already know that all items are either integers or floats and only thats what you need to differentiate.
For example, one of the fastest versions, would simply check for the presence of "." and "eE" in it. But then, you may want to look if the rest is being all digits. Skip whitespace at the beginning - but not in the middle, check for a single "." "eE" etc.
Thus, the q&d fast hack will probably lead to a more sophisticated regEx-like (either call it or scan it yourself) approach. But then, how do you know, that the result - although looking like a float - can really be represented in your machine (i.e. try 1.2345678901234567890e1234567890). Of course, you can make a regEx with "up-to-N" digits in the mantissa/exponent, but thats machine/OS/compiler or whatever specific, sometimes.
So, in the end, to be sure, you probably have to call for the underlying system's conversion and see what you get (exception, infinity or NAN).
I would be tempted to ignore leading whitespaces as that is what the atof function does also:
The function first discards as many
whitespace characters as necessary
until the first non-whitespace
character is found. Then, starting
from this character, takes as many
characters as possible that are valid
following a syntax resembling that of
floating point literals, and
interprets them as a numerical value.
The rest of the string after the last
valid character is ignored and has no
effect on the behavior of this
So to match this we would:
bool isFloat(string s)
istringstream iss(s);
float dummy;
iss >> skipws >> dummy;
return (iss && iss.eof() ); // Result converted to bool
int isFloat(char *s){
if(*s == '-' || *s == '+'){
if(!isdigit(*++s)) return 0;
if(!isdigit(*s)){return 0;}
while(isdigit(*s)) s++;
if(*s == '.'){
if(!isdigit(*++s)) return 0;
while(isdigit(*s)) s++;
if(*s == 'e' || *s == 'E'){
if(*s == '+' || *s == '-'){
if(!isdigit(*s)) return 0;
}else if(!isdigit(*s)){
return 0;
while(isdigit(*s)) s++;
if(*s == '\0') return 1;
return 0;
I was looking for something similar, found a much simpler answer than any I've seen (Although is for floats VS. ints, would still require a typecast from string)
bool is_float(float val){
if(val != floor(val)){
return true;
return false;
auto lambda_isFloat = [](float val) {return (val != floor(val)); };
Hope this helps !
How can I evaluate an infix string expression which only consists of + and * operators. (No parenthesis).
Example 1:
Input: "1+2*3"
Output: 7
Example 2:
Input: "1+2*3+4"
Output: 11
Here is my code I have so far (which is not giving correct result), I wonder if I can do it with one stack (or none)
int evaluateExpression(string s) {
stack<int> operandStack;
stack<char> operatorStack;
string token = "";
for(char &c : s) {
if(c == '*' || c == '+') {
token = "";
else {
token += c;
if(operandStack.size() > 1
&& operandStack.size() == operatorStack.size() + 1
&& == '*') {
int a =; operandStack.pop();
int b =; operandStack.pop();
operandStack.push(a * b);
while(operandStack.size() > 1) {
int a =; operandStack.pop();
int b =; operandStack.pop();
operandStack.push(a + b);
Note: do not want to use any non-standard libraries. Ideally with no use of any library.
Yes, you do need only one stack. You can use the standard approach with a shift-reduce parser. In your case, and the simple grammar, this may be already a little bit too much. But I will describe it anyway.
The secret is to use a "parse stack". So only one stack. Not an operator and operand stack. There you will use attributed tokens. A token has a type, like ADD, MULT, NUMBER and, an associated attribute. The attribute is usually a union or a struct. It would be empty for ADD and MULT and would contain a value for NUMBER.
The scanner, which has usually the function getNextToken will produce your tokens. In your case, extremely simple, just those 3 tokens.
Then, in a loop, you will do always the following actions.
Always push the fresh token onto the parse stack
Try to match the top of the stack with a production of the grammar (and look ahead token)
Reduce the stack (Remove matched elements), evaluate the expression, and put the result on the parse stack
So, always: Shift, Match, Reduce
In your case you need for the match function one lookahead symbol, so, the next token. You will find exactly such an example here. There you can find a compiler, with one front end (Scanner, Parser) and 2 different code generators as back end. The code generators are not needed for you task, you can directly evaluate while reducing.
But, for such an easy grammar, you do not need a stack at all. In the book crafting A Compiler with C is a good example. My copy of the book is from 1991, but of course the content is still valid.
They basically write a function for each production/terminal/non-terminal in the grammar and evaluate the tokens and call the functions of other terminals or non-terminals. Interesting approach and not difficult for your use case.
Hope this helps a little . . .
int evaluateExpression(string s) {
string token = "";
char currOperator = '+';
stack<int> st;
string temp = s + '.';
for(const char &c : temp) {
if(isdigit(c)) {
token += c;
else if(c != ' ') {
if(currOperator == '*') {
int stackTop =;
st.push(stackTop * stoi(token));
else if(currOperator == '+') {
token = "";
currOperator = c;
int result = 0;
while(!st.empty()) {
result +=;
return result;
I'm programming a hash table thing in C++, but this specific piece of code will not run properly. It should return a string of alpha characters and ' and -, but I get cases like "t" instead of "art" when I try to input "'aRT-*".
isWordChar() return a bool value depending on whether the input is a valid word character or not using isAlpha()
// Words cannot contain any digits, or special characters EXCEPT for
// hyphens (-) and apostrophes (') that occur in the middle of a
// valid word (the first and last characters of a word must be an alpha
// character). All upper case characters in the word should be convertd
// to lower case.
// For example, "can't" and "good-hearted" are considered valid words.
// "12mOnkEYs-$" will be converted to "monkeys".
// "Pa55ive" will be stripped "paive".
std::string WordCount::makeValidWord(std::string word) {
if (word.size() == 0) {
return word;
string r = "";
string in = "";
size_t incr = 0;
size_t decr = word.size() - 1;
while (incr < word.size() && !isWordChar( {
while (0 < decr && !isWordChar( {
if (incr > decr) {
return r;
while (incr <= decr) {
if (isWordChar( || == '-' || == '\'') {
in =+;
for (size_t i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) {
r += tolower(;
return r;
Assuming you can use standard algorithms its better to rewrite your function using them. This achieves 2 goals:
code is more readable, since using algorithms shows intent along with code itself
there is less chance to make error
So it should be something like this:
std::string WordCount::makeValidWord(std::string word) {
auto first = std::find_if(word.cbegin(), word.cend(), isWordChar);
auto last = std::find_if(word.crbegin(), word.crend(), isWordChar);
std::string i;
std::copy_if(first, std::next(last), std::back_inserter(i), [](char c) {
return isWordChar(c) || c == '-' || c == '\'';
std::string r;
std::transform(i.cbegin(), i.cend(), std::back_inserter(r), std::tolower);
return r;
I am going to echo #Someprogrammerdude and say: Learn to use a debugger!
I pasted your code into Visual Studio (changed isWordChar() to isalpha()), and stepped it through with the debugger. Then it was pretty trivial to notice this happening:
First loop of while (incr <= decr) {:
Second loop:
Ooh, look at that; the variable in does not update correctly - instead of collecting a string of the correct characters it only holds the last one. How can that be?
in =+; Hey, that is not right, that operator should be +=.
Many errors are that easy and effortless to find and correct if you use a debugger. Pick one up today. :)
This code is a linked list implementation of a stack that solves postfix problems in postfix.txt.
I stared the line that i am trying to convert.
I just want to make it a double before i put it on my stack so i cant do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with it later. The error I get is saying "expected an expression".
void main()
ifstream postin("postfix.txt");
char oper;
char a[100];
int i=0;
while(oper != '$')
stack operands;
while(oper != '/n'&& oper != '$')
while(oper != ' '&&oper != '/n'&& oper != '$')
oper = postin.get();
if(oper != '+' || oper != '*' || oper != '-' || oper != '/')
a[i]= oper;
}while(oper != ' ');
************************************************double number = atoi(a[]);
double b = operands.Pop();
double a = operands.Pop();
if(oper == '+')
else if(oper == '-')
else if(oper == '/')
You don't want to "Convert" the byte array, you want to parse the string representation of the number into the correct data type.
First, you need to know if you're going to be dealing with integers or floating point values. Then you'll want to use scanf() or atoi()/atof() to read the values into an int or double. Those functions all take a char* argument though, so you'll just pass a, not a[].
It's just atoi(a), or perhaps atoi(a + n) if you want to start at some offset. Though strtol()/strtod() are probably more useful functions, since they also tell you how many characters they parsed successfully. And make sure that there's a null terminator somewhere inside the array.
use atof() instead of atoi(), it will convert a string to double
Jake, you've forgot to put an indexing expression:
double number = atoi(a[i]);
Does anybody know of a convenient means of determining if a string value "qualifies" as a floating-point number?
bool IsFloat( string MyString )
... etc ...
return ... // true if float; false otherwise
If you can't use a Boost library function, you can write your own isFloat function like this.
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
bool isFloat( string myString ) {
std::istringstream iss(myString);
float f;
iss >> noskipws >> f; // noskipws considers leading whitespace invalid
// Check the entire string was consumed and if either failbit or badbit is set
return iss.eof() && !;
You may like Boost's lexical_cast (see
bool isFloat(const std::string &someString)
using boost::lexical_cast;
using boost::bad_lexical_cast;
catch (bad_lexical_cast &)
return false;
return true;
You can use istream to avoid needing Boost, but frankly, Boost is just too good to leave out.
Inspired by this answer I modified the function to check if a string is a floating point number. It won't require boost & doesn't relies on stringstreams failbit - it's just plain parsing.
static bool isFloatNumber(const std::string& string){
std::string::const_iterator it = string.begin();
bool decimalPoint = false;
int minSize = 0;
if(string.size()>0 && (string[0] == '-' || string[0] == '+')){
while(it != string.end()){
if(*it == '.'){
if(!decimalPoint) decimalPoint = true;
else break;
}else if(!std::isdigit(*it) && ((*it!='f') || it+1 != string.end() || !decimalPoint)){
return string.size()>minSize && it == string.end();
is recognized by this function correctly as float.
Are examples for not-valid floats. If you don't want to recognize floating point numbers in the format X.XXf, just remove the condition:
&& ((*it!='f') || it+1 != string.end() || !decimalPoint)
from line 9.
And if you don't want to recognize numbers without '.' as float (i.e. not '1', only '1.', '1.0', '1.0f'...) then you can change the last line to:
return string.size()>minSize && it == string.end() && decimalPoint;
However: There are plenty good reasons to use either boost's lexical_cast or the solution using stringstreams rather than this 'ugly function'. But It gives me more control over what kind of formats exactly I want to recognize as floating point numbers (i.e. maximum digits after decimal point...).
I recently wrote a function to check whether a string is a number or not. This number can be an Integer or Float.
You can twist my code and add some unit tests.
bool isNumber(string s)
std::size_t char_pos(0);
// skip the whilespaces
char_pos = s.find_first_not_of(' ');
if (char_pos == s.size()) return false;
// check the significand
if (s[char_pos] == '+' || s[char_pos] == '-') ++char_pos; // skip the sign if exist
int n_nm, n_pt;
for (n_nm = 0, n_pt = 0; std::isdigit(s[char_pos]) || s[char_pos] == '.'; ++char_pos) {
s[char_pos] == '.' ? ++n_pt : ++n_nm;
if (n_pt>1 || n_nm<1) // no more than one point, at least one digit
return false;
// skip the trailing whitespaces
while (s[char_pos] == ' ') {
++ char_pos;
return char_pos == s.size(); // must reach the ending 0 of the string
void UnitTest() {
double num = std::stod("825FB7FC8CAF4342");
string num_str = std::to_string(num);
// Not number
assert(!isNumber(" + 23.24"));
assert(!isNumber(" - 23.24"));
// Is number
assert(isNumber(" -423.789"));
assert(isNumber(" -423.789 "));
Quick and dirty solution using std::stof:
bool isFloat(const std::string& s) {
try {
return true;
} catch(...) {
return false;
I'd imagine you'd want to run a regex match on the input string. I'd think it may be fairly complicated to test all the edge cases.
This site has some good info on it. If you just want to skip to the end it says:
Which basically makes sense if you understand regex syntax.
[EDIT: Fixed to forbid initial whitespace and trailing nonsense.]
#include <sstream>
bool isFloat(string s) {
istringstream iss(s);
float dummy;
iss >> noskipws >> dummy;
return iss && iss.eof(); // Result converted to bool
You could easily turn this into a function templated on a type T instead of float. This is essentially what Boost's lexical_cast does.
I always liked strtof since it lets you specify an end pointer.
bool isFloat(const std::string& str)
char* ptr;
strtof(str.c_str(), &ptr);
return (*ptr) == '\0';
This works because the end pointer points to the character where the parse started to fail, therefore if it points to a nul-terminator, then the whole string was parsed as a float.
I'm surprised no one mentioned this method in the 10 years this question has been around, I suppose because it is more of a C-Style way of doing it. However, it is still perfectly valid in C++, and more elegant than any stream solutions. Also, it works with "+inf" "-inf" and so on, and ignores leading whitespace.
Don't be caught out by empty strings, otherwise the end pointer will be on the nul-termination (and therefore return true). The above code should be:
bool isFloat(const std::string& str)
if (str.empty())
return false;
char* ptr;
strtof(str.c_str(), &ptr);
return (*ptr) == '\0';
With C++17:
bool isNumeric(std::string_view s)
double val;
auto [p, ec] = std::from_chars(, + s.size(), val);
return ec == std::errc() && p == + s.size();
Both checks on return are necessary. The first checks that there are no overflow or other errors. The second checks that the entire string was read.
You can use the methods described in How can I convert string to double in C++?, and instead of throwing a conversion_error, return false (indicating the string does not represent a float), and true otherwise.
The main issue with other responses is performance
Often you don't need every corner case, for example maybe nan and -/+ inf, are not as important to cover as having speed. Maybe you don't need to handle 1.0E+03 notation. You just want a fast way to parse strings to numbers.
Here is a simple, pure std::string way, that's not very fast:
size_t npos = word.find_first_not_of ( ".+-0123456789" );
if ( npos == std::string::npos ) {
val = atof ( word.c_str() );
This is slow because it is O(k*13), checking each char against 0 thur 9
Here is a faster way:
bool isNum = true;
int st = 0;
while ( st++; // leading spaces
ch =;
if (ch == 43 || ch==45 ) st++; // check +, -
for (int n = st; n < word.length(); n++) {
char ch =;
if ( ch < 48 || ch > 57 || ch != 46 ) {
isNum = false;
break; // not a num, early terminate
This has the benefit of terminating early if any non-numerical character is found, and it checks by range rather than every number digit (0-9). So the average compares is 3x per char, O(k*3), with early termination.
Notice this technique is very similar to the actual one used in the stdlib 'atof' function:
You could use atof and then have special handling for 0.0, but I don't think that counts as a particularly good solution.
This is a common question on SO. Look at this question for suggestions (that question discusses string->int, but the approaches are the same).
Note: to know if the string can be converted, you basically have to do the conversion to check for things like over/underflow.
What you could do is use an istringstream and return true/false based on the result of the stream operation. Something like this (warning - I haven't even compiled the code, it's a guideline only):
float potential_float_value;
std::istringstream could_be_a_float(MyString)
could_be_a_float >> potential_float_value;
return ? false : true;
it depends on the level of trust, you need and where the input data comes from.
If the data comes from a user, you have to be more careful, as compared to imported table data, where you already know that all items are either integers or floats and only thats what you need to differentiate.
For example, one of the fastest versions, would simply check for the presence of "." and "eE" in it. But then, you may want to look if the rest is being all digits. Skip whitespace at the beginning - but not in the middle, check for a single "." "eE" etc.
Thus, the q&d fast hack will probably lead to a more sophisticated regEx-like (either call it or scan it yourself) approach. But then, how do you know, that the result - although looking like a float - can really be represented in your machine (i.e. try 1.2345678901234567890e1234567890). Of course, you can make a regEx with "up-to-N" digits in the mantissa/exponent, but thats machine/OS/compiler or whatever specific, sometimes.
So, in the end, to be sure, you probably have to call for the underlying system's conversion and see what you get (exception, infinity or NAN).
I would be tempted to ignore leading whitespaces as that is what the atof function does also:
The function first discards as many
whitespace characters as necessary
until the first non-whitespace
character is found. Then, starting
from this character, takes as many
characters as possible that are valid
following a syntax resembling that of
floating point literals, and
interprets them as a numerical value.
The rest of the string after the last
valid character is ignored and has no
effect on the behavior of this
So to match this we would:
bool isFloat(string s)
istringstream iss(s);
float dummy;
iss >> skipws >> dummy;
return (iss && iss.eof() ); // Result converted to bool
int isFloat(char *s){
if(*s == '-' || *s == '+'){
if(!isdigit(*++s)) return 0;
if(!isdigit(*s)){return 0;}
while(isdigit(*s)) s++;
if(*s == '.'){
if(!isdigit(*++s)) return 0;
while(isdigit(*s)) s++;
if(*s == 'e' || *s == 'E'){
if(*s == '+' || *s == '-'){
if(!isdigit(*s)) return 0;
}else if(!isdigit(*s)){
return 0;
while(isdigit(*s)) s++;
if(*s == '\0') return 1;
return 0;
I was looking for something similar, found a much simpler answer than any I've seen (Although is for floats VS. ints, would still require a typecast from string)
bool is_float(float val){
if(val != floor(val)){
return true;
return false;
auto lambda_isFloat = [](float val) {return (val != floor(val)); };
Hope this helps !